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1. In both the Korean and Vietnam wars, the US got involved out of fear of communism.

The US feared the domino effect of communism, that if one nation fell to communism,
others near it would fall as well. The fear that communism would spread across the
globe is what drove the US to try and contain it, as it attempted to during the Vietnam
and Korean wars.
2. One specific example of the difference between the US experience in Korea vs in
Vietnam was the level of pushback from the war. While Korea wasn’t exactly a popular
war, Vietnam led to full-scale protests against the military. The attitude of the US public
toward the Vietnam War was one of the biggest differences between the two wars, and
part of the reason why the US pulled out of Vietnam.
3. One historical effect of the Vietnam War on US society was the large number of anti-war
movements surrounding it. The Vietnam War had a massive impact on American
society, as it coincided with the hippie movement of the ’60s which helped grow anti-war
sentiments. This anti-war movement surrounding the Vietnam War is one of the largest
historical impacts on American society from either Korea or Vietnam.

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