Law Midterms

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UNIT 3 – DIFFERENT KINDS OF OBLIGATIONS PART 3 obligation is valid although one prestation (to give a

stolen cellphone is unlawful). But D can only choose

Alternative and Facultative Obligations
between giving a horse and creating a website.

Article 1199. A person alternatively bound by different (2)The debtor has no more right of choice when, among the
prestations shall completely perform one of them. The prestations whereby he is alternatively bound, only one is
creditor cannot be compelled to receive part of one and part practicable. (Art. 1202.) In this case, there is not only a
of the other undertaking. (1131) limitation but a loss of the right of choice belonging to the
Kinds of obligation according to object. debtor. The obligation becomes simple.
1. Simple obligation - one where there is only one Example:
prestation(obligation). D obliged himself to give C a particular horse or a stolen
Examples: cellphone or to cyberbully C’s former girlfriend. Here,
D obliged himself to deliver to C a the obligation becomes a simple obligation – to give a
cellphone. particular horse. D cannot choose to give C a stolen
D promised to repair the computer of cellphone or to cyberbully C’s former girlfriend because
C. both are unlawful.
2. Compound obligation - one where there are two or more Examples:
prestations. 1. Impossible. - D promised to give C P5,000, or a specific
a. Conjunctive obligation - one where there are several cellphone, or the galaxy. Here, D cannot choose to give the
prestations and all of them are due. galaxy because it is physically impossible.
b. Distributive obligation - one where two or more of the 2. Unlawful. - D obliged himself to deliver to C a marijuana
prestations is due. brick, or a car, or a cellphone, or to help C cheat in the exam.
1. Alternative obligation - several prestations are due D can choose only to deliver a car or cellphone.
but the performance of one is sufficient. The debtor cannot choose that which:
Example: 3. could not have been the object of the obligation - D
D obliged himself to give C a particular borrowed from C P10,000. It was agreed that D would give C
horse or a specific cellphone, or to teach C his cellphone, or P10,000, or his rubber shoes.
how to drive. Here, it is enough that D fully Suppose D has 2 cellphones – an old Nokia worth P1,000 and
performs one prestation. a new Samsung worth P10,000. D cannot choose the old
2. Facultative obligation - only one prestation is due, Nokia because it could not have been the object of the
but there is a substitute another. obligation.
Example: 4. only one prestation is practicable. – S will deliver to B his
D obliged himself to give C a particular horse, or his carabao, or his refregirator. The horse and the
horse, or as substitute to give a specific carabao were lost without the fault of S. S has no more choice.
cellphone or to teach C how to drive. He must deliver the refrigerator which is the only one
Article 1200. The right of choice belongs to the debtor, unless
it has been expressly granted to the creditor. (3) The debtor cannot choose those prestations which are:
The debtor shall have no right to choose those prestations which - impossible;
are impossible, unlawful or which could not have been the - unlawful; or
object of the obligation. (1132) - which could not have been the object of the
General Rule: The right to choose which prestation to perform obligation.
belongs to the debtor.
Article 1201. The choice shall produce no effect except from
D insured his house with C (Bayad Agad Insurance
the time it has been communicated. (1133)
Company). It is agreed that if the house is destroyed or
Communication of notice that choice has been made.
damaged, D may either (1) pay the damage or loss, or
1. Effect of notice - until the choice is made and communicated,
(2) restore or rebuild the house.
the obligation remains alternative.
* Since nothing is said in the contract as to who has the
- debtor’s choice once communicated is irrevocable and
right of choice, it belongs to C (debtor, Bayad Agad).
the obligation ceases to be alternative and becomes
S binds himself to deliver item one or item two to B on
Dec. 10 and to communicate his choice on or before
- the concurrence of the creditor to choice is not required
Dec. 5.
2. Proof and form of notice - The burden of proving that such
* If S delays in making his choice, B cannot exercise the
communication has been made is upon him who made the
right because it is not expressly granted to him.
Note: The debtor’s right of choice is not absolute.
- law is silent as to form of notice; notice of choice can be
Meaning to say:
expressly which can be orally/written/implied
The right of choice of the debtor is subject to limitations. Thus - Example:
(1)The debtor cannot choose those prestations which are: (a) S obliged himself to deliver to B his car, or his race
impossible, (b) unlawful, or (c) which could not have been the horse. S chose the car and properly informed B of his
object of the obligation. These prestations are void. However, choice.
their presence does not invalidate the obligation if it includes * The obligation becomes a simple obligation to deliver the
other undertakings otherwise free from such defects. car. As such, neither party can change the prestation
* the debtor’s right of choice is not extinguished altogether without the consent of the other. Of course, S or B may
but limited to remaining valid prestation. waive his right after a choice has been made. As general
Example: rule, all rights may be waived. (Art. 6)
D obliged himself to give C a particular horse or a stolen
cellphone or to create a website for C. Here, the
Article 1203. If through the creditor's acts, the debtor cannot In case of disagreement, the creditor must prove the value, or
make a choice according to the terms of the obligation, the latter which thing last disappeared or which service last became
may rescind (revoke) the contract with damages. (n) impossible.
- Rescission is not automatic, and the debtor may not Article 1205. When the choice has been expressly given to
rescind the contract and perform the other prestations the creditor, the obligation shall cease to be alternative from
(jurisdiction of the supreme court) the day when the selection has been communicated to the
When debtor may rescind contract. debtor.
If through the creditor’s fault, the debtor cannot make a choice Until then the responsibility of the debtor shall be governed by
according to the terms of the obligation, the debtor is given the the following rules:
right to rescind the contract and recover damages. (1) If one of the things is lost through a fortuitous event, he
Example: shall perform the obligation by delivering that which the creditor
D borrowed from C P10,000. It was agreed that instead should choose from among the remainder, or that which
of P10,000, D could deliver to C a specific cellphone, remains if only one subsists;
computer or tablet. (2) If the loss of one of the things occurs through the fault of
- If through C’s fault the cellphone is destroyed, then D the debtor, the creditor may claim any of those subsisting, or
can rescind the contract if he wants. In case of the price of that which, through the fault of the former, has
rescission, D must return the P10,000 plus interest. C, disappeared, with a right to damages;
in turn, must pay D the value of the cellphone plus (3) If all the things are lost through the fault of the debtor, the
damages. choice by the creditor shall fall upon the price of any one of
- However, instead of rescinding the contract, D may them, also with indemnity for damages.
choose the computer or tablet with a right to recover The same rules shall be applied to obligations to do or not to do
the value of the cellphone with damages. If D chooses in case one, some or all of the prestations should become
the cellphone, then his obligation to C is extinguished. impossible. (1136a)
On the other hand, C is not liable for damages. Rules in case of loss before creditor made a choice. (Here, the
choice belongs to the creditor.)
Article 1204. The creditor shall have a right to indemnity (1) When a thing is lost through a fortuitous event
(security) for damages when, through the fault of the debtor, all Example:
the things which are alternatively the object of the obligation S obliged himself to deliver to B a particular horse,
have been lost, or the compliance of the obligation has become cellphone, computer or tablet. If the horse is lost
impossible. through a fortuitous event, B can choose from
The indemnity shall be fixed taking as a basis the value among the remainder. If three of the items are lost,
of the last thing which disappeared, or that of the service which then B must give that which remains.
last became impossible. (2) When a thing is lost through debtor’s fault.
Damages other than the value of the last thing or Example:
service may also be awarded. (1135a) If the loss of the horse occurs through the fault of S, B
Effects of loss of objects of obligation. (The right of choice may claim item either the cellphone, computer or tablet
belongs to the debtor.) with a right to damages, or the price of lost horse also
1. Some of the objects - If some of the objects of the obligation with a right to damages.
have been lost or have become impossible even through the (3) When all the things are lost through debtor’s fault
debtor’s fault, then the debtor is not liable since he has the right Example:
of choice and the obligation can still be performed. If all the items are lost through the fault of S, then B
2. All of the objects - If all of them have been lost or have can demand the payment of the price of any one (not
become impossible through the debtor’s fault, the creditor shall necessarily the last object that was lost) of them with a
have the right to indemnity for damages (value of the last thing right to indemnity for damages.
that was lost + damages) since the obligation can no longer be (4) When all the things are lost through a fortuitous event
complied with. If the cause of the loss is fortuitous event, then Example:
the obligation is extinguished. The obligation of S shall be extinguished if all the items
-All except one is lost due to the fault of the debtor and the which are alternatively the object of the obligation are
remaining prestation was lost due to fortuitous event= lost through a fortuitous event. In this case, Article
extinguished 1174 shall apply.
-All except one is lost due to fortuitous event and the remaining
prestation was lost due to the debtor’s fault= payment for Article 1206. When only one prestation has been agreed
damages upon, but the obligor may render another in substitution, the
Example: obligation is called facultative.
S agreed to deliver item one, two, or item three. The loss or deterioration of the thing intended as a substitute,
* If item one is lost through the fault of S, he can still select through the negligence of the obligor, does not render him
either item two or item three. The loss of item one and two liable. But once the substitution has been made, the obligor is
with or without the fault of S will reduce the obligation to a liable for the loss of the substitute on account of his delay,
simple one. negligence or fraud. (n)
* If all items are lost through his fault, liability will attach; if *Article 1206 deals with facultative obligation.
through a fortuitous event, the obligation will be Meaning of facultative obligation.
extinguished. A facultative obligation is one where only one prestation has
been agreed upon but the obligor may render another in
Basis of indemnity. substitution.
The value of the last thing which disappeared (obligation to give) Example:
or the value of the service that last became impossible “I will give you my cellphone but I may give my tablet as
(obligation to do). a substitute.”
* In this obligation, only the cellphone is due. Hence, its loss 4. Each debtor is liable only for the proportionate part of the
through my fault will make me liable. debt.
Effects of Loss. 5. Each creditor is entitled only to a proportionate part of the
(1) Before substitution - If the principal thing is lost through a credit.
fortuitous event, the obligation is extinguished. If the 6. In a joint obligation, the rule is “to each his own”.
principal thing is lost through the debtor’s fault, he should
be liable for damages. Illustration 1: D1 and D2 borrowed P10,000 from C.
If the substitute is lost due to fortuitous event or debtor’s fault, 1. How much can C collect from D1?
there is no additional obligation because it is not yet due. Answer: P5,000.00. There as a many debts as there are debtors.
2. Suppose D2 is insolvent or has passed away, how much can C
(2) After substitution - If the principal thing is lost, the debtor collect from D1?
is not liable whatever may be the cause of the loss, because Answer: P5,000. D2’s debt is distinct and separate from D1’s
it is no longer due. debt. Hence, D1 is not bound to shoulder D2’s debt.
If the substitute is lost, the liability of the debtor depends upon 3. Suppose D1 paid C P5,000, can D1 ask a share or
whether the loss is due to his fault. (Fortuitous event= reimbursement from D2?
extinguished; Debtor’s fault= pay for damages) Answer: No, because D1’s debt is distinct and separate from
Alternative and Facultative Obligations Distinguished D2’s debt.
Illustration 2: D borrowed P10,000 from C1 and C2.
1. How much can C1 collect from D?
Answer: P5,000.00. There as a many credits as there are
2. Suppose C1 is able to collect P5,000 from D, how much, if any,
should C1 share with C2?
Answer: None, because C1’s credit is distinct and separate from
C2’s credit.
*Take Note: If the obligation is silent or does not
specify whether the debtors are joint or solidary, they
are presumed to be joint only.

B. Solidary Obligation or one where each one of the debtors is

bound to render, and/or each one of the creditors has a right to
demand from any of the debtors, entire compliance with the
UNIT 3 – DIFFERENT KINDS OF OBLIGATIONS prestation. (Art. 1207.)
PART 4 Joint and Solidary Obligations - In a solidary obligation, there is only one debt
Article 1207. The concurrence of two or more creditors or regardless of the number of solidary debtors and there
of two or more debtors in one and the same obligation does is only one credit regardless of the number of solidary
not imply that each one of the former has a right to demand, creditors.
or that each one of the latter is bound to render, entire - Solidary obligations are also referred to as “joint and
compliance with the prestation. There is a solidary liability several obligation”. The rule in solidary obligations is
only when the obligation expressly so states, or when the law “one for all, all for one”.
or the nature of the obligation requires solidarity. (1137a)
Article 1208. If from the law, or the nature or the wording Illustration 1: Solidary debtors SD1 and SD2 borrowed 10,000
of the obligations to which the preceding article refers the from C.
contrary does not appear, the credit or debt shall be 1. How much can C collect from SD1?
presumed to be divided into as many shares as there are Answer: P10,000.00. In a solidary obligation, there is one debt
creditors or debtors, the credits or debts being considered only regardless of the number of debtors.
distinct from one another, subject to the Rules of Court 2. Suppose SD2 is insolvent or has passed away, how much can C
governing the multiplicity of suits. (1138a) collect from SD1?
Kinds of Obligations According to the Number of Parties Answer: P10,000. In a solidary obligation, there is one debt only
1. Individual obligation - one where there is only one obligor or regardless of the number of debtors. However, the debtor who
one obligee. pays has the right to demand reimbursement from the other
2. Collective obligation - one where there are two or more debtors.
debtors and/or two or more creditors. It may be joint or Illustration 2: D borrowed P10,000 from solidary creditors SC1
solidary. Meaning of Joint and Solidary Obligations and SC2.
A. Joint obligation or one where the whole obligation is to be 1. How much can SC1 collect from D?
paid or fulfilled proportionately by the different debtors and/or Answer: P10,000.00. In a solidary obligation, there is one credit
is to be demanded proportionately by the different creditors. only regardless of the number of creditors.
(Art. 1208.) 2. Suppose SC1 is able to collect P10,000 from D, how much, if
Example: D1 and D2 borrowed P10,000 from C. Here, each of the any, should he share with SC2?
debtors owes C P5,000. Answer: P5,000. In a solidary obligation, the creditor who
Why? Because in a joint obligation: received the payment must share the same with his co-
1. There are as many debts as there are debtors. Hence, since creditors. The creditors shares are equal unless there is a
there are two debtors (D1 and D2), then there are two debts different sharing agreement.
(P10,000/2 = P5,000).
2. There are as many credits as there are creditors. When Obligation Solidary.
3. The debts and/or credits are considered distinct and Under Art. 1207, there is solidary liability only under the
separate from each other; following circumstances:
• the obligation expressly so states; or debt can be enforced only by proceeding against all the debtors.
• the law requires solidarity; or If one of the latter should be insolvent, the others shall not be
• the nature of the obligation requires solidarity. liable for his share. (1139)
*Note: Solidary liability also exists when it is imposed in
a final judgment against several defendants. Joint Indivisible Obligation
Kinds of Solidarity.
1. According to the parties bound: INDIVISIBILITY SOLIDARITY
(a) Passive solidarity- solidarity on the part of the debtors. It refers to the prestation. It refers to the juridical or legal
(b) Active solidarity- solidarity on the part of the creditors. tie.
(c) Mixed solidarity - solidarity on the part of the debtors
Only the debtor guilty of All of the debtors are liable for
and creditors.
breach of obligation is liable the breach of the obligation
2. According to source:
for damages. committed by a debtor.
(a) Conventional solidarity - where solidarity is agreed upon by
the parties.
(b) Legal solidarity - where solidarity is imposed by the law. It can exist although there is There must be at least two
(c) Real solidarity - where solidarity is imposed by the nature only one debtor and one debtors or two creditors.
of the obligation. creditor.
The other debtors are not The other debtors are
*What if the debtors are joint but the creditors are solidary? liable in case of insolvency of proportionately liable in case of
Illustration: Joint debtors JD1 and JD2 borrowed P10,000 from one debtor. insolvency of one debtor.
solidary creditors SC1 and SC2. The obligation is joint because the parties are merely
1. How much can SC1 collect from JD1? proportionately liable.
Answer: P5,000.00. Because JD1 and JD2 are joint debtors only. It is indivisible because the object or subject matter is not
Hence, their debts are separate and distinct from each other. A physically divisible into different parts. (See Art. 1125, par. 1.)
joint debtor cannot be compelled to pay more than his share.
2. Suppose SC1 is able to collect P5,000 from JD1, how much, if Example: A, B and C are jointly liable to deliver to D a laptop
any, should he share with SC2? computer worth P18,000.00. On due date, only A and B are
Answer: P2,500. Since they are solidary creditors, the credit or willing to deliver but C is not.
claim of one is also the credit or claim of the other. Thus, the 1. Can D require A and B to deliver the computer?
creditor who received the payment must share the same with his Answer: No, A and B are joint debtors only. Hence, they are
co-creditors. The creditors shares are equal unless there is a liable only for a proportionate part of the obligation (P6,000
different sharing agreement. each). The obligation is an indivisible obligation that can be
3. Suppose JD2 is insolvent or has passed away, how much can enforced only when all the debtors will give their shares.
SC1 collect from JD1? 2. Can D require C to deliver the computer?
Answer: P5,000. Because JD2’s debt is distinct and separate from Answer: No, for the same reason in No. 1. Like A and B, C is a
JD1’s debt. Hence, JD1 is not bound to shoulder JD2’s debt. joint debtor only. As such, he is liable only for a proportionate
4. Suppose JD1 paid SC1 P5,000, can JD1 ask a share or part of the obligation (P6,000). The obligation is an indivisible
reimbursement from JD2? obligation that can be enforced only when all the debtors will
Answer: No, because JD1’s debt is distinct and separate from give their shares.
JD2’s debt. 3. Since the obligation is joint indivisible that can be
enforced only if all the joint debtors will give their shares,
** What if the debtors are solidary but the creditors are joint? what then is D’s remedy if C is not willing to give his share and
Illustration: Solidary debtors SD1 and SD2 borrowed P10,000 D cannot compel A and B to shoulder C’s share?
from joint creditors JC1 and JC2. Answer: The obligation to give the computer will be converted
1. How much can JC1 collect from SD1? into an obligation to pay P18,000. Thus, each joint debtor will
Answer: P5,000.00. Because although the debtors are solidary, pay D P6,000. But in the case of C, aside from his P6,000 share in
the creditors are only joint. Hence, the credit/claim of JC1 is the price of the computer he is also liable to pay damages
separate and distinct from the credit/claim of JC2. because he violated the obligation.
2. Suppose JC1 is able to collect P5,000 from SD1, how much, if Indivisibility and Solidarity Distinguished
any, should he share with JC2?
Answer: None, because they are joint creditors, the credit or
Article 1211. Solidarity may exist although the creditors and
claim of one is distinct and separate from the other.
the debtors may not be bound in the same manner and by the
3. Suppose SD2 is insolvent or has passed away, how much can
same periods and conditions. (1140)
JC1 collect from SD1?
Kinds of Solidary Obligation According to the Legal Tie
Answer: P5,000. Because in a solidary obligation, the debt of one
1. Uniform - when the parties are bound by the same
is the debt of the other. But since the creditors are joint, then
stipulations; or
JC1 can collect only his share of the credit/claim.
2. Non-uniform or varied- when the parties are not subject to
4. Suppose SD1 paid JC1 P5,000, can SD1 ask a share or the same stipulations.
reimbursement from SD2?
Example: A, B and C obliged themselves solidarily or jointly and
Answer: Yes, SD1 can demand P2,500 from SD2. Since they are
severally to pay D P18,000, subject to the following terms and
solidary debtors, the debt of one is also the debt of the other.
Thus, the debtor who paid can demand a share from his
 A’s share (P6,000) shall be due on December;
codebtors. The debtor’s shares are equal unless there is a
 B’s share (P6,000) shall be due on January;
different sharing agreement.
 C’s share (P6,000) shall be due if D passes
Article 1209. If the division is impossible, the right of the Oblicon.
creditors may be prejudiced only by their collective acts, and the
How much is due? Who are liable? Right of creditor to proceed against any solidary debtor.
December P6,000 (A’s share) A, B and C - The creditor may demand payment from any of the solidary
debtors until the debtor is fully collected.
January P6,000 (B’s share) A, B and C - The choice is left to solidary creditor to determine against
Suppose D passed P6,000 (C’s share) A, B and C whom he will enforce collection.
Oblicon in March
Article 1217. Payment made by one of the solidary debtors
Article 1212. Each one of the solidary creditors may do extinguishes the obligation. If two or more solidary debtors offer
whatever may be useful to the others, but not anything which to pay, the creditor may choose which offer to accept.
may be prejudicial to the latter. (1141a) He who made the payment may claim from his co-debtors only
Example: A owes B and C, solidary (joint and several) creditors, the share which corresponds to each, with the interest for the
the sum of 10,000.00. payment already made. If the payment is made before the debt
is due, no interest for the intervening period may be demanded.
 B may make a demand for the payment of the obligation
for this will benefit C.  When one of the solidary debtors cannot, because of his
insolvency, reimburse his share to the debtor paying the
 Under the law, the prescription (expiration) of action is
interrupted when they are filed before the court. (Art. obligation, such share shall be borne by all his co-debtors,
1155.) So also, if B collects from A, C will be benefited. in proportion to the debt of each. (1145a)
In case of remission or condonation effected by B, the Effects of payment by a solidary debtor.
obligation will be extinguished. Meaning to say, A is no  Between the solidary debtors and creditors - Payment in
longer obliged to pay B and C. due course made by one of the solidary debtors extinguishes
 However, since C cannot be prejudiced by the remission, the obligation.
B has to reimburse C for the latter’s share. (Art. 1215.)  Among the solidary debtors - After payment of the debt, the
paying solidary debtor can demand reimbursement from his
Article 1213. A solidary creditor cannot assign his rights co-debtors.
without the consent of the others. (n)  Among the solidary debtors - The receiving creditor is
jointly liable to the others for their corresponding shares.
(Art. 1208.)
Article 1214. The debtor may pay any one of the solidary
creditors; but if any demand, judicial or extrajudicial, has been
made by one of them, payment should be made to him. (1142a) Article 1218. Payment by a solidary debtor shall not entitle
Payment to any of the Solidary Creditors. him to reimbursement from his co-debtors if such payment is
- The debtor may pay any one of the solidary creditors. made after the obligation has prescribed or become illegal. (n)
Effect of Payment after Obligation has Prescribed or Become
- But when a demand, judicial or extrajudicial, has been made by
one of them, payment should be made to him; otherwise, the
• When a solidary debtor pays the obligation; he is entitled, as a
obligation will not be extinguished except insofar as the
rule, to reimbursement from his co-debtors. Article 1218
creditor-payee’s share is concerned in case the latter does not
mentions two cases when the paying debtor cannot get any
give to the other creditors their shares in the payments.
reimbursement. When the obligation has already prescribed (Art.
1231, par. 2.) or become illegal {Art. 1266.), the obligation is
Article 1215. Novation, compensation, confusion or remission of
extinguished. Hence, there is no more obligation to be complied
the debt, made by any of the solidary creditors or with any of the
solidary debtors, shall extinguish the obligation, without
prejudice to the provisions of article 1219.
Article 1219. The remission made by the creditor of the share
The creditor who may have executed any of these acts, as well as which affects one of the solidary debtors does not release the
he who collects the debt, shall be liable to the others for the latter from his responsibility towards the co-debtors, in case the
share in the obligation corresponding to them. (1143) debt had been totally paid by anyone of them before the
Liability of solidary creditor in case of novation, compensation, remission was effected. (1146a)
confusion or remission. Effect of Remission of Share After Payment
Novation, compensation, confusion or remission shall extinguish 1. If payment is made first, the remission or waiver is of no
the debtor’s obligation. However, the creditor responsible for the effect. There is no more obligation to remit.
novation, compensation, confusion or remission shall be liable to 2. If remission is made before payment and payment is made,
his co-creditors. solutio indebiti arises.
Example : A owes solidary (joint and several) creditors B and C
the amount of P10,000. If B condoned A’s debt, then A’s Article 1220. The remission of the whole obligation, obtained
obligation is extinguished. However, B must give C his P5,000 by one of the solidary debtors, does not entitle him to
share. reimbursement from his co-debtors. (n)
Effects of novation, etc. where obligation is joint No Right to Reimbursement in Case of Remission
Does not extinguish or modify the whole obligation except with The debtor who obtains remission is not entitled to
respect to the creditor or debtor affected. reimbursement. Reason: The debtor did not pay anything.
Example: A owes joint creditors B and C the amount of P10,000. Example: Solidary (joint and several) debtors A and B owe
If B condoned A’s debt, then only the P5,000 share of B is creditor C P10,000. It turns out that C has a big crush on A’s
extinguished. C’s P5,000 share remain and A must still pay it. sister.
 Hence, to make an impression, C condoned A and B’s
Article 1216. The creditor may proceed against any one of the loan. Here, A is not entitled to any reimbursement from
solidary debtors or some or all of them simultaneously. The B because A did not pay anything to C.
demand made against one of them shall not be an obstacle to
those which may subsequently be directed against the others, so
long as the debt has not been fully collected. (1144a)
Article 1221. If the thing has been lost or if the prestation has 2. D agreed to deliver to C a specific cellphone. D’s
become impossible without the fault of the solidary debtors, obligation is indivisible because the cellphone cannot be
the obligation shall be extinguished. delivered in pieces without destroying or altering it.
If there was fault on the part of any one of them, all shall be Suppose the parties agreed that D can deliver the cellphone in
responsible to the creditor, for the price and the payment of pieces, is the obligation divisible?
damages and interest, without prejudice to their action against No, it is still indivisible because by its nature it is impossible to
the guilty or negligent debtor. deliver the cellphone in pieces without destroying it. That the
If through a fortuitous event, the thing is lost or the performance parties agreed that it can be delivered piecemeal does not
has become impossible after one of the solidary debtors has change its nature.
incurred in delay through the judicial or extrajudicial demand 3. D agreed to sing the “Lupang Hinirang” in the next fight
upon him by the creditor, the provisions of the preceding of Manny Pacquiao. The obligation is indivisible. D must finish
paragraph shall apply. (1147a) the singing the national anthem. D should not stop singing
Rules In Case Thing Has Been Lost Or Prestation Has Become halfway and to continue it in another fight.
Impossible 4. Dr. D agreed to operate on patient P. The obligation is
Loss is without fault and before The obligation is extinguished. indivisible. D must finish the operation. D should not stop
delay. operating halfway and to continue it some other time.
Test for the Distinction
Loss is due to fault on the part All solidary debtors are liable to In determining whether an obligation is divisible or not, the
of a solidary debtor. the creditor. But the debtors controlling circumstance is the purpose of the obligation or the
who are not at fault have a intention of the parties.
right to be reimbursed by the If the object is not physically divisible or the service is not
debtor at fault. susceptible of partial performance (Art. 1225, par. 1), the
Loss is without fault but after All solidary debtors are liable to obligation is always indivisible.
delay. the creditor. But the debtors An obligation is presumed indivisible where there is only one
who are not in delay have a creditor and only one debtor. (Art. 1248.)
right to be reimbursed by the Kinds of Division
debtor in delay. (1) Qualitative division or one based on quality
(2) Quantitative division or one based on quantity
Fortuitous event= still liable for (3) ldeal or intellectual division or one which exists only in the
price + damages + interest minds of the parties
(debtors not in delay can Kinds of Indivisibility
recover the amount they have (1) Legal indivisibility - where a specific provision of law
paid) declares as indivisible, obligations which, by their nature are
divisible. (E.g. Payment of fine for a crime or offense.)
Article 1222. A solidary debtor may, in actions filed by the (2) Conventional indivisibility - based on agreement of the
creditor, avail himself of all defenses which are derived from the parties to make indivisible an obligations which by its nature is
nature of the obligation and of those which are personal to him, divisible. (E.g. To pay money.)
or pertain to his own share. With respect to those which (3) Natural indivisibility - When the nature of the object or
personally belong to the others, he may avail himself thereof prestation does not admit of division. (E.g. To give a cellphone,
only as regards that part of the debt for which the latter are to sing a song.)
responsible. (1148a) Article 1224. A joint indivisible obligation gives rise to indemnity
Defenses Available to a Solidary Debtor for damages from the time anyone of the debtors does not
(1) Defenses derived from the nature of the obligation comply with his undertaking. The debtors who may have been
(2) Defenses personal to, or which pertain to share of, debtor ready to fulfill their promises shall not contribute to the
sued indemnity beyond the corresponding portion of the price of the
(3) Defenses personal to other solidary debtors thing or of the value of the service in which the obligation
consists. (1150)
UNIT 3 – DIFFERENT KINDS OF OBLIGATIONS Article 1225. For the purposes of the preceding articles,
PART 5 Divisible and Indivisible Obligations obligations to give definite things and those which are not
Article 1223. The divisibility or indivisibility of the things that are susceptible of partial performance shall be deemed to be
the object of obligations in which there is only one debtor and indivisible.
only one creditor does not alter or modify the provisions of When the obligation has for its object the execution of a certain
Chapter 2 of this Title. (1149) number of days of work, the accomplishment of work by metrical
Meaning of Divisible and Indivisible Obligations units, or analogous things which by their nature are susceptible
of partial performance, it shall be divisible.
• A divisible obligation is one the object of which, in its
However, even though the object or service may be physically
delivery or performance, is capable of partial fulfillment.
divisible, an obligation is indivisible if so provided by law or
• An indivisible obligation is one the object of which, in
intended by the parties.
its delivery or performance, is not capable of partial fulfillment.
In obligations not to do, divisibility or indivisibility shall be
determined by the character of the prestation in each particular
1. D agreed to pay C P10,000 in lump sum. D’s obligation is
case. (1151a)
indivisible because the parties agreed it will be fulfilled at one
Effect of Non-compliance by a Debtor in a Joint Indivisible
time and as a whole (not partially).
But if the parties agreed that D will pay the P10,000 in 2 equal
• The obligation is converted into one for damages.
installments, then the obligation is divisible.
Here, the obligation to pay is capable of partial fulfillment but the
• The creditor is not allowed to ask specific performance or
parties may agree that it will be indivisible (lump sum) or
incapable of partial fulfillment.
*Note: Refer to the lecture in Article 1209 in Joint and An obligation with a penal clause is one which contains an
Solidary Obligation. accessory undertaking to pay a previously stipulated indemnity in
Obligations Deemed Indivisible case of breach of the principal prestation, intended primarily to
(1) Obligations to give definite things induce its fulfillment.
Example: To give a particular cellphone; to deliver a specific car. Meaning of Penal Clause
Here, the obligation is indivisible because of the nature of the A penal clause is an accessory undertaking attached to an
subject matter. obligation to assume greater liability in case of breach.
(2) Obligations which are not susceptible of partial A penalty is in the nature of liquidated damages.
performance Purposes of Penal Clause
Example: To sing a song; to operate on a patient. Here, the 1. To insure their performance by creating an effective
obligation is indivisible by reason of its purpose which requires deterrent against breach, making the consequences of such
the performance of all the parts. breach as onerous as it may be possible;
(3) Obligations provided by law to be indivisible even if thing 2. To substitute a penalty for the indemnity for damages
or service is physically divisible and the payment of interests in case of noncompliance. (Art.
Example: Under the law, taxes should be paid within a definite 1226); or
period. Although money is physically divisible, the amount of tax 3. To punish the debtor for the non-fulfillment or violation
payable must be delivered in toto (as a whole), not partially. of his obligation.
(4) Obligations intended by the parties to be indivisible even if Penal Clause and Condition Distinguished
thing or service is physically divisible Penal Clause Condition
Example: The obligation of D to give P5,000 to C on a certain
date. Money is physically divisible but the clear intention here is A penal clause constitutes an A condition does not co
for D to deliver the P5,000.00 at one time and as a whole. obligation. obligation.
Obligation Deemed Divisible It may become demandable in default. It is never demandable.
(1) Obligations which have for their object the execution
of a certain number of days of work
Example: D obliged himself to construct C’s house in 6 months. Kinds of Penal Clause
Here, the obligation need not be fulfilled in day only. 1. As to its origin:
(2) Obligations which have for their object the a. Legal penal clause - when it is provided by law; and
accomplishment of work by metrical units b. Conventional penal clause - when it is provided for by
Example: The obligation of D to build a 5-kilometer road. The stipulation of the parties.
obligation of D and B to deliver 5 metric tons of rice. But if only D 2. As to its purpose:
is obliged to deliver the rice, then the obligation is indivisible. a. Compensatory penal clause - when the penalty takes
(3) Obligations which by their nature are susceptible of the place of damages; and
partial performance. b. Punitive penal clause - when the penalty is imposed
Examples: D’s obligation to teach “Obligations and Contracts" for merely as punishment for breach.
one semester in the university. D’s obligation to render 3 song 3. As to its demandability or effect:
numbers in a program. D’s obligation to pay a debt. a. Subsidiary or alternative penal clause — when only
Divisibility or Indivisibility in Obligations Not to Do the penalty can be enforced; and
The character of the prestation in each particular case shall b. Joint or cumulative penal clause — when both the
determine the divisibility or indivisibility of the obligation.
principal obligation and the penal clause can be enforced.
Indivisible Obligation:
A obliged himself to B not to compete with B’s business for one Penalty Substitutes for Damages and Interests
year. As a general rule, the penalty takes the place of the indemnity for
Here, the obligation should be fulfilled continuously during a damages and the payment of interests in case of noncompliance.
certain period. The creditor does not have to prove that he suffered actual
Divisible Obligation: damages to enforce the penalty.
If A’s obligation not to compete with B’s business only during the Illustrations:
Christmas season, then the obligation is divisible because the A. D borrowed P50,000 from C and promised to pay on
forbearance is not continuous. December 31, 2020. A penal clause is provided where they
UNIT 3 – DIFFERENT KINDS OF OBLIGATIONS agreed that in case of default D shall pay C P10,000 penalty.
PART 6 If D pays C on due date, then D is not liable to pay the penalty.
Obligations with a Penal Clause This is so because a penalty is enforced only when the debtor breached
Article 1226. In obligations with a penal clause, the penalty shall or violated his obligation.
substitute the indemnity for damages and the payment of If D fails to pay C on due date despite demand, then D is liable to
interests in case of noncompliance, if there is no stipulation to pay not only his loan (P50,000) but also the penalty (P10,000).
the contrary. Nevertheless, damages shall be paid if the obligor D is not liable to pay interest and damages because the penalty
refuses to pay the penalty or is guilty of fraud in the fulfillment of serves as a substitute for these. The exceptions are (a) when the parties
the obligation. agreed that aside from the penalty the creditor can also claim interest
The penalty may be enforced only when it is demandable in and damages, or (b) when the debtor refused to pay the penalty or is
accordance with the provisions of this Code. (1152a) guilty of fraud in performing his obligation.
Meaning of Principal and Accessory Obligations Illustrations:
• Principal obligation is one which can stand by itself and B. D obliged himself to finish constructing C’s house in 180 days.
does not depend for its validity and existence upon another A penal clause is provided where they agreed that D shall pay C
obligation. P1,000 for every day of delay.
• Accessory obligation is one which is attached to a 1. If D is able to finish the house in 180 days, then he is not
principal obligation and, therefore, cannot stand alone. liable to pay the penalty. This is so because a penalty is enforced
Meaning of Obligation with a Penal Clause only when the debtor breached or violated his obligation.
2. If D finished the house in 210 days, then he must pay C 1. Where there is performance - If the debtor fulfills the
the penalty of P30,000 (P1000 x 30 days of delay). obligation, then the creditor cannot demand the penalty, except
3. Must C prove that he really suffered damages in the when this right has been clearly granted to the creditor.
amount of P30,000? No, the creditor is entitled to the penalty 2. Where there is no performance - If the debtor did not
whether or not he suffered actual damages. What makes the fulfill the obligation, the creditor can demand that the debtor
debtor liable to pay the penalty is his breach/violation of the fulfill it (specific performance) or ask for the penalty.
obligation. Article 1228. Proof of actual damages suffered by the creditor is
4. Supposed C did suffer damages as a result of D’s failure not necessary in order that the penalty may be demanded. (n)
to finish the house in 180 days. However, the damages C
Penalty Demandable Without Proof of Actual Damages
suffered amounted to P15,000 only, not P30,000. How much
penalty should D pay, P15,000 or P30,000? In an obligation with a penal clause all that the creditor has to
D must still pay the P30,000 penalty. This is so because prove, to enforce the penalty, is the violation of the obligation
the penalty is intended to be a substitute for damages by the debtor.
the creditor suffered due to the debtor’s breach. Hence, However, in instances when the creditor can demand damages
what makes the debtor liable to the creditor for the aside from penalty (i.e., when so stipulated by the parties, when
penalty is his breach/violation of his obligation. The the obligor refuses to pay the penalty, or when the obligor is
payment of penalty does not depend on the creditor guilty of fraud in the fulfillment of the obligation), the creditor
suffering actual damages. must prove the damages he suffered.
5. Can C demand payment of damages aside from or in Article 1229. The judge shall equitably reduce the penalty when
addition to the penalty? No, because as a general rule the the principal obligation has been partly or irregularly complied
penalty works as a substitute for damages. The exceptions are with by the debtor. Even if there has been no performance, the
(a) when the parties agreed that aside from the penalty the penalty may also be reduced by the courts if it is iniquitous or
creditor can also claim interest and damages, or (b) when the unconscionable. (1154a)
debtor refused to pay the penalty or is guilty of fraud in When penalty may be reduced by the courts
performing his obligation. 1. When there is partial or irregular
When may creditor recover damages aside from penalty? performance. 2. When the penalty agreed upon
As exceptions to the general rule, the creditor may still recover is iniquitous or unconscionable.
damages and interest aside from the penalty: 1. When so *Note: It is the court who can reduce the penalty, not the debtor.
stipulated by the parties; Illustration:
2. When the obligor refuses to pay the penalty; and 3. D obliged himself to finish constructing C’s house in 180 days. A
When the obligor is guilty of fraud in the fulfillment of penal clause is provided where they agreed that D shall pay C
the obligation (Art. 1226.) P100,000 if he fails to build it.
Article 1227. The debtor cannot exempt himself from the If D was able to construct the house except the garage, then it
performance of the obligation by paying the penalty, save in the may be unfair for D to pay the entire P100,000. After all, D was
case where this right has been expressly reserved for him. able to partially perform his obligation, with the garage the only
Neither can the creditor demand the fulfillment of the obligation portion left unfinished. Hence, the court can reduce the penalty.
and the satisfaction of the penalty at the same time, unless this If the house is worth P50,000 and the penalty is P100,000, then
right has been clearly granted him. However, if after the creditor the court can reduce the penalty for being excessive and
has decided to require the fulfillment of the obligation, the unconscionable, even with no performance of the debtor.
performance thereof should become impossible without his Article 1230. The nullity of the penal clause does not carry with it
fault, the penalty may be enforced. (1153a) that of the principal obligation.
Penalty not Substitute for Performance The nullity of the principal obligation carries with it that of the
General Rule: The debtor cannot just pay the penalty instead of penal clause. (1155)
performing the obligation. Effect of Nullity of the Penal Clause
Exception: When this right has been expressly reserved for the If only the penal clause is void, the principal obligation remains
debtor. valid and demandable.
Illustration: Example: D borrowed P20,000 from C. They agreed that in case
D obliged himself to deliver a specific car to C. A penal clause is of default D will give C an unlicensed gun as a penalty.
provided where they agreed that in case of breach D shall pay C Here, the obligation to pay P20,000 is valid but the penalty to
P10,000. give an unlicensed gun is void. Hence, if D fails to pay P20,000, C
Here, D cannot just pay the penalty as a substitute for cannot enforce the penalty. Nevertheless, C can recover
noncompliance with his principal obligation to give a particular damages.
car. In other words, in case D refused to deliver the car, C has the Effect of Nullity of the Principal Obligation
options to still demand its delivery (called Specific Performance) If the principal obligation is void, the penal clause is also void.
or the payment of the P10,000 penalty. Example: D promised to deliver an unlicensed gun to C. They
The exception is when C expressly gave D the right to just pay the agreed that in case D will not fulfill his obligation he will pay C
penalty instead of delivering the car. P20,000 as penalty.
Penal Clause Presumed Subsidiary Here, because the obligation to give an unlicensed gun is void,
As a general rule, the creditor cannot demand the fulfillment of the P20,000 penalty is also void.
the obligation and the satisfaction of the penalty at the same Example: S agreed to deliver to B two grams of prohibited drugs.
time. The contract carries a penal clause to the effect that in case of
In other words, the choice of one remedy means that the noncompliance with the obligation, S would pay a penalty of
creditor can no longer resort to the other remedy. This is 10,000.00.
because the remedies are alternative and not cumulative nor Here, the nullity of the principal obligation carries with it that of
successive. the penal clause although it is itself valid.
Payment of Performance
Article 1231. Obligations are Extinguished:
• By payment or performance If Y accepted the performance of X, knowing that the paint used
• By the loss of the thing due was another brand and without expressing any protest or
• By the condonation or remission of the debt objection, the obligation is deemed fully complied with.
• By the confusion or merger of the rights of creditor and Article 1236. Persons from whom the Creditor must Accept
debtor Payment.
• By compensation • The debtor
• By novation • Any person who has an interest in the obligation (like a
Other Causes of Extinguishment of Obligation. guarantor)
• Annulment • A third person who has no interest in the obligation
• Rescission when there is a stipulation that he can make payment.
• Fulfillment of a resolutory condition Creditor may Refuse Payment by a Third Person.
• Prescription The creditor should not be compelled to accept payment from a
(1) Death of a party in case the obligation is personal one third person whom he may dislike or distrust.
(Art. The creditor may not, for personal reasons, desire to have any
1311, par. 1) business dealings with a third person.
(2) Mutual desistance or withdrawal The creditor may not have confidence in the honesty of the third
(3) Arrival of resolutory period (Art. 1193, par. 2) person who might deliver a defective thing or pay with a check
(4) Compromise (Art. 2028) which may not be honored.
(5) Impossibility of fulfillment (Art. 1266) The third person might be the creditor’s bitter enemy.
(6) Happening of a fortuitous event (Art. 1174) The creditor may not be absolutely sure that the thing delivered
Article 1232. Meaning of Payment by the third person is in accordance with the contract.
In ordinary parlance, payment refers only to the delivery of Effect of Payment by Third Person
money. (1) If made without the knowledge or against the will of the
As a legal mode of extinguishing an obligation, payment may debtor
consist of not only in the delivery of money but also the giving of * The payer can recover from the debtor only insofar as the
a thing, doing of an act, or not doing of an act. payment has been beneficial to the latter.
Article 1233. When Debt is Considered Paid. - third person can ask for reimbursement from the debtor only
A debt may refer: insofar the payment has been beneficial to him
• To an obligation to deliver money (2) If made with the knowledge of the debtor * The payer shall
• To an obligation to deliver a thing have the rights of reimbursement and subrogation, that is, to
• To an obligation to do an act recover what he has paid and to acquire all the rights of the
• To an obligation not to do an act creditor.
(1) Integrity of prestation - Complete delivery of the object of the EXAMPLE:
obligation. D owes C the sum of 1,000.00. If S, a stranger to the obligation,
EXAMPLES: offers to pay C, the latter may or may not accept the offer of
S obliged himself to deliver 100 sacks of rice to B. S delivered payment.
only 90 sacks. Suppose C accepts, the right of S to recover from D depends
Under the law, there is no payment by S to B and B can refuse to upon whether the payment is with or without the knowledge or
pay for the 90 sacks if S does not deliver what is lacking. consent of D.
D promised to pay C 10,000.00. But D is giving only 9,000.00. (1) Without the knowledge or against the will of D —
C can refuse to accept 9,000.00 because the fulfillment is not If the actual indebtedness is 1,000.00 and S paid 1,000.00, he can
complete. ask reimbursement for 1,000.00 but if 400.00 had already been
(2) Identity of the prestation - The very prestation due must be paid by D, then S is entitled to be reimbursed only for the
delivered or performed, (see Art. 1244.) amount of 600.00 because it is only to that amount that D has
Article 1234. Requisites for the Application of Article 1234 been benefited. S can recover 400.00 from C who should not
• There must be substantial performance. have accepted it. If C acted in bad faith, he is liable also for
• The obligor must be in good faith. interest in lieu of damages.
Note: Good faith is always presumed in the absence of proof to (2) With the knowledge of D. —
the contrary. In either case, if the payment of 1,000.00 was made with the
EXAMPLE: knowledge or consent of D, S can recover from D 1,000.00 with
S obliged himself to deliver 500 bags of cement to B for a certain all the rights of subrogation to the accessory obligations such as
price. However, despite diligent efforts on his part, S was able to mortgage, guaranty, or penalty. (Art. 1237.)
deliver only 400 bags because of cement shortage. Article 1237. Right of Third Person to Subrogation.
Take note that S wants to comply with his obligation to deliver • If payment is without the knowledge or against the will of the
the entire 500 bags but he could not do so for reasons beyond debtor, the third person cannot compel the creditor to subrogate
his control. him in the latter’s accessory rights of mortgage, guaranty, or
Under Article 1234, S can recover as though there had been penalty.
complete delivery less the price of the 100 bags plus Subrogation and Reimbursement Distinguished.
consequential damages suffered by the creditor. S must show, 1. In subrogation, the person who pays for the debtor is
however, that he attempted in good faith to comply with his put into the shoes of the creditor. The payor acquires not only
obligation. the right to be reimbursed but also all other rights which the
Article 1235. Requisites for the Application of Article 1235. The creditor could have exercised pertaining to the credit either
obligee knows that the performance is incomplete or irregular. against the debtor or against third persons, be they guarantors
The obligee accepts the performance without expressing any or possessor of mortgages. (Art. 1303.)
protest or objection. 2. In reimbursement, the third person who made the
EXAMPLE: payment has merely the bare right to be refunded to the extent
X agreed to paint the house of Y. According to their stipulation, X provided, without the right to the guarantees and securities of
would use a particular brand of paint. the original obligation.
Article 1238. Payment by a Third Person Who does not Intend to When Benefit to Creditor Need Not be Proved by Debtor.
be Reimbursed. • Subrogation of the payer in the creditor’s rights-
• The payment is deemed a donation which requires the assigned his rights to the third person
debtor’s consent to be valid. (See Art. 725.) • Ratification by the creditor- approved or consented the
• Payment shall be valid as to the creditor who accepts payment
and the payor, although the debtor did not give his consent to • Estoppel on the part of the creditor- the creditor’s act
the donation. has led the debtor to believe that he was authorized to make
EXAMPLE: payment
D owes C 10,000.00. Without the intention of being reimbursed, EXAMPLE:
S paid D’s obligation. D had previously accepted S’s generosity. D is indebted to C in the amount of 1,000.00. On the date of the
In this case, D is not liable to S and his obligation is extinguished. maturity of the obligation, payment was made by D to T, a third
But if D did not consent to the donation, S may recover from D person.
since there has been no donation, although originally S did not In this case, D is still liable to C. If T delivered 700.00 to C, the
intend to be reimbursed. Nevertheless, the obligation of D to C is payment by D is valid only to the extent of 700.00. But D must
extinguished because the payment is valid as to C who has prove the delivery to C.
accepted it. Article 1242. Payment to Third Person in Possession of Credit.
Can D legally refuse to pay S and instead insist on paying C? No. • If the debtor have acted in good faith in making payment to the
(see Arts. 1236, par. 2; 1237.) third person, payment is valid.
Article 1239. Meaning of “Free Disposal of thing due" and EXAMPLE:
“Capacity to Alienate.” D is indebted to C in the amount of 1,000.00 which indebtedness
Free disposal of the thing due means that the thing to be is evidenced by a promissory note signed by D in favor of C. C lost
delivered must not be subject to any claim or lien or the promissory note which was later found by T who demanded
encumbrance of a third person. payment from D.
Capacity to alienate means that the person is not incapacitated Payment to T is not valid because T is the possessor merely of the
to enter into contracts (Arts. 1327, 1329) and for that matter, to document evidencing the credit and not of the credit itself.
make a disposition of the thing due. If the promissory note is payable to bearer or holder (Negotiable
Free Disposal of Thing due and Capacity to Alienate Required. Instruments Law [Act No. 2031], Sec. 9.), the obligation will be
Rule: Payment by one who does not have the free disposition of extinguished if D pays T in good faith.
the thing and capacity to alienate is not valid. Similarly, if the promissory note was indorsed by C to T, under a
EXAMPLE: private agreement that T would not collect from D, payment by D
S agreed to sell to B a television set. If the television set delivered in good faith to T will also extinguish the debt. The right of C will
to B by S belongs to C, the same can be recovered by C because be against T.
the payment is not valid. S does not have free disposal of the Article 1243. When Payment to Creditor not Valid. * Payment
television set. made to the creditor by the debtor after the latter has been
The same right of recovery exists although the television set judicially ordered to retain the debt shall not be valid. (1165)
belongs to S if he is a minor and, therefore, has no capacity to EXAMPLE:
alienate it. D owes C 1,000.00. E, in turn owes D 1,000.00. In an action by C
Article 1240. Person to Whom Payment shall be Made. against D, E, upon petition of C, may be ordered by the court not
• The creditor or obligee to pay D and to retain the debt in the meantime. In this case, the
• His successor in interest (heir or assignee) debt of E is said to be “garnished” or is subjected to payment to
• Any person authorized to receive it C.
EXAMPLE: Any payment made by E to D in violation of the judicial order is
D owes C 1,000.00. In this case, D must pay C or any person considered invalid under this article. In other words, C may still
authorized by C or in case of his death, his heirs or any person hold E liable for the debt. Of course, should E be made to pay C, a
authorized by law. Payment to any other person is not valid quasi-contractual obligation on the part of D is created, which is
except as provided in Article 1241, paragraph 2. to return the amount he had received from E. The payment by E
That D acted in good faith in paying to the wrong party is not an to C shall extinguish the obligation of D to C.
excuse. Article 1244. Very Prestation due must be Complied with. (1) A
Article 1241. Effect of Payment to an Incapacitated Person. thing different from that due cannot be offered or demanded
GENERAL RULE against the will of the creditor or debtor, as the case may be.
Payment to an incapacitated person is not valid. (2) The second paragraph refers to personal (positive and
EXCEPTIONS negative) obligations. The act to be performed or the act
•If such incapacitated person kept the thing paid or delivered. prohibited cannot be substituted against the obligee’s will. (see
•The incapacitated person was benefited by the payment. Art. 1167.)
D delivers 1,000.00 to C, a minor under guardianship, in D obliged himself to deliver to C a specific horse. D cannot
payment of a debt. C loses 700.00 of the money in gambling, or require C to accept another horse although it commands a higher
due to negligence or ignorance. price; neither can C require D to deliver another horse belonging
In this case, the payment should be considered as made only to to D although it can be sold only at a much lower price.
the extent of 300.00. Article 1245. Special Forms of Payment:
On the other hand, if C kept the money paid or spent it for 1. Dation in payment (Art. 1245)
purposes useful to him, the payment shall be valid; otherwise, C 2. Application of payments (Art. 1253)
would unduly enrich himself at the expense of D. 3. Payment by cession (Art 1255)
Effect of Payment to a Third Person. 4. Tender of payment and consignation (Arts. 1256-1261)
Payment to a third person or wrong party is not valid. D owes 30,000.00. To fulfill the obligation, D with the consent of
EXCEPTION C, delivers a piano.
If payment has redounded to the benefit of the creditor.
If the piano, however, is worth less than 30,000.00, the establishment of the obligation shall be the basis of payment, in
conveyance must be deemed to extinguish the obligation to the case of any extraordinary increase or decrease in the purchasing
extent only of the value agreed upon unless the parties by their power of the currency which the parties could not have
agreement have considered the piano as full payment, in which reasonably foreseen. (Unless otherwise stipulated by the parties)
case, the obligation is totally extinguished. Article 1251. Place Where Obligation shall be Paid
Article 1246. Rule of the Medium Quality. • Place designated by the parties
If the obligation consists in the delivery of a specific thing, the • Specific thing= Place where the thing was, at the
very thing due must be delivered. (Art. 1244.) perfection of the contract
If the obligation is to deliver a generic thing, the purpose of the • If the thing to be delivered is generic, the place of
obligation and other circumstances shall be taken into payment shall be the domicile of the debtor
consideration (Principle of equity). EXAMPLES:
EXAMPLE: (1) S obliged himself to deliver to B a specific refrigerator. It
S promised to deliver to B a horse. B cannot compel S to deliver a was agreed that the refrigerator shall be delivered at B's house.
price-winning race horse. Neither can S require B to accept an The house of B shall be the place of delivery.
old sickly horse. (2) If there is no agreement as to the place of delivery and
(1) If B owns a stable of race horses and horse racing is his the refrigerator was in the house of C when the parties entered
main diversion in life, which fact is known to S, and the price into contract, then the delivery shall be made at the house of C.
agreed upon is the reasonable price of a race horse, then S must But if the refrigerator was temporarily at some place (e.g. on a
deliver a race horse. ship in transit), the place of delivery shall be the domicile of S
(2) If B happens to be a calesa driver and B agreed to pay S unless otherwise stipulated.
for the horse an amount which is the reasonable price of a horse (3) If the obligation of S is to pay B a sum of money (a
for calesa, then that kind of horse may be delivered. generic thing), the place of payment is that designated in the
Article 1247. Debtor Pays for Extrajudicial Expenses. Unless obligation; otherwise, B must have to go to the house of S to
otherwise stipulated by the parties, all expenses for the receive payment. Creditor incurs the expenses incidental to such
extinguishment of the obligation shall be on the account of the collection. If S changes his domicile in bad faith or after he has
debtor who is benefited by the payment. incurred in delay, the additional expenses shall be borne by him.
Losing Party Generally Pays Judicial Costs. (par. 4.)
Judicial costs are the statutory amounts allowed to a party to an Article 1252. Meaning of Application of Payments.
action for his expenses incurred in the action. Application of payments is the designation of the debt to which
Article 1248. Performance of Obligation Should be Complete. should be applied the payment made by a debtor who has
The creditor may accept but he cannot be compelled to accept various debts of the same kind in favor of one and the same
partial performance. creditor. (Art. 1252, par. 1).
The debtor has the duty to comply with the whole of the Requisites of Application of Payments.
obligation but he cannot be required to make partial payments if
he does not wish to do so. • There must be one debtor and one creditor.
When Partial Performance Allowed. • There must be two or more debts.
(1) When there is an express stipulation to that effect, (par. • The debts must be of the same kind.
1) • The debts to which payment made by the debtor has
(2) When the debt is in part liquidated (definitely and been applied must be due.
determined or computed) and in part unliquidated, (par 2.). • The payment made must not be sufficient to cover all
(3) When the different prestations in which the obligation the debts.
consists are subject to different terms or conditions which affect Application as to Debts not yet due.
some of them. (8 Manresa 288). GENERAL RULE
Article 1249. Meaning of Legal Tender. Payment cannot be applied to obligations that are not yet due.
• Legal tender is that currency which a debtor can legally compel EXCEPTIONS
a creditor to accept in payment of a debt in money when • there is a stipulation that the debtor may so apply
tendered by the debtor in the right amount. (Black’s Law • it is made by the debtor or creditor, as the case may be,
Dictionary). for whose benefit the period has been constituted. (See Art.
Payment by Means of Instruments of Credits. 1196 and Art. 1792.)
(1) Right of creditor to refuse or accept Rules on Application of Payments.
• Promissory notes, checks, bills of exchange and other • The debtor has the first choice (debtor is given the
commercial documents are not legal tender and, therefore, the preferential right/right of choice).
creditor cannot be compelled to accept them. - When making his choice, he must indicate at that time
(2) Effect on obligation of making payment and not afterwards which particular debt is
• Payment by means of mercantile documents does not being paid.
extinguish the obligation: until they have been encashed; and - Has the responsibility to indicate the time that he was
unless they have been impaired through the fault of the creditor, making payment and which particular debt is being applied to his
(par. 2.) payment
Article 1250. Meaning of Inflation and Deflation • The right to make the application once exercised is
• Inflation is a sharp sudden increase of money or credit irrevocable unless the creditor consents to the change.
or both without a corresponding increase in business - The choice of the debtor could no longer be revoked or
transactions. changed by him, unless there is a consent of the creditor to the
(Webster’s Dictionary). change by the creditor
• Deflation is the reduction in volume and circulation of • If the debtor does not apply payment, the creditor may
the available money or credit, resulting in a decline of the make the designation by specifying in the receipt which debt is
general price level; it is the opposite of inflation. being paid.
Basis of Payment in Case of Extraordinary Inflation or Deflation. •
The purchasing value of the currency at the time of the
If the debtor accepts the receipt from the creditor, the debtor D is indebted to several creditors in the total amount of Php2
cannot complain, unless there is a just cause for invalidating the million. His assets are not sufficient to pay all his debts.
contract With the consent of his creditors, D may assign his property to
• If the creditor has not also made the application, or if them to be sold, to satisfy their credits. If the net proceeds of the
the application is not valid (par. 2), the debt, which is most sale amount only to Php1.5 million, D is still liable for the balance
onerous to the debtor among those due, shall be deemed to of Php500,000 unless there is a stipulation that the assignment
have been satisfied. (Art. 1254, par. 1.) shall be in full satisfaction of all his debts.
• If the debts due are of the same nature and burden, the Dation in Payment and Cessior Distinguished
payment shall be applied to all of them proportionately. Dation Cession
Article 1253. If the debt produces interest, payment of the There is usually only one creditor. There are several creditors.
principal shall not be deemed to have been made until the It does not presuppose the insolvency of the debtor The debtor
interests have been covered. (1173) is insolvent at the time of assignment.
- Payment of interest is ahead of the principal obligation It does not involve all the property of the debtor. it extends
- Rule is mandatory to all the property of
- Debtor cannot choose to credit his payment to the the debtor subject to execution.
principal before the interest unless the creditor agrees The creditor becomes the owner of the thing given by the
REASON- Applying the payment to the principal obligation ahead debtor. The creditors only acquire the right to sell the thing and
of the interest would be unfair/unjust to the creditor because of apply the proceeds to their credits proportionately.
the basis of the computation of his interest-bearing will be It is considered as an act of novation. it is not considered
reduced while at the same time he may remain unpaid/not fully as an act of novation.
paid of the interest that had already grown.
EXAMPLE: Article 1256. Meaning of Tender of Payment and Consignation.
D owes 10,000.00 with 1,000.00 as accrued interest. D pays C General Rule.
10,000.00. These two acts are different acts but as a general rule, they have
The 10,000.00 will first be applied to the interest earned by the to go together or be with another and cannot be separated
debt. Then the balance of 9,000.00 will be credited to the Tender of payment is the act, on the part of the debtor, of
amount. Therefore, D will still owe C 1,000.00 of the principal. offering to the creditor the thing or amount due. The debtor
Article 1254. Application of Payment to Most Onerous Debt. must show that he has in his possession the thing or money to be
• The debtor has the right to be released from a more delivered at the time of the offer. (Extrajudicial; antecedent; act
onerous obligation. preparatory to consignation)
• If the debts are of the same nature and burden, the Consignation is the act of depositing the thing or amount due
payment shall be to all of them proportionately. with the proper court when the creditor does not desire or
When a Debt More Onerous than Another. cannot receive it, after complying with the formalities required
• An interest-bearing debt is more onerous than a non- by law. (judicial; principal; from which are derived the immediate
interestbearing debt even if the latter is an older one. (Menzi & consequences which the debtor desires/seek to obtain)
Co. vs. - After debtor delivers payment and creditor does not
Quing Chuan, 69 Phil. 46.) want to receive/cannot receive/ unreasonable causes the
• A debt as a sole debtor is more onerous than as a creditor does not want to receive payment, debtor can go to
solidary debtor. (Commonwealth vs. Far Eastern Surety, 83 Phil. court and deposit the thing
305). Requisites of a Valid Consignation.
• Debts secured by a mortgage or by pledge are more • Existence of a valid debt which is due. (Art. 1256, par. 1).
onerous than unsecured debts. (Mission de San Vicente vs. • Tender of payment by the debtor and refusal without
Reyes, 19 Phil. 525; Sanz vs. Lavin Brothers, 6 Phil. 299). justifiable reason by the creditor to accept it (Ibid.).
• Of two interest bearing debts, the one with a higher rate • Previous notice of consignation to persons interested in
is more onerous. the fulfillment of the obligation (heirs/mortagagees) (Art. 1257,
• An obligation with a penalty clause is more burdensome par. 1).
than one without penalty clause. - PURPOSE. To give the creditor a chance to reflect on his
Note: If it cannot be determined which debt is most onerous, previous refusal to accept payment (all expenses of consignation
payment should be applied to all of them proportionately. shall be charged against him and in case of loss of the thing
Article 1255. Meaning of Payment by Cession. consigned, he shall bear the risk)
• Payment by cession is the assignment or abandonment • Consignation of the thing or sum due (Art. 1258, par. 1).
of all the properties of the debtor for the benefit of his creditors - Debtor will go to court to fill a case of consignation
in order that the latter may sell the same and apply the proceeds • Subsequent notice of consignation made to the
thereof to the satisfaction of their credits. (8 Manresa 321). interested parties (Ibid., par. 2).
Requisites of Payment by Cession. PURPOSE. To enable the creditor to withdraw the thing/sum
• There must be two or more creditors. deposited in case he accepts the consignation
• The debtor must be (partially) insolvent. Requirements for Valid Tender of Payment.
• The assignment must involve all the properties of the (1) Tender of payment must comply with the rules on
debtor. payment.
• The cession must be accepted by the creditors. (Arts. 1256-1258.)
Effect of Payment by Cession. - The tender, even if valid, does not by itself produce legal
• Unless there is a stipulation to the contrary, the payment, unless it is completed by consignation. (Phil. National
assignment does not make the creditors the owners of the Bank vs. Relativo, 92 Phil. 203.)
property of the debtor. The debtor is released from his obligation - Not valid if check, because it is not a legal tender
only up to the net proceeds of the sale of the property assigned (2) It must be unconditional and for the whole amount.
(Art. 1255). (Joe’s Radio Electrical Supply vs. Alto Electronics Corp., 104 Phil.
EXAMPLE: 333.)
(3) It must be actually made.
- The manifestation of a desire or intention to pay is Loss of the Thing Due
enough. (Catangcatang vs. Legayada, 84 SCRA51.) When a Thing is Considered Lost.
Tender of Payment is not required: • It is understood that a thing is lost when it perishes or
• When the creditor is absent/ unknown/ does not appear goes out of commerce or disappears in such a way that its
at the place of payment existence is unknown, or it cannot be recovered. (Art. 1189, par.
• When incapacitated to receive the payment at the time 2.)
it is due When Loss of Thing will Extinguish an Obligation to Give.
• When 2 or more persons claim the same right to collect • The obligation is to deliver a specific or determinate
(battleground in court) thing.
• When without just cause he refuses to give a receipt - Loss is due to F.E but in Mora Solvendi/delay= liable
• When the title of the obligation has been lost • The loss of the thing occurs without the fault of the
Article 1257. Consignation Must Comply with Provisions on debtor.
Payment. • The debtor is not guilty of delay
• Payment should be made in legal tender. (Art. 1249.) When Loss of Thing will Not Extinguish Liability.
• The general rule is that an offer of a bank check for the 1. When the law so provides. (Arts. 1170, 1165 [par. 3],
amount due is not a good tender and this is true even though the 1263).
check is certified or is a manager’s check. - Even if the thing is specific/ fortuitous event/ without
Article 1258. Notice to be Given to Interested Parties of the delay= not exempt from liability
Consignation made. - When the debtor promised to deliver the same thing to
• After the consignation has been made, the debtor must 2 or more persons who do not have the same interest (Art.
notify all interested parties of the fact of consignation. 1165)
Purpose of notice: 2. When the stipulation so provides.
• To enable the creditor to withdraw the thing or sum 3. When the nature of the obligation requires the
deposited in case he accepts the consignation. assumption of risk. (par. 2; see Art. 1174).
Article 1259. Creditor Bears Expenses of Consignation. - Nature= debtor assumes risk
• Expenses in effecting consignation should be charged to - Contract of insurance
the creditor. 4. When the obligation to deliver a specific thing arises
Note: If the consignation is not properly made, expenses shall be from a crime, (see Art. 1268)
charged to the account of the debtor. - When debt proceeds to a criminal offense and the
When Consignation Deemed Properly Made. specific thing was lost because of fortuitous event
• When the creditor accepts the thing or sum deposited, - Yung carabao na ninakaw tapos namatay dahil sa F.E
without objection, as payment of the obligation. (Art. liable pa rin
1260, par. 2.)
• When the creditor questions the validity of the ART. 1263. In an obligation to deliver a generic thing, the loss or
consignation, and the court, after hearing, declares that it has destruction of anything of the same kind does not extinguish the
been properly made (Ibid.) obligation
• When the creditor neither accepts nor questions the Based on the principle of genum nunquam perit (genus never
validity of the consignation, and the court after hearing, orders perishes)
the cancellation of the obligation. (Art. 1260, par. Effect of Loss of a Generic Thing
1; Salaria vs. Buenviaje, 81 SCRA722; Ponce de Leon vs. S. • The debtor is still liable even for a fortuitous event
Syjuico, Inc., 90 Phil. 311). because the law says so.
Article 1260. Withdrawal by Debtor of Thing or Surety Deposited. • The debtor can still be compelled to deliver a thing of
• The observance of all the requisites of consignation operates as the same kind
a valid payment; hence, the debtor can move for the cancellation •The creditor, however, cannot demand a thing of superior
of the obligation by the court. quality.
The debtor may withdraw the thing or sum deposited under the • The debtor cannot deliver a thing of inferior quality.
following circumstances:
- Before the creditor has accepted the consignation. - EXAMPLE:
Before a judicial declaration that the consignation has been (1) S promised to deliver 100 cavans of rice to B. The 100
properly made as he is still the owner of the same. In such case, cavans of rice which S intended to deliver were lost in a flood. S
the obligation shall continue to remain in force and all expenses is liable to B because his obligation is to deliver a generic thing,
are paid by the creditor. and it can still be paid from other sources.
Effect of Withdrawal with Authority of Creditor. - If the creditor (2) Suppose the obligation of S is to deliver 100 cavans of
authorized the debtor to withdraw the amount or thing rice from the harvest made by him and such harvest is
consigned, the creditor shall lose every preference which he may completely lost or destroyed, is the obligation extinguished?
have over the thing. Yes, because the rice stipulated to be delivered is confined to a
- The co-debtors, guarantors, and sureties shall be particular class and may thus be considered a determinate thing.
released. Loss of The Thing Due. ART. 1264 The courts shall determine whether, under the
Article 1262. An obligation which consists in the delivery of a circumstances, the partial loss of the object of the obligation is so
determinate thing shall be extinguished if it should be lost or important as to extinguish the obligation.
destroyed without the fault of the debtor, and before he has Effect of Partial Loss of a Specific Thing.
incurred in delay. • There is partial loss when only a portion of the thing is
When by law or stipulation, the obligor is liable even for lost or destroyed or when it suffers depreciation or deterioration.
fortuitous events, the loss of the thing does not extinguish the • Partial loss is the equivalent of difficulty of performance
obligation, and he shall be responsible for damages. The same in obligations to do. (Art. 1267.)
rule applies when the nature of the obligation requires the In case of partial loss, the court is given the discretion in case of
assumption of risk. disagreement between the parties, to determine whether under
the circumstances it is so important in relation to the whole as to ART. 1267 When the service has become so difficult as to be
extinguish the obligation manifestly beyond the contemplation of the parties, the obligor
may also be released therefrom, in whole or in part
EXAMPLE: Effect of Difficulty of Performance.
S obliged himself to deliver to B a specific race horse. The horse When the performance of the service has become so difficult as
met an accident because of which it suffered a broken leg. The to be manifestly beyond the contemplation of both parties, the
injury is permanent. Here, the partial loss is so important as to court is authorized to release the obligor in whole or in part.
extinguish the obligation
If the loss is due to the fault of S, he shall be obliged to pay the
value of the horse with indemnity for damages. If the horse to be EXAMPLE:
delivered is to be slaughtered by B, the injury is clearly not D agreed to construct a road near a mountain. A very strong
important. Even if there was fault with A, he can still deliver the typhoon caused an avalanche making the construction of the
horse with liability for damages, if any, suffered by B road dangerous to human lives which was not foreseen or
ART. 1265 Whenever the thing is lost in the possession of the contemplated by the parties. In this case, D may be released, in
debtor, it shall be presumed that the loss was due to his fault, whole or in part, from his obligation to continue with the
unless there is proof to the contrary, and without prejudice to construction.
the provisions of Article 1165. This presumption does not apply ART. 1268 When the debt of a thing certain and determinate
in case of earthquake, flood, storm or other natural calamity proceeds from a criminal offense, the debtor shall not be
- The debtor is presumed to be at fault when the thing is exempted from the payment of its price, whatever may be the
lost while it is in his possession; presupposes that the loss was cause for the loss, unless the thing having been offered by him to
due to the negligence of the debtor (can still be disputed/given the person who should receive it, the latter refused without
evidence) justification to accept it. (1185)
REASON. There is presumption since the debtor has the custody EXAMPLE:
and care of the thing and he can easily explain the circumstances D stole the jeep of C. Here, D has the obligation to return the
of the loss jeep to C. The obligation of D arises from an act punishable by
EXCEPTION. When Presumption not Applicable. law. (Art. 1157.) Even if the jeep is destroyed without the fault of
• “ In case of natural calamities, the presumption of fault D, he shall be liable for the payment of its price. The exception to
does not apply. Lack of fault on the part of the debtor is more the rule is when C is in mora accipiendi= debtor is exempted
likely. from liability. (see Art. 1169.) In either case, D is liable if the loss
So it is unjust to presume negligence on his part.” (Report of the is due to his fault.
Code Commission, p. 133.) ART. 1269 The obligation having been extinguished by the loss of
• When the obligor who is not at fault is still liable in case, the thing, the creditor shall have all the rights of action which the
he is guilty of delay debtor may have against third person by reason of the loss.
• When the debtor has promised to deliver the same Right of Creditor to Proceed against Third Persons.
thing to 2 or more persons who does not have the same interest • The creditor is given the right to proceed against the third
= DAMAGES EXAMPLES: person responsible for the loss.
(1) D borrowed the car of C. On the due date of the obligation, D EXAMPLE:
told C that the car was stolen and that he was not at fault. That is S is obliged to deliver to B a specific horse. The horse is lost
not enough to extinguish D’s obligation. It is presumed that the through the fault of T. The obligation of S is extinguished and he
loss was due to his fault. Hence, he is liable unless he proves the is not liable to B. Such being the case, S would not be interested
contrary. in going after T. The law, however, protects B by giving him the
ART. 1266 The debtor in obligations to do shall also be released right to bring an action against T to recover the price of the horse
when the prestation becomes legally or physically impossible with damages
without the fault of the obligor. Condonation or Remission of Debt
Effect of Impossibility of Performance. ART. 1270. Condonation or remission is essentially gratuitous and
• The impossibility of performance will result in the requires the acceptance by the obligor. It may be made expressly
extinction of the obligation. or impliedly. One and the other kind shall be subject to the rules
• If the obligation is impossible from the very beginning, which govern inofficious donations. Express condonation shall,
the obligation is void, (see Arts. 1183, 1348). furthermore, comply with the forms of donation
Kinds of Impossibility. Meaning of Condonation or Remission
(1) Physical impossibility- in purely personal obligations when the • Condonation or remission is the gratuitous abandonment by
personal qualifications of the obligor are involved (physically the creditor of his right against the debtor. (4 Roman 422). It is
incapacitated) thus, a form of donation.
EXAMPLE: Requisites of Condonation or Remission.
D obliged himself to paint a picture for C to be finished within a 1. It must be gratuitous.
month. One week after the obligation was constituted, D met an - No strings attached, not onerous
accident, as a result of which, his arms were amputated. 2. It must be accepted by the obligor.
3. The parties must have capacity.
Here, the obligation of D has become physically impossible. D is, 4. It must not be inofficious.
therefore, released from his obligation. - When it impairs the legitime
(2) Legal Impossibility- obligation cannot be performed because it 5. If made expressly, it must comply with the forms of
is rendered impossible by provision of the law EXAMPLE: donations.
D agreed to construct a commercial building for C. The Kinds of Remission.
government refused to issue a building permit because the area As to its extent
has been declared by law as a residential zone. The obligation of 1. Complete - when it covers the entire obligation.
D is, therefore, extinguished because it has become legally 2. Partial - when it does not cover the entire obligation.
impossible. Here, the performance of the prestation is directly
prohibited by law. As to its form
1. Express – when it is made either verbally or in writing.
2. Implied - when it can only be inferred from conduct. REASON/BASIS:
(1)The law treats confusion or merger as a mode of extinguishing
an obligation because if a debtor is his own creditor,
enforcement of the obligation becomes absurd
As to its date of effectivity (illogical/meaningless) since a person cannot claim payment from
1. Inter vivos - when it will take effect during the lifetime himself.
of the donor. (2) Furthermore, when there is confusion of rights, the purposes
2. Mortis causa - when it will become effective upon the for which the obligation may have been created are deemed
death of the donor. realized.

Effect of Inofficious Remission. Requisites:

• As a rule, no one can give more than that which he can give by 1. It must take place between the principal debtor and
will; otherwise, the excess shall be inofficious and shall be creditor.
reduced by the court accordingly. 2. It must be complete
- LEGITIME- is the part of the testator’s property which he
cannot dispose of because the law has reserved it for certain EXAMPLE:
heirs who are therefore called compulsory heirs
ART. 1271 The delivery of a private document evidencing a A owes B 1,000.00, for which he executed a negotiable
credit, made voluntarily by the creditor to the debtor, implies the promissory note in favor of B. B indorsed the note to C who, in
renunciation of the action (prima facie/rebuttable) which the turn, indorsed it to D. Now D bought goods from the store of A.
former had against the latter. Instead of paying cash, D indorsed the promissory note to A.
If in order to nullify this waiver it should be claimed to be
inofficious, the debtor and his heirs may uphold it by proving that Here, A owes himself. Consequently, his obligation is
the delivery of the document was made in virtue of payment of extinguished by merger.
the debt.
Presumption in case of voluntary delivery of document of ART. 1276. Merger which takes place in the person of the
indebtedness by creditor. principal debtor or creditor benefits the guarantors. Confusion
(1) Presumption of implied remission which takes place in the person of any of the latter does not
(2) Contrary evidence extinguish the obligation.
(3) Extent of remission • Merger in the person of the principal debtor or creditor
(4) Presumption applicable only to private document extinguishes the obligation.
• Hence, the accessory obligation of guaranty is also
extinguished in accordance with the principle that the accessory
follows the principal.
ART. 1272 Whenever the private document in which the debt
appears is found in the possession of the debtor, it shall be EXAMPLE:
presumed that the creditor delivered it voluntarily, unless the A is indebted to B with C as guarantor. The merger of the
contrary is proved. (1189) characters of debtor and creditor in A shall free C from liability as
EXAMPLE: guarantor. Similarly, merger which takes place in the person of B
D owes C 1,000.00 evidenced by a promissory note. The note, benefits C because the extinction of the principal obligation
signed by D, is given to C. If the promissory note is voluntarily carries with it that of the accessory obligation of guaranty.
delivered to D, the presumption is that the debt must have been
paid by D. If it is known that D has not yet paid C, it must be Effect of merger in the person of guarantor.
presumed that the obligation has been remitted by C. (Art. The extinguishment of the accessory obligation does not carry
1271.) with it that of the principal obligation. Consequently, merger
Suppose it is not known how D came into possession of the which takes place in the person of the guarantor, while it
promissory note. The presumption is that it was voluntarily extinguishes the guaranty, leaves the principal obligation in
delivered by C, unless C proves the contrary. (Art. 1272.) force.
ART. 1273 The renunciation of the principal debt shall extinguish - Creditor to guarantor= the guarantor becomes the
the accessory obligations; but the waiver of the latter shall leave creditor
the former in force. (1190)
D owes C 1,000.00 with G as guarantor. The principal debt here is Suppose, in the example above, B assigns his credit to D, who, in
the 1,000.00, while the accessory obligation is the guaranty of G. turn, assigns the credit to C, the guarantor. In this case, the
The remission of the debt of D by C shall extinguish the guaranty contract of guaranty is extinguished. However, A’s obligation to
of G. But if only the guaranty of G is condoned, the obligation of pay the principal obligation subsists. C now, as the new creditor,
D shall remain in force. can demand payment from A.
Confusion or Merger of Rights
Art. 1275 The obligation is extinguished from the time the
characters of creditor and debtor are merged in the same ART. 1278. Compensation shall take place when two persons, in
person. (1192a) their own right, are creditors and debtors of each other. (1195)

Confusion/Merger- The meeting in one person of the qualities of Compensation is the extinguishment to the concurrent amount
creditor and debtor with respect to the same obligation. of the debts of two persons who, in their own right, are
reciprocally principal debtors and creditors of each other.
• Prevent unnecessary lawsuits/cases that may be filed in court case because of the lack of identity of the kind and quality of the
through the mutual extinction by operation of law in existing in rice due.
concurrent debts. (quits)
(3) The two debts are due and demandable.
EXAMPLE: - the time of payment has arrived, or conditions have
been fulfilled
A owes B the amount of P1,000.00. B owes A the amount of - it is not required/necessary that the debts have the
P700.00. Both debts are due and payable today. Here same due date, it is enough that both debts are due. -a
compensation takes place partially, that is, to the concurrent debt is demandable if it can be collected through court
amount of P700.00. So, A shall be liable to B for only P300.00. (prescribed/illegal= not demandable)
(partial compensation)
If the two debts are of the same amount, there is total (1) A owes B P10,000 due today. B owes A P10,000 payable
compensation. (Art. 1281.) The two debts are extinguished due two weeks from today. Legal compensation will not take
without actual transfer of money between the parties place because only the debt of A is due which is today.

Compensation Confusion If A has not paid his debt after two weeks, legal compensation
Number of can take place because both debts are due.
Creditors/Debtors Two persons involved, each of whom
is a debtor and creditor of the other Only one person (2) A owes B, P20,000. B owes A, 20,000. B’s debt to A has
who is creditor and debtor of himself already prescribed, the right to collect on the part of B has
Number of already prescribed through lapse of time. Legal compensation
Obligations Two obligations One obligation will not take place because it is no longer demandable by reason
Payment Indirect Payment Impossibility of prescription.

Kinds of Compensation: (4) The two debts are liquidated.

- the amount is fixed or can be computed using simple
(1) By its effect or extent: arithmetical process
(a) Total. — when both obligations are of the same amount
and are entirely extinguished (Art. 1281.); or EXAMPLE:
(b) Partial. — when the two obligations are of different (1) A owes B, 20,000. B owes A, 5% of the net profits of his share
amounts and a balance remains. (Ibid.) The extinctive effect of in the business based on the audited financial statements.
compensation will be partial only as regards the larger debt. (2) However, the audit is still going on. Legal compensation will not
happen because the debt of B to A is still unliquidated.
(2) By its cause or origin:
(a) Legal. — when it takes place by operation of law when (5) No retention or controversy has been commenced by a third
all the requisites are present even without the knowledge person. (negative requisite)
of the parties (Arts. 1279, 1290.); - retention= the credit of one of the parties is subject to the
satisfaction of the claims of a third person
Requisites (ART. 1279): -controversy= if when a third person claims he is a
creditor of one of the parties
(1) The parties are principal creditors and principal debtors of -either of them, any of them of the two obligations= The
each other. retention or controversy commenced by a third person must be
-each one of the obligors be bound principally and at the same communicated “in due time’’ to the debtor.
time be a principal creditor of the other.
(a) A owes B P10,000.00. B owes A P10,000.00. Compensation (1) A owes B P10,000.00. B owes A P10,000.00. B also owes C
will take place because A and B are principal debtors and P10,000.00. C causes the garnishment of the credit of B against A
creditors of each other. and notifies A not to pay B P10,000.00 as C has a better right to
(2) Both debts consist in a sum of money, or of consumable the said amount.
things (fungible/capable of substitution) of the same kind and
quality B may not owe C but the latter claims that he and not B is the
creditor of A. In this case, compensation cannot take place
EXAMPLE: between A and in view of a controversy commenced by C, a third
A owes B a cellphone. B also owes A a cellphone. The obligation
is extinguished by legal compensation even if it is not In the meantime, the compensation is suspended. If C loses the
consumable because it is a fungible thing. (Specific cellphones= case, compensation shall be deemed to have taken place as of
no compensation because the things due are not replaceable) the date the requisites for legal compensation concurred.

A obliged himself to deliver to B 10 sacks of rice while B obliged (2) A owes B, 10 sacks of milagrosa rice, which is stored in the
himself to deliver to A 10 sacks of corn. Compensation will not warehouse of A. Now, C owes A, 10 sacks of milagrosa rice. T, a
also take place because the things due are not of the same kind. third person sued A to recover the 10 sacks of milagrosa rice
stored in A’s warehouse because they were allegedly stolen by A.
A owes B 10 sacks of milagroso rice. B owes A any 10 sacks of
sinandomeng rice. There can be no legal compensation in this
Legal compensation cannot take place because the debt of A is The contract between A and T is known as assignment, with B
subject to a legal controversy, that should not be the case that known as the assignor and T as the assignee. A will have to make
legal compensation can take place. the payment to T because the right of B is already transferred to
(b) Conventional or voluntary. — when it takes place by
agreement of the parties (Art. 1282.); • When compensation takes effect by operation of law or
-an exception to the general rule that only debts which automatically, the debts are extinguished to the concurrent
are due and demandable can be compensated. -Voluntary amount. (Art. 1290.)
or conventional compensation includes any compensation which
takes place by agreement of the parties even if all the requisites • If subsequently, the extinguished debt is assigned by the
for legal compensation are not present -It has no special creditor to a third person, the debtor can raise the defense of
requisites. compensation with respect to the debt.
- It is sufficient that the contract of the parties, which declares
the compensation, is valid. • The remedy of the assignee is against the assignor

(c) Judicial. — when it takes place by order from a court in a • It is well-settled that the rights of the assignee are not
litigation. (Art. 1283.) any greater than the rights of the assignor since the assignee is
-Strictly speaking, judicial compensation is merely a form of legal merely substituted in the place of the assignor.
or voluntary compensation when declared by the courts by
virtue of an action by one of the parties, who refuses to admit it, EXAMPLE:
and by the defense of the other who invokes it (8 (1) Compensation before assignment
Manresa 403.); - if he consents to the assignment before it was
-A party may set off his claim for damages against his obligation made/subsequently , he can no longer raise the defense of
to the other party by proving his right to said damages and the compensation = no compensation.
amount thereof.
A owes B 3,000 due yesterday. B owes A 1,000 due also
(1) A owes B, 50,000. B sued A for collection. One week yesterday. Both debts are extinguished up to the amount of
after A was sued, B through negligence rammed his jeep in the 1,000. Hence, A still owes B 2,000 today. If B assigns his right to
parked car of A which caused scratches. A can claim damages for C, the latter can collect only 2,000 from A.
the scratches in his car. A pleads damage in counterclaim and can
prove that it was due to the wrongful act of B and the amount However, if A gave his consent to the assignment before it was
thereof. The court may order the offsetting of the amount of A’s made or subsequently, A loses the right to set up the defense of
debt to B. compensation.

(2) A owes B, 50,000. When B went to the house of A, A was So, A will be liable to C for 3,000 but can still collect 1,000 owed
hesitant to pay his obligation. Out of anger, B threw in front of by B. In other words, the compensation shall be deemed not to
the face A, the most precious antique jars in the house of A, have taken place.
which cost 50,000. A sued B for damages aside from criminal
action. The amount of loan and amount of damages which
respect to the jar is the same. (2) Assignment with the consent of debtor.
- if the debtor reserved his right to compensation=
The court can order the offsetting of the amount of debt of A to B compensation will take place
with respect to the amount of damages which A is claiming - the debtor consents= no compensation EXAMPLE:
against B with virtue of the antique jar.
A owes B P3,000.00 due November 15. B owes A P1,000.00 due
(d) Facultative. — when it can be set up only by one of the November 15. B assigned his right to C on November 1 with the
parties. (see Arts. 1287, par. 1; 1288.) consent of A.
- one of the parties can set up or has the right to claim or
oppose compensation On November 15, A cannot set up against C, the assignee, the
compensation which would pertain to him against B, the
Art. 1285 Where Compensation has Taken Place After assignor.
- Identify if the compensation has happened/took place In other words, A is liable to C for P3,000.00 but he can still
before the assignment collect the P1,000.00 debt of B.
- assignment of credits; a contract whereby a person However, if A, while consenting to the assignment, reserved his
(assignor) transfers his right/credit/actions against a third person right to the compensation, he would be liable only for P2,000.00
to another to C
person (assignee), certain in money or its equivalent/gratuitous
(2) Assignment with the knowledge but without the consent of
EXAMPLE: debtor
- without his consent= compensation
A owes B, 10,000. The debt is evidenced by promissory note - not yet due/demandable/ not matured= no
executed by A, payable to B. B assigns the note to T, with the compensation
notice to A.
• Similarly, a depositor has every right to set-off his
A owes B P1,000.00 due November 1. B owes A P2,000.00 money deposit with a bank against the loans he had obtained
due November 10. A owes B P1,000.00 due November 15 (not from said bank.
yet due, cannot be compensation). A assigned his right to C on
November 12. A notified B but the latter did not give his consent EXAMPLE:
to the assignment.
A deposited his money in a bank, 100,000. A contract of loan is
How much can C collect from B? made and legal compensation can take place because it is not a
B can set up the compensation of debts on November 10 contract of deposit.
which was before the cession on November 12. (par. 2.) There
being partial compensation, the assignment is valid only up to A has a loan, the bank can claim compensation and has the right
the amount of P1,000.00. to set-off deposits that you have in the bank against
loan/indebtness which you owe the bank.
But B cannot raise the defense of compensation with respect to
the debt of A due on November 15 which has not yet matured. A can also claim compensation, by saying, “I have a deposit in
So, on November 12, B is liable to C for P1,000.00. Come your bank, and I have a loan, so we can have compensation
November 15, A will be liable for his debt of P1,000.00 to B. and you can set off it to my loans in your bank”

(3) Assignment without the knowledge of the debtor. - without EXAMPLE:

the knowledge= compensation before and after the assignment
(1) A who deposited 50 cavans of rice with B. Later, A
EXAMPLE: borrowed 50 cavans of rice from B, payable on January 5, 2022. If
on January 5, 2022, A demands the return of 50 cavans of rice he
In the preceding example, let us suppose that the assignment deposited B.
was made without the knowledge of B who learned of the
assignment only on November 16. In this case, B can set up the Can B claim compensation on the ground that A owes him 50
compensation of credits before and after the assignment. cavans of rice?
- Depositary cannot claim for compensation
ART. 1287-1288 Instances When Legal Compensation is not
Allowed by Law. No, because the obligation of B to return 50 cavans of rice arises
from a contract of deposit where legal compensation is not
ART. 1287. Compensation shall not be proper when one of the allowed. B is required to return to A the 50 cavans of rice
debts arises from a depositum or from the obligations of a deposited by A.
depositary or of a bailee in commodatum.
Can B demand the delivery of the rice which A owes him and
Neither can compensation be set up against a creditor who has a after which, A may claim compensation?
claim for support due by gratuitous title, without prejudice to the - Depositor can claim for compensation
provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 301.
Yes, it is now the debtor which is claiming for compensation.
ART. 1288. Neither shall there be compensation if one of the Where A can say that it has already been compensated with the
debts consist in civil liability arising from a penal offense. 50 cavans of rice which he deposited to B.

- Legal compensation is not allowed by law (2) A owes B P1,000.00. B, in turn, owes A the amount of
- Apply in cases whereby only one party has the right to P1,000.00 representing the value of a ring deposited by A with B,
claim or oppose the compensation (facultative compensation; which B failed to return.
takes because legal compensation
cannot take place) In this case, B, who is the depositary, cannot claim legal
compensation even if A fails to pay his obligation. The remedy of
1. Where one of the debts arises from a depositum. B is to file an action against A for the recovery of the amount of
DEPOSIT- a person receives a thing belonging to another with the
obligation of safely keeping and returning the same 2. Where one of the debts arises from a commodatum.

• A bank deposit is not a depositum as defined above. It is Commodatum is a gratuitous contract whereby one of the
really a loan contract which creates the relationship of debtor parties delivers to another something not consumable so that
and creditor. the latter may use the same for a certain time and return it.
• Legal compensation can take place.
• Money is not kept safely by the bank (safekeeping) but The purpose is for use by the person who received the thing
used in other purposes, and so it is not the money that you while having the obligation to return the same thing.
deposited that the bank would return later.
• The bank is not obliged to keep the money safely and The lender that lends the non-consumable thing may claim or
give the same money which you deposited (not the same serial oppose compensation, but this not true for the borrower.
• As a general rule, a bank has a right of set-off of the Borrower is not allowed to claim compensation, but lender can
deposits in its hands for the payment of any indebtedness to it claim for compensation/setting off because it will breach trust
on the part of a depositor. and confidence.
(4) Where one of the debts consists in civil liability arising from a
EXAMPLE: penal offense
A is obliged to give B a specific cellphone. Later, B borrowed from - offender is not allowed to claim compensation, but the
A the same cellphone, that A is obliged to give to B. If A demands offended party can claim/oppose compensation.
the return of the cellphone that B borrowed.
REASON: satisfaction of such obligation is imperative
The obligation of B is to return it, and he cannot claim
compensation on the ground that A owes him the cellphone, EXAMPLE:
because his obligation to return arises from a contract of A owes B P1,000.00. B stole the ring of A worth P1,000.00. Here,
commodatum. compensation by B is not proper.

If B demands the delivery of the cellphone that A owes him, A But A, the offended party, can claim the right of compensation.
may claim compensation.
The prohibition in Article 1288 pertains only to the accused but
(3) Where one of the debts arises from a claim for support due not to the victim of the crime
by gratuitous title.

Support comprises everything that is indispensable for

sustenance, dwelling, clothing, medical attendance, education
and transportation, in keeping with the financial capacity of the
family. (Art. 194, Family Code [Exec. Order No. 194].)

REASON: the right to support is essential to the life of the receipt.

- The party who is entitled to receive support can

claim/oppose any compensation. However, this is not true for
the person who is required to give support.
- EXCEPTION: Support in arrears maybe compensated
• Because even if such support was not given to the party who is
entitled to receive support, he already managed to survive.

W filed for annulment against H, and after trial and hearing, and
H was ordered by the court to give monthly support of 50,000
payable every first day of the month to W.

February 1, W demanded for support (future support), but H

refused claiming that W owes him 50,000 which is already due.

Is H contention argument tenable?

No, because the party who is required to give support cannot
claim for compensation for the amount W owed him.

If H demands the payment for 10,000, can W claim for

Yes, it is her own option as the person who is entitled to receive

Support in arrears
H did not give support for the month of January, and it is already

If the wife demands the payment for support, may H claim

compensation on the ground that W owed him 50,000 which is
already due?

Yes, because it is already support in arrears. Both parties may

claim compensation if the support due is support in arrears.

On the part of W, she cannot oppose the compensation being

claimed by H, because even if H did not give support for 2
months W somehow managed to survive even without the
support of H.

In conclusion, the compensation claimed by H is allowed.

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