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Subcellular Transcriptomics and Proteomics:

A Comparative Methods Review
Josie A. Christopher, Aikaterini Geladaki, Charlotte S. Dawson, Owen L. Vennard, and Kathryn S. Lilley

Correspondence Graphical Abstract

In Brief
The interior of the cell is
molecularly crowded. Its
compartmentalization within
organelles enables the regulation
of biochemical processes and
allows multifunctionality of
proteins and RNAs. Subcellular
information can thus give
insights into the function of these
biomolecules. Multiple
techniques to measure such
information have been
established, with ever-increasing
throughput and sensitivity.
These techniques are covered in
this review, and demonstrating
their application is providing
valuable insights into cellular
biology, such as aiding our
understanding of single-cell
heterogeneity and
posttranslational modifications.

• Subcellular information of protein and RNA give insights into molecular function.
• This review discusses strategies available to measure subcellular information.
• Hybridization of methods shows promise for exploring the composition of organelles.
• Advances are aiding understanding of the organisation and dynamics of cells.

2022, Mol Cell Proteomics 21(2), 100186

© 2021 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier Inc on behalf of American Society for Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (

Subcellular Transcriptomics and Proteomics:

A Comparative Methods Review
Josie A. Christopher1,2 , Aikaterini Geladaki1,3 , Charlotte S. Dawson1,2,
Owen L. Vennard1,2, and Kathryn S. Lilley1,2,*

The internal environment of cells is molecularly crowded, Translation of mRNA at the coded protein's functional site,
which requires spatial organization via subcellular com- rather than at a singular canonical and/or punctate location, is
partmentalization. These compartments harbor specific clearly demonstrated within polarized cells, such as neurons
conditions for molecules to perform their biological func- or intestinal epithelial cells (4, 5). Hence, studying subcellular
tions, such as coordination of the cell cycle, cell survival,
localization not only gives insights into the organization of
and growth. This compartmentalization is also not static,
cellular compartments but how cells function; so techniques
with molecules trafficking between these subcellular
neighborhoods to carry out their functions. For example, that provide spatial context are important tools in molecular
some biomolecules are multifunctional, requiring an biology.
environment with differing conditions or interacting part- The relationship between DNA, RNA and proteins does not
ners, and others traffic to export such molecules. Aberrant represent a linear dogma. Interactions, or “interactomes,”
localization of proteins or RNA species has been linked to between nucleic acids and proteins are fundamental for cel-
many pathological conditions, such as neurological, can- lular function. RNA-binding proteins (RBPs), originally thought
cer, and pulmonary diseases. Differential expression to exclusively function in gene regulation via ribonucleoprotein
studies in transcriptomics and proteomics are relatively complex formation, have now been shown to have more
common, but the majority have overlooked the importance extensive interplay between protein and RNA interactomes (6).
of subcellular information. In addition, subcellular tran-
A prime example of RNA-mediated and RBP-mediated regu-
scriptomics and proteomics data do not always colocate
lation via subcellular relocalization is the short noncoding RNA
because of the biochemical processes that occur during
and after translation, highlighting the complementary transcript Y3 RNA, which orchestrates translocation of the
nature of these fields. In this review, we discuss and RBP Rho 60-kDa autoantigen between the cytosol and
directly compare the current methods in spatial proteo- nucleus as part of a UV-induced survival mechanism (7, 8). A
mics and transcriptomics, which include sequencing- and more classic example of subcellular control is during the cell
imaging-based strategies, to give the reader an overview cycle, where cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases traffic
of the current tools available. We also discuss current between nuclei and cytosol (9). An in-depth immuno-
limitations of these strategies as well as future develop- fluorescence study has recently captured single-cell variability
ments in the field of spatial -omics. of subcellular composition during the cell cycle (10).
Aberrant trafficking of RNA and protein has been implicated
Molecular biology is the study of cellular functions via pro- in several pathological conditions, including amyotrophic lat-
cesses such as molecular synthesis, modification, and inter- eral sclerosis and pulmonary atrial hypertension, respectively
actions. RNA and proteins can have multiple roles and (11, 12). A well-documented example of mislocalization
interacting partners that require close physical proximity to causing severe disease is the most common mutation in
each other within the cell to function. Therefore, precise cystic fibrosis, F508del. Immunofluorescence and subcellular
control of localization or colocalization by selective con- fractionation strategies have shown that this mutation causes
gregation and isolation of biochemical processes is integral the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator ion channel to
and intrinsically linked to cellular functions. For instance, in misfold and accumulate at the ER, preventing cystic fibrosis
context of transcription and translation, mRNA is shuttled out transmembrane regulator expression at the plasma membrane
of the nucleus, where it docks at ribosomes within the cytosol, (PM) and, consequently, impairing mucus clearance in the
at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) or near the mitochondria, lungs (13–15). This has aided the design of pharmacological
dependent on the coded protein and cellular conditions (1–3). intervention to correct this misfolding and subsequent

From the 1Department of Biochemistry, Cambridge Centre for Proteomics, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK; 2Milner Therapeutics
Institute, Jeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre, Cambridge, UK; 3Department of Genetics, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
* For correspondence: Kathryn S. Lilley,

Mol Cell Proteomics (2022) 21(2) 100186 1

© 2021 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier Inc on behalf of American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
Subcellular Transcriptomics and Proteomics

mislocalization (16). In many of these cases, early stages of advantages and disadvantages, and giving representative
disease can be identified by translocation events, which can examples of their use in subcellular research, specifically in
precede or be independent to detectable changes in gene the context of large-scale spatial studies. The following
expression and, therefore, can only be studied at the sub- labeling strategies are not necessarily exclusive to each other,
cellular level (17). Despite this, temporal or differential and combinational labeling protocols have been documented
expression is more commonly studied because it is more (28–32).
straightforward, though novel tools to study the spatial Visualization of Using Affinity Reagents – Antibodies and
dimension on an -omics scale are opening new opportunities Organelle-Specific Dyes.In the case of proteins, the use of
for a better understanding of cellular function. antibodies against specific endogenous proteins of interest is
Spatial proteomics and transcriptomics have often been often known as immunofluorescence or immunocytometry.
reviewed independently with technical details covered in Immunofluorescence can be highly sensitive when using
previous articles (18–20). Here, we outline and directly com- signal-amplifying reagents, such as secondary antibodies
pare methods (summarized in Table 1) that interrogate the conjugated to various fluorophores. Readily available com-
spatial transcriptomic and proteomic within subcellular com- mercial antibodies make comparative studies of protein
partments of cells, rather than spatial information at the tissue localization in different cell or tissue samples easy and fast,
level, and suggest gaps in technology in need of further particularly in commonly used model organisms, such as
advancement. We aim to provide a resource for newcomers to humans and mice. Finding commercial antibodies for some
spatial -omics who wish to unpick the busy, yet spatially less well-studied species and proteins can be more difficult.
organized, environment within cells. This can be overcome by genetically fusing an epitope, such
as FLAG, to the protein of interest and then using an antibody
against this epitope to indirectly label the protein. However, in
this case, a fluorescent protein (FP), such as GFP, genetically
Microscopy-Based Imaging fused to the protein is often favored as it negates the need for
Microscopy is the most well-established and largest branch the antibody-labeling step. Chemical organelle–specific dyes,
of imaging with a variety of labeling strategies for targeting such as 4′ ,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole for nuclei staining, can
proteins and transcripts, often at a single-cell level. Con- also be used alongside antibodies. Reviews are available
ducting microscopy studies on a global spatial scale can be detailing such dyes (33, 34). It should be noted that antibodies
challenging and laborious because of costly generation of are prone to batch-to-batch variability and poor specificity
antibodies or recombinant organisms and limited multiplexing that can yield false results from nonspecific and variable
capacity. In addition, sample preparation is rarely a one-size- binding. These drawbacks have caused major reproducibility
fits-all process. For example, fixing is usually dependent on crises amongst the scientific community (35). In recent years,
the subcellular compartment of interest, and phototoxicity is a however, there has been a huge drive to address this key
limiting factor in live-cell imaging. Fixing cells can disrupt issue with commercial suppliers providing extensive validation
molecular organization and macroorganization and structures, and moving toward recombinant products with less batch
causing artificial localization of molecules (21) but does not variability. In addition, with the increasing accessibility of
suffer from issues of phototoxicity and can capture snapshots CRISPR technology, validating specificity of antibodies using
of transcripts and proteins, which rapidly fluctuate or have low CRISPR knockouts is becoming common practice.
copy number. Some applications are limited to fixed samples Immunofluorescence-based methods are also restricted to
only, such as immunofluorescence or FISH, whereas others static end-point measurements since such experiments
have the capacity for live-cell imaging, such as genetically require cell fixation and permeabilization prior to intracellular
fusing fluorescent tags. Recent emergence of high-throughput staining (Fig. 1A). Sample preparation can be very context
and super-resolution microscopy has allowed mid-scale to specific, and inappropriate selection of fixation and per-
large-scale spatial studies of transcripts and proteins, meabilization approaches can affect protein localization by
permitting quantitative measurements alongside the “seeing is introducing artifacts or causing loss of soluble proteins
believing” aspect at which imaging excels. Furthermore, while (20, 36). However, standardization of sample preparation and
simultaneous genome-wide live-cell imaging is not yet developments in automation has allowed multiplexing of off-
possible, recent advancements in the field of high-content the-shelf antibodies to improve throughput (37, 38).
imaging are enabling faster image acquisition at higher reso- Limited global spatial proteomics experiments have been
lution, though often with a trade-off between the two (22). conducted because of the aforementioned restrictions. The
Both the technological advancements of the instrumentation largest immunofluorescence-based subcellular proteomics
and bioimaging informatics have been extensively reviewed study performed to date is the work of the Cell Atlas database.
(23–27). This work is part of the wider Human Protein Atlas (HPA) ini-
Here, we briefly discuss the main labeling options and some tiative, aiming to document the entirety of the human sub-
alternative imaging approaches, whilst outlining the cellular proteome in different human cell and tissue types to

2 Mol Cell Proteomics (2022) 21(2) 100186

Summary of each method covered within this review
Live, fixed, or lysed
Method Principle Examples of biological insights In situ? Targeted?
Affinity reagents Exogenous dyes or probes (e.g., The largest database of human protein Primarily fixed samples ✓ Targeted, label MOI
antibodies or oligonucleotides) subcellular localizations using stringently (exception of live
designed to target specific molecules validated antibodies, giving insights into FISH)
of interest (MOIs) cell variability and mapping subcellular
localization of SARS-coronavirus 2
interactors (37, 52). smFISH aided the
understanding of how liquid–liquid phase
separation aids formation of rotavirus
replication factories (considered virus-
made membraneless organelles) (340)
Fluorescently tagged Fluorescent proteins (typically) Genetically fused fluorescent proteins were Live/fixed ✓ Targeted, label MOI
proteins genetically fused to MOI and, therefore used to gain insight into the pH- and
coexpressed with the MOI receptor-dependent endocytic entry of
severe acute respiratory syndrome virus
into the host cell (92)
IFC A combination of flow cytometry and An IFC method was developed to provide a Live/fixed ✓ Targeted, label MOI
microscopy to capture spatial more informative diagnostic tool for types
information using fluorescent probes of acute leukaemia (161)
IMC Uses heavy-metal probes conjugated to Used for cellular phenotyping of breast Fixed ✓ Targeted, label MOI
antibodies, which ablated pixel by cancer and lesions in multiple sclerosis
pixel and measured using MS. This and lymphoid organs (166, 171, 172).
improved multiplexing of probes Primarily used for tissue-level insights,
because of the reduced spectral rather than subcellular, though some
overlap compared with fluorescent subcellular information is achievable with

Subcellular Transcriptomics and Proteomics

strategies the method
MSI Similar to IMC, but ablation leads to Primarily, still tissue-level resolution, rather Typically fixed ✓ Untargeted, cell-wide
ionization of all molecules within the than subcellular resolution. Has been
pixel, producing a separate spectra used for intraoperative imaging of pituitary
Mol Cell Proteomics (2022) 21(2) 100186 3

per pixel of the sample adenomas for biomarkers that are usually
difficult to detect efficiently (177)
Biochemical separation
Basic centrifugation/ Uses targeted centrifugation or Used in the study of mitochondrial transport Lysed, in vitro Untargeted, enrich
detergent based detergent step(s) to achieve in Trypanosoma brucei to aid organelle(s) of
enrichment of a specific cellular understanding of parasitic physiology interest
component or organelle of interest (219) and gain insights into
proinflammatory gene regulation in
context of subcellular dynamics of
macrophages from mice (226)
4 Mol Cell Proteomics (2022) 21(2) 100186

Subcellular Transcriptomics and Proteomics

TABLE 1—Continued
Live, fixed, or lysed
Method Principle Examples of biological insights In situ? Targeted?
Correlation profiling Uses multiple centrifugation or detergent Used to track the subcellular proteome of Lysed, in vitro Untargeted, cell-wide
steps of increasing spin speed/time or host cells over the course of human
solubility, respectively, to collect an cytomegalovirus infection in a spatial and
abundance profile of one or multiple temporal context (237). Also, used to
subcellular components. Can be used identify that lysosomal trapping is
for cell-wide analysis of molecules important for the efficacy of drugs that aid
antigen presentation (259)
Electrophoresis Separates subcellular components via Used to assess the protein composition of Lysed, in vitro Untargeted, cell-wide
based their charge state using modified the secretory pathway in plants that are
electrophoresis techniques otherwise difficult to resolve with
centrifugation because of their similar
density (359)
Proximity labeling
BioID and APEX Fusion of bait protein(s) to either a biotin BioID has revealed novel organellar Lysed, in vivo labeling Untargeted, label
ligase (e.g., BioID) or peroxidase (e.g., components of the Trypanosoma organelle(s) of
APEX) that covalently labels molecules brucei, flies, and worms (295, 302, 304, interest
in immediate proximity of the bait with 308) and identifying novel proteins
a small and exogenous substrate. The involved in hyperpolarization that are
substrate can then be purified along linked to neurodegenerative diseases
with the labeled molecules (314, 315)
APEX-Seq identified stress type–dependent
RNA interactions with stress granules (18,
The table includes a short description about the principle of each method, examples of their biological insights or applications, and basic comparisons of the characteristics of the
Subcellular Transcriptomics and Proteomics

FIG. 1. Microscopy-based imaging approaches for subcellular proteomics or transcriptomics, focusing on the probing strategies.
A, traditional antibody staining involves probing subcellular targets (such as the mitochondrial substructure) using monoclonal antibodies. These
may be directly conjugated to a fluorescent label (direct immunofluorescence) or with a fluorescently labeled secondary antibody (indirect

Mol Cell Proteomics (2022) 21(2) 100186 5

Subcellular Transcriptomics and Proteomics

elucidate protein function and create a comprehensive bio- barcodes in co-detection by indexing, has allowed for
logical resource for human proteins in health and disease (39– improved multiplexing (38, 53–55). Another example of over-
41). HPA has collaborated with other international-scale coming fluorescent signal overlap was the use of unique and
projects, such as UniProt, NextProt, GO, ELIXIR, to provide fidentifiable DNA origami structures with the blinking kinetics
publicly available databases of subcellular information for the of DNA-point accumulation in nanoscale topography (DNA-
wider scientific community (42–45). During the past PAINT) that allowed multiplexing antibody probes in a single
two decades, a near proteome-wide collection of antibodies channel with super-resolution microscopy (56, 57).
has been created and validated for the purpose of this ini- The targeting of RNA transcripts directly via antibodies is far
tiative (46–50). This work used 14,000 antibodies to system- less prevalent than proteins. Antibodies against RNA antigens
atically map the spatial distribution of 12,003 proteins at do exist; however, these are limited to global RNA applica-
single-cell resolution to one or more of 30 different sub- tions. For example, antibodies against a subtype of RNA, such
cellular niches. Of those proteins, 5,662 lacked subcellular as rRNA, or for epigenetic applications, such as certain global
localization information in the literature prior to this study. This modifications of RNA (e.g., methylation or acetylation groups).
classification was performed using a combination of manual This restricts their primary use to immunoblotting or immu-
and computational image analysis approaches (40, 51). nopurifications and is not typically applicable to imaging
Notably, the images were obtained using high-resolution (58, 59).
confocal microscopy, enabling assignment of proteins to In Situ Hybridization.In situ hybridization was first dis-
fine and less-well characterized cellular structures, such as covered as a useful nucleic acid labeling tool in 1969 using
microtubule ends, cytokinetic bridge subcompartments, and radioactive tritium-labeled antisense sequences to image the
the nucleolar fibrillar center, as well as to functionally nuclei of frog eggs (60). FISH was soon adopted as a safer and
uncharacterized subcellular niches, such as rods and rings. more stable alternative (61). The oligonucleotides used in FISH
Moreover, this work showed that approximately half of all are designed to hybridize on the RNA target by sequence
human proteins (6,163 out of 12,003 proteins in this dataset) complementarity. These oligonucleotides are labeled either
localize to multiple (two or more) subcellular niches. This directly or indirectly, via a secondary probe (such as an anti-
dataset also revealed that more than one-sixth of the human body) conjugated to a fluorophore (Fig. 1D). Single-molecule
proteome displays variability in terms of expression levels or resolution was enabled by “tiling” multiple antisense probes
subcellular distribution at the level of single cells (40). During along a sequence of interest to boost signal and has been a
the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, with collaborators, powerful tool in understanding the role of RNA localization in
HPA turned to mapping the distribution of the virus' key host biology, such as in meiosis and neuromuscular junctions (62–
interactor, ACE2, across >150 human tissues, as well as the 64). The main restriction of FISH has been its low throughput
human interactome of coronavirus disease 2019 with the aim and need to be performed in fixed cells to prevent RNase and
to determine whether readily available drugs can be repur- DNase degradation of nucleic acids, limiting its use for tem-
posed in the fight against the virus (37, 52). poral applications. However, FISH imaging in live cells, known
In immunofluorescence, the number of proteins of interest as “live FISH,” has been achieved with the caveats of using
that can be probed in one sample is largely limited to the toxic permeabilization techniques and rapid sequestering of
number of fluorochromes that can be used without causing the molecular beacons in the nucleus (65, 66). It has only been
signal interference by spectral overlap or fluorescent bleed- with the recent developments within CRISPR–Cas9 technol-
through into other channels. Therefore, traditionally, only ogy that live FISH has been possible without such drawbacks
around 4 to 6 fluorochromes could be used at a time, where (67). Despite live-imaging alternatives, such as aptamers, RNA
each primary antibody is labeled with its unique fluorochrome FISH is still a gold-standard technique for RNA localization,
(e.g., conjugated to a secondary antibody). Recent develop- and recent advancements, such as CRISPR–Cas9, have kept
ments in using either cyclical probing with antibodies, such as it current and pervasive.
cyclic immunofluorescence, or using them in combination with FISH has a multitude of available signal-amplifying probes
other types of probes, such as oligonucleotides as molecular to choose from, which are particularly useful for overcoming

immunofluorescence). To determine subcellular location of proteins, an antibody against an organelle marker or a dye must be used alongside
an antibody against the protein of interest. Then analysis can be performed to determine and quantify the colocalization of these antibodies/
dyes. B, fluorescent protein reporters, such as GFP, can be genetically engineered to be fused and expressed with a target gene/protein of
interest. Therefore, allowing confocal imaging of molecules that have no antibody or require live-cell imaging. In MS2 labeling systems for RNA,
fluorescent reporter proteins can be genetically fused to MCP. C, RNA aptamers are an alternative to MS2 systems for labeling RNA, which allow
for fusion of an RNA structure that binds and stabilizes an exogenous fluorescent molecule (e.g., DFHBI). RNA aptamers can be used either as
affinity reagents or as reporters. D, in situ hybridization (ISH) employs a variety of antisense nucleic acid probes for the detection of RNA of
interest in permeabilized and fixed cellular material. Recent ISH strategies have allowed for highly multiplexed experimental designs using
molecular barcoding (e.g., seqFISH and MERFISH). DFHBI, 3,5-difluoro-4-hydroxybenzylideneimidazolidinone; MCP, bacteriophage MS2 coat
protein; MERFISH, multiplexed error-robust FISH; seqFISH, sequential barcoding FISH.

6 Mol Cell Proteomics (2022) 21(2) 100186

Subcellular Transcriptomics and Proteomics

hurdles commonly found in difficult targets and samples, such aforementioned, fluorescent in situ sequencing (FISSEQ) used
as short noncoding RNA and tissues (68). Generally, these crosslinking and reverse transcription of RNA in situ to per-
probes have branched structures that increase the molecular form RNA-Seq with cyclic fluorescent probe ligations directly
surface area for multiple fluorophores to bind to the molecule on the sample, which was measured via confocal microscopy
of interest, which form the basis for single-molecule inex- (86). This method was demonstrated in a variety of sample
pensive FISH, FISH with sequential tethered and intertwined types, such as primary fibroblasts, tissues, and whole
oligodeoxynucleotide complexes, branched DNA (bDNA) embryos, and could be powerful in applications such as cel-
FISH, and hybridization chain reaction FISH (69–72). For tar- lular phenotyping and gene regulation. The original FISSEQ
gets that require particularly high specificity, such as short publication uncovered that long noncoding RNAs preferen-
noncoding RNAs, padlock probes can covalently “lock” and tially localize in the nucleus. The premise of this method is
amplify the signal using a rolling circle mechanism (73, 74). powerful, but FISSEQ struggles to attain read counts com-
bDNA probes were used for a large-scale imaging study, parable with standard single-cell RNA-Seq (scRNA-Seq), is
which targeted 928 genes involved in cancer, endocytosis, difficult to perform in tissues, and is limited to short reads (86).
and metabolism at a single-cell level (75). The use of enzyme A new variation of FISSEQ, known as In Situ Transcriptome
amplification of in situ hybridization probes and 96-well plates Accessibility sequencing, has recently been developed for
enabled mapping of mRNA dynamics in embryogenesis of longer reads (87). To determine the precise subcellular local-
Drosophila, achieving analysis of 3,370 transcripts and dem- ization of transcripts, it is recommended that organelle-
onstrated a correlation between mRNA localization and sub- specific dyes or immunofluorescence or organellar proteins
sequent protein localization and function (76). In addition, are used as counterstains in these approaches (86). The ver-
super-resolution FISH was used alongside RNA-Seq meth- satility of FISH shows that it still has untapped potential in the
ods to track the dynamics of proteins in dendritic cells (4). transcriptomics world, and some of the newer methods have
Multiplexing is also a powerful feature of FISH with easy to been recently reviewed (88).
perform probe generation and sequential rehybridization of the Visualization Using Fluorescently Tagged Proteins –
sample, allowing for multiple rounds of reprobing and fluo- FPs.Genetically fused FPs are the next most prolific method of
rescent barcoding of thousands of molecules, with minimal fluorescently labeling molecules, with the work that allowed
loss of signal (77). Novel methods, such as multiplexed error- scientists to harness FPs for research winning the Nobel Prize
robust FISH (MERFISH) and sequential barcoding FISH (seq- in chemistry in 2008 (89–91). Since the discovery and
FISH), exploit such characteristics and, in theory, have the enhanced engineering of FPs, their use has provided immense
capability of generating spatial information of the entire known biological insights into multiple processes, including demon-
transcriptome in just eight rounds of hybridization and four strating pH- and receptor-dependent endocytic viral entry
dyes (48 = 65,536) (77–79). Realistically, this level of coverage during severe acute respiratory syndrome infection (92). This
is not achievable with the exponential increase in error rates strategy involves fusing a reporter protein gene, usually an FP
per round of hybridization. MERFISH employs an error- or a sequence that can be fluorescently labeled downstream,
detection barcoding scheme to account for a proportion of to a protein of interest using transfection. When the protein of
this error and when used in conjunction with bDNA probes to interest is expressed, so is the fused reporter protein or
amplify the signal across ~10,000 transcripts by 10.5-fold (79). sequence, which can then either be directly excited at the
Optical overcrowding of transcripts is also a limiting factor for appropriate wavelength or labeled with a fluorophore (e.g., a
such techniques. seqFISH+ was developed to circumvent this fluorescent antibody) (Fig. 1B). In contrast to strategies with
optical overcrowding by expanding the fluorophore palette affinity reagents, FPs allow for live-cell imaging, capturing
from 4 to 5 colors to 60 “pseudocolors” using molecular temporal protein dynamics. An innovative and multicolored
barcoding, allowing analysis of 24,000 genes in four rounds system called fluorescent ubiquitination-based cell cycle
with one round of error correction (80). MERFISH and seqFISH indicator utilizes fused FP monomers to two proteins, Cdt1
have provided insight into the spatial organization of the cell and geminin, that are specifically degraded in different parts of
cycle, mouse hippocampus, and tissue development and the cell cycle, at S/G2 and M/G1 phases, respectively. This
homeostasis, as well as capturing nascent transcription active strategy allows for cell cycle–dependent multicolored labeling
sites of genes (81–84). Amplification is very powerful, though it of the nuclei (93). The strategy has allowed for deconvolution
only provides a global increase of intensity across targets, of cell cycle states and cellular processes that are otherwise
which cannot distinguish real RNA spots/signals from non- difficult to distinguish. For example, it has been used to
specifically bound probes, which affects the resolution. To determine the relationship between the progression of double-
overcome this, experimentation with different split probes was stranded break repair and cell cycle status in living cells with
conducted to achieve impressively punctate transcript spots, the aim to help development and assessment of cancer
which can only fluoresce when two probes dock within therapies (94). However, sensitivity can be an issue, as it has
immediate proximity on a highly specific and shared bridge been shown that only a third of the most abundant proteins in
sequence (85). An untargeted alternative to the mammalian cells can be detected using the most widely used

Mol Cell Proteomics (2022) 21(2) 100186 7

Subcellular Transcriptomics and Proteomics

FP, GFP, although this can be mitigated via using more pho- combination with time-lapse fluorescence microscopy to track
tostable or/and brighter tags (95). Furthermore, it has been the abundance and localization dynamics of more than 1,000
shown that in certain cases, tagging endogenous proteins can endogenous proteins in living human cells under different
interfere with specific properties of native molecules, including conditions (116–119). More recently, 1,311 proteins were flu-
its subcellular localization. For instance, FPs have been found to orescently tagged using CRISPR-based fusion in multiple cell
erroneously locate at the endomembrane system of mammalian lines to achieve deep profiling of these proteins using 3D
cells (96, 97). This localization artifact can be influenced by confocal microscopy, immunoprecipitation–mass spectrome-
where the FP has been genetically encoded on the target pro- try (MS), and next-generation sequencing (120).
tein (e.g., on the N or C terminus). This effect was extensively The fluorescent tagging methods described previously
examined in budding yeast (98). As well as this, protein fusion center on protein labeling, but variations of these approaches
can also impair the normal expression, function, or degradation have also allowed probing of RNA localization. Typically, this
patterns of the native protein. Therefore, verification is required has been possible by encoding RNA hairpins into the gene of
to ensure that endogenous localization and expression of the interest, which when transcribed can then be targeted by a
target molecule is unaffected by genetic fusion. corresponding RBP that is coexpressed and fused with FPs
Saccharomyces cerevisiae has highly efficient homologous (121). The first and most used system of this kind is the MS2
recombination processes compared with mammalian cells, system, which uses bacteriophage MS2 coat proteins (MCPs),
making it relatively easy to generate FP-fused libraries, while which are RBPs, to target genetically inserted MS2 loops
generally preserving the normal expression patterns of the (122). Similar systems exploiting FPs have been added to the
endogenous genes. Therefore, this species was used to RNA localization repertoire, such as the P77 bacteriophage
conduct the first genome-wide library of a eukaryote for live- coat protein (PCP) system (123–128). tdTomato-labeled PCP
cell imaging using GFP tagging, achieving systematic local- was used to successfully track individual mRNA molecules
ization of 75% of the yeast proteome to 22 distinct subcellular during translation at polysomes in different subcellular loca-
niches under normal culture conditions. This study provided tions in dendrites (129). This study also utilized SunTag mol-
novel localization information on 1630 proteins (99). Sub- ecules, which provide protein scaffolds for multimerization of
sequent studies have used this yeast library under multiple fluorescent tags to boost poor signal and to study translation
conditions of environmental stress to uncover yeast protein in real time (129, 130). Several other methods have been
localization dynamics as well as providing a quantitative developed for studying translation in both fixed and live-cell
dimension (100–104) (reviewed in Ref. (105)). Improved tech- applications, which are reviewed in detail (131). Single-
nology has led to further ease with creating genome-wide molecule imaging of both translation and degradation in live
fluorescent fusion libraries. For example, the SWAp-Tag cells can be achieved using the entertainingly named trans-
method, which allows efficient modification of a parental lating RNA imaging by coat protein knockoff (TRICK) and
library and was employed for generating both an N-terminally– 3(three)′ -RNA end accumulation during turnover (TREAT)
tagged and C-terminally–tagged yeast proteomes (106–108). methods, both of which use dual-color MCP and PCP reporter
Such extensive and numerous libraries enabled meta-analysis systems. TRICK can distinguish untranslated from translated
of protein localization dynamics in a quantitative manner with transcripts by incorporating loops for MCP and PCP at
an unsupervised computational method (109). Such ap- different locations in the sequence of the mRNA of interest
proaches have been able to differentiate perturbation-specific (132). During translation, the ribosome knocks off PCP in the
relocalization events from more generalized stress responses, coding region of the transcript leaving MCP behind (133).
concluding that protein subcellular localization provides an TREAT uses a similar concept, where PCP is used to label the
important layer of cellular regulation, independent from mod- 3′ end of the transcript, which is lost during degradation (134).
ulation of protein expression levels (17, 109). Because of the Both TRICK and TREAT have been used independently in
efforts mentioned previously, several databases containing HeLa cells under arsenite stress to show reporter mRNAs
imaging data on the spatial organization of the S. cerevisiae retained in P-bodies are suspended, neither being translated
proteome are now publicly available (110–115). nor degraded (134–136).
Similar efforts to systematically probe human protein sub- MS2-based and MS2-like systems tended to suffer from
cellular localization using fluorescent reporter fusions have low signal-to-noise ratios. Constitutive fusion of coat proteins
also been published but so far have only covered a small to FPs means that the fluorescence is independent of being
proportion of the proteome. For example, a collection of bound to the sequence of interest. The signal-to-noise ratio
N-terminal and C-terminal GFP fusions to complementary can be significantly improved by including a nuclear localiza-
DNA was generated to study protein localization in living hu- tion sequence, so unbound protein is sequestered in the nu-
man cells, resulting in localization assignment for 1600 human cleus to improve the background of cytoplasmic transcripts
proteins (97). Similarly, an annotated reporter clone collection (121, 137). Also, much like FP tagging, there is no clear rule as
was built via exon tagging using retroviral particle–mediated to where to genetically encode the RNA–stem loops within the
delivery in 2006 (116). This collection has been used in endogenous transcript (138). There has been evidence that

8 Mol Cell Proteomics (2022) 21(2) 100186

Subcellular Transcriptomics and Proteomics

introduction of MS2-coated stem loops in yeast causes inhi- of microscopy (including dark field, light field, and fluores-
bition of mRNA decay, leading to RNA fragments that can cence). However, in IFC, there tends to be a trade-off between
continue to fluoresce and consequent aberrant localization throughput, sensitivity, and spatial resolution. To compensate
measurements (139, 140). However, there is debate whether for this, a technique to control the flow of cells in the micro-
this evidence was an artifact of gene expression and/or the fluidics system was used to virtually “freeze” cells on the
methods used to assess this degradation (141). To address image sensor enabling longer exposure times in image
these concerns, a modified coat-protein reporter system acquisition (159). This improved signal-to-noise, throughput,
allowing for efficient RNA degradation was established in both sensitivity, and resolution. Whilst IFC cannot perform super
yeast and mammalian cells (142). high-resolution imaging and capture more intricate subcellular
RNA Aptamers.RNA aptamers have been used in both features, its application has been particularly useful for rare
in vitro and in vivo imaging as affinity reagents and reporter cell events and in diagnostic contexts (160). For example, it
tags, respectively (143, 144). They are short RNA oligonu- has been used as a diagnostic tool in acute leukemia to
cleotides that can be conjugated to fluorescent dyes or assess promyelocytic leukemia protein bodies and the cyto-
designed to bind and induce the fluorescence of exogenous plasmic versus nuclear localization of a characteristic antigen
small molecules such as 3,5-difluoro-4-hydroxy (161). Another major consideration is that the approach re-
benzylideneimidazolidinone (DFHBI), which is structurally quires cells to be in suspension, and dissociation of adherent
related to the GFP chromophore (145) (Fig. 1C). DFHBI is cells or tissues may cause aberrant localization of molecules.
structurally unstable, preventing its fluorescent activity until it Whilst performed less frequently than protein analysis, RNA
is bound to the complementary active site of the fluorogenic transcripts can be visualized using IFC (162, 163).
RNA aptamer, bypassing the constitutive fluorescence that is
Non-microscopy-Based Imaging Methods
caused by the persistent RBP–FP interaction in MS2-style
systems. Imaging techniques that do not rely on microscopy are also
The original DFHBI-binding RNA aptamer, Spinach, dem- available to map subcellular localization. These typically
onstrated excellent brightness with minimal background flu- consist of hybridizing flow cytometry and/or MS to imaging.
orescence and resistance to photobleaching. Typically, Whilst exciting, their use is still limited. Therefore, we only
fluorogenic RNA aptamers are expressed fused to an RNA of briefly provide an overview but direct to relevant sources of
interest for subcellular RNA imaging in live cells (143, 145). further reading.
Guet et al. used spinach to show nuclear relocalization of Imaging Mass Cytometry – Imaging mass cytometry (IMC)
STL1 and CTT1 transcripts in S. cerevisiae upon osmotic uses a similar instrumental setup to mass cytometry, which
stress (146). Conversely, cyanine-conjugated RNA aptamers hybridizes flow cytometry and MS using a cytometry by time
have been used as affinity reagents for live-cell imaging of of flight (cyTOF). This technology does not suffer from the
proteins including epidermal growth factor receptor, human same degree of signal overlap compared with fluorescent
retinoblastoma protein, and transferrin (144, 147–149). tagging systems (164, 165). The MS element allows discrim-
In comparison to antibodies, aptamers have improved ination between targets at an isotopic scale. This is achieved
versatility with flexible modifications, less batch-to-batch by coupling probes, commonly antibodies, to discrete heavy-
variability, less steric hindrance, and are capable of labeling metal isotope tags (164, 166). Currently, this tagging system
both nucleic acids and proteins (144). However, spinach, plus allows around 40 targets of interest to be measured per single
other RNA aptamers, have had issues with RNA degradation, cell. In traditional mass cytometry, cells are passed through a
intracellular folding, and thermal stability. Further aptamers, microfluidics-style droplet system and through argon plasma
such as spinach2 and broccoli, have been designed to over- at a high temperature when entering the instrument where
come these complications (150, 151). Additional fluorophores covalent bonds within molecules are broken, releasing free
with corresponding fluorogenic aptamers have been designed atomic-level ions. The ions enter a quadrupole where the
to cover more of the visible and near-infrared spectra (152– heavy-metal isotope tags are selected. These tags go on to be
154). Indeed, near-IR aptamers were the first to be adapted separated by mass-to-charge in the cyTOF component of the
for live-cell super-resolution RNA imaging and have been used instrument (164, 166). This is a destructive process, so cells
to detect subnuclear RNA structures in mammalian cells (154, cannot be sorted via this technique, unlike flow cytometry
155). For further reviews of RNA aptamers, see Refs. (156– sorting methods (e.g., fluorescence-activated cell sorting), and
158). spatial information is lost. IMC overcame this loss of spatial
Imaging Flow Cytometry – Imaging flow cytometry (IFC) information by coupling laser ablation of tissue slide or cell
could be considered an alternative microscopy-based tech- culture a pixel at a time into a cyTOF (Fig. 2C). In the first
nique and can achieve up to 20 nm resolution (Fig. 2A) (159). publication of this method, the ability to untangle the hetero-
IFC combines the multiparameter capabilities of flow cytom- geneity of breast cancer samples was demonstrated (166). A
etry and the morphological and subcellular spatial capabilities similar study recently claimed to achieve subcellular resolution

Mol Cell Proteomics (2022) 21(2) 100186 9

Subcellular Transcriptomics and Proteomics

FIG. 2. Alternative imaging for subcellular proteomics and/or transcriptomics, which couple technologies in MS, microfluidics, and/or
microdissection. A, instrumentation coupling flow cytometry and microscopy allows for multiplexing of several protein–RNA targets using
fluorescent labels, gaining both spatial and single-cell information. B, microlaser ablation and ionization of molecules, such as peptides, lipids, or

10 Mol Cell Proteomics (2022) 21(2) 100186

Subcellular Transcriptomics and Proteomics

using IMC for 37 proteins in 483 breast cancer tumors to SEQUENCING-BASED METHODS IN SPATIAL TRANSCRIPTOMICS AND
assess the phenogenomic correlation with protein expression PROTEOMICS

(167). Breast cancer samples were also used to simulta- In the postgenomic era, advances in MS-based and RNA-
neously image 16 proteins and three mRNA targets using a Seq-based technology have allowed researchers to simulta-
combination of antibodies and oligonucleotide probes, neously quantify thousands of proteins and RNA species in
respectively (168). A variant of IMC was developed, which whole cells and tissues. Along with the concurrent advance-
employed an ion beam to liberate metal ion reporters, known ment of computational tools, powerful spatial -omics work-
as multiplexed ion beam imaging, which increased speed, flows can analyze the structure and molecular composition of
sensitivity, and resolution, and has been reported to give specific or several subcellular compartments in one experi-
“super-resolution” images of 5 to 30 nm (169, 170). Currently, ment. The methods in this section provide spatially enriched
IMC-like strategies have been used successfully for cellular samples of proteins or RNA on a subcellular level that are
phenotyping of lesions in multiple sclerosis and lymphoid or- measured downstream using MS or RNA-Seq. Generally,
gans, primarily at a tissue level rather than subcellular level these methods eliminate in situ spatial information during
(171, 172). Yet their capabilities for providing such resolution sample preparation and capture “bulk” information of all cells
are coming into fruition. within a given sample. Therefore, achieving single-cell infor-
MS Imaging – IMC may be confused with MS imaging (MSI), mation using the following methods is still challenging,
though MSI differs in instrumentation and does not require particularly in proteomics because of the inability to amplify
heavy isotope–derivatized antibody labeling. As with IMC, proteins (179–185). Details on the type of MS and RNA-Seq
laser ablation is used to ionize individual “pixels” of a sample, approaches that can be coupled with the methods in this
with each pixel having a corresponding label-free spectrum, section are reviewed (186–188).
which allows deeper coverage of molecules than IMC
(Fig. 2B). However, the technique suffers from poor sensitivity Biochemical Separation
and resolution (commercial instruments ranging from 5 to Established techniques that enrich or isolate cellular struc-
20 μm), so is predominantly only useful for macroscopic im- tures by their physicochemical properties have been in use for
aging where subcellular resolution is not in the scope of the decades. Typically, subcellular distribution of molecules was
experiment (173–175), although hybrid MS setups have assessed using target-specific enzymatic assays (189),
allowed this technology to improve its resolution. For whereas modern techniques employ robust quantitative
example, researchers mixed and matched ion sources, such sequencing using RNA-Seq and MS (186–188).
as atmospheric pressure and laser-induced postionization Basic Centrifugation-Based and Detergent-Based Fraction-
(MALDI-2) sources, coupled to orbitrap analyzers to achieve ation – Centrifugation is one of the simplest methods to
1.4 and <1 μm resolution, respectively (174, 176). Because of separate organelles based on their size, density, and shape.
MS vulnerability to contaminants, a lot of sample preparation Organellar preparations using centrifugation date back to the
methods, such as fixatives, are incompatible with this method late 1800s, initially to isolate nuclei (190–192). Today, there are
and often flash-freezing is preferential, but further MS-friendly two generalized categories of centrifugal organellar fraction-
methods are under investigation (173). Currently, MSI still ation, sedimentation, and equilibrium density centrifugation.
suffers from shortfalls in achieving subcellular resolution; so These result in either an enriched pellet at the base of the tube
there is limited discussion in this review, and more compre- or at the organelle's equivalent density within a sucrose (or
hensive details of MSI can be found (173–175). Arguably, MSI equivalent) gradient, respectively. When coupled with current
has yet to be fully integrated within subcellular -omics work- sequencing technologies, these enrichment strategies are
flows because of limited resolution, but advances in the powerful for exploring subcellular composition.
technologies associated with the approach promise to Early spatial proteomics studies focused on purification of a
improve the general utility of the MSI. Currently, MSI has been singular organelle of interest, giving insights into the molecular
considered for tissue-level intraoperative imaging, particularly composition of many cellular compartments, such as the
on difficult to image and difficult to measure biomarkers in nucleolus, nucleus, nuclear pore, and mitochondria, across
pancreatic adenoma (177, 178). What makes this approach many cell/tissue types and models (193–196). However, pur-
particularly exciting is that it can be applied to any molecules ifying subcellular compartments is challenging because of
that can be ionized, which include proteins, metabolites, or cofractionation with other components of the cell, because of
lipids. organelles having overlapping biochemical and biophysical

metabolites, directly from tissue or cell culture sample enables label-free acquisition of mass spectra across each “pixel” of sample. Very rich
datasets but still have poor resolution because of current technical limitations. C, similar to MSI, microlaser ablation allows for acquisition of
spectra per “pixel” of a sample. Though, this method has improved subcellular resolution and uses labeling of antibodies conjugated to non-
naturally occurring metal isotopes to quantify ~40 target proteins/RNAs of interest. The metal isotope signals have less signal overlap than
fluorescent methods allowing improved multiplexing than traditional antibody probing. MSI, MS imaging.

Mol Cell Proteomics (2022) 21(2) 100186 11

Subcellular Transcriptomics and Proteomics

properties, and their constant interaction with one another. mRNA from cytosolic polysomes to ER-bound polysomes
“Subtractive” or “differential” approaches account for this (224, 225).
“contamination” or interactions. These methods involve The development of equivalent biochemical fractionation
quantitative comparisons of technically equivalent non- methods to determine subcellular RNA localization is, in
enriched fractions against organelle-enriched fractions comparison, limited. Several studies use basic cell fractiona-
(Fig. 3A). Proteins only detected or highly enriched in the tion via centrifugation and detergent lysis followed by RNA-
organelle-enriched fractions are assigned to that organelle of Seq to infer transcript subcellular enrichment (226–228). A
interest. This strategy has provided valuable information on sequential detergent strategy was employed to map spatial
the subcellular proteomes of the human spliceosome (197, dynamics of RNA between the cytosol, nucleoplasm, and
198), rodent liver nuclear envelope (199), rat lung endothelial chromatin in inflammatory-stimulated macrophages by
cell PM, and caveolae (200, 201), plus multiple subcellular assessing the relative enrichment of transcripts in the different
niches in S. cerevisiae and other yeasts using diverse fractions to gain insights into proinflammatory gene regulation
enrichment approaches (202–209). However, despite ac- (226). Similar protocols have been applied to obtain a static
counting for contaminants, it is still difficult to confidently distribution of transcripts within these compartments in
identify organellar proteins, as the composition of any human embryonic kidney 293 cells (227, 228). Generally,
cofractionating organelle will be erroneously assigned to the subcellular enrichment can be assessed via Western blot by
organelle of interest. In addition, this technique is not always using antibodies against corresponding organellar proteins
appropriate for multilocalized molecules or dynamic studies (229). However, this assumes that RNA species cofractionate
(210). Coupling of subtractive proteomics with machine with their associated cellular compartment in the same way as
learning has improved classification of organellar proteomes proteins, although, proteins and RNA behave differently under
(211, 212), which somewhat mitigated this issue by providing centrifugation (217, 230, 231). This may be due to the varia-
more robust statistical comparison between enriched and bility of sedimentation rates and aggregation of RNA mole-
non-enriched fractions. These strategies have been used to cules, which is dependent on the concentration of salts they
establish biological functions and confident inventories of are present in. This behavior of RNA is believed to have
organellar proteomes, such as the mitochondria, peroxisome, caused artifacts in early attempts at RNA purification and
and lysosome (213–218). Such studies can be particularly fractionation, leading to controversy over estimates of sed-
useful for poorly characterized species, such as eukaryotic imentation coefficients for RNA molecules (232–234). The
parasites, with the intention to aid biological understanding cause of these artifacts may be explained by the size differ-
and pharmacological developments. For example, this strat- ence between proteins and mRNA, where the transcripts are
egy was used to assess the proteins involved in the mito- orders of magnitude larger than proteins (235). Cytosolic RNA
chondrial “importome” of Trypanosoma brucei by coupling may have similar buoyancy and sedimentation as some sub-
with RNA interference of a key translocase (219). cellular niches, particularly if they aggregate, leading to erro-
Organelles can also be enriched using different detergent- neous assignments of RNA species to various subcellular
containing buffers with increasing solubilization capacity to compartments. These protocols may be improved by
sequentially extract molecules from distinct parts of the cell including a similar quality control step involving quantitative
(220). For instance, the use of digitonin to permeabilize the PCR for transcripts with known localizations.
PM or NP-40 to release contents of double-membrane or- Furthermore, the methods focus on enriching only a few
ganelles. The most popular workflow in proteomics achieves compartments, which is also a problem shared with the sub-
subcellular separation of the cytosol, nucleus, cytoskeleton, tractive proteomics methods mentioned previously (226–228).
and membranous compartments (such as those found in the The limited cellular compartment coverage for assessing RNA
secretory pathway) (221). Modified protocols can further localization is partially addressed by the CeFra-Seq method,
distinguish between DNA-associated and soluble nuclear which covered five fractions: nuclear, cytosolic, endomem-
proteins or insoluble proteins in the cytosolic, nuclear, and brane, insoluble, and extracellular (236). In this workflow, dif-
membrane-bound components (222). This approach was ferential and density centrifugation were coupled with targeted
implemented in a phosphoproteomics study to resolve three detergent permeabilization (230, 236). The intention of this
crude subcellular compartments with a very limited amount method is to enable measurement of global changes in RNA
of starting material (223). Notably, detergent enrichment trafficking upon genetic or environmental stimuli. While these
workflows have the advantage of preserving the cytoskeletal methods have provided important contributions to the un-
network, which is prone to fragmentation in centrifugal derstanding of components and functions of cellular archi-
fractionation (221). Differential detergent extraction is pri- tecture, they were too crude to resolve multiple organelles
marily reserved for proteomic studies. However, it has been within the same experiment, particularly those compartments
used for studying polysomal RNA and in a two-step deter- that are biophysically similar or highly interconnected, such as
gent protocol to investigate cotranslational trafficking of the secretory pathway.

12 Mol Cell Proteomics (2022) 21(2) 100186

Subcellular Transcriptomics and Proteomics

FIG. 3. Sequencing-based approaches to subcellular proteomics and transcriptomics. The approaches consist of biochemical organellar
separation (A and B) or biotinylation of proximal molecules to a bait protein (C). A, quantifying proteins/RNAs in a targeted organelle-enrichment
preparation (via centrifugation or detergents) against crude contaminant samples can infer resident proteins/RNAs of the organelle of interest.
Quantification of enriched samples can be performed using MS or RNA-Seq. B, more extensive sequential centrifugation or detergent strategies
can determine cell-wide residence of proteins/RNAs. The quantitative profiles of proteins/RNAs across the fractions aid identification of their
localization by using organellar markers and machine learning techniques. C, a bait protein of interest (e.g., associated with a particular sub-
cellular localization) is fused to an enzyme that catalyzes the biotinylation of proximal proteins/RNAs in the cell once the substrate (e.g., biotin) is
added to the cells in vivo. The biotinylated molecules can be purified and analyzed using either MS or RNA-Seq.

Protein–RNA Correlation Profiling – To address the limi- de Duve, where localization of proteins can be determined
tations of more reductive centrifugation methods, correlation without organellar purification (189). Protein correlation
profiling was developed based on the principles of Christian profiling involves organellar enrichment using a density

Mol Cell Proteomics (2022) 21(2) 100186 13

Subcellular Transcriptomics and Proteomics

gradient alongside quantitative MS to measure abundance of ribosomal subunits, chromatin, and subnuclear compartments
peptides across the gradient. Localization of proteins is then (239, 253, 258). Dynamic organellar map has been used to
inferred by comparing their gradient distribution patterns to further investigate protein trafficking after perturbation with
those of known organelle marker proteins, usually performed compounds that enhance antigen import via lysosomal trap-
using computational machine learning strategies, such as ping (259).
support vector machine classification (Fig. 3B) (237–240). The big challenge of these correlation profiling experiments
Protein correlation profiling was originally applied to single is the data analysis of their complex, multidimensional data-
compartments of interest, such as the centrosome, peroxi- sets. Answering apparently trivial questions can become
some, lipid droplet, and proteasome in various model organ- challenging, specifically identifying protein translocation
isms (241–244). The technique was expanded for global events and proteins localized in multiple cellular compart-
organelle analyses in multiple mouse tissues (245, 246). ments. However, novel computational models, such as
Another density gradient centrifugation technique, localization TRANSPIRE, BANDLE, and MR scoring, have ventured to
of organelle proteins by isotope tagging (LOPIT), employed address questions on protein dynamics (260, 261, 239).
isotope-coded affinity tagging to multiplex the gradient frac- T-augmented Gaussian mixture model approaches have been
tions and map the global subcellular proteome of the Arabi- developed to tackle questions on multiply localized proteins
dopsis thaliana root-derived callus material (247, 248). Since (262, 263 ). A recent evaluation of some of these approaches
then, LOPIT has evolved alongside isobaric tagging technol- can be found (264).
ogies, allowing the study of the subcellular proteomes of In transcriptomics, sucrose gradients are frequently used to
diverse model systems, including human cell lines, chicken assess mRNA association with polysomes, which can be
lymphocytes, and Drosophila melanogaster embryos (249– separated into cytosolic- and ER–polysome-bound transcripts
252). A further evolution of this protocol, hyperplexed LOPIT, (225, 265, 266). It is thus reasonable to suggest that correla-
used a more complex density gradient to study pluripotent tion profiling methods could be adapted for spatial tran-
E14TG2a mouse embryonic stem cells and U-2 OS human scriptomics assigning RNA subcellular localization based on
bone osteosarcoma cells, which demonstrated highest sub- distribution profile comparisons to curated “RNA markers” of
cellular resolution than any other MS-based spatial prote- known localization. Current methods are typically protein
omics method available to date (40, 253). Hyperplexed LOPIT centric or are based on separating RNA along with their pro-
has also been employed to comprehensively map the sub- tein interactors, for example, within stress granules or ribo-
cellular organization of S. cerevisiae, cyanobacterium (Syn- somes (267–269). New approaches, such as ATLAS-Seq,
echocystis), and Toxoplasma gondii (254–256). The method have been able to cosediment different RNAs using density
has also been coupled to free-flow electrophoresis (FFE) (see gradients coupled to RNA-Seq and then use hierarchical
Imaging Flow Cytometry "Electrophoresis-Based Methods" clustering to infer subcellular localization of transcripts (231).
section) to analyze the protein composition of Golgi sub- When mapping the transcriptome of mouse liver, the authors
compartments in A. thaliana cell-suspension cultures (257). found that transcripts that cosediment tended to encode
These comprehensive datasets are designed to provide ho- proteins that coassociate, including proteasomal subunit
listic catalogs of system-wide proteomes to provide biological mRNAs. In addition, alternatively spliced transcripts typically
insight of organellar components as well as the option to showed differential sedimentation patterns. However, tran-
compare between systems and perturbations. scripts with similar correlation profiles did not consistently
A similar complex density gradient was used to perform colocalize when interrogated with an orthogonal method such
cell-wide temporal analysis of subcellular composition during as single-molecule inexpensive FISH, indicating need for
human cytomegalovirus infection, capturing protein dynamics, further improvement of such approaches (231). Thus, there is
providing unprecedented understanding of the organellar ar- a current gap in technology and a requirement to develop a
chitecture of host cells during infection (237). Differential spatial transcriptomics technique that truly complements
centrifugation and/or detergent strategies can also be coupled protein correlation profiling.
to this correlation profiling approach, which the following The key benefit of protein correlation profiling–based
methods utilize: dynamic organellar maps, LOPIT-differential methods is the ability to interrogate all cellular compart-
ultracentifugation, and SubCellBarCode (239, 250, 258). ments at once and therefore be able to address dynamic and
These methods vary in separation, labeling, and analysis complex biological problems, which the majority of the other
protocols that range in resolving power and come with their techniques discussed in this review struggle to do on the
own advantages or limitations, depending on the study design same scale. The primary drawback of all protein correlation
and biological questions being addressed, offering flexible profiling methods is that they capture “average localization” of
and customizable options for researchers. These methods can proteins within a given sample. Therefore, data from samples
achieve high coverage, often >8000 proteins, and some of that are likely to contain a heterogeneous population of cells
these methods have achieved suborganellar resolution, such may be more complicated to interpret. Examples of such
as resolving the ER–Golgi intermediate compartment, samples include tumor cell lines in different cell cycle stages

14 Mol Cell Proteomics (2022) 21(2) 100186

Subcellular Transcriptomics and Proteomics

or cell types within a tissue. Techniques to resolve this, such followed by selective electrolysis of the PM to attain intact
as cell cycle synchronization or microdissection, reduce input nuclei (283, 284). The cytoplasmic RNA was then separated
material, which could complicate downstream sample prep- based on ionic mobility via electric field activation and used to
aration. Another consideration is that mechanical or chemical construct individual RNA-Seq libraries. SINC-Seq in
bursting of the outer membranes of cells is required for protein K652 cells showed that over pseudotime, the differentially
correlation profiling, which may cause artifacts, such as lost expressed genes in cytRNA versus nucRNA showed less
interactions or leakage from organelles and organellar correlation between the two compartments when histone
membranes. acetylation was perturbed using sodium butyrate. Impres-
Electrophoresis-Based Methods – Another biophysical sively, this method resulted in only a 5.3% drop in reads when
property that can be exploited for organellar fractionation is compared with standard scRNA-Seq. In NanoSINC-Seq, the
charge states. FFE relies on the same principles of electro- microfluidic fractionation is coupled to Nanopore comple-
phoresis, where particles in a biological sample are separated mentary DNA sequencing to compare isoform diversity
via their surface charge densities. It is a versatile technique between the cytoplasm and nucleus (285). There is potential
that can separate a variety of charged analytes including low for the systems harnessed in FFE and FIFFF to be modified for
molecular mass organic compounds, proteins, peptides, single-cell sequencing of other organelles (284).
macromolecular complexes, organelles, and whole cells under
Proximity Labeling–Based Methods
native or denaturing conditions in aqueous separation buffers.
Notably, FFE-mediated cell fractionation experiments are Proximity labeling was originally developed for capturing the
characterized by fast separation and high sample recovery interactomes of specific proteins in vivo followed by down-
rates. Furthermore, FFE can be paired with various tools, such stream purification. Therefore, mapping interactomes of mul-
as specific antibodies, lectins, chemical ligands, and pro- tiple bait proteins can essentially capture the “local” spatial
teases or other enzymes to optimize organelle separation, by proteome or transcriptome of each bait (286–288). Proximity
introducing subtle changes in the surface charges of certain labeling workflows consist of fusing a bait protein of interest to
compartments with minimal disruption to their functional an enzyme, typically a biotin ligase or a peroxidase, which
integrity (221, 270–273). FFE has been used in combination covalently labels proteins and RNA in the immediate vicinity of
with centrifugal separation and MS analysis to resolve sub- the bait with a small and exogenous substrate, typically biotin
populations of organellar networks that are otherwise difficult (Fig. 3C). Because of the short half-life of the substrate, only
to capture, including the PM, components of the ER network, molecules within a few tens to hundreds of nanometers of the
endosomes, lysosomes, phagosomes, peroxisomes, mito- bait are labeled. Therefore, there is no reliance on direct
chondria, and plant tonoplasts (vacuole membranes) (221, physical interactions (286).
270–277). De Michele et al. were able to assign peripheral Proximity labeling overcomes shortcomings of traditional
membrane proteins that are normally lost in traditional PM affinity purification protocols where interactions can be dis-
enrichment to the Arabadopsis PM, including the entire exo- rupted during sample preparation, with the caveat of con-
cyst complex. This method has been used to separate DNA in tamination with promiscuous cellular components, such as
a size-dependent manner but has yet to be used to study diffusing components of the cytosol and background bio-
RNAs, particularly in a subcellular context. tinylation. However, these promiscuous molecules can be
Flow field-flow fractionation (FIFFF) is similar to FFE but mostly accounted for with the appropriate controls and by
instead uses a “cross-flow” system that drives separation in a referring to a contaminant repository for affinity purification
shape- and size-dependent manner, providing distinct elution experiments, known as the CRAPome (
patterns for different sample constituents (271, 278). FIFFF (289, 290). Other considerations of proximity labeling include
with MS has been used to analyze subcellular structures, such the variable elution of enriched molecules from affinity matri-
as the mitochondria, extracellular vesicles (EVs), and lip- ces, changes in expression, localization or function of the
oprotein particles (278–280). The technique was used to fused bait protein, and that amino acid residues targeted for
separate and define a new subpopulation of small EVs termed biotinylation by the fused enzyme must be present on the
exomeres, which are selectively enriched in glycolytic and surface of the proximal proteins. Therefore, proteins or RNA
mammalian target of rapamycin signaling proteins compared lacking these residues on the surface of their structure would
with larger EVs (281). This method has also been used in a be missed, and it has been shown that proximity labeling
cell-wide context demonstrating simultaneous separation of favors intrinsically disordered regions where these residues
multiple human subcellular compartments, albeit with lower are more likely to be exposed (291). In addition, compartments
resolution than centrifugation strategies (282). with highly dynamic and soluble molecules, such as the
Much like standard scRNA-Seq, microfluidics-based elec- cytosol or nucleoplasm, are difficult to target using this
trophoresis has also been exploited for subcellular scRNA- strategy, because these subcellular niches do not offer a
Seq. Single-cell integrated nucRNA and cytRNA sequencing small, defined, and membrane-enclosed space to which the
(SINC-Seq) captured single cells using a hydrodynamic trap, bait protein can be specifically targeted, resulting in high rates

Mol Cell Proteomics (2022) 21(2) 100186 15

Subcellular Transcriptomics and Proteomics

of nonspecific biotinylation. Multibait strategies for assessing during normal and stressed conditions, using 58, 19, and 139
subcellular localization across several organelles have started baits, respectively (305–307). Impressively, examples of cell-
gaining popularity. However, there is no guarantee that the wide BioID experiments have recently emerged that have
fused enzyme will have comparable activity in these different captured 26,527 and 35,902 interactions located within 21 and
subcellular locations. This has implications on the quantitation 32 distinct cellular features, respectively, with the former
of the data, where true proportions of the proteins or RNA identifying a further 9,390 interactions when coupled with
across these compartments cannot be deduced, and rather, a affinity-purification MS (287, 288). These studies demonstrate
qualitative list of species in those locations is produced. In suborganellar resolution that is difficult to achieve via corre-
addition, this method is limited to biological systems that can lation profiling.
be genetically engineered. Despite this, proximity labeling Despite working well in proteomics, BioID has not yet been
excels at capturing membrane-bound organelles and proteins adapted to directly label RNA for spatial transcriptomics
associated with insoluble cellular structures, such as various studies. Studies that do involve targeting BirA enzymes to
cytoskeletal components, which are challenging to isolate and RNA are typically focused on determining the protein inter-
reliably analyze with alternative methods (292). Here, we cover actors of specific transcripts, rather than biotinylation of RNA
the key enzymes used and how they are applied to both in certain organelles (308–310). However, pairing BioID with
spatial transcriptomic and proteomic studies. The strategy has ribosome profiling enabled identification of translated tran-
been invaluable for uncovering biological networks, albeit in a scripts in a specific subcellular context. In this method, the
spatially restricted manner. Moreover, powerful cell-wide biotin ligase was expressed as a fusion protein to localize it to
proximity tagging studies have recently started to emerge, the subcellular niche of interest, and ribosomes were
as well as transcript-capturing approaches, indicating what expressed with a protease-cleavable BAP (AviTag). With
the future holds for this approach (287). addition of biotin, only ribosomes in the vicinity of the ligase
BioID-Based Methods – BioID is a proximity labeling method were biotinylated, after which they were isolated, and the
that uses biotin ligases. Originally, wildtype BirA enzyme from translating RNA was sequenced. Proximity-specific ribosome
Escherichia coli was used, which catalyzes biotinylation in the profiling was used to profile the translatome of the ER and
presence of ATP on molecules containing a biotin acceptor mitochondria in yeast and human cells (311–313). In addition,
peptide (BAP) sequence (293). This restricted targeting to BioID was adapted for in vivo purposes to study the inhibitory
proteins with BAP regions and exposed lysine residues. BioID neuronal network and synapse formation in live mice identi-
overcame this limitation by engineering BirA to promiscuously fying both known and novel proteins involved in the hyper-
biotinylate proteins (294). This allowed for improved labeling polarization process with some linked to neurodegenerative
efficiency, selectivity, faster incubation times, and higher diseases (314, 315).
signal-to-noise ratios. The newer generation of the BirA APEX-Based Methods – APEX is also a proximity labeling
enzymes, such as TurboID or MiniTurbo, can achieve labeling technique that allows for the mapping of the proteome and
within minutes rather than hours, enabling study of rapid and transcriptome with spatial and temporal resolution. Instead of
dynamic cellular processes (295, 296). These optimized the BirA derivatives used for BioID, APEX uses a modified
enzymes have been recently reviewed (286). soybean-derived ascorbate peroxidase. The enzyme cata-
BioID has been successfully applied to a range of inter- lyzes oxidation of a supplied biotin derivative (usually biotin–
actions on a complex, organellar, and dynamic level in a phenol) and generates spatially confined and short-lived
variety of cell and tissue types, as well as entire organisms. In biotin–phenoxyl radicals that react with electron-rich side
mammalian cells, BioID-based labeling strategies have pro- chains of amino acids (such as Tyr, Trp, His, and Cys),
vided insights into macromolecular complexes or subcellular resulting in covalent biotin labeling of proteins and RNA in the
niches, including the nuclear lamina, nuclear pore complex, near vicinity. The primary advantage of APEX over BioID is that
nucleosome complexes, mediator transcription regulation the tagging reaction is faster, allowing for dynamic experi-
complex, ER–peroxisome contacts, and focal adhesions (289, ments capturing discrete time points. Detailed comparisons of
294, 297–301). In addition, BioID has been used in applica- APEX and BioID, including their novel variants, can be found in
tions beyond immortalized mammalian cell lines. For example, recent reviews (286, 316).
the approach was used to study three unique subcellular The APEX-based system coupled to quantitative proteo-
niches in Trypanosoma brucei, the basal body, flagellum, and mics has been instrumental in exploring various subcellular
bilobe, plus entire organisms, specifically flies and worms compartments and networks. For example, its use in human
(295, 302–304), revealing novel organellar components of cells allowed analysis of various mitochondrial subcompart-
these organisms that are otherwise difficult to capture. Mul- ments, the ER membrane, and the endocytic system, as well
tibait studies were used to identify novel proteins at the as investigating interaction of the interactions of bioactive
centrosome–cilium interface and involved in ciliogenesis, to peptides (or “microproteins”) (317–325). The advantages of
unpick the phosphorylation regulation in the Hippo signaling APEX over BioID were epitomized in time-resolved studies.
pathway, and the interactome of P-bodies and stress granules For example, APEX has been used to capture the transient

16 Mol Cell Proteomics (2022) 21(2) 100186

Subcellular Transcriptomics and Proteomics

interactome of G protein–coupled receptor signaling experimental scenarios. Despite this, APEX-based labeling
identifying novel regulators of the associated delta opioid was adapted for application to in vivo model systems to map
receptor and β2 adrenoceptor (326, 327). Another temporal various subcellular compartments, such as nucleus-
study using APEX showed unique and aberrant stress granule associated, mitochondrial matrix–associated, and Golgi
dynamics in cells of amyloid lateral sclerosis, helping identify apparatus–associated proximity networks, in live yeast, Cae-
novel disease-relevant protein candidates (328). An improved norhabditis elegans, and Drosophila (333–338).
variant, APEX2, has allowed increased catalytic activity and
labeling sensitivity compared with APEX. In contrast to the
original monomeric APEX protein, APEX2 has the capacity of
forming dimeric complexes, which has been shown to improve This review demonstrates that there are several options
the activity as well as stability of ascorbate peroxidase available to researchers to address biological questions
enzymes (319). concerning the subcellular localization and trafficking of
APEX technology has been recently adapted for spatial proteins and transcripts. However, the technical challenges
transcriptomics. There are two main applications of APEX for can still be vast and differ between transcriptomics and
determining RNA subcellular localization: proximity labeling of proteomics, as well as the biological system and question in
protein crosslinked to RNA and proximity labeling of the RNA hand, which is the intrinsic reason why there is lack of a one-
nucleosides directly. The first method published was APEX- size-fits-all approach. Although there have been attempted
RNA-co-immunoprecipitation (RIP), which combined APEX- hybrid methods where multiple probing across molecular
dependent in situ protein biotinylation with formaldehyde species is possible, such as in IMC, these still often lack the
crosslinking of the labeled proteins to RNA in specific com- same coverage or resolution as sequencing or microscopy
partments or organelle interfaces. In a proof-of-concept study, (168, 173). Here, we briefly discuss the methods that attempt
APEX-RIP mapped transcripts associated with the nucleus, to address fundamental limitations hindering the field and
mitochondrial matrix, ER membrane, and cytosol in human what the future may hold for subcellular -omics.
cells (329). A related method, proximity-crosslinking and MS-based, RNA-Seq-based, and imaging-based methods
immunoprecipitation, achieved simultaneous profiling of both are continuing to make great advances in improving cover-
free and RNA-bound proteins at specific subcellular locations age and resolution. Instrumentation advances have allowed
by combining APEX2-dependent protein tagging with UV- researchers to push the boundaries in subcellular resolution
mediated protein–RNA crosslinking (330). APEX-RIP has the and coverage (187, 188, 339). In addition, complex multi-
benefit of not requiring RNA labeling, whereas proximity- plexing strategies, such as DNA-PAINT, and super-resolution
crosslinking and immunoprecipitation uses 4-thiouridine imaging are becoming standard practice in more research
labeling of RNA to enhance crosslinking efficiency (330). laboratories (53, 54, 56, 78, 80). When combined, these
However, APEX-RIP suffers from poor specificity in techniques are not limited to studying localization in
membrane-less regions of the cell because of the use of membrane-bound organelles but can be extended to imaging
formaldehyde crosslinking (329). These problems were biomolecular condensates (340). Automation and artificial
addressed by an alternative implementation of APEX for RNA intelligence analyses are enabling deconvolution of vast
localization called APEX-Seq (3, 331). This method took quantities of imaging data to determine the extent of single-
advantage of the discovery that the APEX2 enzyme directly cell subcellular heterogeneity (10, 40, 341), plus detection of
labels nearby RNA as well as proteins. The biotinylated RNA translocations and multilocalized molecules (260, 261, 263).
could then be affinity purified with streptavidin beads and Because of the impressive advances in methodologies and
sequenced. The APEX-Seq approach was used to generate an data analytics, scRNA-Seq is now relatively straightforward
atlas of human RNA localization covering nine different sub- (181, 342, 341). However, gaining subcellular scRNA-Seq
cellular niches and to probe the spatial organization of tran- information is more challenging, with poor spatial resolution
scripts associated with translation initiation complexes as well or poor read coverage, as seen from SINC-Seq and FISSEQ,
as repressive RNA granules (18, 331). This study unveiled the respectively (284, 343). Single-cell proteomics using MS is
dynamic, varied, and stress type–dependent nature of stress similarly in its infancy, hindered by the lack of a PCR-like
granules. It is important to remember that APEX-Seq uses the amplification available for proteins. Despite emerging strat-
same biotin–phenol substrate as standard protein proximity egies for single-cell proteomics and sensitivity of MS
labeling, and subsequently, proteins are also biotinylated. instrumentation, there is still a long way to go to extract
Recently, it has been shown that using different biotin sub- subcellular information on a single-cell level (183, 344, 345).
strates, such as biotin–aniline, improved labeling efficiency of In addition, many of these methods are enrichment based
nucleic acids versus proteins (332). It is worth noting that and do not provide absolute quantitation, rather relative
biotin–phenol is toxic to cells at higher concentrations, which quantitation.
can limit its use in certain model systems, such as in tissue or In addition to differential expression and subcellular dis-
whole organisms. BioID may be more appropriate in these tribution of RNA and protein, there are other dimensions of

Mol Cell Proteomics (2022) 21(2) 100186 17

Subcellular Transcriptomics and Proteomics

molecular biology that can influence physiological processes, Acknowledgments — We thank Eneko Villanueva from the
subcellular localization, and states of cells, such as molecular Department of Biochemistry and Mariavittoria Pizzinga from
structure, stability, turnover, interactions, and modification the Medical Research Council Toxicology Unit, both Uni-
(e.g., post-translational modifications [PTMs] and splicing). versity of Cambridge, for their valuable suggestions for the
Current approaches often do not capture this information, article.
which is vital to understanding control of localization and
molecular roles of proteins and RNAs. Capturing this infor- Funding and additional information — J. A. C. is funded
mation in addition to spatial data may deconvolute some of through a BBSRC iCASE award with AstraZeneca (BB/
the ambiguity found between datasets as it is still unclear how R505304/1). A. G. was funded through the Alexander S.
these molecular characteristics, such as PTMs, influence Onassis Public Benefit Foundation, the Foundation for Edu-
protein and RNA distribution. This is becoming more achiev- cation and European Culture (IPEP), the A.G. Leventis Foun-
able with improved MS technologies and protocols. For dation, and the Embiricos Trust Scholarship of Jesus College
example, recent improvements in cross-linking MS technol- Cambridge. C. S. D. is funded by a Herchel Smith Research
ogy allows inference of interactions and protein structures/ Studentship at the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom.
folding, via forming identifiable chemical bridges between O. L. V. is a BBSRC CASE student (BB/R505365/1). K. S. L. is
residues (346–349), and ion-mobility technology is improving funded by Wellcome Trust (110071/Z/15/Z) and European
throughput of “native, in-tact” proteins as well as improved Union Horizon 2020 program INFRAIA project EPIC-XS
identification of multiply phosphorylated peptides (350–352). (project no.: 823839).
Enrichment protocols and commercial kits are also aiding
PTM analysis via MS with reduced starting material ( 353, 354). Author contributions — J. A. C. conceptualization; J. A. C.
Nanopore sequencing is providing more straightforward and and A. G. methodology; J. A. C., A. G., and C. S. D. inves-
accurate RNA modification data, alongside other methods for tigation; J. A. C. and K. S. L. writing–review & editing; O. L. V.
RNA modification analysis, which include variants of next- and J. A. C. visualization; J. A. C. supervision; J. A. C. project
generation sequencing and LC–MS/MS analysis (187, 355, administration.
356). In addition, straightforward and simultaneous enrich-
ment of proteins, RNA, and RBPs with crosslinking and phase Conflict of interest — The authors declare no competing
separation, with reduced starting material compared with interests.
conventional methods, such as RNA interactome capture, is
aiding the investigation of RNA–protein interaction across Abbreviations — The abbreviations used are: BAP,
multiple cell types (357, 358). The efficacy of RNA interactome biotin acceptor peptide; bDNA, branched DNA; cyTOF,
capture opens the possibility of coupling it with different cytometry by time of flight; DFHBI, 3,5-difluoro-4-
hydroxybenzylideneimidazolidinone; ER, endoplasmic retic-
fractionation strategies to obtain functional maps of interact-
ulum; EV, extracellular vesicle; FFE, free-flow electrophoresis;
ing molecules, bridging the RNA and protein fields. Harness-
FIFFF, flow field-flow fractionation; FISSEQ, fluorescent in situ
ing these innovations in a spatial context would unearth new sequencing; FP, fluorescent protein; HPA, Human Protein
layers of cellular control. Atlas; IFC, imaging flow cytometry; IMC, imaging mass
cytometry; LOPIT, localization of organelle proteins by isotope
CONCLUSION tagging; MCP, bacteriophage MS2 coat protein; MERFISH,
multiplexed error-robust FISH; MS, mass spectrometry; MSI,
Coupling -omics with localization studies is still largely in its MS imaging; PAINT, point accumulation in nanoscale top-
infancy but is rapidly growing because of advancement of ography; PCP, P77 bacteriophage coat protein; PM, plasma
sample preparation strategies and equipment reaching a membrane; PTM, post-translational modification; RBP, RNA-
pinnacle with single-molecule tracking, sequencing, and cur- binding protein; RIP, RNA-co-immunoprecipitation; scRNA-
rent MS technology. Not only have subcellular -omics tech- Seq, single-cell RNA-Seq; seqFISH, sequential barcoding
nologies aided our insight into global spatial organization (e.g., FISH; SINC-Seq, single-cell integrated nucRNA and cytRNA
HPA Cell Atlas), biological processes (e.g., cell cycle and sequencing; TREAT, 3(three)′ -RNA end accumulation during
embryonic development), and pathologies (e.g., cancer biol- turnover; TRICK, translating RNA imaging by coat protein
ogy) but are also emerging in diagnostic applications for
patients (10, 40, 76, 161, 166, 314, 341). The hope is that more Received July 14, 2021, and in revised from, November 16, 2021
cell biologists utilize these methods to enrich their own Published, MCPRO Papers in Press, December 16, 2021, https://
datasets as well as contribute to growing repositories, such as
UniProt and the HPA Cell Atlas, with the aim to unearth further REFERENCES
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