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Organic Chemistry


Vital force theory Organic compounds originated from living materials, either plants or
animals. Such materials possess vital force and compounds that are
extremely difficult to synthesize in the laboratory.

Resonance theory A molecule or an ion represented in two or more Lewis structures that
differ only in the positions of electrons exhibit the property of
resonance. These structures are called resonating structures or
resonating contributors.

Structural theory Atoms in an organic compound have a fixed number of bonds. This
combining ability is termed as valence.

Ionic bond Atoms with high ionization energy tend to lose electrons easily while
atoms with low electron affinity tend to gain electrons easily.

Energy of activation An increase ____ results in a decrease in the rate of the chemical

alkoxide with an alkyl The Williamson ether synthesis produces ethers by reacting an

substrate What is the name for the reactant in an enzyme catalyzed reaction?

cysteine What residue acts as a general-base catalyst in the cleavage of the

C3-C4 bond in the mechanism of the aldolase-catalyzed reaction?

Electron sink a site for electron delocalization

1,4-dibromobutane A compound that is never chiral

Covalent bond Strongest interaction

Chirality non-superimposability of an object on its mirror image

Cyclohexane Most stable cycloalkane per CH2

Hydrogen bonding Alcohols have higher boiling points than alkanes of comparable
molecular weight because of

syn The metal-catalyzed addition of hydrogen to an alkene occurs in what


Free radical addition Reaction that is associated with the inversion of configuration of a
chiral substrate
Palmitic acid Essential fatty acid

Analytical Chemistry


Peptization A process by which the coagulated colloid reverts to its original

dispersed state

fluorescein Indication used in Fajan’s method for the titration of chloride with silver

overvoltage It is a potential difference between the theoretical cell potential and the
actual cell potential at a given level of current

phenolphthalein Indicator used for titration of weak acid with a strong base

Dumas Method Process of determining the nitrogen content of organic materials by

mixing the sample with powdered copper(II) oxide and igniting it to a
combustion tube giving CO2, H2O, N2 and small amounts of nitrogen

Mohr and Fajans methods is used for the direct determination of halides

potassium sulfate In the most widely used modification of the Kjeldahl method, this is
added to increase the boiling point of the H2SO4 solution and thus the
temperature at which the decomposition of the sample occurs

H2C2O4 (oxalic acid) The precipitant commonly used for the determination of calcium in
gravimetric analysis

dimethylglyoxime An organic precipitating agent that is used to precipitate only Nickel (II)
from a weakly alkaline solution?

coprecipitation process in which normally soluble compounds are carried out of

solution by a precipitate

NH3 Gas formed in the Kjeldahl analysis of nitrogen in the sample

Erichrome black T (EBT most commonly used indicator for EDTA titration

Kjeldahl An analytical method used in the determination of organic nitrogen


detection limit the smallest amount of analyte that the instrument is able to measure

monochromator allows only light of a certain wavelength to pass from the source to the

Valence electrons Ultraviolet and visible radiation affects

Molecular vibrations Infrared radiation affects

Dipole moment In order for a compound to be IR active, it must undergo a change in

Ground state The lowest vibrational energy level of the lowest electronic singlet state

Void peak Components that had no interaction with the stationary phase

Junction potential The potential that develops at the interface of two solutions due to
differences in concentrations and ionic mobility

Stripping voltammetry An electrochemical technique which involves first depositing an analyte

on the surface of an electrode, then using an applied current to remove
the analyte via a reduction or oxidation reaction.

Environmental Engineering


9 .How many additional chemicals were added last May 2009 to the
original list of POP’s prohibited by the Stockholm Convention?

Brundtland Commission It is the convention that formally defined and introduced the concept of
“Sustainable Development”.

Life cycle analysis Tool for the systematic and exhaustive evaluation of the environmental
aspects of a product or service system through all the stages of its life

Reduce-Reuse-Recycle- The hierarchy of solid waste management


30:1 The optimum carbon to nitrogen elemental ratio in composting waste


Chlorine In the process of ozone depletion, it is the element that gets recycled
thus rendering its lifetime in the atmosphere.

Carbon monoxide It is an odorless gas that is lethal to humans with exposure as short as
a few minutes to concentrations exceeding 5000 ppm. It reacts with
hemoglobin in the blood rendering the latter of carrying oxygen to the
Chlorination It is the most common wastewater treatment disinfection method used
due to its easy and cheap implementation.

hardness The Rockwell number of a material is a measure of

Fumigant insecticides emit poisonous vapor

22% Cost of piping in a fluid processing unit of a chemical process plant is

about _____ of the fixed capital investment.

55%-65% Equipment installation cost in chemical process plant as compared to

the purchased equipment cost ranges from

15%-20% Sugar content in sugarcane on cane basis is about

95% Sucrose content in cane sugar may be around

Mining sulfur Frash process is for

pressure Safety valves are provided in chemical equipment to guard against

excessive ____

High capacity to hold Soil bearing capacity means


Optimum economic Design based on conditions giving the least cost per unit time and
design maximum profit per unit production.

Inconel The classic nickel copper alloy with the metal in the ratio 2:1 after the
stainless steels, the most common used alloy for chemical plants

Corrosion Common problem which is encountered in chemical process equipment


disengagement zone the spent gases released from the liquid in an airlift bioreactor

Lethal dose, killing 50% LD50 stands for

of population

aquifer An area of porous rock below ground level which can hold useful
amounts of water

Persistent pollutants Some pollutants are difficult to break down and therefore accumulate in
the environment. These are termed
Fixed solids The residues left after incinerating solid wastes at temperature above
6000C are

Zone of clean water In which pollution zone of the river, water retains its original dissolved
oxygen concentration?

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