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Acquisition Catalysts (Offer Creation)

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Welcome to Acquisition Catalysts. This video explains the basic psychology behind why
strangers convert to clients, and how to create ‘grand slam’ offers that catalyse conversion.
This is the most important video in this entire Program. If you get this wrong, it’s game over.

IA’s 6 Pillars 🏛 💰

Client acquisition (converting a human from stranger to client) requires 6 things:

a) Drive - an unconscious driving force of human behaviour, the core & root reason for
taking an action or making a decision (to get or escape something)

b) Goal - a future situation they want to live in, manifest, or see come true

c) Problem - an obstacle standing in the way of them achieving their goal

d) Pain - an unpleasant feeling or emotion created by the problem they are facing

e) Action - mental decisions & physical behaviour taken to alleviate pain

f) Confidence - having faith, belief & trust in someone (or a company) to solve problems

Rule Number 1

Rule 1 of client acquisition: focus on the 6 pillars.

Rule 2 of client acquisition: don’t forget rule 1.

Client acquisition is simply:

a) Understanding & leveraging their core drives

b) Recognising their goal - a desired future state someone has
c) Defining & understanding the obstacles to said desired state
d) Creating & recognising pain created by the problem
e) Eliciting decisions and actions that alleviate pain created by problems
f) Building confidence in the person’s perception of your ability to solve

All 6 of these things are required to acquire a client (convert a stranger into a customer).

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Drives create goals.
Goals create problems.
Problems create pain.
Pain creates action.

Drive > Goal > Problem > Pain > Action

Action requires confidence.

These are the first principles of the Psychology behind client acquisition.

Here’s a elementary school level visualiser (sorry, I was never the best at art)

Now we’ve established the first principles we can reason up from them and start building a
framework to tackle the problem of acquiring clients.

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Creating IA’s 6 Pillars 🛠 🏛

To convert a stranger to a client we need:

a) Drive
b) Goal
c) Problem
d) Pain
e) Action
f) Confidence

How do we get these things to convert a stranger to a client?

The stranger creates:

a) Drive - pre-built into stranger, already existing

b) Goal - coming from drive
c) Problem - coming from goal
d) Pain - coming from problem
e) Action - coming from pain

You must create:

f) Confidence - coming from you, seeming competent, capable, reliable & trustworthy

You must also create:

d) Pain - you need to amplify pre-existing pain by exploring and exposing it

** Pain - pain rarely creates action without amplification. This is because humans enter
delusions to cope with reality. Pain hurts & can be avoided by pretending it isn’t there.

e) Action - you must elicit decisions and actions from the stranger

** Action - people rarely act or decide to escape pain and solve problems without
encouragement or elicitation to do so by an external stimulus or trigger.

Rule: You do not create the pain, you expose and amplify the pain that already exists.
Rule: You do not create the action, you encourage and elicit it, channelling emotions to act.

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Pools of Confidence 🏖 🎬

For someone to convert from a stranger to a client, they must have confidence.

Confidence is a measure of someone's belief in & trust in your ability to solve their problem.

There are three places a stranger can go to get enough confidence to become your client.

I call these 3 places ‘pools’ of confidence:

Pool 1: Your offer - the way your product is positioned in the market as a vehicle for them to
alleviate pain, solve their problem, achieve a goal & satiate unconscious drives.

Pool 2: You - your unwavering conviction and faith in your ability to solve their problem and
actually help them achieve their goal (needs to be extremes, real and genuine!).

Pool 3: Your clients - other people like them who you solved the same problem for (social
proof, reviews, reputation, case studies, client interviews, etc).

It doesn't matter where your market gets the confidence from to convert, what matters is that
they get it. You can have no clients, but with unwavering conviction & a great offer, you’ll

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The pool that has the most potential to give confidence is the offer (hence this video). It’s the
easiest place to find leverage for client acquisition is with your offer.
Pools of Pain ☹️

For someone to convert from a stranger to a client, they must have pain.

Pain is a measure of someone's suffering in relation to part of their life.

There are five places a stranger can go to get enough pain to become your client.

I call these 5 places ‘pools’ of pain:

(Conscious) Pool 1 - Problem(s): obstacles that must be overcome in order for a goal or
desired situation to be accomplished or achieved (e.g. appointment booking, dieting).

(Unconscious) Pool 2 - Unmet needs: core unconscious needs, desires & drives that are
unfulfilled (e.g. love, progress, attention, sex, status, family).

(Unconscious) Pool 3 - HWIW: having what isn’t wanted - existing in a current situation that
one does not want or is unable to escape (e.g. debt, excess body fat, being lonely).

(Unconscious) Pool 4 - WWIH: wanting what isn’t had - desiring a situation that one
currently does not have or is unable to obtain (e.g. $1,000,000, abs, a relationship).

(Conscious) Pool 5 - Consequences: bad things that happen and cause suffering as a
result of any of the above (example, being broke, feeling tired & lethargic, being unloved).

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The easiest place to extract pain is from the person's problem & current consequences,
because it is the most discreet place to get it. The better you understand their problem and
the consequences of it going unsolved, the more pain you can build.

This is because people associate pain mainly with the problems & consequences they are
facing, because they are conscious. People are aware of the pain caused by the
unconscious pools, but they can’t attribute that pain accurately because it’s unconscious, so
instead they blame it on their problems and current consequences.

Note: to amplify pain you must be discreet. You cannot blatantly try to create pain in
someone by telling them they are in pain. It must be indirect.

There are 4 ways to indirectly amplify pain:

1) ask questions, that by the nature of them answering, creates pain

2) explore problems, that by the nature of you exploring, creates pain
3) discuss the consequences, they are experiencing because of their situation
4) create seriousness, explaining the weight of their situation and the consequences


1) So you’re currently generating no new sales for the business, why is that?
2) You’ve told me you can’t get clients, can you expand on this problem for me?
3) What’s the knock on effect of this problem in your life?
4) If you don’t fix this and it gets worse, what would that mean for your business?

These are examples you can use during sales, but this also applies to appointment booking.

It doesn't matter where your prospect gets the pain from to convert, what matters is that they
get it.

It might sound unethical to purposefully amplify someone's suffering. I see it the same way a
doctor sees it: if I need to make someone temporarily suffer to stop suffering forever, I will.

More on pain and its role in conversion in the sales module :)

Action Thresholds 🗯 📈
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Action thresholds explain the point at which a stranger takes an action to become a client.

This is a model and doesn’t represent the objective nature of human behaviour, but it helps
us understand how pain and confidence fit into acquisition.

Every stranger you can serve in your market has an action threshold. Some low, some high.

The driving forces of action in client acquisition are pain and confidence.

Here’s an arbitrary equation to explain:

(Pain % + Confidence %) / 2 = % chance of action

For example:

(60% pain + 75% confidence) / 2 = 67.5% chance of action

If someone’s action threshold exists below 67.5%, then they will take action.

Fun fact: people who are ‘on the fence’ are teetering just below their action threshold. If you
ramp up pain and confidence, you’ll trigger the threshold.

There is no way to measure this, but it’s simple: the more pain the stranger is in, and the
more confidence you give them, the better your chances of triggering an action.

There is a tipping point in

someone's pain and confidence
centres that will cause them to
take an action to convert into a
client. If you can create an offer
that inspires massive confidence
in your entire market, you can
surpass the entire market's
action threshold.

One of the best ways to create

confidence and pain is via
inversion: just remove doubt
and remove comfort. After all,
pain is a lack of comfort, and
confidence is a lack of doubt.

The Gap🕴🏼🕳

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The entire world economy ticks on something we call ‘the gap’.

In life, people have a current situation, and a desired situation, for most aspects of their life.
These situations typically revolve around health, wealth, relationships & happiness.

Every day, people wake up and buy things that help them escape their current situation and
achieve their desired situation (applies to everything from chocolate, to a pet horse, to

The secret to client acquisition is to position you & your product as a ‘staircase’ the person
can climb to bridge this gap. To sell well, your product must be a vehicle for change.

Offers, Explained 🎟 ✍🏻

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In client acquisition, an offer is the way a product or service is positioned.

Offers have ‘strength’, and ‘strength’ works on a scale.

Offers aren’t binarily simply ‘weak’ or ‘strong’. It’s a question of how weak, or how strong.

This question is answered by your market by comparing your offer to your competitors.

When you create an offer, you are positioning your product. The way you position your
product influences your market's perception of that product, which influences their
confidence in it.

Your offer should react with drives, goals, problems & pains (latent conditions).

For example:

Weaker: “I sell a course that contains videos explaining how to get clients”.

Stronger: “I sell an easily installed client acquisition infrastructure, pre-built for you by
experts who have already solved the problem for themselves”.

The above examples are only weak or strong when contrasted to each other. Offers aren’t
good or bad, only when compared to other offers made by competitors.

Because 90% of people in the online space don’t understand offer creation, you can gain a
huge asymmetric business advantage here.

Key points on offers in high ticket client acquisition (won’t apply to all businesses)

1 - Offers succeed when they inspire certainty & position products as vehicles or pathways
to escape current situations and achieve desired ones.

2 - Offers succeed when they are unique and force the market to perceive a product or
business in a different, better way to competition. Niches & markets don’t saturate, offers do.

3 - A product is NOT an offer

4 - A service is NOT an offer

5 - A guarantee is NOT an offer

6 - A discount is NOT an offer

7 - A price is NOT an offer

Offer Power 💰💥

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Here are a few key points just to really drill home the point of why your offer is so important.

Rising tide: “a rising tide raises all ships” - in client acquisition, your offer can improve quite
literally every single metric and system you have. Your offer alone can move your sales
conversion rate by 10-40%, your show up rate by 10-40% and your appointment booking
rates on different systems by 5-10%. Just by fixing one thing you can fix everything. It’s an
asymmetric advantage, meaning it takes a small amount of time and energy input to get
right, but it disproportionately produces amazing results in return.

Persuasion: the more powerful your offer, the less persuasive you need to be to acquire
clients. Learning how to become persuasive takes years of daily practice and doesn’t come
naturally to a lot of people. Creating a good offer takes a few hours and gives the same, if
not better returns. If you don’t have a good offer you will need to persuade even more. Of
course, the best is to be persuasive with a really good offer (that’s what we do at IA).

Making it easy: good offers make client acquisition easy. If you create a sales argument
that cannot be ‘defeated’, you will close deals. You want an offer that is so good that to say
no would make them feel stupid, or like they are an irresponsible business owner. If you
position what you do in a way that makes them feel as though they can be certain and have
extreme confidence in your product to get them what they want, it’s impossible for them to
say no.

Exponent: offers act as exponents to client acquisition systems. This is power:

A bad offer can be represented like this: 2^1 = 2

An ‘OK’ offer can be represented like this: 2^3 = 8
A banging offer can be represented like this: 2^9 = 512

Offer Composition

Outcome - the promise, should align with the goal & desired situation of your market
Timeframe - how long it takes to deploy methodology to achieve outcome/result
Method - tangible, clear methodology as to how the outcome is achieved
Secrets - your unique way of executing the methodology and making it work
Safety net - risk reversal, a guarantee, a way to protect, feel safe & confident
Polarising - excluding people it isn’t for to bring people it is even closer
Pricing - how much it costs to claim the offer and make it happen

Outcome - $20k in new monthly revenue, 100 appointments, lose 30kg, get a wife
Timeframe - in 180 days, in 90 days, in 45 days, results in 48 hours, 1 hour
Method - step by step process, methodology, frameworks, instructions
Secrets - our secret loom alchemy method, our ‘operation appointment firestorm ad system’
Safety net - pay on results, pay per appointment, eat what is killed, guaranteed
Polarising - only for committed people, established businesses only, long term thinkers only
Pricing - pay on performance, one time fees, retainer, commission, high ticket, etc

Offers are presented in 3 forms, giving varying degrees of detail:

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Short form message - the core message of the offer, delivered in 3-5 short words.
Long form message - an elongated version of the core message, giving key information.
Pitch - pitch explaining the intricacies and nuances of the offer

Example for Imperium Acquisition:

Short form message - we make client acquisition easy.

Long form message -

The pitch - pitch explaining the outcome, methodology and terms/guarantee

Example: NorthFlow Consulting (our old DFY marketing agency)

Short form message -

double your fitness business

100 free appointments

Long form message -

The pitch - pitch explaining the outcome, methodology and terms/guarantee

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It’s helpful to understand from politics, let’s take Trump’s 2016 campaign for example:

Short form message - the core message of the campaign (e.g. ‘Make America Great Again’)
Long form message - key information about the message (e.g. ‘we’ll build a wall & cut taxes’)
The pitch - the politicians manifesto, guarantees & execution plan

Please note: the above example is NOT intended to favour any political parties or their
beliefs, nor is it to represent the political beliefs of me, or anyone at Imperium Acquisition.

Common Offer Mistakes 🚫✋🏼

There are 5 common mistakes people make when creating offers:

Copycatting: offers are a way to position your product in a way that is so different from the
competition that you stand out & cannot be rejected. Most people just copy their offers from
the competition, which is a viable strategy to start but not a viable strategy to scale. Learn to
think for yourself and position yourself as unique and as a ‘market of one’. You want your
offer to make it sound like your market can only get what you give from you.

Playing it safe: the bolder, braver and more ballsy the offer, the better positioned you will be
& the more confidence it will inspire in your market. I like to create offers whereby, if I don’t
deliver, there are genuine consequences and risks on my end, as this provides me with an
incentive to get good at what I do. If a prospect understands that you have actual ‘skin in the
game’ and have your neck somehow on the line with them, they’ll feel more comfortable
working with you. Once again, it’s a confidence thing.

Complicating it: complicated offers confuse people. You want your offer to be clean, simple
and easy to understand. You want to think about offers from a MVO perspective - minimum
viable offer. Ask yourself - what can I remove from this offer while still making it as ‘grand
slam’ as possible? The best way to strengthen an offer is to remove stuff, not add stuff. If
your short form message, long form message & pitch is complicated, you’ll lose deals.

Non-industry specific: if you are working in a certain market, your offer should be tailored to
that market. Sounds simple enough, but you want to use industry specific buzzwords and
expectations, otherwise you will alienate your market or not resonate with them. An example
of this: I had a client doing marketing for interior designers and he was promising ‘high ticket’
customers. A little bit of thinking would have helped him realise that the words ‘high ticket’
don’t exist in the interior design world.

Based on product: you should NEVER build your offer around your product. Instead, you
should build your product around your offer. Start with a bold claim that people genuinely
care about and want, and then figure out how to build a product that delivers it. This is the
most fatal mistake people make: they limit their promises and claims to their skillset, instead
of using claims and promises to stretch their skillset. An offer should make you
uncomfortable and should force you to improve.
Product-Offer Relationships 📦 🎁

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I’m going to tell you 2 really uncomfortable truths.

1. The harder it is for you to build a product, the easier it is for you to acquire clients.
2. The easier it is for you to build a product, the harder it is for you to acquire clients.

If you want to make client acquisition easy, you have to make product development hard.

That’s the tradeoff.


Great offers are built on great products.

Great products are hard to build.

The more time, blood, sweat & tears you put

into your product, the more confidence you
will inspire.

‘harder’ product = better offer = more


You: ‘harder’ product = more conviction in it,

since you bloody built it = more confidence.

Your clients: ‘harder’ product = more client

love = better results = more confidence.

Look at Imperium for example, a company that finds client acquisition easy…

Time spent building the foundations ‘Acquisition Genesis’ module alone: 500 hours (I left this
offer module til’ last). For every 1 hour of content you consume in acquisition genesis, I’ve
put in roughly 30 hours of thought, effort and work.

Offer: insane, screams confidence

You: I have an ungodly amount of confidence in the product

Honestly, this is truly my best kept client acquisition secret: spending 80% of my time
building insane products and 20% actually telling people about it.

Building this product has been the most painful thing I’ve ever done, but I’ve exchanged the
pain for confidence in the 3 pools of confidence. Pain can be cashed in for confidence.

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When I was running Facebook ads for gyms and online personal trainers, I worked on a
pure pay per appointment basis and made six figures. I could only do this because I spent
thousands of hours learning ads and improving my craft.

When I say hard, I don’t mean ‘hard’ in the sense that it takes longer than it should, or
making it hard for the sake of it. I didn’t make this product build hard just because it should
be hard, I mean hard in the sense that, you really need to put the hours in to deliver

People that aren’t good at what they do are uncomfortable creating great offers because
they fundamentally cannot deliver on them. If you find yourself in this position, it’s time to get

If you want to win in the current environment of online business, you need a great offer. The
market has and will continue to gravitate towards the businesses that provide the most

If your ability to create fantastic offers is limited by your skill, it’s time to become more skillful,
otherwise you will be beaten by someone who is willing to. If you can’t deliver on something
crazy, you need to get better. Your skill should meet the offer, your offer shouldn’t meet your

Pricing Philosophy 💵 📈
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Before you can price your offer, you need to know three things (credits to Hormozi for his
genius here).

1) Price to value discrepancy

People buy products because they believe that

what they are getting in value is superior to price.
You want to create a price to value discrepancy:
meaning you make your offer seem way more
valuable than the price you are charging for it.

If someone thinks value is below price after

purchasing, your business is doomed. Most
businesses are below this line, which is why they
struggle so much with client acquisition.

Average products put you at the point of

cancellation or below.

There are two ways to improve the discrepancy between price and value:

Option 1: Reduce price (BAD)

Option 2: Increase value (GOOD)

Price can only be reduced to 0, and charging less sucks in every way imaginable.
Value can be increased to infinity, and adding value is amazing in every way imaginable.

The goal for your market when purchasing products is to buy a huge amount of value, at a
discount. They’re not worried with how much they are spending, they are worried with how
much they get for their dollars. Dollars at a discount.

2) Virtuous cycle of price (once again, credits to Hormozi here)

How most businesses price their products:

1) Look at market
2) See what their competition offers
3) Take the average price
4) Go a little below average to stay ‘competitive’
5) Provide a ‘little more’ than their competitors
6) End up selling ‘more for less’

Don’t do this. Most businesses you look at are poor. If you don’t want to be like them, don’t
copy them.

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This cycle repeats and repeats in the market among competitors until profit margins
deteriorate. This is called Market Efficiency, and it makes everyone go out of business or just
barely stay afloat.

Instead, you want to increase the price. Here’s a diagram from $100m offers explaining:
When you drastically increase price, you become a market of one.

3) High prices = high value

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Price is a communication of value.

People perceive more value from products that are more expensive.

Charging higher prices literally makes people believe your product is better, meaning they’ll
like it more. Increasing price actually increases the quality of your product.

This is what Hormozi did with GymLaunch, where they charged $15k or so for their program,
when the highest price everyone else charged was $5,000.

When you are more expensive (way more expensive) than your competitors, it forces your
market to think ‘this must be something different’. Your price communicates a lot about your
business and the value it provides, so don’t be afraid to ramp up prices.

Think: if someone is paying you more, you have more leverage (cash) to invest in actually
getting them results.

Run this thought experiment:

If I 10x’d my price today, what would I have to do to make it more valuable than the price?

The Art of Resonance 🛢 📻

The key to creating a ‘grand slam offer’ is resonance.

Think of offer & message creation like drilling for oil.

Certain parts of Earth’s surface contain oil, and the

presence of this oil creates pressure. If struck, the
pressure is released and oil can be extracted for profit.

The problem is knowing where to drill.

Like the Earth, the human mind contains pockets of

‘pressure’ that if drilled, leads to a psychological release
that can be extremely profitable.

Instead of using a physical drill, we can use words.

Using the right words, phrases or images, we can

resonate with the unconscious mind of the market and
create massive action.

This is possible because of something I call ‘latent conditions’.

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Latent conditions are the underlying psychological, situational and cognitive forces that a
market (or niche) shares. If you understand the latent conditions of the market and the
‘frequency’ at which they exist, you can create a stimulus with the same ‘frequency’ that will
resonate with them, thus triggering action and conversion.

Examples of some latent conditions in early-stage marketing agency owners:

- Buying a $997 course from someone they look up to, only to be disappointed, but still
looking up to the person who sold them the course

- Massive imposter syndrome kicking in when signing their first few clients

- Spending as little time on outreach as possible, finding worthless distractions (like

building a website), while knowing they are deluding themselves

- Being primarily driven by one word: freedom ( in financial, location & time terms)

- Blaming most of their business problems on their niche

- Putting $10,000 per month on a pedestal, seeing it as the be-all goal of their life

- Using an agency to manifest their potential and channel an unusual amount of

conscientious energy

- Starting an agency out of anger or a negative emotion (or from terror of mediocrity)

We can imagine that these latent conditions are frequencies, similar to those you’d find
created by radio stations.

Your offer and marketing message are just like a radio, you
need to ‘tune’ them to a certain frequency to find a ‘station’ (in
this case, a station is one or more of these latent conditions).

Once a radio station is found, music plays.

Once a psychological station is found, action is usually taken

(or massive confidence & pain is built).

In simpler words: marketing assets that make people feel

understood invoke trust.

Good marketing triggers react with existing psychological

conditions to get results.

This is why niche market research is so vital to your company.

Action item:

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List out 5-10 latent conditions you know exist in your market (if you don’t think they exist, you
haven’t thought hard enough, or done enough research).


Imperium Offer Creation Worksheet 🎟 📃

Now let’s take some action and create your offer.

Create here: Imperium Offer Creation Worksheet

Offer Asset Creation 🔭 🛠

Create here: Offer Asset Creation

Creating Your Pitch 🗣 💰

Create here: Pitch: (Company's) Finalised Offer

© Imperium Agency - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Imperium Labs LTD. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Imperium Labs
LTD End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.
Final Notes & Visualisation 📝 👁

Your market has a

current situation,
and a desired

The job of your

offer is to position
your product as a
vehicle for the
escape of the
current and
achievement of the

You must reverse

risk, make it
tangible, focus on
the outcome, solve
a problem &
communicate this

© Imperium Agency - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Imperium Labs LTD. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Imperium Labs LTD End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.
Summary 📝

IA’s 6 Pillars 🏛 💰
Rule Number 1
Creating IA’s 6 Pillars 🛠 🏛

Pools of Pain ☹️
Pools of Confidence 🏖 🎬

Action Thresholds 🗯 📈
The Gap🕴🏼🕳
Offers, Explained ✍🏻
Offer Power 💰💥
Offer Composition
Common Offer Mistakes 🚫✋🏼
Product-Offer Relationships 📦 🎁
Pricing Philosophy 💵 📈
The Art of Resonance 🛢 📻
Imperium Offer Creation Worksheet 🎟 📃
Offer Asset Creation 🔭 🛠
Creating Your Pitch 🗣 💰

© Imperium Agency - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Imperium Labs LTD. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Imperium Labs
LTD End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.

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