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IO 2023

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Updates occur frequently.

A1: Niche Specific Headline

The headline is niche specific and speaks to the transformation. It needs to be bodacious and
true. It comes from your case studies, or your benefit, or both. Or you could get creative with
your headline. Your headline needs to include a subject, a transformation, and a timeframe.

● Provide benefit and star time dependent

● Example
○ How to
○ On
○ Why ---

Here is the template I use:

“How {company name} Went From {state 1} to {state 2} in {Timeframe} Using {Mechanism}”

“For {Niche}: How to go from {State 1} to {State 2} in {Timeframe} Using {Mechanism}”

“How to go from {State 1} to {State 2} in {Timeframe} Using {Mechanism} without {negative


“Case Study: How {company} Went From {state 1} to {state 2} in {Timeframe} Using
“How to take your B2B SaaS company from $0-$1M in 12 months or less using a paid traffic
funnel and an inside sales team.”

Use this intro:

“In this [article/video/podcast], I’m going to walk through [insert headline]”

Examples Of Some Of My Bangers That Made Millions

● $0-$1M Cash After Tax In 6 Months Using A Commission-Only Inside Sales Team
● Movie Star Physique In 12 Weeks
● The Fuck Me Now Physique
● 7 New High-Net Worth Investor Clients In 12 Months
● 10 New High-Net Worth Investor Leads A Month
● How Raj Doubles His Money Every Month With His Online Tutoring Business
● How I Made Greg O'Gallagher $400k profit in 3 days.
● How Instantly To Double Your Firm’s Profitability Using Slack
● For B2B CEOs: How Not To Get Ripped Off By Recruiters And Find Your Next
● For US-Based Architectural Firm CEOs with 100 + Employees: How to double
profitability using ____

The marketing argument (headline) is independent from the sales argument (the argument used
to get a deal closed). You first need to get people into your world, submit information, and show
up for a phone call. To do this, you need a lot of sizzle.

If you don’t yet have a case study, then you will need to hypothesize a claim or headline that will
resonate in the market. You first need to solve for the message or hook that gets the prospects
to show up and get excited.

The headline must be true or somewhat true in that you definitely plan to deliver on the promise
made in the headline. Sometimes your product cannot deliver the result claimed in the headline
and in this case, the engineering team will need to go back and make sure that the product can
actually deliver.

Humans think in time and associate change with time. When you speak to a transformation, you
will need to add a time component. Ex. doubling in 10 years is way less interesting than
doubling in 1 month. Be sure to include a time component to your headline.

Remember that the headline and sales letter is niche-specific or segment-specific. If you
address two or more segments in your sales letter, then you will have a tough time getting it
working. The rewards come from one sales letter, one funnel, one offer, one channel.

The headline needs to include money, health, or mating as the benefit. These are the core
benefits that humans respond to.
You want your headline to be a guaranteed yes. This means that if your prospect comes
across the headline in an ad, they will jump all over it. You need to make it sign.

The Stages Of Sophistication and The Claim

● There are stages of sophistication that Eugene Schwartz speaks of:
1. First to market and a new claim
2. Second to market and an elaboration of the claim
3. Third to market and emphasis on the mechanism
4. Forth to market and an elaboration of the mechanism (better, faster, cheaper)
5. Fifth to market and a focus on identification with the prospect

For example:
● If you are first to market with a claim that can save someone $100k in 30 second that will
light up the market and get people fired up. If that claim stops working because your
competitors start using it, then you can make it more bodacious and elaborate the claim
and expand it to $150k in 30 seconds. Once the market is saturated or hammered with
that claim by competitors, they will need a new mechanism: Example: $150k in 30
seconds using 5G. Once the market gets hammered with that claim, the market will
respond to $150k in 30 seconds using 5G + (faster 5G). Once the market is hammered
by that claim, the market will respond to identification - The 5G+ that Lebron James
uses. The 5G+ that Oprah uses.
● There is always a path to success, you just need to figure out what level of sophistication
the market is actually in.
● You can do this by simply observing the competitor ads and the other claims in the
market. Whenever I see a claim that I like, I write it down and store it in a little folder on
my computer.
● The market is always changing and people are coming up with new claims, and the
market is getting smarter and smarter by the day. It’s key that you stay on top and learn
where the market is. If you can do this, you will never have any trouble getting
● The speed at which you test the claim will determine the speed at which you determine
the market’s level of sophistication. This is why you want to test really quickly.
● Competitors copy my claims all the time. When I come up with a new ad, or a new angle,
it takes only a few hours for competitors to copy. They try to ride that wave. Imitators will
never get the rewards of the innovators, though. They should bunker down and lean the
fundamentals so they can lead the group.

You can change the headline as many times as you want during the writing process and during
the testing process. Your first sales letter and funnel will likely not be perfect, however, after a
few iterations, you can really dial it in.
A2: Proof/Framing Evidence
Once you capture your audience with your bodacious headline, it’s time to demonstrate to your
audience that you are a credible information source. Only once the audience knows you are
credible will they trust you and listen to your points. Without “dropping credibility or proof” here,
the audience is less likely going to believe what you say in the coming parts.

Use this table to map out your proof and stay organized. In your published version of the sales
letter, you won’t have this table.

Case Study/3rd State 1 and State 2 and Timeframe Source

Party Study evidence evidence

Notice that we use the state 1, state 2, timeframe, source structure. This is how you present
evidence. There needs to be contrast, a timeframe and a strong element of credibility.

The prospect should be thinking “this headline is BS” so the proof section is used to immediately
establish credibility.

How is this section different from section D1b: Case Studies?

● This section is all about dropping credibility bombs, so we want to be brief and to the
point. Section D1b will be used to dive deep into these case studies.

What can you use in A2 and as framing evidence?

● Your own evidence. The best evidence is evidence that the market has never seen
before. If you spend the time collecting your own data, and doing your own diligence, the
market will recognize this and reward you for it. You can use your own case studies, or
your own experience.

○ Case study evidence and customer screenshots

● Case study evidence
● Demonstrate proof

● What if you don’t have case study evidence yet?

○ Use either of these methods to collect case studies:
■ Phone Interview
● Schedule an interview with your customer and record via Zoom.
● Parse and edit, then publish.
■ In-Person Interview
● Visit your customers office and use your iPhone to conduct a short
● No need for a fancy Camera crew. That’s expensive and takes
way too long and is way too complex and annoying for the
customer. The more raw, the better.
■ Write The Case Study and Submit To Customer For Review
● You should start with this method since it’s fast.
● Document everything, go through email history, etc.. and present
a case and prove the value.
● Submit to your customer for approval. They might want to change
a few things that you got wrong, or omit sensitive information like
dates and specifics.
■ Survey your customers with a bulk email blast
● This method is great for when you have hundreds of customers
and you want to fill up your testimonial wall. You can use
incentives to get a testimonial.
● Example of blasting
○ Example
○ What method is the best?
■ The best method is using cold-hard data from dashboards etc.. and
combining that data with a video testimonial from clients.
○ What method is the fastest?
■ Then write the case study and submit a review method.

○ Quotes
■ Example
● “We are achieving 2X cash on cash ROI in 30 days. Very strong” -
Raj, CEO of Thinkster Math
○ Analytics from customers
■ Example
● [Image]
The figure above depicts the results from a survey we completed
that compared the number of X to the amount of Y. We found that
○ Your own experiment data
■ Example
● [Image]
The figure above depicts the results from an experiment we
completed that compared the number of X to the amount of Y. We
found that [result]
■ The proof needs to be beyond any doubt.

● Other people’s evidence

○ Cite a credible source or research paper and make your own analysis.
■ Example
● [Image]
The figure above is a summary of an experiment completed at
[location] during [time], [citation]. It was found that [result].

● What does the evidence need to prove?

○ It proves the claim you made in your headline!

● How do you source evidence?

○ You want to use “source text” wherever you can. Source text is no-nonsense
information or data straight from the source. Humans are historically terrible at
relaying information (there are often strong broken telephone effects), so going
straight to the source and crafting your own evidence relieves this problem.

● Examples of source text:

○ Text books
○ Scientific Studies
○ Your own data set that you collected using careful methods

● What is not good evidence?

○ Buzzfeed articles, Wikipedia, any media article. The authors of these pieces are
not incentivized to spout accurate information. A scientist is incentivized properly
since their credibility is dependent on the level or accuracy of their conclusions.
The worst thing a scientist can be is wrong. The worst thing a media author
can be is ignored. We intrinsically understand this. Using credible and unbiased
information to craft your arguments and explain your points will result in certainty
and a strong force towards your terminal point.

● How do you present this in written form?

○ Lead with the image, then explain the image in the paragraph below.
○ Drop the bombs quickly, don’t bury the lead.
○ Example

The figure above depicts the cash against rep over a 12 month period.
Notice that this company was able to ramp to $5M with only 6
salespeople on the team.

The figure above is a screenshot of the slack channel. Notice that there
are 7 salespeople on this particular sales team and that they are all
- A Linear Argument

How much evidence is needed?

● You need to use enough to show the prospect that you really know what you are talking
about. Don’t be afraid to add a ton.
● “Dump the proof on these people” - some rapper. Don’t recall exactly, but that line stuck
with me.

How in-depth do you need to go in your evidence phase?

● This part is to simply show the prospect that you are credible and that your claim is not
bs. You don’t need to go into crazy detail here. There is a time and a place for full out
case studies - after you present your solution and your features (bottom of the funnel

What is the difference between A2 case studies and D1 case studies?

● D1 case studies are much more in-depth. A2 case studies and evidence are just
sprinkles of the case study results. The abstract. The proof. The money shot. The flag on
the Moon.

How do you present A2 in video form?

● When you present in video form, you use phrases like “I don’t mean to show you this to
brag, but…”, “Before we get into the meat and potatoes of this presentation, I’ll quickly
show you some proof, just so you know that I actually did this in real life.”
● You rattle off the evidence quickly and be aware that you are in attention capture mode.
The prospect is doubting your credibility and is looking for reasons to debunk your
claims and your credibility. Give them what they want. They want clear, demonstrable
evidence that is difficult to dispute. Once they “believe” you, you will have a very easy
time persuading them to your ideas.
● You want to move quickly when you are doing this live. Think of it like a little peep show,
or a flash. Flash your shit, then move on.
● You can do this with props or with real credible evidence - examples of props: nice
clothes, backgrounds, cars, houses, etc..

Can you use video evidence in the written sales letters and video sales letters?
○ Yes, for sure. You can create a short demonstrating something with a customer. If you
are doing a video, you can pull up the video evidence or splice it in with the edit.
○ Example
A3a: Who This Is For - Identification
Before you introduce the content of the sales letter AKA the educational points, you need to call
out the audience and “identify with the prospect”.

This is an important step in building rapport with the reader/viewer/listener. The reader will need
to feel like you understand them and their situation in order to buy into your points.

We use the following columns to identify with the prospect. Fill out these columns to stay
organized. The final version of your sales letter will not include this scaffolding and should be
written as paragraphs or bullet points without repeating sentence fragments.

You have already determined these in your spreadsheet.

Desires Fears Failures Enemies Suspicion Trends and


Everyone is

Determining this information:

Listening to sales calls or calling the prospects yourself. Don’t rely on secondary information or
play broken telephone.

You will need to listen to many sales calls and have many interactions with the prospect before
you really start to understand them. This is why it’s so important that the marketer be the
salesperson and understand the product and technology at a deep level.
● Desires
○ Everyone has desires, dreams, outcomes that they aspire towards. By aligning
with these dreams and desires and encouraging them, we can build a deep
sense of rapport with the prospect. This sense of rapport will help us influence
the prospect with respect to our thesis points and our new mechanisms.
Everyone wants a positive power ranger. Be the positive power ranger that
encourages their dreams and desires.
○ These desires can be personal or business related. It’s a good idea to mix in both
personal and professional desires. At the end of the day, humans are humans.
They might say they want “more revenue”, “lower churn”, “better metrics”, but
what does that mean, really? It means they want to make money so they can
spend time with their kids, send the kids to private school, buy their wife a new
car, retire their parents, go to Mars one day. Try to read through the lines. If you
hit the nerve, you will stick out and perk people up.
○ These can be thought of as goals.

○ Examples
■ “If you are trying to build a pack of wolves that can sell your product, then
you are in the right place.”
■ “If you are trying to break your first mil, then stick around.”
■ “If you are trying to raise your next round, then stick around.”
■ “If you are trying to get that promotion, then stick around”.
■ “If you are trying to prevent your wife from cheating on you with her boss,
then stick around.”

○ How do you determine desires?

■ These secret desires often slip out when you spend enough time with the
person. They also slip out when the prospect or niche experiences
frustration. They might say something like “Darn it, I just want _____. Is
that so hard???”. These are the true desires. Take note of this. Look for
flare ups and emotions. You can interview your prospects and ask
questions like “If you could have only one thing right now, what would that
be?” Force the prospect up against the wall to get the real desire out.
■ Ask the prospect - “If you could fix one problem in your life such that by
fixing it, everything else would be irrelevant, what would that be?”
■ “What is screaming at you? Something you can’t ignore. Something you
think about the moment you wake up?”
● Fears
○ If you can allay someone’s fears, you will cause a massive amount of rapport.
Everyone has fears, or something that worries them. In this section, you want to
acknowledge their fear and tell them that it’s justified, but if they follow the right
steps, they have nothing to fear.
○ Examples
■ “If you are worried about making payroll, then stick around.”
■ “If you are worried about not having a good Thanksgiving Day story, then
you stick around.”
■ “If you are worried about keeping your most important people motivated,
then stick around.”
● Failures and problems
○ Failures are things that the prospect has tried, but failed to have success. These
could be activities, products, processes, hires, belief systems. You want to
mention these failures and justify them. No one wants to feel like a dummy for
failing. Make them feel like everyone has made similar mistakes, and it’s just
because they didn’t have the right information.

○ Introducing Emotion
■ When you layer on emotion, you can achieve a wild amount of rapport.
Don’t make it sleazy, just simply call out the particular emotion they have
been feeling.

○ Examples
■ “If you spent $85k on a marketer, and got no yield, then stick around.”
■ “If you wasted $100k on Hubspot, then...”
■ “If you can’t convince an investor to fund you, then stick around..”

● Suspicions
○ Suspicions are things, people, ideas that people simply don’t trust. If you can
confirm or align with someone’s suspicions, you will achieve a massive amount
of rapport.

○ Examples
■ “If you are suspect of the VCs and their little game of hot potato, you are
in the right place.”
■ “If you suspect that you don’t need to be a sleazy salesperson to close
deals, you are right.”
■ “If you suspect that it doesn’t take 4 years to find product-market-fit, you
are in the right place.”
● Enemies
○ Enemies are things, people, or ideas that people hate. If you can align to these,
you will create a common enemy that triggers the tribal instincts within the

○ Examples
■ “If you hate burning money and being broke, then you are in the right
■ “If you hate making excuses, then you are in the right place.”
■ “If you hate wasting engineering bandwidth, then you are in the right

● Stacking and Bundling

○ You can stack these and bundle them together to create extremely powerful

○ Example
■ “Now, who is this for? If you are trying to get to your first mil, hire a pack
of wolves, carry on an amazing Thanksgiving Day story, then stick
If you are worried about payroll, or running out of money,
If you suspect that the VC game is a bunch of horse shit, or that it doesn’t
take 4 years to get to product-market-fit,
If you are pissed off that you wasted $85k on a marketer, or that you blew
$100k on Hubspot, or that you can’t flood a calendar to save your life,
then this is for you.
If you hate burning money, making excuses, or wasting valuable
engineering bandwidth, then this is for you.”

● Should you get emotional?

○ Yes, absolutely. This is where you suck someone into your argument. If you can
introduce emotion at this point, you will develop deep rapport.

● How long should this section be?

○ Don’t be afraid to make this section a full page or half page. The more
descriptive, the better it will engage the reader, listener or watcher.

● Should you use pictures in this section?

○ Pictures are optional, but in the VSL (the video version or the Slide deck), you
will use pictures of people or people being frustrated. Don’t use stock photos.
Draw your own pictures or use something that is unique to you. A little stick figure
works better than a bullshit stock photo.

A3b: Who This Is Not For (Optional)

This section is optional, but is very useful in further qualifying the prospects. This is done by
determining the desires, fears, failures, enemies, suspicions, that your ideal customers should
not have. This section follows the same format as A3a: Who This Is For.

There are two main benefits of doing this:

● You can turn away the types of customers who might waste your time or who aren’t a
good enough fit to achieve results.
● Customers who are a good fit will appreciate that you are qualifying them
A4: Core Concept
Once you have built rapport with your audience, you will need to introduce your core concept -
the one thing your prospect needs to believe in order to buy into the rest of your argument.

The best core concepts are usually somewhat contrarian, but true.

This is where you can introduce the mechanism that you use to deliver the big claim. You can
also position yourself as the best and/or only option to deliver the solution to the problem.

Use this language template:

“Here’s the truth:

You can achieve {transformation} using {mechanism}.

However, there is a {problem} because of {reason}.

We are the best/only people dedicated to solving this problem for {niche}.”

You can boil the whole business thesis down to a single line. A single inefficiency. Elegant.

● Examples
○ “You can build your SaaS business to $100M ARR in 5 years if you use
information products, paid traffic and automated funnels.

However, most entrepreneurs are not equipped with the skills to do this since the
technologies used are relatively new.

We are the only people dedicated to solving this particular problem for

● “My core concept is that entrepreneurs fail not because they can’t build products,
identify markets, market their products, or price their products properly, but
because they conduct these activities in the wrong order and run out of money
before they get traction.”

The Core Concept Is Not YOUR PRODUCT

● Don’t introduce your product at this point. Don’t say things like the…”It’s possible to do
__ if you use Platform”. This is not smooth at all. The prospect will think,
“Ugh another pitch.” Instead, say something like this: “It’s possible to do ___ if you have
the right information and you follow the right steps in the right order. Unfortunately far too
many entrepreneurs either don’t understand the steps or the cadence and end up
wasting time and money. We have dedicated the last few years to solving this problem.”
How long should this section be?
● Keep this part as short as possible. Concise. You are not getting into the depths of the
specifics here. You are keeping it simple and easy to understand.
● If you can’t say it in 3 sentences, then it’s not concise enough.
● Don’t try to say too many things at once. Say one thing. One clear concept. The
overarching concept.

Does the core concept involve your product?

● No. Don’t tell people about your product or service at this point. You are explaining the
knowledge gap, the tech gap, the systems gap, the people gap, the resource gap...some
sort of general gap.
● “It’s possible to do ___ if one uses the correct systems. Unfortunately these systems
were only available to enterprise customers. We have aimed to solve this problem for
● “It’s possible to look lean and chiseled without small meals, killing yourself at the gym, or
starving yourself. The fitness industry has tricked you. I have dedicated my life to solving
this problem.”

A5: Credibility/Background Story

At this point, you just made a bodacious claim that aligns to the prospect’s desires.

They are likely to question your credibility and look for ways to debunk your claim. We want to
anticipate this by providing credibility. Prospects will also ask, “why is he/she writing this in the
first place? Who is this person?” We introduce a background story or “grounding story” to help
answer that question.

You can build credibility or status using the following mechanisms:

● Mechanisms
○ Track Record and Achievements
■ School
■ Awards

○ Social Proof
■ Alignments to credible entities
● Featured in…
● As seen in...
■ Number of people who agree/subscribe to your thoughts

● Subtlety Hedging
○ Being braggadocious could harm you, so you need to “brag” while being
conscious of how you are coming across. You can “hedge” by using phrases
such as “I don’t mean to brag”, “I don’t share this with you to impress you”, “for
what it matters”, “for whatever it matters”, “if this matters..”, “not that it matters…”,
Track Record and Achievement
Use this language template:

We were founded in [insert date]. Our partners [insert achievement]. Our investors [insert
achievement]. We have worked with [insert credible company name]. We are endorsed by
[credible company name]. We received [insert award], etc..”

● Example
○ “I used this method to pocket my first few million after tax and build an asset
valued in the mid 8 figures in my mid-20s; and it only took a few years. I did this
without co-founders, raising money or taking on any debt.

Customers of have achieved similar and better results than me

using this method.”

○ For what it matters, we were founded in [insert date]. Our partners [insert
achievement]. Our investors [insert achievement]. We have worked with [insert
credible company name]. We are endorsed by [credible company name]. We
received [insert award], etc..”

● Background Story
○ If the sales letter is the first point of contact between you and the prospect, you
will likely need to include a quick background story to communicate history.

Founder was expert In


Founder encountered
a problem

Founder looked
everywhere For
solution, but couldn’t
find one.

Founder got fed up

and finally just tried to
solve the problem on
their own.

Solution worked better

than they have ever

Everyone else started

asking if it worked for

Founder’s new
mission is to get the
solution in the hands
of the market.

The background story is used to “ground” yourself in the prospect’s mind and create what is
known as a status delta.

Status Delta:
- The difference in status between you and the prospect. If you are higher in status than
the prospect, then the prospect will listen to you. If you are lower in status, then the
prospect will not listen to you. This is partly why we introduce status and proof in A2 -
without A2, there is no delta, and there is no reason why the prospect will listen.
- You can create status delta with the quality of your writing, speaking, dress, design,
seamlessness, and of course, the quality of your information.

Prospects are wondering why you are putting this content out in the first place. They need to
know what your motives are, where you came from, why they should believe you and follow

If you are a founder, the prospect needs to know why you started the business in the first place.

Background Story Example:

“For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Nick Kozmin and 7 years ago, I was engaged
as an employee by a startup to quickly grow revenue from a standing start.

I looked everywhere for a strategy on how to do this, but I found nothing other than a few books
on the topic.

I decided to take matters into my own hands and run a series of experiments to get the
customer leads, and sales, and of course, make the whole engine profitable.

My strategy worked so well, that it shot the company to $1M ARR in only 12 months while being

Everyone in Toronto started asking me what I did and how I did it.

So I decided to help others with the method and now we service over 700 customers.”

How long does the background story need to be?

● The background story can be as long as you want. Just make sure it’s entertaining and
useful. This can be in video form and hosted on yourdomain/story - example:
● In the sales letter, you can quickly brush on it, or you can go as deep as you want. If you
are an entertaining story-teller, then make it long.
● It needs to create a status delta.

Should you admit your faults?

● Admitting your faults will show the prospect that you are comfortable enough to admit
when you are wrong. This shows that you are emotionally stable and human, which
builds rapport. If in your grounding story, you admit a mistake, just make sure you
reconcile it in the story and turn yourself into the “hero”.

B1: Activities And UUIs (Thesis/method)

At this point in the sales letter, you have built a ton of rapport with the prospect and they are
salivating. They want more. They want value. This is where we introduce the activities and UUIs
(unique useful insights).

This information will be extremely valuable and helpful to your reader and will start the positive
upward spiral. Even if the prospect doesn’t buy your product, they will still find this content

General principle: You connect all the dots for your prospect so that your solution is obvious.
You also want to create massive value. So much that they could solve the problem themselves
without you, but you create a better, faster, cheaper route to solving the problem.

This is the most difficult part of the sales letter. It will take you the longest. You will rewrite it
many times. The more you spend on this educational part of the sales letter, the more valuable
it will be to the audience and the better your product will be.
You will notice in this section that the features of your solution are derived. You know what jobs
the prospect needs to do at such a deep level, that the solution features are just obvious. This is
why the sales letter is such an important document for the product developers. Also, don’t have
the product developers tune into the building of the sales letter, since they lack the market
understanding and will confuse themselves and definitely you. They are to take these
instructions and use them to build a stellar solution for the customer.

The method is also dynamic. This is why the feature set of the solution is dynamic. Furthermore,
notice that I’m calling it a solution, not a product. Typically, a solution is more than just a single
product - it includes a method, a tool/s, and a community. If one part of the solution is missing,
then the solution will fail. Why? Without a method, one won’t be able to use the tool effectively.
Without tools, one won’t be able to apply the method. Without a community, one won’t want to
apply the method or use the tools in the first place.
So when you are writing your method/thesis, you want to include a step where one uses a
community. If you don’t have tools (you are selling information or services), you can point to 3rd-
party tools so that your customer can get the result. If some of the steps in your method require
3rd-party tools and one requires your own tool, then so be it. You want to keep the eye on the
prize - making sure the customer gets value from the method. Don’t leave them hanging, or
make it incomplete - this will create negative value in the market since you wasted people’s
time. Give them the goods.

Furthermore, when the prospects interact with your letter, you are setting the stage for what is to
come by using your products or services. If you can provide a massive amount of value in the
letter, and your letter is well-written, the prospect will think “wow, if I got this much value in their
free content, I wonder how much value I’ll get as a customer! I don’t know what they are selling,
but SIGN ME UP!” If you provide a ton of value in your content and in your products, you create
this positive upward spiral that results in the prospects and customers loving you, and a strong
“brand”. That’s what a brand is - it's the trust that when someone interacts with you, they will
benefit more than the cost.

● The Framework
○ Insight = cause-effect relationship between an activity and a result relative to a
○ A unique insight = cause-effect relationship between an activity and a result
relative to a person that only you (or a handful of people) know of.
○ A unique useful insight = cause effect relationship between an activity and a
benefit relative to a person that only you (or a handful of people) know of.

○ Marketing
■ Marketing is just spouting Unique Useful Insights

○ Product Development
■ Product development is just coming up with ways to do activities that lead
to benefits using vehicles that are faster, better, cheaper than alternatives
relative to the niche or person.

Deriving the Activities/steps in the method:

If you already have a solution, look at the features of your solution and ask “why does this exist
in the first place? What job is this really doing?” Each feature corresponds to a new activity or
new method of doing something. The activity underneath the feature is what goes into this table.

Ask yourself the question,

“What does my prospect need to believe to be true such that by believing, they are
guaranteed to buy my solution?”

In other words, if the prospect doesn’t buy into your thesis points, they won’t buy into your

It is important to note that you should not mention your solution at all in this section. Think
of the new activities as a roadmap to achieving your claim if your solution didn’t exist. Then, in
section C1 you will position your solution as the best/fastest/easiest/cheapest way to complete
these activities.

One key thing here is that the steps are chronological. Draw a line on paper and map out all the
steps one needs to take to get to the promised land (which is the result that you promised in the

● Activity Template
○ You can use this template to map out your activities (old and new), results (old
and new), and the unique useful insights (key points).

Step Old Way Old Result New Way New Result Unique Useful
(thesis (Benefit) Insight

1 Get docs Sign docs in Slow, Sign docs 10x faster, Signing docs
signed person takes 2 online results in online is 10x
days higher faster and
performance result in
and profits increased
profits -
Consider this
study: [insert

● But I can’t explain the activities without mentioning my product…

○ This is common for customers to say. The truth is that there are always activities
that are underneath the product - the product is usually just an automated or
leveraged version of a done-for-you activity. What is that activity?
○ For example:
■ If your product helps lawyers sign documents online, then the old way is
“signing in person”, the new activity is “signing online”, the old result is
“signed documents that took days to execute”, the new result is “signed
documents that take minutes to execute”, the UUI is “using online
document signing saves time and results in much higher performance.

● How do you map out the activities?

○ Draw a horizontal line on a piece of paper and on the left, write “where the
customer is”, and on the right, write, “your headline”. Then mark each new
activity the customer would need to do in the order they need to do it if they were
to get to the right side WITHOUT using your product? What new things would
they need to build? What new things would they need to learn? What new people
would they need to hire to get the end state? These are the new activities. Your
product is just a technological expression of the activities. If the prospects
doesn’t buy into the activities, then they won’t buy into the vehicle that allows
them to do those activities in a cheaper, faster, better way.

● Components of Unique Useful Insights

○ Each time you share a UUI, it’s important to back it up with defendable proof or
evidence that it’s true and to also “tie up any loose ends” with a q and a section.
○ You can back up your UUI with research, your own experiment data or a credible
source. You can also back it up with customer examples.

● UUI Template

Useful Unique Cause Effect Evidence Q and A

Insight Relationship

● UUI Q and A
○ In most cases, your UUI will leave the prospecting with questions with respect to
their unique situation. Since you are not there to answer questions in real time,
we need to account for these questions by including a q and a within the UUI.
○ Question Examples
■ What about [my situation]?
■ Does this work for [insert]?
■ How should I do [insert]?
● Thesis
○ Your thesis is just a collection of Activity and UUI combinations. You can have as
many as you like, just make sure they are unique and useful. When we refer to
the thesis, we are referring to the collection of UUIs.

● Length
○ Don’t worry about the length. You can go as long as you want in this section as
long as it’s providing value to the reader.

● How many unique useful insights can we use?

○ You can use as many necessary such that your prospect buys into the cause
effect relationship between the new activity and the new result.

● When to use stories and facts?

○ Humans learn best by stories and cold, hard contrast (i.e. facts). The best way to
influence someone is with clear before/after states, visible, demonstrable proof
between states. The human can either like the result or dislike the
result/conclusion, however if the evidence is clear, they will be influenced.
Sophisticated buyers need facts. They need proper citations, credible reference
points, deep and thoughtful analysis. Non-sophisticated prospects who are not
versed in critical thinking will respond to stories and tales. If you can weave
cold, hard, brutal, credible, facts derived from rigorous analysis into an
engaging story, it’s lights out.

● Where are these UUIs used?

○ These UUIs can be recycled for your content that you will host on your resource
index/blog index/youtube channel, etc.. You can go deeper and deeper. The
main thesis will contain the general points, but don’t be afraid to get real deep in
auxiliary pieces.

Using Helpful Models To Help Explain Points

- Models are extremely useful to help explain points. They can be appended to thesis as a
free tool or resource that can immediately provide value to customers. These models will
go on the sales page and will be available for download.
- Example: Business Unit Case Model

● Structure Within Your Sales Letter

Activity 1: Sell Before You Build to Save Money and Time

● Old Way
○ The old way involves building products without fully understanding the customer
or building offers for multiple customers simultaneously, and using the iteration
method to find a problem in the market. It could involve pre-maturely hiring a
team and raising money and introducing complexity to the capital table. To spend
months or even years building a product without ever pre-selling results in
disappointment and frustration.
● Old Result
○ Frustrating. Very difficult to get to product-market-fit.
● New Way/Activity
○ Go heavy on research using sound principles, and flood your brain with customer
data without writing one line of code. Combine customer data with your unique
insights to hypothesize useful offers. Spin up a working model using lean
engineering, and sign up your first customers without hiring anyone or recruiting
investors. Recruit an investor only if your solution is capital intensive. When you
do build, be confident that efforts won't be wasted.
● New Result
○ Avoid personal problems, team complexity and drama, massive dilution, and
burning capital and calories. Watch all teams become hyper-focused and
motivated - like NASA in 1958. Get your first paying customers within a few
months and collect your first rock-solid case studies.
● UUI: Two Data Streams Are Required to Build Something Useful
○ UUI Description
■ The two data streams needed to build something useful include: (1)
Environment data - what is in the realm of possibilities, current
technologies, trends, active forces, and winds blowing in an environment,
and (2) Customer data - activities the customer is trying to do or doing,
the path they are on, and specific forces acting on them.
■ Pictures (before/after contrast/illustration)
● Time-Dependent Path of Customer Overlaid on Environment
Force Fields

○ UUI Questions
■ Questions: “Which data stream am I lacking?”
● Answer: Most entrepreneurs have (1) covered - they understand
how to build and how the technology works; however, they are
missing (2) - how the technology applies in a way that makes it
useful. Once the entrepreneur has a full scope, they can spot the
intersection points of the customer's path and the forces in the
■ Question: “Why do I need both data streams?”
● Answer “Having one data stream without the other is like
navigating a dangerous jungle with perfectly functioning ears,
blindfolded. To properly navigate through the jungle, one needs to
open up that second data stream and take off the blindfold.”

○ UUI Description
■ “By doing {activity} the {new way}, you will achieve {new result}”
○ UUI Example
■ Pictures (before/after contrast)
○ UUI Questions
■ Questions: “What if?...”
● Answer “Asf”
■ Question: “What..”
● Answer “asdf”

Activity 2:
● Old Way
● Old Result
● New Way/Activity
● New Result
○ UUI Description
■ “Asdfs”
○ UUI Example
■ Pictures (before/after contrast)
○ UUI Questions
■ Questions: “What if?...”
● Answer “Asf”
■ Question: “What..”
● Answer “asdf”

○ UUI Description
■ “Asdfs”
○ UUI Example
■ Pictures (before/after contrast)
○ UUI Questions
■ Questions: “What if?...”
● Answer “Asf”
■ Question: “What..”
● Answer “asdf”
B2: Activity Summary:
A summary is needed for the prospect to tie points together and be reminded of the overarching
thesis and message.

Use this language:

“So, as you can see, all you need to do is [insert step 1], [insert step 2], and [insert step 3], etc..
and you can [achieve desired state from headline].”

“So you all you need to do is:
1. Activity 1
2. Activity 2
3. Activity 3
4. etc..

And you can get to $1M ARR in 12 months or less without raising a dime in funding.”

How much should you give away in the thesis steps?

- Give away the what and why, but not the how.
- It should be so valuable that the customer wants to share it.

Why do you need a summary?

● Humans have pretty bad memories and need to be reminded of things to properly store
concepts. The summary acts as a reminder to increase the probability of
comprehension. This increased level of comprehension will result in a higher probability
of action towards your terminal.

C1: Option 1 and Option 2

At this point, the prospect is brought into your thesis and ready to be influenced by your sales

This step is used to posture your solution as favorable when compared to alternatives.

Alternative Alternative Results Alternative Price Alternative Time

You will be comparing “the hard way”, the unfavorable way, against “the easy way”, your

Use this language template:

“Now there are a few ways to achieve this:

Option one is to [insert alternative - do it yourself, use a competing solution, etc..], however:
[insert problem with alternative 1]
[insert problem with alternative 1]
[insert problem with alternative 1]

Or you can use [your solution] and achieve [big benefit - which better, faster, and cheaper.]”

“You can hire a marketer or do it yourself, however, this will likely fail because:
- Any marketer worth his/her salt is already rich and not looking for a job (sorry, but it’s
- The skills needed are so specialized, it will take you at least 12 hours per day for 1 year
to become proficient without any help.

Or you can work with and get the funnel built in less than a month for 1/10th the
price, for 1/10th the effort.”

D1a: Who this is for:

The prospect is still wondering “is this really for me?”. You want to allay those concerns by
reiterating who exactly this information is for.

Use this language template:

“Again, this for [niche] who [insert desire], but are struggling with [problem].”

“Again, this is for CEOs, founders, VPs who are trying to scale to $10M, but who can’t figure a
way to fill their pipeline and throw gasoline on the fire.”

D1b: Case Studies

[pull from case studies]
Back up your case with more case studies and more proof.

Use this case study template to account for all components:

Person Identification (Name, picture, company name, logo)

- Before State
- After State (results/transformation)
- Timeframe
- Quote
- Explanation
- Evidence of the cause-effect relationship between the mechanism and the
transformation (quotes, data, charts, images, etc...)

Use this language template:

“ Again, [insert number of people] have used us to achieve fantastic results.

[person name] from [company name] was [insert after state] within [timeframe] and said [insert
quote]. [insert proof shot or money shot].”

“[person name] from [company name] was [insert after state] within [timeframe] and said [insert
quote]. [insert proof shot or money shot].”

“[person name] from [company name] was [insert after state] within [timeframe] and said [insert
quote]. [insert proof shot or money shot].”

Why do we repeat the case studies here?

● Again, humans have terrible memories. You have a moment in time to align all the stars.

How in depth do these case studies need to be?

● This is where you can really go into detail. You can publish full quotes and full interviews
in this section.

E1: Benefits and Outcomes

In this section, you explicitly state the differences between your solution and the alternatives in
terms of how much better, faster, easier, cheaper it is.

You can also speak to auxiliary benefits - 2nd, 3rd, 4th order consequences of the choice to use
your product/service over an alternative.

New Activity How it’s easier, better, faster, cheaper

Benefits and outcomes are important to introduce before features are explained. The benefits
and outcomes answer the question “What does it do?” and the features answer the question
“How does it do it?”. Without first understanding the “what does it do?” question, the prospect
won’t understand how the features tie into the benefits.

Use this language template:

“Here’s what is going to happen when you work with us:
You will be able to do [insert outcome].
You can even [insert outcome] in [timeframe].
You can finally get rid of [negative result].
You can forget about [negative result].
You will feel [insert emotion] because [explanation].”

“Here’s what is going to happen when you work with us:

You will be able to generate leads at a rate that you have never seen before.
You will be able to close at over 20%.
You can get to $1M in 12 months if you execute properly.
You can finally get rid of that no-nothing marketing agency.
You can forget about not hitting your quarterly numbers and explaining your failures to
You will feel empowered, confident, and motivated.”

F1: Features/How It Works

We just made a ton of promises and now we need to prove to the prospect that we can deliver.

Finally, you can introduce features. MOM, IT’S TIME!

You never want to “feature dump”, you always introduce your feature in a “working” context -
meaning the customer does not give two shits about the feature itself, the customer only cares
of how it works in relation to the job he/she is trying to do.

We also stack on the value of this feature to start building value and “stack”.

We also need to add a demonstration of the feature in action.

You will notice that the features map perfectly to the activities in the thesis. Yes, this was
intended. You just created your first puff of magic.

Step Old New How it’s easier, better, Valued at Demonstration

maps to Activity/ Activity faster, cheaper Video/Image
activity Alternati Using
step ve Feature

1 Aimless Product- 10x faster, 10x $4,800

testing Market- cheaper

2 Funnel $5,800

Use this language template:

“So how does it work?

Before, when you wanted to [insert job the feature does], you would have to [insert old way]. But
now, you can use this simple [feature] to [achieve outcome] without [negative consequence of
old way]. Do you see how easy that is? [Insert image/or video demonstration]

Before, when you wanted to [insert job the feature does], you would have to [insert old way]. But
now, you can use this simple [feature] to [achieve outcome] without [negative consequence of
old way]. [Insert image/or video demonstration]

Before, when you wanted to [insert job the feature does], you would have to [insert old way]. But
now, you can use this simple [feature] to [achieve outcome] without [negative consequence of
old way]. [Insert image/or video demonstration]


G1: Offer/Call To Action

Now that the prospect understands the thesis, the benefits, and the features, it is now time to
build your offer in front of them.

You will need to “anchor” your pricing to some alternative in the market before you explain your

Without this “anchoring” the prospect is left alone to determine the relative value.

Feature Value

Feature Value

Feature Value

Total Total Value

Once you anchor the price, you will build value for each item in your “stack”. Once the items are
mapped out, you will end with a “call to action.”

Use this language template:

“Now if you wanted to get this job done before using [alternative], it would cost you at least
[alternative price].

We are only [price or relative price - 1/10th the cost, a fraction of the cost].

Here’s what you get:

[Insert item 1]. This will allow you to [insert outcome]. This is valued at ….
[Insert item 2]. This will allow you to [insert outcome]. This is valued at ….
[Insert item 3]. This will allow you to [insert outcome]. This is valued at ….
[Insert item 4]. This will allow you to [insert outcome]. This is valued at ….

Instead of paying [total stack], we are offering this to you for only [absolute price or relative price
- $10k, or 1/10th]

All you need to do is [insert call to action].”

Call to action examples:

- Book a Call
- Sign Up For a Trial
- Sign Up Using The Link
- Get a Price

H1: Warning

Feature Value

Feature Value

Feature Value

Total Total Value

Warning/Scarcity Ex. Only 40 available, prices go up on date

A warning is used to inject urgency and scarcity. Without urgency and scarcity, the prospect is
less likely to take action right away.

Use this language:

“We can only offer [insert limited quantity or time] because [insert reason], so make sure you act
now or [insert negative consequence]”

- “We can only take on 20 new customers per month so make sure you grab your spot or
you will miss out.”
- We only have bandwidth to do 40 strategy calls per month, so if you are interested,
make sure you act now or you might not get another chance until next month.”
- We can only support 100 clients per month, so if this rings bells, make sure you act now
or we might not be able to work with you.”

Bonuses are used to add that extra little bit of pressure to the prospect to get them to act right
away. The goal of the sales letter is to put an irresistible offer in front of them and make it seem
crazy to wait. Bonuses are the “cherry on top” that can sometimes make a 1-3% difference in
conversion rate.

Feature Value

Feature Value

Feature Value

Total Total Value

Warning/Scarcity Ex. Only 40 available, prices go up on date,

incentive-based pricing

Bonus For A Limited Time, we are offering (extra

feature/complimentary offer)

Use this language template:

“Now because you are [reading/listening/watching] this [video, article, podcast], we are going to
do something extremely special:

For a limited time, we are going to offer you [bonus] if you act now.”

Bonus Examples:
“Free Strategy Call Worth up to $500”
“A free month of service”
“An extra [insert tool]”.

I2:Guarantee/Risk Reversal
Humans need a risk reversal to drive them to action right at the one-yard-line.

“Of course we back everything up with a guarantee. Meaning if we don’t deliver on our
promises, you don’t pay a dime.”

Feature Value
Feature Value

Feature Value

Total Total Value

Warning/Scarcity Ex. Only 40 available, prices go up on date,

incentive-based pricing

Bonus For A Limited Time, we are offering (extra

feature/complimentary offer)

Guarantee/Risk Reversal Example: 30-day money-back-guarantee, 30-

day-trial, 7-day-eval period

Give a summary and call to action. You just sent your prospect through a roller coaster of value
and emotions. It’s time to start wrapping up and going for the sale.

“So let’s summarize this offer:

You get:
[Item 1]
[Item 2]
[Item 3]
[Guarantee/Risk Reversal]

All you need to do is [insert call to action].”

K1: Question and Answer Regarding Offer

The buying is done in the q and a. This part can go on for hours. In this section, you want to
map out every reason why the prospect wouldn’t buy, then handle it.

The 5 Objections:
Humans only 5 objections, really.
● It’s not going to work for me.
● I don’t need it.
● I can’t afford it.
● I don’t have time.
● I don’t trust you.
This article goes into detail about these objections and how to address them.

Map out the answers to each of these questions.

How many questions are needed?
● You can go on for pages. We have 80 questions in our sales letter.

How do you come up with the questions?

● Listen to your customers or prospects and write down the reasons why they won’t buy.

How do you answer the questions?

● Answer the questions like you would in a sales pitch: “That’s a great question, most of
our customers said the same thing, here’s the truth/thing/what we did for them…”

Who should be writing the answers?

● The founder or anyone who has deep domain expertise should be writing these
answers. Don’t skimp on these.

“Now some of you may be asking:
Will this work if [insert circumstance]?
Well, [insert answer].

Will this work if [insert circumstance]?

Well, [insert answer].

Will this work if [insert circumstance]?

Well, [insert answer].”

Examples of questions:
Why wouldn’t you just ___ instead of ____?

Are there any long term contracts?

What are the exact terms of the guarantee?

Will this for me if I’m in [country]?

How do I justify the cost to my boss?

How do I know you guys are legit?

My customers aren't active on LinkedIn and Facebook. Will this still work?
This is a common misconception. Your customers are either on Facebook, LinkedIn, Youtube,
or at least using their email accounts.
We can use either of these platforms to effectively target your customers.

Personally, I was extremely surprised to know that my customers were all on Facebook!

Everyone still likes to check in on their kids, grandkids, ex-girlfriends :), competitors, etc..

You will likely be surprised too.

What if I'm in a different time zone? How do I get support?

We have support calls in the morning EST and at night EST to help accommodate everyone
who needs the help. We also have all support calls recorded and hosted in our content portal so
you can watch when you have the time. We also tend to a facebook group and offer
asynchronous email support.

What if I'm not B2B SaaS?

You don't need to be a B2B SaaS company to experience results.

At the end of the day, we help our customers produce fantastic content and then implement a
sales process.

The content creation process is the same whether you are selling B2B SaaS or B2B services or
fruits on the side of the street.

The only difference is the method you use to deliver the transformation to the customer, which is
independent of the marketing and messaging.

Publishing and Pruning

● Go through your letter multiple times and read it outloud to get the flow down. Think of
yourself as Eminem.
● Publish to a Google Doc once it’s finished.
● Send it to your network and get some eyeballs on it.
● Post it to LinkedIn - you can make it a LinkedIn Article if you want - Ray Dalio does this
all the time.
● Send it to prospective customers.
● Look for the (this is really good)

Recording Video Sales Letters

● Set Up
● Buy screenflow on a mac or camtasia on a pc.
● Don’t use the shit loom software or a shit mic. Low audio quality will mess with
● Buy a Rode Podcaster:

● Get a good camera if you don’t have a good one on your computer. Webcams
that are built in the computer or monitors work really well. I use a logitech 5k
monitor and the camera works great. No need for a super-fancy camera.
○ This is the monitor I use:

● Get an external harddrive to record the rough files - make sure the temp files
created during the recording are stored on the external hard drive. If this is not
done, the computer will slow down like crazy. I had to get a 2TB and 8TB hard
drive to store the temp files and the rough files.
○ This is the external drive I use:

● Save temporary files to external hard drive - “scrap disk”

● Make sure your computer is fast and has lots of ram. This is the highest leverage
thing you could be doing, so don’t skimp on your equipment. You need a pro
computer since you will be rendering and exporting videos like a champ.
● Record with natural lighting and a clear background. You don’t want any weird
objects in the background. No beds, or anything that can distract the viewer.
● Wearing a dress shirt and presenting nice. You don’t have to go full make up, but
shave your face or do your hair at least. If you are a master, that stuff doesn’t
even matter, but when you are starting, you want to give yourself the best chance
of success by presenting well.

● Do you have to memorize the script before recording?

○ No, since you wrote the script, it’s likely that you deeply understand the concepts,
so much so that you can just riff off the bullet points in your slide deck. You do
not have to memorize the script since that script will be very long.
○ You can use a teleprompter if you want to have the script in front of you as you
are speaking.
○ You can also have the script on the screen, but opt to not screen capture the doc
or part of the screen with your script. Sometimes I’ll split the screen and only
record the right side, and have my script on the left. I use a big monitor so it’s not
noticeable to the audience.

● Doing Dry Runs

○ Start the recording and do a few takes. Let it just record. If you mess up, just
keep pushing along and get the butterflies out. After your first take, stop the
recording, save it, then watch it. It’s going to be painful! Just embrace it.
○ Once you have watched it, do it again. It could take you an hour for each
recording. Once you recorded the second version, save it, and watch it again.
○ Do this multiple times until you start getting the hang of the process. You will not
be publishing these versions, these are just dry runs.

● Doing Real Takes

○ Get some sleep and come back in the morning to record. You want to record in
the morning since you are fresh and your brain isn’t fried from the decisions
throughout the day. Record early if you can to avoid sirens, screaming kids, any
other distraction.
○ At this point, you will start to see the video presentation come together. You want
to get to the point where you watch it and think, “Hey, this is actually good!”.
○ Make sure you record in a quiet space.
○ Use blankets and towels to cover hard and sharp surfaces during recording to
dampen sound echos.
○ Using lights
■ You can buy a few recording lights on amazon

● Editing
○ You can chop it up and start the editing. Remove the ums and ughs or coughs if
they exist.
○ It doesn’t have to be perfect. You did the work in the writing phase, so you are
prepared and your points are sound. The viewer will pick up on this.
○ If you become really good, you can just do it in one take. This is powerful.
○ Get it saved and exported.
○ You can play with the audio settings to make it sound professional - sometimes I
use the noise reduction filter if there are fans running.
○ Host on wistia or vimeo and Youtube.
○ Post it right away to your LinkedIn, instagram, and blast it to your email list to get
○ You want to get a 90% like to dislike ratio.

● Posting And Getting Immediate Feedback

○ Post on Linkedin
○ Post on Instagram
○ Post on YouTube
○ Post on website - content page off your blog index
○ Send to active list via your auto-responder
○ If you don’t already have a funnel, just route cta to an email or DM.

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