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Lyceum Northwestern University

Dagupan City, Pangasinan

Alcaparas, Christine D.

De Guzman, Jocelyn Mhay

Soriano, Iris Faye P. Zyra Mejia



Identify and demonstrate the Psychology and its different factors to be considered in
constructing instructional materials.


Power Point Presentation

Soft Copy



The students will be required to study everything they can about the wide range of human
experiences. You'll develop the ability to distinguish between the various personality types, each
of which has benefits and drawbacks. This information will increase your capacity for empathy
and help you comprehend a variety of viewpoints.


Instructional materials are the tools used in educational lessons, which includes active
learning and assessment. Basically, any resource a teacher uses to help him teach his students
is an instructional material.

Instructional materials serve as a channel between the teacher and the students in
delivering instructions. They may also serve as the motivation on the teaching-learning process.
It is use to get the attention of the students and eliminate boredom.

Instructional material is introduced to help the learner to understand the topic. A teacher
can teach a topic without instructional material and the learners will understand to a
considerably high degree. Using the instructional material is to enhance effective understanding
of the topic within a short time.

The Self as Cognitive

-The Self as Cognitive Utilizing one's abilities and learning more about oneself and the
environment around us is an important part of cognitive self-care. By continually educating
and testing themselves, those who engage in cognitive self-care foster a state of mind
conducive to personal development.

By William James and Me Self and It Self

- How people define themselves in relation to others greatly influences how they think, feel, and
behave, and is ultimately related to the construct of identity. Self-development is a continuous
process throughout the lifespan; one’s sense of self may change, at least somewhat, throughout
one’s life. Self-representation has important implications for socio-emotional functioning
throughout the lifespan.

Global Vs Differentiated Models

-Global - Refers to the value that a person places on himself or herself.

- Differentiated Self - Refers to your ability to separate your own feelings and thoughts from

Real and Ideal Self Concepts

-Real self The REAL SELF is who we actually are. It is how we think, how we feel, look and act.
The real self can be seen by others, but because we have no way of truly knowing how others
view’s us, the real self is our self- image.

-The IDEAL SELF is how we want to be .It is an idealized image that we have developed over
time, based on what we have learned and experienced. The ideal self could include
components of what our parent have taught us, what we admire in others, what our society
promotes, and what we think is in our best interest.

Multiple and Verses and Unified selves

Unified self- The self is sometimes understood as a unified being essentially connected to
consciousness, awareness, and agency. Agency: The sense of agency, or sense of control, is
the subjective awareness of initiating, executing, and controlling one's own volitional actions in
the world.

Multiple self- multiple self-model in which the individual is assumed to have two or more selves
each having its own preference

True Vs False Self

- The true self refers to a sense of self based on authentic experience, and the feeling of being
truly present and alive. And it is defined as the cognitive schema representing those aspects of
the self that are considered, by the person to be most emblematic of his or her true nature.

- The false self is a defensive façade, behind which the person can feel empty, its behaviors
being learn and controlled rather than spontaneous and genuine.

Self as Proactive and Agentive

Proactive self-is a personality characteristic which has implications for motivation and
is belief in rich potential of changes that can made to improve oneself or one’s environment.
This includes values such as resourcefulness, responsibility, values and vision.

Agentive/Agentic self- is define as the aspect of human personality that is determined by

future assessments of one’s goals, objectives and action. A unified agentic self is composed of
different cognitive components that influence the overall personality and future aspirations of

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