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“Año del Bicentenario, de la consolidación de

nuestra Independencia, y de la
conmemoración de las heroicas batallas de
Junín y Ayacucho”


DOCENTE: Maribel Emilia Valdivia

When I enrolled in university, all the courses were online, I really don't remember much

about that semester, except that it was a little difficult because of the Internet, because

since we were several online students, the Internet presented many difficulties and

disconnections. At the end of the semester I saw that I had the possibility of changing my

study modality to face-to-face classes and I took advantage of it, I met a lot of people and

learned to work in a group. As for the courses, I like the current courses better, since now

they are starting to focus more on the career and before they were general courses.

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