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Title: Daily Routine: Reading Comprehension Exercise

Instructions: Read the following passage about a typical daily routine. Pay attention to the vocabulary related to daily
activities, prepositions of time (in, on, at), days of the week, and months of the year. After reading, answer the questions
that follow.

Every weekday morning, my alarm clock goes off at 6:30 a.m. I groggily get out of bed and stumble into the bathroom. I
brush my teeth, wash my face, and comb my hair. Then, I head downstairs to the kitchen to make breakfast. On
Mondays, I usually have cereal, but on Tuesdays, I prefer scrambled eggs.

After breakfast, I check my schedule for the day. On Wednesdays, I have a meeting at 9 a.m., so I need to leave the
house by 8:30. I grab my bag and rush out the door. I walk to the bus stop and catch the 8:45 bus. It usually takes about
twenty minutes to get to my office.

Once I'm at work, I spend the morning responding to emails and attending meetings. At noon, I take a break for lunch. I
usually bring a sandwich from home, but sometimes I'll go out to eat with coworkers. After lunch, I dive back into work
until it's time to go home.

On Fridays, I finish work at 5 p.m. I'm always excited for the weekend to begin! I take the bus back home and relax for a
bit. In the evening, I might meet up with friends for dinner or watch a movie at home.

The weekend is my time to unwind. On Saturdays, I like to sleep in and then go for a jog in the park. Sundays are for
grocery shopping and preparing meals for the week ahead.


1. What time does the alarm clock go off every weekday morning?

2. What do they usually have for breakfast on Mondays?

3. What time is the meeting on Wednesdays?

4. How do they usually get to work?

5. What time do they finish work on Fridays?

6. What do they like to do on Saturdays?

7. What day is reserved for grocery shopping and meal preparation?

8. How do they feel about the weekend?

9. What time do they catch the bus to work on Wednesdays?

10. What do they do after lunch at work?

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