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Summer Training Project Report

A pro[ecL reporL on
8oboLlcs and embedded sysLems
5obmltteJ by
ln parLlal fulflllmenL of Lhe degree
AugusL 2010


1he followlng pro[ecL reporL summarles Lhe summer Lralnlng done aL LC
lnsLlLuLe of elecLronlcs 8ohlnl uelhl under guldance of L8 8 A8un
AfLer compleLlon of 1ralnlng a 8oboLlcs pro[ecL based on Lhe varlous
aspecLs of roboLlcs and embedded sysLems was made for Lhe compleLlon of
1he roboLlcs pro[ecL based on u1Ml CA8 was made and ls dlscussed


1 Mechanlcal
11 SLrucLure
12 MoLlon
13 1roubleshooLlng
2 LlecLronlcs
21 8031 klL
211 ClrculL dlagram
212 ConsLrucLlon
213 1roubleshooLlng
22 Pbrldge
221 ClrculL dlagram
222 1roubleshooLlng
23 u1Ml klL
232clrculL dlagram
3 rogrammlng
31 sofLware lnsLallaLlon
32 programmlng sofLware
33 procedures

Chapter No 1 Mechan|ca|

11 Structure

A ) chessey
1he base ls a 27 cm x 22 cm recLangular plywood plece
1he Lhlck ness of Lhe base ls abouL 02 cm
ln Lhe 27x22 cm recLangular plece a hole of dlameLer 14 mm ls made Lo aLLach Lhe moLors for
movemenL of Lhe u1Ml CA8 wlLh Lhe help of clamper
AL Lhe sLarLlng of Lhe wooden plece Lwo holes of 14 mm ls Lo be made Lo aLLach Lhe casLer

12 Mot|on

AfLer Lhe baslc chessy ls assembled 1he moLors are [olned ln Lhe 14 mm dla hole by Lhe help of
clamper nuLbolL sysLem

A MeLal geared MoLors used ls of 12v1008M wlLh a good Lorque Lo supporL movemenL
1he moLors are conLrolled by Pbrldge clrculLry whlch geLs lLs lnpuLs from Lhe mlcroconLroller

1he casLer wheels used ln Lhe u1Ml CA8 ls of dlameLer 3 cm and made up from Lhe solld
plasLlc maLerlal lL ls aLLach Lo Lhe base wlLh Lhe help of Lhe nuLscrew sysLem Lhe screw used ln
Lhls of 23 lnches

@oo|s used
1 CuLLer
2 ller
3 Pex saw
4 Screw drlver
3 orLable drllllng machlne
14 @roub|eshoot|ng

1 Whlle cuLLlng Lhe wood ln llne cuLLlng should be done Lo meeL proper
2 use of wood glue ln Lhe [olnLs ls Lo be done Lo make Lhe [olnL more
sLrong and reslsLanL Lo wear
3 1he klcklng mechanlsm ls Lo be made ln accordance Lo Lhe roboL's
elevaLlon from Lhe ground
lf Lhe fllpper ls Loo hlgh Lhen lL wlll noL klck Lhe ball and lf lL ls Loo low lL wlll
Louch Lhe ground and wlll noL move
4 1he rear wheel assembly ls Lo be made carefully and Lhe nuLs are Lo be
LlghLened as Lhe mechanlsm requlres sLrengLh and Lhe sLrengLh of Lhe [olnL
ls proporLlonal Lo Lhe lnlLlal LlghLenlng of Lhe nuLbolL assembly

Chapter 2 L|ectron|cs

1he embedded sysLems used ln Lhe roboL lnclude 8031 developmenL board u1Ml klL
for Lhe lnpuL and Pbrldge clrculL for moLor conLrol
1he above are dlscussed ln deLalls below

ChapLer 211
8031 clrculL dlagram

SchemaLlc of Lhe 8031 developmenL board provlded by LC lnsLlLuLe of
elecLronlcs ls shown below

leaLures of LClL's 8031 developmenL 8oard are
1he above developmenL board ls provlded wlLh lS connecLlons
whlch can be dlrecLly connecLed Lo Lhe LC8031 uS8 8urner" 1he
besL parL of Lhls board ls LhaL we don'L need Lo remove Lhe
mlcroconLroller agaln and agaln Lo burn lL Cn board programmlng
can be done uslng Lhe 6 plns(MCSl MlSC SCk 8S1 +3v and Cnu)

1hls developmenL board ls provlded wlLh LCu lnLerface A 16 ln
connecLor ls provlded on Lhe klL ln whlch Lhe LCu can be plucked
when lL ls requlred
6 Supply connecLors are provlded for boLh +12v and +3v supply
SeparaLe connecLors for all Lhe 4 porLs are provlded on Lhe klL so LhaL
a programmer can check hls/her own program code by connecLlng
Lhe l/C Cards and oLher perlpherals llke Seven segmenL dlsplay
MoLors eLc Lo Lhese porLs
equ|rements to rogram an 80S1 M|crocontro||er
O 1
Lhlng LhaL we need ls an edlLor and a compller for maklng a
program code and Lo generaLe a Pex flle lf we are uslng assembly
language Lhen 8031 luL sofLware" ls requlred and lf we are uslng C
Language for programmlng Lhe mlcroconLroller Lhen we can use u
vlslon kLlL C" sofLware
O AfLer generaLlng Lhe Pex flle of Lhe program code we need Lo burn
Lhe hex flle ln Lhe mlcroconLroller 1hls can be done by uslng Lhe
LC8031 uS8 programmer"

212 Construct|on
8031 developmenL board for Lhe roboL

1he followlng klL was developed on Lhe basls of LC developmenL klL for Lhe roboL

1 ALmel A189S32 mlcroconLroller
2 MlcroconLroller base 40 pln
3 CrysLal osclllaLor 110932 MPz
4 ConnecLors 8 pln 2 pln 3pln
3 ower supply porL
6 CapaclLors 10ulx2 1000ulx1
7 7803 volLage regulaLer lC
8 ulodesx4
9 8eslsLance (1kx1)

@oo|s used
1 Solderlng lron
2 Solder wlre
3 Wlre cuLLer

1he 8031 klL ls connecLed Lo Lhe LC burner klL(for burnlng sofLware and power lnpuLs)

213 @roub|eshoot|ng
A80S1 k|t
1 lf Lhe developmenL klL ls noL worklng Lhen
2 Check lf Lhe connecLor of Lhe 12v adopLer ls connecLed properly
3 Check lf Lhe uS8 connecLor ls connecLed properly
4 SelecL Lhe correcL devlce (A189S32) ln Lhe LC 8031 programmlng
3 lf sLlll Lhe program ls noL able Lo burn Lhen elLher Lhe mlcroconLroller ls
faulLy or under rare clrcumsLances Lhe buffer lC ls faulLy
6 lf Lhe program ls burnL perfecLly buL noL able Lo run Lhen lL means LhaL
Lhe [umper near Lhe 3v supply ls noL connecLed properly lf Lhe [umper ls
connecLed properly Lhen Lhe LLu (marked 19 ln Lhe dlagram above) wlll

CnA@L 22 n8L
L293D is a dual H-Bridge motor driver. So with one IC, two DC motors can
be interIaced which can be controlled in both clockwise and counter
clockwise directions and its direction oI motion can also be Iixed. The Iour
I/O`s can be used to connect up to Iour DC motors. L293D has output
current oI 600mA and peak output current oI 1.2A per channel. Moreover
Ior the protection oI the circuit Irom back EMF, output
diodes are included within the IC. The output supply (VCC2) has a wide
range Irom 4.5V to 36V, which has made L293D a best choice Ior DC motor
driver. The name "HBridge" is derived Irom the actual shape oI the
switching circuit which controls the motion oI the motor. It is also known as
"Full Bridge".

Figure 4: H-Bridge motor driver circuit.
By using two motors the robot can be moved in any direction. This steering
mechanism oI the robot is called diIIerential drive.

Table 2: #obot movement.

221 n8L CCU@ AAM

eft Motor
|ght Motor obot Movement
Straight Straight Straight
Stop Straight LeIt
Straight Stop #ight
#everse #everse #everse
ln pracLlce we acLually used Lhe L293u lC lnsLead of Lhe dlscreLe
componenL lL ls more effecLlve Lo use Lhe hbrldge lC lnsLead of Lhe
dlscreLe componenL clrculL Lhe ckL glven below show Lhe use of Lhe L293u

Component used
1 ero board
2 3 plnx1 4 plnx2 connecLer
3 LLdx2
4 8eslsLance(1kx410kx2)
3 20 pln base for lC
6 L293u lC
@oo|s used
1 Solderlng lron
2 Solder wlre
3 1ln wlre
4 Wlre cuLLer

222 @roub|eshoot|ng
1 lf Lhe moLor ls noL worklng properly so check Lhe connecLlon
2 lf Lhe connecLlon ls ok Lhen check Lhe power supply
3 lf above boLh polnLs ls ok Lhen check Lhe lC ls lL placed wrongly on
Lhe porL or noL
4 lf all Lhe facLor ls ok Lhen check Lhe lC ls lL ls faulLy or noLor check ur

23 @MI k@
231 ntroduct|on
u1Ml means uuAL 1CnL MuL1lLL l8LCuLnC? Lhls Lechnology ls wldely
used and has many appllcaLlon one of Lhe appllcaLlon ls dlscussed LhaL ls
moblle conLrolled roboLlc car uslng u1Ml Lechnology Being able to
achieve reliable communication is an important open area oI research to
robotics as well as other technology areas. As interest in robotics continues
to grow, robots are increasingly being integrated in everyday liIe. The results
oI this integration are end-users possessing less and less technical
knowledge oI the technology. Currently, the primary mode Ior robot
communication uses #F (radio Irequency). #F is an obvious choice Ior
communication since it allows more inIormation to be transIerred at smaller
distance. The overall goal oI the project is to control robot over a long
distance using DTMF technology eIIiciently.

The transmitter side is placed in the area which is to be supervised. The
receiver section is placed in the operator side which receives the video Irom
the corresponding area.

TMF Tone
The DTMF technique outputs distinct representation oI 16 common
alphanumeric characters (0-9, A-D, *, #) on the telephone. The lowest
Irequency used is 697Hz and the highest Irequency used is 1633Hz, as
shown in Table 1.

Table 1: DTMF Keypad.

The DTMF keypad is arranged such that each row will have its own unique
tone Irequency and also each column will have its own unique tone
Irequency. Above is a representation oI the typical DTMF keypad and the
associated row/column Irequencies. By pressing a key, Ior example 5, will
generate a dual tone consisting oI 770 Hz Ior the low group and 1336 Hz Ior
the high group.

TMF ecoder
The MT-8870 is a DTMF #eceiver that integrates both band split Iilter and
decoder Iunctions into a single 18-pin DIP or SOIC package. It is
manuIactured using CMOS process technology. The MT-8870 oIIers low
power consumption (35 mW max) and precise data handling.

Figure 2: Pin conIiguration oI MT-8870.

Its Iilter section uses switched capacitor technology Ior both the high and
low group Iilters and Ior dial tone rejection. Its decoder uses digital counting
techniques to detect and decode all 16 DTMF tone pairs into a 4-bit code.
External component count is minimized by provision oI an on-chip
diIIerential input ampliIier, clock generator, and latched tri-state interIace
bus. Minimal external components required includes a low-cost 3.579545
MHz color burst crystal, a timing resistor, and a timing capacitor.
The Iilter section is used Ior separation oI the low-group and high group
tones and it is achieved by applying the DTMF signal to the inputs oI two
sixth order switched capacitor band pass Iilters, the bandwidths oI which
corresponds to the low and high group Irequencies. The Iilter section also
incorporates notches at 350 and 440 Hz Ior exceptional dial tone rejection.
Each Iilter output is Iollowed by a single order switched capacitor Iilter
section which smoothes the signals prior to limiting. Limiting is perIormed
by high-gain comparators which are provided with hysteresis to prevent
detection oI unwanted low-level signals. The outputs oI the comparators
provide Iull rail logic swings at the Irequencies oI the incoming DTMF
signals. Following the Iilter section is a decoder employing digital counting
techniques to determine the Irequencies oI the incoming tones and to veriIy
that they correspond tothe standard DTMF Irequencies.

232C|rcu|t d|agram

Chapter 3 programm|ng

AfLer Lhe baslc frame and mechanlsms are made 1he elecLronlcs parL geLs
compleLed Lhe need arlses Lo program Lhe roboL ln order Lo conLrol Lhe
perlpherals and acLuaLors by Lhe mlcroconLroller
1he programmer sofLware codes and procedures are dlscussed below

31 sofLware lnsLallaLlon
LCL80S1 software |nsta||at|on

Step1 8efore uslng LClL8031 sofLware" for 8031 mlcroconLroller we
need Lo lnsLall Lhe drlvers for LClL8031 uS8 8urner"1he sLeps for Lhe
drlver lnsLallaLlon are as follows

Steps for LCL80S1 US8 dr|ver
ConnecL your LC8031 8urner" Lo Lhe uS8 porL of your C AfLer dolng
Lhls followlng wlndow wlll appear on Lhe screen

now SelecL es th|s t|me on|y" opLlon and Lhen press next 1he nexL
wlndow ls shown aove

AfLer Lhls cllck on advanced as shown ln Lhe above wlndow

now Cllck on Lhe 8rowse 8uLLon and selecL Lhe paLh where Lhe
LClL_8urner31" urlvers are locaLed
AfLer Lhls cllck on Lhe nexL 8uLLon so as Lo proceed furLher
AfLer presslng Lhe nexL buLLon Lhe drlver lnsLallaLlon wlll Lake place When
Lhe lnsLallaLlon geLs compleLed cllck on Lhe flnlsh buLLon
A ulalogue wlll pop up on your wlndow showlng LhaL 1he devlce ls
lnsLalled successfully and ls ready Lo use"

now Lhe lnsLallaLlon of your "LClL 8urner31" drlver ls compleLe ?ou can
check your devlce by 8lghL cllcklng on Lhe M? CompuLer lcon and Lhen
selecLlng Lhe roperLles
ln roperLles selecL Lhe Pardware opLlon and Lhen go Lo devlce manager
and you wlll see a drlver named
LC lnsLlLuLe of elecLronlc produces"
1he wlndow screenshoL ls shown below

AfLer lnsLalllng Lhe drlver for us uS8 8urner of 8031 you are ready Lo follow
Lhe SLep 2 of your MlcroconLroller programmlng process

32 programm|ng software
@he programm|ng software used |t the LC 80S1 L

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