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Histology of head and neck structures

Worksheet answers for week 9

Question 1. Fill in the blanks:
a) Salivary glands are made up of _Mucous_ or _Serous_ epithelial cells
and connective tissue to form a cluster known as _Acini_.
b) Saliva is made up of e__Enzymes_, m_Minerals_, e_Electrolytes_,
i_Immunoglobulins_ and b_Buffer_.
c) _Myoepithelial_ cells are located on the _surface_ of some acini and
contract to force saliva out of the _Lumen_ and into the duct.
d) The _Nasal Cavity_ has _Three_ projecting structures from each lateral
wall called the _Nasal Conchae_ and is separated by the _Nasal
e) The _Submandibular_ gland is located beneath the mandible producing
_60-65%__ of the total volume.
f) _Lymph Nodes_ are clustered bean shaped bodies located along the
connecting _lymphatic vessels_.
g) _Von Ebner’s_ glands are found on the dorsal surface of the tongue.
h) Located on the submucosa, palate and labial mucosa are _Minor
Salivary Glands_
i) Each lobule of the _Thyroid gland_ is composed of _Follicles_ or
spherical masses embedded in a meshwork of _Reticular Fibres_.
j) The _Sublingual Gland is the smallest unecapsulated major salivary
gland that produces _10%_of the total
k) _lymph_ flows into the lymph nodes by way of _Afferent_ vessels; flows
out of the node by an _Efferent_ vessel; Bands of connective tissue
called _Trabeculae_ separate nodules.
l) _Thyroid gland_ is the largest _Endocrine gland that secretes
_Thyroxine_ hormone directly into the blood; it helps regulate
_Growth_ and _development_ by stimulating the _metabolic_ rate. It is
located adjacent to the _Parathyroid_ glands which control _bone
m) _Paranasal Sinuses_are paired structures that contain Respiratory
epilhelium; they _Lighten the skull bones, and provide _Sound
Question 2. Complete the following diagram, also include: a) The total
percentage volume produced by each gland; b) Type of saliva produced c)
Label the ducts and describe oral anatomical landmarks associated to duct

Stensons duct: opens on buccal mucosa,

usually positioned next to maxillary molars.

Parotid gland: 25% total salivary

volume, mostly serous.
Sublingual Bartholin’s duct:
opens at sublingual caruncle.

Sublingual gland: 10 % of total

volume. Mucous mostly and

Wharton’s Duct: opens at

sublingual caruncle
Submandibular gland: – 60-65%
total volume, serous and mucous.

Question 3. Complete the diagram below.

Question 4. Below are clinical photographs of a patient that suffers from low
saliva flow (xerostomia). Discuss the pathologies in clinical photographs and
the qualities or characteristics saliva contain that would otherwise counteract
these signs and symptoms.

b) Frothy or sticky saliva a) Dry chapped lips & angular chelitis:

fungus in corners of mouth

d) Multiple cervical caries on c) Fissured & lobulated tongue

anterior teeth

f) Dessicated oral mucosa with e) Pseudomembranous oral

multiple caries candidiasis
Roles and Quaities of Saliva:
a) Protection b) Lubrication

c) Digestion d) Buffer

e) Antibacterial f) Remineralisation

Question 5. Below are photographs of some common extra oral abnormalities. Complete
the table below.

What you see What site might Extra oral signs Probable causes
this abnormality of this
be related to? abnormality?
Lymph nodes Tender firm Sore throat
bean-like swelling tonsillitis
or lump Fever
Ear infection

Parotid salivary Painful Blockage of

gland swelling/lump in saliva duct
front of the ear Infection
region above Cyst
mandible Autoimmune

Thyroid gland Swelling in Overproduction

anterior portion of thyroid
of neck- Goitre hormone

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