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New Biotechnology  Volume 27, Number 3  July 2010 REVIEW

Approaching marine bioprospecting in

hexacorals by RNA deep sequencing

Steinar D. Johansen1,2, Åse Emblem1, Bård Ove Karlsen1,2, Siri Okkenhaug1,
Hilde Hansen3, Truls Moum2, Dag H. Coucheron1,4 and Ole Morten Seternes5
RNA and Transcriptomics Group, Department of Medical Biology, Faculty of Heath Sciences, University of Tromsø, Norway
Marine Genomics Group, Faculty of Biosciences and Aquaculture, Bodø University College, Norway
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of Tromsø, Norway
Centre for Biosafety, Tromsø, Norway
Molecular Pharmacology Group, Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Tromsø, Norway

RNA deep sequencing represents a new complementary approach in marine bioprospecting. Next-
generation sequencing platforms have recently been developed for de novo whole transcriptome
analysis, small RNA discovery and gene expression profiling. Deep sequencing transcriptomics
(sequencing the complete set of cellular transcripts at a specific stage or condition) leads to sequential
identification of all expressed genes in a sample. When combined to high-throughput bioinformatics
and protein synthesis, RNA deep sequencing represents a new powerful approach in gene product
discovery and bioprospecting. Here we summarize recent progress in the analyses of hexacoral
transcriptomes with the focus on cold-water sea anemones and related organisms.

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
Hexacoral genomics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
Nuclear genome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
Mitogenome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
Transcriptome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
RNA deep sequencing in cold-adapted sea anemones and related hexacorals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
Key species . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
RNA deep sequencing by the 454 and SOLiD platforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
Towards gene products with relevance to marine bioprospecting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
Next-generation bioinformatics and high-throughput protein synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
Product candidates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
Perspectives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274

Marine bioprospecting aims to identify, explore and exploit mar-
ine natural products for applications in biomedicine, biotechnol-
Corresponding author: Johansen, S.D. (Steinar.Johansen@uit.no) ogy or environmental surveillance. The traditional approach to

1871-6784/$ - see front matter ß 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.nbt.2010.02.019 www.elsevier.com/locate/nbt 267
REVIEW New Biotechnology  Volume 27, Number 3  July 2010

marine bioprospecting includes systematic screening of marine sion in cells or cell-free extracts, and subsequently screened for
extracts for bioactive products and compounds. Promising activities and functions.
candidates may lead to drug discovery after lengthy and detailed The transcriptome represents the full complement of RNA
functional studies, structural characterizations, chemical modifi- transcripts expressed in a cell for a specific developmental stage
cations and perhaps clinical trials [1,2]. Marine bioprospecting or physiological condition, and consists of protein-coding RNA
based on next-generation sequence technologies represents a transcripts (mRNAs) and non-protein-coding RNA transcripts
revolutionary new approach that complements traditional meth- [3,4]. Only a fraction of total cellular RNA is referred to as mRNA,
ods (Fig. 1). In short, this approach entails high-throughput next- most of which is at very low abundance and requires extremely
generation RNA sequencing (RNA deep sequencing) to identify the sensitive analytical tools to be identified and characterized. The
complete set of expressed genes and derived gene products. Next, key aims of transcriptomics are to obtain an exhaustive catalo-
annotated digital data are stored in large databases and processed gue of transcripts, to determine the transcriptional structure of
into gene product profiles. The gene products (mainly proteins, genes, and to quantify changes in expression levels among
peptides and RNAs) are then produced by high-throughput expres- transcriptome samples. Owing to the inherent complexity of

Schematic view of our analysis strategy using RNA deep sequencing in marine bioprospecting of hexacorals.

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New Biotechnology  Volume 27, Number 3  July 2010 REVIEW

transcriptomics, high-throughput technologies are essential. organized in a vertebrate-like manner with eight of ten spliceo-
The hybridization-based microarray technology has for more somal introns located at the exact same site as in humans [10,20].
than a decade been the most important approach in large-scale Almost half of the Nematostella protein-coding genes are also
transcriptome profiling. However, limitations in sensitivities present as homologs in bilaterian genomes, including several
combined with a narrow dynamic range and complex back- genes apparently lost in flies and nematodes [10,21,22]. Hexacor-
ground hybridization make microarray less suited for profiling als are of special interest in gene discovery and bioprospecting
of non-model organisms [5]. Transcriptome analyses based on since several human disease causing genes are represented in the
next-generation massively parallel sequencing technologies sea anemone genome [23].
have become widely available over the past two to three years.
Platforms represented by the Roche 454 Genome Sequencer, the Mitogenome
ABI SOLiD System and Illumina Genome Analyser are well Hexacorals are difficult to be classified by traditional methods,
established. A recent development in the field is the so-called but a reliable genetic approach at high resolution is mitochon-
third-generation sequencing approach (represented by Helicos) drial genome (mitogenome) analysis. Mitogenomics is the study

based on direct single molecule sequencing [6]. In contrast to of complete mitogenomes, and hexacoral relationships can be
other deep sequencing platforms, Helicos appears bias-free derived from concatameric protein sequence alignments in
because of lack of PCR amplification steps in library or template phylogenetic analysis (our unpublished results). To date, 27
preparations [7]. The power of next-generation sequencing tech- complete hexacoral mitogenomes have been determined and
nologies, including RNA deep sequencing, has recently been reported in the NCBI database [24]. These entries represent five
extensively reviewed [7,8]. of the six known hexacoral orders, but additional mitogenomes
Cnidarians, sponges and ctenophores share several character- from cold-water and tropical species have recently been deter-
istic features including lack of bilateral body plan symmetry, mined in our research group and will soon be publicly available
ancient evolutionary origin, and highly unusual life strategies. (Table 1).
These apparently primitive marine animals contain complex gen- Typical hexacoral mitogenomes are circular 16–18 kb DNA
omes with equal or even increased number of genes compared to molecules encoding at least 13 proteins and 4 structural RNAs
the bilateral animals [9–11]. Bioprospecting in tropical and sub- (two ribosomal RNAs and two transfer RNAs) [25,26]. The gene
tropical species has resulted in the discovery of several bioactive synteny appears to be conserved within, but not between, different
compounds of great benefit to human medicine, including cancer classes. Interestingly, one or two genes are interrupted by a group I
therapy, vascular diseases and infectious viral diseases such as AIDS intron (Table 1). The obligatory ND5 intron is probably the most
[12–15]. Bioprospecting in species found in Arctic and sub-Arctic complex group I intron known harboring 2–16 mitochondrial
waters has a specific aim in exploiting products adapted to extreme genes inserted within its structure (Table 1, Fig. 2) [25,27]. A subset
environmental conditions such as low temperature or seasonal of mitogenomes contains a second optional group I intron in the
lighting. COI gene that encodes a homing endonuclease probably involved
The phylum Cnidaria contains more than 9000 nematocyst- in intron mobility [28]. In addition, open reading frames encoding
bearing species. According to recently revised cnidarian taxon- unknown proteins and sequence duplication events are also
omy, species are distributed among classes Hydrozoa (hydroids observed (our unpublished results).
and fire corals), Scyphozoa (jellyfishes), Cubozoa (box jellyfishes), Hexacoral mitogenomes possess a very low substitution rate
Myxozoa (endoparasite worms), Polypodiozoa (endoparasites) and compared to most other metazoans resulting in almost no
the largest class Anthozoa (true corals) [16,17]. The anthozoans are sequence variations between individuals and populations of a
further divided at the subclass level into Hexacorallia and Octo- species [29,30]. This is exemplified in the sea anemone Metridium
corallia possessing six (or divided by six) and eight tentacles per senile when the mitogenome (17.4 kb) of two individuals is com-
polyp, respectively. Hexacorals constitute a diverse group of ani- pared. Only 12 variant nucleotide positions (0.07% of the mito-
mals and include reef-building stony corals (order Scleractinia), sea genome) were detected in the comparison of Norwegian and US
anemones (order Actiniaria), colonial anemones (order Zoanthi- specimens (our unpublished results).
dea), tube anemones (order Ceriantharia), mushroom corals (order
Corallimorpharia) and black corals (order Antipatharia) [18]. Here Transcriptome
we summarize current strategies and views on applying RNA deep Transcriptome analysis of hexacorals is in its beginning and only a
sequencing by Roche 454 FLX Genome sequencer and ABI SOLiD few tropical and subtropical species of sea anemones and stony
sequencer in marine bioprospecting of cold-water sea anemones corals have been analysed in depth using expressed sequence tags
and other hexacorals. (EST) libraries combined with traditional Sanger sequencing [31–
35], microarray analysis [36–39], and more recently by 454 pyr-
Hexacoral genomics osequencing [40].
Nuclear genome The transcriptome of the two symbiotic sea anemones,
The only sequenced hexacoral draft-grade genome to date is that Aiptasia pallida and Anemonie viridis, and the non-symbiont
of the starlet sea anemone Nematostella vectensis [10], representing sea anemone N. vectensis have been analysed using ESTs com-
a cnidarian model system for developmental and genomic studies bined with Sanger sequencing [10,34,35,41]. More than 10,500
[19]. Sequencing and analyses of 0.36 gigabases (Gb) of the 0.45- ESTs are available from Nematostella [41] and analysis of the A.
Gb genome identified more than 18,000 protein-coding genes in pallida library consisting of 10,000 ESTs from a mixed host/
the 15 haploid chromosomes [10]. Nematostella genes appear to be symbiont cDNA population identified a surprisingly low level of

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Key features of completely sequenced hexacoral mitogenomes
Species Family kb I-ND5 I-COI Acc No
Sea anemone (Order Actiniaria)
Bolocera tuedia Actiniidae 19.1 + + Unpublished
Urticina eques Actiniidae 22.5 + + Unpublished
Aiptasia pulchella Aiptasiidae 19.8 + + Unpublished
Nematostella sp. Edwardsiidae 16.4 + DQ643835
Metridium senile N1 Metridiidae 17.4 + + Unpublished
Metridium senile Metridiidae 17.4 + + AF000023
Colonial anemone (Order Zoantharia)
Savalia savaglia Parazoanthidae 20.8 + + DQ825686
Stony coral (Order Scleractinia)
Acropora tenuis Acroporidae 18.3 + AF338425

Anacropora matthai Acroporidae 17.9 + AY903295

Montipora cactus Acroporidae 17.9 + AY903296
Agaricia humilis Agariciidae 18.7 + DQ643831
Pavona clavus Agariciidae 18.3 + DQ643836
Colpophyllia natans Flaviidae 16.9 + DQ643833
Montastrea annularis Flaviidae 16.1 + AP008973
Montastrea faveolata Flaviidae 16.1 + AP008977
Montastrea franksi Flaviidae 16.1 + AP008976
Mussa angulosa Mussidae 17.2 + DQ643834
Madracis mirabilis Astrocoeniidae 17.0 + EU400212
Pocillopora damicornis Pocilloporidae 17.4 + EF526302
Pocillopora eydouxi Pocilloporidae 17.4 + EF526303
Seriatopora caliendrum Pocilloporidae 17.0 + EF633601
Seriatopora hystrix Pocilloporidae 17.1 + EF633600
Stylophora pistillata Pocilloporidae 17.2 + EU400214
Porites porites Poritidae 18.6 + + DQ643837
Astrangia sp. Rhizangiidae 14.9 + DQ643832
Siderastrea radians Siderastreidae 19.4 + + DQ643838
Mushroom coral (Order Corallimorpharia)
Rhodactis sp. Actinodiscidae 20.1 + + DQ640647
Discosoma sp. CASIZ 168915 Discosomatidae 20.9 + + DQ643965
Discosoma sp. CASIZ 168916 Discosomatidae 20.9 + + DQ643966
Ricordea florida Ricordeidae 21.4 + + DQ640648
Black coral (Order Antipatharia)
Chrysopathes formosa Cladopathidae 18.4 + DQ304771
Note: Presence (+) or absence ( ) of group I introns in the ND5 gene (I-ND5) and COI gene (I-COI) is indicated. Unpublished mitochondrial sequences have been generated in our research

symbiont transcripts [35]. In the A. viridis study 40,000 ESTs transcriptome has been performed [40] generating more than
were analysed, revealing novel genes with no homologs in 600,000 reads assembled into 40,000 contigs, representing some
Nematostella. Homologs to these are present in other symbiotic 11,000 different genes.
cnidarians though, and may thus represent genes involved in
host–symbiont relationships [34]. RNA deep sequencing in cold-adapted sea anemones
Transcriptome analyses of the hard corals Acropora millipora, and related hexacorals
Acropora palmate and Montastrea faveolata have been performed Key species
using all three methods mentioned above. A library consisting Several cold-water hexacoral species are present in the North
of about 18,500 ESTs generated from five life stages of both A. European coastal areas, including a variety of sea anemones [42]
palmata and Montastrea has been established to identify candi- and also a few reef-building corals, tube anemones and colonial
date symbiosis-related genes as well as candidate genes for anemones. In contrast to their tropical and subtropical relatives,
understanding the life history of scleractinian corals [33]. A most cold-water species lack photosynthetic symbiotic
subset of these ESTs has been further exploited in a microarray algae. Representative cold-water hexacorals included in our
approach containing 2055 features from A. palmate and 1314 mitogenome and transcriptome studies are shown in Fig. 3.
features from Montastrea. In this study differential expression We also investigate the reef-building cold-water stony coral
following exposure to symbiont algae was analysed [39]. Micro- Lophelia pertusa and some tropic and subtropic reference species
array has also been used to analyse A. millipora developmental raised in our reef-tank facility. Sampling of low-temperature
stages as well as environmental effects on its transcriptome species is performed at various locations at the coast of
[36,38]. Finally, 454 deep sequencing of the A. millipora larva Northern Norway.

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Organization of the Metridium senile N1 mitogenome sampled from a cold-water area in Northern Norway. The circular genome (17.4 kb) contains two rRNA genes
and two tRNA genes (red boxes). Two of the 14 protein genes are interrupted by group I introns (schematically presented by their secondary RNA structures).
Three protein genes have intronic locations (ND1 and ND3 in Mse.ND5-717, and HEG in Mse.COI-884). W and M, tRNA for tryptophan and methionin; SSU and LSU,
mitochondrial SSU and LSU rRNA genes; ND1-6, NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1–6; COI-III, cytochrome c oxidase subunit I–III; A6 and A8, ATPase subunit 6 and 8;
Cyt B, cytochrome b; HEG, homing endonuclease gene. P1–P9, conserved helices present in most group I intron structures [27].

RNA deep sequencing by the 454 and SOLiD platforms providing an internal proofreading system with more accurate
The analysis strategy presented here combines Sanger (mtDNA recording than other next-generation platforms [7,47]. SOLiD
sequencing), 454 (whole transcriptome) and SOLiD (expression sequencing is highly preferred in small RNA and gene expression
profiling) technologies (summarized in Fig. 1). SOLiD ligation- profiling, as well as in whole transcriptome re-sequencing.
based sequencing is conducted at our in-house laboratory facility
[43]. The 454 pyrosequencing is based on sequencing-by-synthesis Towards gene products with relevance to marine
generating base-space reads [44]. In short, for each incorporated bioprospecting
dNMP in the newly synthesized DNA a pyrophosphate (PPi) is Next-generation bioinformatics and high-throughput protein
released. The PPi is then indirectly detected by luminescence synthesis
production recorded as luciferin is converted to oxyluciferin by The enormous amounts of data generated by RNA deep sequen-
luciferase. The 454 GS FLX Titanium version gives 1.2 million cing require extended biocomputing resources. Data storage, eva-
reads per run with an average read length of 400 bp, resulting in luation of sequence quality and retrieval of sequences are usually
single run yields of at least 0.5 Gb. Thus, 454 pyrosequencing is the performed by software packages available with the sequencing
preferred technology in de novo whole transcriptome sequence platforms (454 and SOLiD) [48–51]. In addition, various open-
analysis. source and commercial software packages are available for further
SOLiD (Sequencing by Oligo Ligation and Detection) sequen- analyses [52–58].
cing is a high-throughput short read (35, 50, or 75 nt) sequencing Expression and subsequent functional testing of several
system [45,46]. One single run generates approximately 100 Gb of proteins simultaneously have recently been reported on
sequence from more than a billion reads, and with an order of cell-free protein synthesis and high-density protein arrays
magnitude lower cost per base compared to the 454 technology. [59]. Cell-free protein synthesis offers several advantages over
SOLiD uses a unique ligation-based color-space sequencing strat- cell-based methods in large-scale protein production [59–62].
egy with semi-degenerated short oligonucleotides and a two-base Eukaryotic-based lysates may direct a wide range of protein
encoding scheme. Here, each base is independently read twice, modifications and express much protein simultaneously at

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Key species representing five distinct orders of the subclass Hexacorallia included in our study. (a) Bolocera tuediae, Order Actiniaria (sea anemones), Family
Actiniidae; (b) Hormathia digitata, Order Actiniaria, Family Hormathiidae; (c) Metridium senile, Order Actiniaria, Family Metridiidae; (d) Urticina eques, Order
Actiniaria, Family Actiniidae; (e) Urticina felina, Order Actiniaria, Family Actiniidae; (f) Protopalythoa sp., Order Zoantharia (colonial anemones), Family
Zoanthidae; (g) Aiptasia pulchella, Order Actiniaria, Family Aiptasiidae; (h) Rhodactis indosinensis, Order Corallimorpharia (mushroom corals), Family
Actinodiscidae; (i) Cerianthus lloydii, Order Ceriantharia (tube anemones), Family Cerianthidae; (j) Caulastrea furcata, Order Scleractinia (stony corals), Family
Flaviidae. Hexacoral species (a)–(e) and (i) are captured from cold-water environments (Northern Norway), and species (f )–(h) and (j) are from our tropical reef-
tank facility. Photos by SDJ.

high yields [59,63]. Automated platforms performing high- proteins [65,67–69]. The presence of homologous genes in cold-
throughput protein production and functional screening are water sea anemones provides new properties and applications of
now available including the DAPA procedure (DNA array to fluorescent labels.
protein array) [64]. The sea anemones are rich sources of two classes of peptide
toxins, the cytolysins and neurotoxins [70,71], with important
Product candidates biological roles in predation and defense. Cytolysins are pep-
Comparative analysis of our current 1.2 million 454 sea anemone tides or polypeptides belonging to four defined groups, each
transcriptome reads (500,000 Bolocera tuedia, 500,000 Hormathia with distinct structural and functional characteristics. Arctic
digitata and 200,000 Urticina eques) (Fig. 3a,b,d) against annotated and sub-Arctic genera of sea anemones are known to express
sequences in public databases identified thousands of different all the cytolysin groups [70]. The neurotoxin peptides (usually
derived proteins, some with relevance to biomedicine and bio- 30–60 amino acids in size) are related to peptide toxins found in
technology. Among these are several enzymes, fluorescent pro- venomous snakes, spiders, bees or scorpions. The neurotoxins
teins and peptide toxins. are produced in specialized stinging cells (nematocysts) located
The key color determinants in hexacorals are fluorescent and at the tip of tentacles, and some appear differentially expressed
non-fluorescent chromo proteins [65]. The green fluorescent pro- because of intron retention at specific developmental stages
tein (GFP) was first described in the jellyfish Aequorea [66], and is [72]. Both the sodium and potassium voltage-gated channel
now widely applied as fluorescent labels in molecular cell biology toxin transcripts are identified in our 1.2 mill 454 reads.
and molecular genetic research. Various chromoproteins have Figure 4 presents an amino acid sequence alignment of sodium
been discovered in tropical and subtropical hexacorals and include channel toxins found in representative sea anemones. Channel
the fluorescence colors green, cyan, red, yellow and chromo-red neurotoxins are important molecular tools in cell biology

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Amino acid sequence alignment of sodium channel neurotoxins from some sea anemones. The putative Urticina eques toxin (Ue-1) and Hormathia digitata toxin
(Hd-1) generated from our RNA deep sequencing analysis represent the Type 1 and Calitoxins, respectively. The leader peptide is cleaved off at the cleavage
tandem sequence is indicated. Additional sequences are from [72–74] and their references.

and neurobiology research, but it remains to be seen if the anemones Nematostella and Aiptasia, and the stony coral Acro-
cold-water sea anemone toxins possess unique functional pora [11], will bring new valuable information as references for
properties. gene composition and expression patterns in comparative stu-
dies. Next-generation transcriptome sequence data from non-
Perspectives model genera adapted to low-temperature environments (e.g.
Sequence analyses of complete genomes and whole transcrip- Lophelia, Urticina, Bolocera, Hormathia and Ceriantus) will raise
tomes will revolutionize our understanding of early diverging many new and interesting questions. Are there unique sets of
animals such as the hexacorals. Hopefully the complete genome genes in low-temperature adapted species? Is the lack of photo-
sequencing of the Nematostella sea anemone [10] soon will synthetic symbionts reflected in gene expression profiles? How
be followed by more species representing both model do homologous proteins in related hexacoral species from tro-
and non-model organisms (e.g. cold-adaptive species). The tran- pical and low-temperature environments maintain their func-
scriptome, which has a deeper complexity than the correspond- tions? These and many other relevant questions will be
ing genome, reflects the gene expression at a given approached by the next-generation massively parallel sequen-
developmental stage or tissue type. In fact, the composition cing technologies and experimental functional studies in the
of the transcriptome varies by changes in physiological states next few years.
and external factors such as temperature or various pollutants.
This gives new possibilities and applications for these benthic Acknowledgements
animals in environmental surveillance. Transcriptome profiling We thank members in our research groups at University of Tromsø
and analysis of hexacoral model systems, represented by the sea and Bodø University College for interesting discussion and

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continued enthusiasm. We also acknowledge colleges at Eurofins support on the SOLiD sequencing system. We owe our thanks to
MWG Operon for technical discussions and 454 sequencing Jahn Petter Johnsen for ‘buddy’ company in cold-water scuba
services, and colleges at Applied Biosystems for discussion and diving.

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