4.2 S1E20 - Vocabulary Review

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Vocab Review MP3 & PDF

S01e20 – The one with the Evil Orthodontist



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In this scene, Chandler is talking about a great first date that he just had,
and Monica asks if he called her yet on the day right after the date.
Chandler says, "Let her know that I like her? What? Are you insane? It's the
next day, how needy do I want to seem? I'm right, right?" Joey and Ross
say, "Oh yeah, yeah, let her dangle.“

So, it's kind of a cultural note here, that in the United States, possibly true
in other countries as well, people typically believe that after a first date you
have to wait at least three days before calling the person for another date,
because otherwise you might seem too needy.

Needy would be someone that needs a lot of attention, that is very

desperate, and this is typically not how you want to seem to someone of
the opposite sex, when you first start dating.

Let someone dangle

Chandler asks the guys if they think that he's right that he shouldn't call
her back right away. And they say, "Yeah, let her dangle." So, to let
someone dangle is to leave someone in a state of uncertainty. So, he
should let her dangle for a few days before calling her, so she's not exactly
sure whether he likes her or not. So, he will not seem too needy.

So, again, Chandler says, "Let her know that I like her? What? Are you
insane? It's the next day, how needy do I want to seem? I'm right, right?"
Joey and Ross say, "Oh yeah, yeah, let her dangle.“

Page 5
Have some kind of life
So, we say to have a life, that doesn't just mean to be alive, but it means to
actually have a life in which you do important or interesting things, rather
than just be someone who doesn’t have a job or doesn't have any goals in

Sit around
Then, we use the phrasal verb to sit around, really just means to be at
home, or be somewhere doing nothing. What did you do today? I've been
sitting around all day. That just basically means that you haven't done
anything important.
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To hone means to sharpen, to improve a skill, or to improve the quality of
something. So, we might say to hone a knife, this would be a common
collocation, when you sharpen a knife.

So, again, Chandler says, "I wanted her to think I might be in a restaurant,
you know, I might have some kind of life. Like I haven't just been sitting
around here honing for the two hours."

Page 8
In this scene, Rachel is talking about her new relationship with Barry.
Rachel says, "I don't know, I mean, we still care about each other. There's a
history there, it's like you and Carole." Ross says, "No, no, no, no it's nothing
like me and Carole." Rachel says, "Please, if she said to you, 'Ross I want
you on this couch right here, right now.'

What would you say?" Chandler says, "If it helps, I could slide over." Ross
says, "It's it's it's a totally different situation. It's it's apples and oranges, it's
like orthodontists and lesb- I've got to go."

Care about something

So, first Rachel is saying that she and Barry still care about each other. So,
to care about someone is not quite the same as saying that you love them,
but it's saying that there are feelings there. You care what happens to the
other person.

To have a story
Then, she says, "There's a history there." So, to have a history with someone
just means that you've had past relationships and because of that history,
there's strong feelings between you. For this reason, it's not easy for Rachel
just to brush aside what is happening with Barry.

Slide over
And then, Rachel asks what would Ross do if Carole, his ex-wife, were to
say, "I want you on this couch right here and right now"? She means here
obviously by "I want you", I want to have sex with you. Chandler is sitting
on the couch that Rachel is referring to and so he jokes, he says, "If it helps,
I could slide over."
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Slide over is basically to move along something, so he could move to the

other end of the couch so that there would be more room for Ross and
Carole in this hypothetical situation.

Apple and oranges

Then, Ross says, "It's a totally different situation, it's apples and oranges."
So, we say apples and oranges when someone is making a comparison
between two things that are completely different.

So, again, Rachel says, "I don't know, I mean, we still care about each
other. There's a history there, it's like you and Carole." Ross says, "No, no, it's
nothing like me and Carole." Rachel says, "Please, if she said to you, 'Ross I
want you on this couch right here, right now.' What would you say?“

Chandler says, "If it helps, I could slide over." Ross says, "It's it's uh a totally
different situation. It's it's apples and oranges, it's like orthodontists and
lesb- I've got to go."

Page 9

In this scene, everyone is in Monica and Rachel's apartment, and they see
that the person with the telescope is watching them again. So, first Monica
comes up behind Chandler and makes a phone noise, a telephone ringing
noise, because he's anxiously waiting for the girl that he had a date with to
call him back.

Chandler says, "Hell is filled with people like you." Joey says, "He's back, the
peeper's back." Joey tells Rachel, "Get down." Rachel says, "Get down?"
Chandler says, "And boogie." Rachel says, "Thanks, but I've got to go to
work and get my eyes scratched out by Mindy."

Hell is filled with people like you

So, first because Monica has made a joke on Chandler, to make him grab
the phone really quick, which he didn't appreciate, says, "Hell is filled with
people like you." When someone does something bad, we can use the
expression to say that what they're doing is terrible. So, hell must be filled
with people that would do something like this.
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Joey points out that the peeper is back. So, peeper might be someone
who is looking in on other people. Someone who watches what other
people do, kind of like a voyeur.

Get down
So, Joey tells Rachel to get down. It means here to get down on the floor,
so that the peeper cannot see them.

Rachel just comes out of her room so she's confused and so she asks, "Get
down?" And Chandler makes a joke here, saying, "And boogie." So, the
whole collocation here would be to get down and boogie, would just
mean to dance.

Scratch out
Rachel is in a hurry, so she says she has to go to work and get eyes
scratched out by Mindy, Barry's new fiancée and her ex-best friend, who is
going to come meet her at work. This verb, scratch out, is used often to
scratch out someone's eyes. And it just means to use your fingernails to
physically mutilate someone's eyes.

She obviously means that Mindy is going to be furious at her when she
finds out that she is having an affair with Barry.

So, again, Chandler says, "Hell is filled with people like you." Joey says, "He's
back, the peeper's back. Get down." Rachel says, "Get down?" Chandler
says, "And boogie." Rachel says, "Thanks, but I've got to go to work and get
my eyes scratched out by Mindy.
Page 16

In this scene, Rachel and Mindy are confronting Barry about him cheating
on both of them. And he's just left the room on an emergency. So, Rachel
says, "Okay, okay we'll be here, hating you. Did you see how he was
sweating when he walked out of there? Listen honey, if I'm hogging the
ball too much, you just jump in there and take a couple of punches, 'cos
I'm telling you this feels great." Mindy says, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm still
going to marry him." Rachel says, "What are you talking about, Mindy?
The guy's the devil, he's Satan in a smock."

Walk out of
So, first Rachel says that Barry was sweating when he walked out of the
room. To walk out of a place is just to leave a place.

Hog the ball

Then, Rachel makes a reference to basketball. Hog the ball would be
when someone is holding onto the ball and not sharing it with other
players, someone's not being a team player. And so, since Rachel is making
mostly insults towards Barry she's saying, "If I'm hogging the ball" if I'm
making all the insults, "you feel free just to jump right in there and make a
couple of punches." This would be also a reference to wrestling.

Satan in a smock
And then, Rachel, when she's surprised that Mindy still wants to marry
Barry, she says that Barry is Satan in a smock. So, smock could be a type of
dress, but it can also be kind of like an apron. And it's what an orthodontist
would wear to kind of keep his clothing clean, and to also keep tools in it,
and things like that.

So, she says that he's like Satan in a smock. Satan is the devil and the
reason she says Satan is because she already said the devil, and there's
alliteration here, so it sounds kind of poetic.

So, again, Rachel says, "Okay, okay we'll be here, hating you. Did you see
how he was sweating when he walked out of there? Listen honey, if I'm
hogging the ball too much, you just jump in there and take a couple of
punches, 'cos I'm telling you this feels great."

Mindy says, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm still going to marry him." Rachel says,
"What are you talking about, Mindy? The guy's the devil, he's Satan in a

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