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Levels of Learning

There are five “Levels of Learning” all together on this website. By reading
them in order, the reader will be able to follow my progress, as I continued
my research on these topics. For these papers to make the most sense, I
suggest you read them in order. Start by clicking on Site map.
There is no end to learning, and there is no one on this planet who can say
that they know it all, and that there’s nothing more to learn. There
is always a new level of learning regardless of where we are in the process.
However, with the information you are about to take part of, you will be
able to break the chains you’ve been sitting in from incarnation to
incarnation, you will understand who you are and where you want to go,
and you will be able to decide what you want to do with your future.
Authorities, using negative control to get what they want from us, and their
extraterrestrial masters, will lose their stronghold over you once you
understand these levels of learning!
Once we understand the ET (extraterrestrial) influence in our lives, we will
also understand how everything is connected; there is no way around it; it
needs to be known. There are a lot of benevolent star beings out there, but
those who are directly influencing our planet do not fall under this category,
which I will show beyond any reasonable doubt. Therefore, it’s crucial that
as many people as possible start looking into these subjects I’m
presenting; because much of this information can’t be found anywhere
else on this planet!
The Wes Penre Papers are best understood if they are read in order (but
don’t necessarily need to be), and just as college or university degrees, you
complete one level at the time and continue to the next; hence the “Levels
of Learning.” The Wes Penre Papers build information as you progress
through the papers. In reality, you are basically reading my own research as
it evolves. Therefore, a higher level of learning may correct some errors in
the previous hypotheses and conclusions I had come to on a previous level.
In the end, it all concludes, however. This is the reason why it is best to
read the papers in an approximate order.

If you are totally unfamiliar with the “Illuminati” and the Powers That Be, I
strongly advise you to begin by reading the paper called, “Introductory
Paper: Basic Information on the Global Elite a.k.a. “The Shadow
Government”” before you start reading “The First Level of Learning”.
Otherwise, it may be quite difficult to grasp the concepts that I am trying to
Website, Blogs, and Social Media by Wes Penre (in ascending release
date order)

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