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1. Consider the subnet masks - For the subnet mask, find:
a. Number of hosts per subnet
b. Number of subnets if the subnet mask belongs to class A
c. Number of subnets if the subnet mask belongs to class B
d. Number of subnets if the subnet mask belongs to class C
e. Number of subnets if total 10 bits are used for the network ID
2. Given that an IP Address is- Determine
a. The class
b. The Network IP address
c. The broadcast IP address
d. The default subnet mask
e. The number of bits that represent the Network


MATRIC NO: 14/52HA138
CSC 805 - Computer Network

1. List and explain

a. Five Advantages
b. Five Disadvantages of circuit and pocket switches.

Circuit Switching
Circuit switching is a networking method used to establish dedicated connections between
devices for communication.

1. Guaranteed Bandwidth: Once a connection is established, you have a dedicated
amount of bandwidth for your communication, leading to consistent data transfer
2. Low Latency: There's minimal delay in communication as the dedicated path is
already set up. This is ideal for real-time applications like voice calls.
3. Simpler Technology: Circuit switching is a well-established technology, making it
easier to implement and manage.
4. Error-Free Transmission: Data travels along a dedicated path, reducing the chance of
errors or data loss.
5. Prioritization: In some cases, circuit switching allows for prioritizing certain types of
traffic, ensuring critical communication gets bandwidth.
1. Inefficient Bandwidth Use: When not actively transmitting data, the dedicated
bandwidth is wasted. This can be a problem for bursty data transfer like web
2. Scalability Issues: As the number of users increases, providing dedicated connections
for everyone becomes difficult and expensive.
3. Connection Setup Time: Setting up a dedicated connection takes time, which can be a
drawback for short-lived communications.
4. Limited Flexibility: Once a connection is established, it's not easy to change
bandwidth allocation or reroute data.
5. Cost: Maintaining dedicated connections for each user can be expensive for service
Pocket Switches
Pocket switches are physical switches you might find on various electronic devices.
Pocket switches don't have inherent advantages or disadvantages. Their function depends on
the device and the circuit they control. For instance, a pocket switch on a flashlight might
simply turn it on or off, while a switch on a complex electronic device might control various
1. Convenience and Control: Pocket switches provide a simple and intuitive way to
control a device's function. With a single press, you can turn something on or off, adjust
settings, or trigger specific actions.
2. Durability: Pocket switches are often built to withstand repeated use. They're a
reliable way to interact with a device compared to touchscreens or other interfaces
that might be more prone to wear and tear.
3. Tactile Feedback: Unlike touchscreens, pocket switches provide physical
confirmation of your action. The click or movement of the switch gives you a sense of
control and lets you know your input has been registered.
4. Accessibility: Pocket switches offer an alternative for users with motor skill
limitations or those who prefer physical controls. They can be easier to use than
touchscreens or small buttons.
5. Lower Power Consumption: In some cases, pocket switches might require less power
compared to constantly lit displays or touchscreens. This can be an advantage for
battery-powered devices.

1. Limited Functionality: Pocket switches are typically single-purpose and can only
control one or a few specific functions on a device. This can be limiting compared to
interfaces like touchscreens that offer a wider range of controls.
2. Bulk and Size: Pocket switches take up physical space on a device, which can be a
disadvantage for small or portable electronics. They might also make the device less
sleek or ergonomic.
3. Prone to Physical Damage: Pocket switches can be susceptible to physical damage
from drops, impacts, or dust/debris getting lodged in the mechanism. A broken switch
can render the controlled function unusable.
4. Complexity in Design: While seemingly simple, incorporating pocket switches
requires careful design considerations. They need to be integrated into the device's
casing while maintaining functionality and waterproofing (if applicable).
5. Limited Customization: Unlike software interfaces, pocket switches typically offer
little to no customization. The function they control is predetermined, which might not
be ideal for users who prefer personalized control schemes.
2 For subnet masks,
a. The number of usable hosts is 62

b. Number of subnets if the subnet mask belongs to class A:

The subnet mask cannot belong to a Class A network. It falls within
the Class C network range. Class C (192-223) -
Since Class A has 8 network bits by default, and this subnet mask has 26 network bits,
we've added 18 bits (26 - 8) for subnetting. So, there are 2^18 = 262,144 subnets

c. Number of subnets if the subnet mask belongs to Class B:

Class B has 16 network bits by default, and we've added 10 bits (26 - 16) for
subnetting. So, there are 2^10 = 1024 subnets.

d. Number of subnets if the subnet mask belongs to Class C:

Class C has 24 network bits by default, and we've added 2 bits (26 - 24) for subnetting.
Thus, there are 2^2 = 4 subnets.

e. Number of subnets if total 10 bits are used for the network ID:
If 10 bits are used for the network ID, then there are 2^10 = 1024 subnets.

3. Given that an IP Address is- Determine

a. The IP address belongs to class B.

IP addresses are classified into different classes based on the first octet (the first
number) of the IP address. Class B addresses typically range from to

b. Since no CIDR subnet mask was provided, we can assume a default /32 mask for a
single host. In this case, the network address will be the same as the IP address itself.

c. The network address of with a /32 mask is

d. In a subnet, the broadcast address represents the last address assignable to devices
within that subnet. It serves the purpose of sending messages to all devices on the
subnet simultaneously.

The broadcast address for the IP address with a default /32 subnet mask
is 65464.65305.65310.65284/32.

e. Class B IP addresses typically use a default subnet mask of (/16).

For a Class B IP address like, the default subnet mask is typically (/16). This subnet mask translates to a binary representation of

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