OrganicMolecule Interactiveposter Unitassignment-1

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Unit: Organic Chemistry

Unit Assignment: Type of Organic Molecule Interactive Poster

Select a type of organic molecule studied in this course and produce a concise, thoroughly researched and cited,
informative, interesting, and accessible interactive poster (ie: QR codes to links, video clips, check for
understanding quizzes, and/or simple manipulative activities/games, etc.). You should clearly explain the
properties (based on structure & function concepts, looking at both the physical and chemical (reaction(s))
properties), common uses in everyday life, standard nomenclature rules for your molecule, impact on human
health/environment, possible alternatives to use (if harmful for example), and include extensive interesting facts.
Make sure to make connections both to the grade 12 course as well as to Society, Technology, Science, and the
Environment (STSE).

The format should be a physical poster and as it is a poster, you should make use of spacing/overall layout, clear
headings, visuals (“a picture tells a thousand words”), and where possible, try to offload content/material through
use of interactives. See the curriculum documents (section B1) for some ideas. Suggestion: use the strategy of
getting some peer feedback before submitting your final product. You can do this in groups of 2.

Always keep this in mind for any project, including this one, it should be: informative, interesting, accessible,
reputable, comprehensive, and concise.

Basic Directions:
1. Form a group (find someone who is going to also be interested in your topic and who you can work productively
with- see me if you need help finding a group/partner)
2. Choose a topic from the organic compounds studied in this course (first come, first serve, approved by teacher
after posting on post on Teams site for sign ups)
3. assign tasks equitably
4. start a log of timelines, feedback, work done etc. (this is for record keeping, planning and evidence of work done
in the rare event that there are issues with people not doing their part, so it doesn’t necessarily need to be in a
formal format or submitted)
5. do research, making sure to keep track of all of your sources (even for images)
6. produce product
7. have product peer reviewed (you could devise a simpler checklist/mark scheme with room for
8. make revisions based on peer feedback
9. self-assess product through a short written reflection (this may be taken into consideration for your final mark)
10. display in class during the “gallery walk” day (to be determined, but approximately 2 weeks from now)
*Note that at any point in the process you can (should?) ask me questions and/or get suggestions

Due Date: ______________________________________________

Marking Scheme/Checklist:

- the type of molecule is clearly explained, including:

• Nomenclature
Incomplete 0 Partial 1 Complete 2
• physical properties are clearly explained from a structure/function perspective
Incomplete 0 Partial 1 Complete 2
• chemical properties given through clear examples (thorough coverage of relevant types of
Incomplete 0 Partial 1 Complete 2
- an extra effort has been made to include interesting and creative facts:
Incomplete 0 Partial 1 Complete 2
-connections are made:
• to the grade 12 course
Incomplete 0 Partial 1 Complete 2
• to STSE (related to real world examples and specific applications):
Incomplete 0 Partial 1 Complete 2
- accessible/understandable at a grade 12 level:
Incomplete 0 Partial 1 Complete 2

- the information clear and concise:

Incomplete 0 Partial 1 Complete 2
- the product visually appealing, including relevant quality images and excellent spacing/formatting:
Incomplete 0 Partial 1 Complete 2
-the poster includes relevant, interesting and helpful extra resources (ie: resources to interesting articles,
helpful databases, etc.)
Incomplete 0 Partial 1 Complete 2
-the poster includes interactive components (ie: helpful, interesting multi media, activities, checks for
understanding, etc.)
Incomplete 0 Partial 1 Complete 2

-there is some exceptional above and beyond aspect(s) to the poster. This could be an exceptional degree
of creativity, originality, exceptional depth and content coverage, exceptional production value. This is a
bonus, so is not subject to haggling by the students
+1 +2
- multiple and reputable sources used, the bibliography is correct and complete:
Incomplete 0 Partial 1 Complete 2
-embedded citations (MLA or APA format) used thoroughly and correctly:
Incomplete 0 Partial 1 Complete 2
The product has been peer reviewed, constructive feedback was taken into account and there is evidence
for this through a small reflection (sent via Teams)
Complete Incomplete

TOTAL: /26

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