The Social Media Outreach Playbook

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Attention: B2B Agency owners & coaches…

Introducing The Social

Outreach Playbook
How to consistently get responses from your ideal clients, land
more deals, and hit your most ambitious income goal in 2024

(real example of what you can expect after implementing this Playbook)

Dear online business owner,

If you’ve ever tried to sign more clients for your agency or coaching
business through cold outreach, you’ll know how painful & demoralizing it
can be.

You scrape a ton of leads… many of whom are your ideal clients.

You have your script ready… exactly as you were told to do it.

You send your first round of messages… excited for the responses you’re
going to get.
But nothing comes.

Zero responses, except for a few unqualified people here & there and a
couple of “STOP” replies.

So what’s the problem?

“Cold outreach is dead!!”


The problem is simple:

You’re doing it wrong.

If you’re consistently sending cold outreach messages trying to land clients

and NOT signing any new deals, you’re doing it wrong.

Yes, there’s more nuance to it than that, which is exactly what I’m going to
cover in this training…

But that’s a key thing to understand before we dive any further.

Now the good news:

Cold outreach is an ACTIVE approach to signing clients, meaning you can

take the information in this training and land a new deal TODAY with proper
execution and a bit of luck.

Assuming you’re charging high-ticket prices, that’s $2,000 - $10,000 in your


And that’s not to mention how much you’ll be able to clean up in 2024 as
you continue to execute this strategy & build momentum.
I won’t make any promises, but you should do the math yourself.

How much would one extra client a month make you over the course
of 2024 assuming your average LTV?

What about 3?

What about 5?

What about 20?

All of the above numbers are possible if you execute on the information I’m
about to share.

This will take you about 10 minutes to read and around an hour a day to
implement moving forward.

Based on the calculations you’ve just done, you now get to decide
whether it’s worth your time to continue.

And if you’re wondering whether the information in this training is legit…

I’m speaking from experience as someone who’s:

A) built a 7-figure agency

B) built a 7-figure consulting business
C) received 5-15 cold outreach messages daily for the last couple of years.

Because of all of this, I know what works…

And perhaps more importantly, I know what doesn’t work.

In this training, you’ll learn both with real-life examples.

Starting with…
The 9 Deadly Outreach Archetypes

Before I dive into this section, it’s important to note that I’m not directing this
at any one person.

In the last few months as my Twitter & IG have been growing, I’ve been
receieving more & more outreach messages… going from bad to worse.

Again, not writing this to personally attack anyone.

Just to shed light on the main kinds of pitches I get (I get at least 5-15
every day), why they don’t work, and what you should do instead.

Everyone knows that the right “yes” can change your life forever.

So if you’re sending any of the kinds of outreach messages I’m about to

dox, you’re quite literally shooting yourself in the foot.

Let’s get into the 9 most common outreach archetypes:

1 - The closer “video pitch”

No screenshot as I don’t wanna show faces, but whoever is telling these

kids to send a dull selfie video offering their services needs to stop.

Literally got one that was:

“Just wondering if you need a closer for whatever you selling”

Side note: Selfie vids can work when done right, just don’t look weird or be
2 - The “partnership opportunity”

Trying to dress up a pitch as an opportunity = IGNORE.

This isn’t a partnership, you want me to pay you money for something you
have, don’t sugarcoat it.

3 - The “shitty offer”

$20k monthly revenue in 6 MONTHS?!?!

I’m tryna make that TODAY before 4pm (know your customer).

I also don’t run an MRR business, so this doesn’t even make sense.

Double ignore.
4 - The “no social skills”

I can’t imagine a world where someone types this into a keyboard and
thinks “oh yeh this is gonna work”.

But here we are.

5 - The “chatGPT”

If it’s abundantly clear that your message was written by AI, you’re getting

This should be obvious…

Don’t copy and paste the AI braindump into my messages.

6 - The “zero research”

I would never buy this, but if this is the research they’re doing for all their
messages, they’ll NEVER land a client.

❌ Not a solopreneur
❌ Passed $20k/mo 4 years ago
❌ Do not care that you’re “chilling in the forest”
P.s. apology accepted.
7 - The “compliment”

If you’re not gonna put an ounce of effort into showing someone genuine
appreciation, do not bother leading with a compliment.

Has the opposite effect.

Cheap flattery = gross.

8 - The “I’m the prize”

Some people think that if they frame their offer as if they’re doing you a
favor or giving you exclusive access to something, you’ll be eager to work
with them.

Not the case.

The fact that you’re showing up in MY inbox means you want something
from me.

Be upfront about what that is.

9 - The “me, me, me!!”

This is a good rule for life - whenever you’re trying to persuade or influence
anyone to do anything, speak in terms of what THEY want.

One of the biggest mistakes I see in cold DMs is using the word “I” far more
than the word “you”.

Take the DM below as an example…

He’s told me what HIS name is, what HE does, what HE specializes in, and
what HE wants to do… only bringing me into the equation in the final 5

You must speak in terms of the other person & what they want.
Those are the most common outreach archetypes, and they’re all about as
INEFFECTIVE as straight up insulting me.

And if you’re thinking “Nick, you wouldn’t hire anyone from a DM no matter
what they said!”

My CMO was originally hired from a cold DM he sent.

Now if you’re still reading, I can safely assume you fit into one of the
following categories:

1. You haven’t started cold outreach yet but you know you need it, so
you’re here to learn

2. You’ve been sending cold outreach messages but haven’t seen much
(or any) success yet, so you’re here to learn

3. You’ve been sending cold outreach messages for a long time and
closed a good few deals from it, but you know you can always be
doing better, so you’re here to learn

No matter which of those 3 categories you fit into, the next section will
benefit you greatly.

The purpose of the previous section was to give you an inside look into
how the people you’re reaching out to think.
As a marketer, you understand how valuable this is.

To recap:

- Your ideal clients are also other people’s ideal clients, and they’re
receiving 3-5+ outreach messages a day
- From their perspective, you’re just another message in their inbox,
ASKING for their money
- In many cases, they know the game better than you do because
they’ve been playing it for longer, so they see through any “tactics”
- They have certain triggers that are IMMEDIATE turn-offs, highlighted
in the 9 examples listed above

In this next section, you’ll learn the right way to go about outreach.

There are only 3 prerequisites for this to work:

1 - You run an agency or coaching business

2 - Your ideal clients are active on social media
3 - You follow the playbook to a tee

If this still makes sense for you, you’re about to learn everything you need
to make this work, including;

The 7 iron laws of cold outreach, how to find your ideal clients, how to
make your profile more appealing, exactly what to say in your outreach
messages, how to follow up over time, how to manage the conversation
once they do respond, and a bonus section on how to 10x your results.

Let’s dive in…

The 7 Iron Laws Of Outreach

1. Follow the person

If you don’t follow the person you’re reaching out to, there’s a 0% chance
they’ll reply to your message. (At least that’s how I operate)

This is the LOWEST EFFORT thing you could do to show you actually give
a f*ck.

Even better:

Consistently & GENUINELY engage with their content (if you actually like
their stuff).

That way, when you do reach out they’ll recognize your profile & have a
positive association with it.

2. Have a large following & mutual connections

The probability of me replying to your message goes up significantly if you

have 5k+ followers and are followed by people I respect.

This can only come from organic content & effective networking.

(More on this in the bonus section)

3. You KNOW you can help them

In your RESEARCH (hint), it should be clear whether or not your offer is a

good fit for the person you're reaching out to.
If not, you can still reach out to offer genuine appreciation, give some free
value, and to make the connection…

But don’t offer your services.

You think there’s no harm done…

But it damages your reputation in the eyes of people you respect -

something you want to avoid at all costs if you’re in this for the long run.

4. Do your RESEARCH

You need to know as much about their:

- Content
- Offer
- Overall business
- Personality

As you can.

The more you can call out their exact situation & needs without asking, the
more likely they’ll be to reply.

(More on this in the 60-second research section)

5. General outreach scripts = FAILURE

If I think there’s a chance you sent the same message to ANYONE else, I
won’t reply (unless the offer is just so good it blows me away & you have a
horde of case studies to back it up.)

Not because I want to “feel special”...

But because it tells me that either you’re lazy, you don’t give 100% to
everything you do, or you simply don’t care that much about working

None of which are qualities I’m looking for.

You must hyper-personalize to the point where there’s 0% chance of this,

even if their name was Nick & they ran the same business.

6. Show genuine appreciation

This is perhaps the #1 thing I see people getting wrong in their outreach.

They’ve been told by “gurus” that they need to include a personalized

compliment in their outreach messages, but they’ve missed all the nuance.

Specifically, the difference between cheap flattery and genuine


To illustrate…

Cheap flattery is like going up to a girl and telling her that she looks “nice”.

It’s a compliment for sure, but it’s weak, unspecific, and immediately
triggers thoughts of “what does this person want from me?” (i.e. defensive
& closed).

Genuine appreciation is like going up to a girl and telling her that she has
beautiful eyes and you love the way they match with her necklace.

This is the kind of compliment that actually gets through & makes her feel
good because it’s specific, thoughtful and perhaps most importantly…
It might be something she’s been doing on purpose for a long time that no
one has ever recognized or shown appreciation for.

This is so powerful I’m going to make it abundantly clear:

If you can show genuine appreciation for something that your

prospect does extremely well, yet hasn’t received any recognition or
praise for because no one else could be bothered to notice, you’ll
create immediate rapport & set yourself up for success.

(Note: This holds true in all human relationships and is worth applying to
your everyday life)

So yes, you should absolutely include a personalized compliment in every

outreach message that you send…

But it needs to be real, specific, and ideally something they rarely receive
praise for.

And remember, this isn’t to “butter them up”, it’s to prove you spent more
than 5 seconds looking at their profile, create a positive connection, and
separate yourself from the horde of other messages flooding their inbox.


If someone tells me something specific they loved about a thread I wrote 2

years ago and I can tell it’s genuine, there’s a very good chance I’ll reply.

7. Talk like a bro

Not saying you need to talk like a frat bro.

Just don’t sound special needs, don’t use chatGPT, don’t talk like you’re a
middle manager on LinkedIn…

And more importantly:

Show up with a CASUAL frame.

It should read like you just had a stroke of genius about something
and couldn’t help but let them know about it.

(A BRILLIANT new idea that you thought would be good for them, no

Not like you’ve edited the message 15x to get it perfect.

How to find your ideal clients

Now you understand the 7 iron laws of successful outreach, it’s time to get
into the specific actions that you can execute on today to find your next

Starting with how to actually find people to reach out to.

There are 4 main ways to do this:

1. Manual search

Using the main search bar on Twitter/Instagram, you can look for your ideal
clients by searching for keywords that they’re likely to have in their bio.

If you’re looking for coaches, think about all the different words/phrases
they might have in their name or bio, e.g.
“I help”
“Book a call”
“I will help you”
“I help men”
“I help women”

Etc etc

You can use these phrases, and you can get even more specific if you’re
targeting a certain subsection of coaches.

Same principle applies if you’re looking for agency owners.

This method is slow, but it works… so if you’re time-rich, use it.

2. Your ideal clients’ followers

As soon as you’ve found 1-5 of your ideal clients, you can start looking at
the people they follow.

Every successful person you’re reaching out to will know & follow other
similar people in their industry…

So this is an easy place to find more prospects.

Most of the time you’ll be able to tell by someone’s name & profile photo
whether or not they’re worth checking out.

Using this filter, skim through your ideal clients’ “following” list to find other
coaches/agency owners to add to your prospects list.

3. For you page

If you’re engaging/interacting with your ideal clients (you should be), the
algorithm will start showing you more, similar accounts either on the For
You page on Twitter or the Explore page on Instagram.

I’m willing to bet that you use both Instagram & Twitter daily anyway, so all
you need to do is start LOOKING while you’re on each platform.

Anytime you find someone who looks like a solid prospect, add them to
your list.

Note: on top of looking at who they’re following, Instagram will show you
“suggested” pages (between the follow button and their content) - this is
another great place to find leads.

4. Scraping & filtering

This is perhaps the fastest way to get a lot of leads.

Here’s how it works:

1. Find a large account (100k+ followers) who your ideal clients are
highly likely to follow
2. Scrape their following (use PhantomBuster)
3. Once you have a spreadsheet of all the accounts, sort by following
4. Delete everyone under 10k followers (you can adjust this number -
lower if you’re looking for coaching clients and higher if you’re looking
for agency clients. The goal is to get rid of people who are unlikely to
be a good fit)
5. You should have their bio in the spreadsheet, so start filtering by
keywords like I described in the section on manual search
6. Add anyone who’s a good fit to your prospects list

Finding prospects to reach out to on social media isn’t as easy as scraping

emails for cold email outreach…
So I recommend setting aside a few hours each week to find a new list of
prospects to reach out to on top of adding people as you discover them
organically throughout the week.

Key: Remember that there are ALWAYS more leads. It’s common for
people to reach out to the “low hanging fruit” (leads that were already in
their eco-system) and start thinking they’ve tapped out social media. If you
think about how many social media accounts there are, you’ll realize how
ridiculous this is. Repeat after me - “THERE ARE ALWAYS MORE LEADS”.

The 60-second research method

You need to research the people you’re reaching out to for 4 reasons:

1. To show some genuine appreciation in your message

2. To make sure they’re qualified/need what you’re selling
3. To make them feel like you’ve done your research (people reward
4. To spot any opportunities they might be missing out on

Remember when I said:

“It should read like you just had a stroke of genius about something
and couldn’t help but let them know about it.”

This is most effective when you’ve actually had a killer idea that could make
them more money based on the research you’ve conducted.

All that being said, you don’t want to waste time.

So the name of the game here is efficiency - getting the most important
information in the least amount of time.

Before I get into how, here’s what you’re looking for:

- What do they do?
- Why do they do it?
- Are they working with clients?
- Roughly how many?
- What have been their highest performing pieces of content?
- What have been their most impactful pieces of content?
- What makes them different from others with similar offers?
- Are they already utilizing your mechanism as a part of their system?
(e.g. if you’re an email copywriter - do they have a list and are they
sending emails? If you’re a fitness coach - are they working with a
coach already or have they worked with one in the past?)
- Based on your experience, is there anything obvious they’re doing
that’s harming their results?

That might sound like a lot of info, but it’s not… and most of the time you
won’t be able to find all of it anyway. Think of this as the goal.

To actually find it, do the following in order on all of their social channels:

- Look at their bio (inc. pinned tweet on Twitter)

- Look at their highest performing pieces of content
- On Twitter - search for keywords that would be used when talking
about client results (e.g. “this client” “result” “success” “case study”
- On Instagram - look for a story highlight with all of their client results
- Go to their website (if available), digest everything from their offer to
their testimonials
- Sign up for their list if they have one

Realistically, this will take between 60 seconds and 5 minutes depending

on how much information is available, after which you should have clear
answers to as many of the above questions as possible.
Note: If it’s clear that the page is dead (large following with terrible
engagement) or that they’re not working with clients/making any money,
don’t reach out.

If you can’t really tell, keep them on the list.

As you do your research you’ll want to make notes for when you inevitably
craft your outreach message.

What specifically you should write down will become more clear in the next

The winning script

What I’m about to give you is not so much a script but a framework.
Remember, every message you send should be HYPER-PERSONALIZED.
The kind of message you could only have sent to that individual prospect.

Because of this, there is no one-size fits all script for landing clients on
social media.

(The one exception to this is if you have a much larger following than the
people you’re reaching out to… HOWEVER, even then you’ll do better with
a hyper-personalized script because people will think it’s actually you vs. a
VA sending out messages from your account.)

The “winning script” = a combination of the following framework and the

research you’ve done on them beforehand.

The framework:

1. Show genuine appreciation - a specific & real compliment based on

your research (e.g. a piece of content they put out that impacted you)
2. Why you’re reaching out - your big idea, what opportunity have you
spotted that you couldn’t help but let them know about? (the more
REAL this is, the more effective it will be)

3. Authority builders - tell them why you’re worth listening to, e.g. people
you’ve worked with before/personal achievements

4. Show expertise - show them that you know your shit, this could be as
simple as using industry specific language, or dropping some free

5. Offer free value - lead with the giving hand, almost everyone else in
their inbox is asking for something, stand out by GIVING

6. Casual frame - you’re excited about this, but you’re also non-chalant,
you’d love it if they were excited about it, but it’s also fine if they’re not
(the more volume you’re hitting with your outreach, the more real this
will be)

To give you a real example of this in action, here’s the message our CMO
sent my former business partner, Logan almost 2 years ago that got him a
phone call (& then hired):
(compare numbers down the side with the framework above)

As far as a “winning script” goes, this framework is the closest thing you’ll

You’ll still need to employ your own creativity & brainpower to APPLY this
framework to your unique business and the prospects you’re reaching out

Don’t expect to copy & paste this with the same results.

Looking for the “no”

If you get a negative response to your first message, it’s over, respect their
answer. You can follow up by asking why it’s a no so you don’t make the
same mistake again (can be super insightful if they give a meaningful
answer), just don’t keep trying to push the sale.
That being said, if you get NO response from a prospect, you should
absolutely keep following up until they reply.

Maybe they didn’t see it…

Maybe it’s not a good time right now but it will be in a couple of months…

Either way, use the following follow up sequence for the highest probability
of getting a response.

If left on read:
3 days later - reach back out lightly (if still no response, stop messaging)

If they haven’t seen it:

3 days later - “^^”
1 week after that - interesting take/idea
2 weeks after that - interesting take/idea
1 month after that - interesting take/idea
2 months after that - Ask if now is a better time to discuss your original

Key = keep it casual as you’re following up, act as if you’re already a friend
of theirs reaching out with something you genuinely think they’d be
interested to know, avoid being pushy at all

Leading a positive response to a sales call

If you’ve followed the outreach script from this training, then you’ve offered
some kind of free, custom value in your initial message.

This could be an audit of something they’re already doing or custom

samples of your work.
Either way, the point of doing this is to A) make it easy for them to say yes,
and B) overdeliver & wow them to the point where they genuinely want you
on their team.

If they say yes, you need to do 2 things:

• Create it & send it back to them as fast as possible

• Massively overdeliver

(Note: Don’t create it before you get a positive response, not worth your

The more effort you put into this, the more effective it’ll be.

Whatever you send back to them should be your absolute best work, so far
beyond what they currently have that they want to know more about what
you do.

For the most part, this is what will determine whether you get them on a
sales call or not.

Either it’s not good enough, and they’ll stop responding/tell you directly.

Or it blows them away to the point where they’re asking you what the next
steps are, at which point you casually pitch them on a call.

There are some people who argue against getting clients this way…

And if you’re making over $20k-30k/mo consistently, it probably isn’t worth

your time to be creating free, custom value pieces for prospects.


If you’re still below those numbers, then I guarantee you have time to do
(If you don’t, you have a serious time management problem which needs to
addressed before you can scale any further)

How many outreach messages should you


Here’s the thing:

More outreach messages sent = more clients landed.

(It doesn’t always work like this because results are never evenly
distributed, but on the whole this is true.)

In other words, it’s not about how many messages you should send…

It’s about how many you’re able to send without reducing the quality.

So here’s what you should be asking:

How much time do you have to dedicate to outreach? How hard do you
work? How focused are you in the time you’re working? How good are you
at managing your time? How much money do you want to make?

I’ve remember speaking to a guy who wasn’t working with clients yet and
didn’t have a day job. I asked him how many people he was reaching out to
every day. He told me 3-5.

I also personally know people who’s days are fully stacked with client work
& other responsibilities who manage to hit 30-50 outreach messages a day.

(Any more than that & it gets extremely difficult to keep up the quality of
So, it’s really up to you to decide.

Just remember that hard work & SPEED are both heavily rewarded in

Bonus: (The Real “Secret”) How To 10x your


Here’s the cold, hard truth about outreach:

Even armed with everything in this training, you could still fail to land
your dream client.

There are factors at play which you have zero control over, like…

- They don’t need what you’re offering

- They can’t afford it
- They need it and can afford it, but it’s not the right time

In each of these cases, it’s not a big deal because they disqualify the
person from being a good fit.


There are also factors stopping your outreach from working that you DO
have control over, like…

- They don’t trust you

- They don’t know you
- They don’t hire from cold outreach messages
These are things which can’t be overcome with “the right message”,
relentless follow ups, or hiring a P.I. to find their address so you can send
them a cake with your number written in icing on top.

There are only 3 ways to overcome these limiting factors:

1. Knowing the prospect personally

2. Getting referred by someone the prospect knows & trusts
3. Having a strong social media presence

Now, you can go to networking events and *hope* you might meet the
prospect of your dreams, woo them, and sign them as a client.

But this is slow, expensive, and unlikely to be an effective strategy.

(NOTE: Not saying you shouldn’t go to these events, but if you approach
them as open season on client hunting, the energy will be palpable and
you’ll burn relationships.)

Getting referrals is also a great way of signing new clients, but you still
need people to know, like & trust you before this can happen…

Which leads me to the fastest and most effective way to overcome the
know, like, trust barrier and 10x the results you’re getting with

Building a strong social media presence.

You probably know this…

And there’s a good chance you’re already building yours…

So let’s talk about what you need to do in 2024 to position your

socials in a way that makes your outbound more effective, and drives
inbound leads to your inbox:
Cash > Followers

Are you more interested in cash or clout?

If the answer is clout, you failed. The goal should always be CASH FIRST,
clout later because A) you need CASH early to take care of your
people/start building wealth, and B) it’s easy to get clout once you have

Important distinction:

You will still be growing your following, still becoming more well known, still
building your socials… what we’re talking about here is the FOCUS.

We make cash the priority in order to guide our actions & inform our

To illustrate…

When FOLLOWERS is the goal, it doesn’t matter who they are or how you
get them, you just do whatever will generate the most amount of attention.

When CASH is the goal, you still need followers… but the quality of those
people & how you get in front of them becomes vitally important.

Attracting the right people

Following on from my last point - you don’t just need followers, you need
the RIGHT followers.

Who are the right followers?

Anyone who fits your ideal client profile OR anyone who is primed to
become an ideal client within the next 3-18 months.

There’s no real way of knowing what % of your followers fit this category,
which makes this metric hard to measure.

That being said, if you’re doing the right things on your end, you’ll have a
pretty good idea based on how many qualified leads you’re generating.

How do you attract your ideal clients?

Who you attract to your social media brand all comes down to ONE thing:


Within that, there’s the style of content, voice, tone, messaging, ideas, etc.

But for now, the most important actions for you to take are:

1. Mapping out your ideal client profile in detail

2. Running all your content ideas through the filter of “would my ideal
client read/watch and engage with this?”
3. Only posting content that’s passes


You’re a fitness coach who helps overweight people lose 30lbs in 90 days.

You’ve been grinding on your own fitness recently and have an idea for a
video about a specific & largely unknown exercise that really makes your
abs pop.

Is it a good idea? YES.

Is it relevant to your ideal client? NO.

Okay, so it goes in the “reject” pile.

Your new 2024 mantra


Every so often I see people online talking about whether you should focus
more on quality or volume of content.

Dumb question.

Focus on BOTH.

Create an outrageously high volume of high-quality content and do it

consistently for the entire year.

For most people, the idea of doing this is either intimidating because
they’ve never done it before or scary because they’ve tried it before and

Here’s the thing:

There are people out there right now doing it.

It’s not ruining their lives, they’re not working 16 hours a day, and they’re
not giga genius robots with a direct neuralink connection to chatGPT.

The only difference?

They’ve built systems into their workflow that make it easy.

Here are 3 that you can implement TODAY to make it easy for you in 2024:

1. Get ahead (& stay ahead)

There is so much power in being ahead on work - both in terms of your

mental clarity & creative horsepower.

When you have all your content, emails, ads, etc made & scheduled out for
the next week, there’s no stress about whether or not you’re going to hit
your target volume… because you’ve already done it.

On top of that, you remove all pressure from the creative process because
you have everything already made & scheduled out.

As a result, you no longer *need* to create anything postable that day.

More often than not, this creative freedom is what unlocks your best work…

And on the rare occasion it doesn’t, you’ll at least have something that you
can rework & edit into gold.

2. Batch your workload

Batching your work has two main benefits - removing the friction that
comes from constantly task-switching & making it easier to get into a deep
work flow state.

Let’s say there’s 2 people who both have the exact same workload on a
weekly basis.

The only difference between them:

Person 1 creates tweets, emails, ads, short-form videos, and long-form

videos every day.
Person 2 writes all their tweets on Monday, all their emails on Tuesday, all
their ads on Wednesday, records all their short-form videos on Thursday,
and all their long-form videos on Friday.

Same exact workload…

Except Person 2 spends a fraction of the time working because less time is
wasted task switching… and produces a much higher standard of work
because they’re able to get into a deep work flow state with everything they

(In real life, people like Person 1 also rarely hit their target content volume
because their workflow is so scattered)

This is key if you want to produce a high volume of high quality content in

But linking back to the last point - it’s only possible to operate like this when
you’re AHEAD on work.

3. Have a plan

Right now, we’re talking about implementing systems into your workflow
that make producing a high volume of high quality content easy.

A plan is an essential part of that for the following reasons:

>> A plan makes your goals real.

You can write “I make $25k/mo” in your journal as many times as you want,
it’s never going to become a reality until you create a plan for how you’re
going to achieve it.

>> A plan informs your systems.

You need to know how your goals break down from the target $$ amount to
the daily actions before you can execute with maximum intensity.

>> A plan puts you in a state of forward-thinking.

When you’re thinking days/weeks/months down the line, it’s easier to spot,
prevent, and avoid potential obstacles that could throw you off.

There are 4 parts to an effective plan:

a) The targets

Okay, you wanna make $25k/mo…

- How many sales calls do you need to take?

- How many leads (conversations) do you need to generate to book those
sales calls?

b) The actual inputs

What inputs will get you those leads/calls booked?

- Content?
- Ads?
- Emails?
- Lead magnets?
- Outbound DMs?

c) The quantitative volume

How many of each of those inputs do you need to create & put out on a
daily/weekly basis to hit your target? (go conservative, better to overshoot)

d) The qualitative systems

What systems will you put in place to maximize the quality of those inputs?


- Time management (see above)

- Sleep
- Nutrition
- Training
- Screen time
- Deep work sessions
- Reading/watching quality books, podcasts, videos etc for inspiration

How to actually create your plan:

You want your plan to be as accurate as possible.

Meaning the inputs & systems laid out have the highest probability of
success if executed at 100% adherence.

In order to do this, you need to draw on past experience.

Ideally, you’ve been tracking numbers so you have a rough idea of the
relationship between inputs & outputs for your own brand.

If so, use this.

If not, the next best thing is an estimate based on what you can remember.

(Also, take this as a sign to implement data tracking in 2024, it doesn’t

make you a bean counter, it makes everything you do easier & more

In both scenarios, you want to be overly conservative.

It almost always takes more work than you think it will, so take this into
account as you’re laying everything out.


Make your plan. Don’t think about it, don’t put it off, just do it. If you want
January to be your biggest month ever, you’ll need clarity & good execution

Both of which start with making your plan right now.

Double down on what’s working

One of the biggest mistakes I see newer content creators making:

They have something that hits the algo and performs way above average
for their page… and they do nothing with it.

They bask in the glow of all the dopamine they’re getting, then they go back
to the drawing board trying to create another viral hit from scratch.


Think about it this way…

If you were a standup comedian and you told a joke that had the entire
audience in an uncontrollable laughing fit, would you:

a) Enjoy the moment & never tell it again

b) Tell the joke at every show, write new jokes similar to that one, add
parts to the original to make it even funnier, etc

Obviously the second one.

So you intuitively know that when you have something the audience
loves, you should milk it for all it’s worth…

Do the same with your content.

Once you have something that’s performed well above average for your

>> Post it again with a different hook

>> Make it again in a different style
>> Create content with a different idea but the same hook format
>> Come up with 5 ideas similar to the original and make them
>> etc etc

You can even repost the original every few months.

It doesn’t matter if some of your followers have seen it before… because

the goal is to reach a NEW audience.

The Inbound Playbook

Outbound = you knocking on other people’s door

Inbound = people knocking on your door

Every single business owner would prefer a situation where all of their
leads are coming inbound, but this is rarely the case…

Especially in the beginning because you don’t have the audience or

experience to generate a consistently increasing flow of inbound leads.
The solution?

Do both.

Optimizing your profile for inbound makes your outbound 10x more
effective because people know, like, and trust you more… sending quality
outbound DMs makes up for any inconsistency in inbound lead flow.

In this way they work together, each making the other more effective.

Now, I’m not gonna go into detail here on HOW to generate inbound leads
because we have a full Inbound Playbook that you can go through.

All I’ll say is there are 3 essential components:

1. Content & Status

2. Tactics & Strategy
3. DM conversations

We’ve laid everything out for you in a separate training.

If your goal is to make more money in 2024 and social media is your
primary client/customer acquisition channel, you NEED to read &
implement everything inside.

Click Here For Instant Access To The Full Inbound Playbook.

How To Use This Info To Make $1,000,000 In 2024

Short answer:

Stack $100k by May and hit a 10x in the crypto bull market.
Long answer:

$1,000,000 is a placeholder.

Your ambitious goal could be $1,000,000, $500,000, $100,000, or even just

making money online every month consistently.

These are all worthy goals - none of them are better than the others, it
completely depends on where you are in your journey.

Regardless, a few things are true:

1. Hitting your ambitious money goal for 2024 is going to take a lot of

Way more than you think it will right now.

There’s no way around this, so your only option is to embrace it & put in
place systems that will make it as easy as possible to stay consistent.

2. Crypto is heating up

The writing is on the wall, coins are going up, and everyone’s talking about
it - these are all signs that the next crypto bull run is upon us.

What this means:

Every dollar you make this year is worth 5-10x more than it was last

I’m not gonna tell you how to invest your money, or even that you should…
but if you decide to invest a % of your profits into crypto and you’re smart
about it, there’s a possibility that you could 5-10x your investment (based
on what’s happened in previous cycles).
All I’ll say is you should do your own research…

Because once you know that every $1 you make is actually worth $5-$10,
your motivation to work increases proportionally.

3. Investing in yourself

Most people will read that last section and think “if every $1 I make is worth
$5-$10, then I should keep as much of it as possible for buying crypto!”

But this is only true before you run the math.

Let’s say two people are both going into 2024 making $5k/mo.

Person 1 decides not to invest in coaching & goes it alone - he saves the
$5k he would’ve spent and goes on to make $105k in 2024.

A good year by anyone’s standards.

Person 2 bites the bullet and invests $5k in coaching at the beginning of
the year - immeditately he’s poorer than Person 1, but as a result of all the
help he’s getting, he makes $214k in 2024.

In other words, he traded $5k for $109,000.

But wait…

If Person 2 achieved a conservative 3x in the crypto bull run, that number

goes up to $327,000.

Now obviously this is a made-up scenario and you could sit there poking
holes in it all day.

But the principle holds true.

>> Investing in yourself now increases your earning potential for 2024
>> Increasing your earning potential means making 2-5x more money (at
>> 2-5x more money becomes 6-20x more if you factor in the Crypto bull

So the only REAL questions are:

1. Do you have the capital to invest in yourself & increase your earning

2. Are you ready & willing to put in the work required to max out your
earning potential in 2024?

3. Are you willing to commit to a process that is proven to work so long

as you follow it?

If the answer to all 3 of those questions is “YES”... and you’re willing to do

whatever it takes to make life changing money in 2024, then I invite you to
read the following letter:

Attention: Personal Brands, Coaches, Agency Owners

& Small Businesses Growing On Social Media

Introducing the system that took me from being clueless

and blindly guessing on how to use social media to grow
my business to making over $12.7MM in sales from social
media in the most competitive market of the 2020’s

I present to you the Launch Socials System: The only service where
you can get social media business systems and infrastructure handed to
you fully customized to your unique situation that have been used to collect
over $12.7MM in cash and grow over 6.1M followers (without being
charged agency retainers and performance fees). We do this by custom
building your brand through identifying gaps in your business, then
implementing the exact solution you need, Done For You setup, 1on1
optimization, daily group coaching, full library of all templates, documents,
frameworks, and resources…

This is For: Complete social media beginners, or those who have already
started social media as a side hustle, or business owners looking to bring
their business online into the social media space, or already established
business owners running social media brands that are missing important
elements and want to sharpen their blade.

If you’re not collecting $1M/year directly from your social media there is
something seriously wrong. I basically went from $0 to $1M/year overnight
(in a year and a half from 2020 to 2021) when I implemented the Launch
Socials model into my social media brand and my clients' social media
brands. It makes your audience far more profitable, builds the right
following, and leverages your time far more efficiently than focusing on just
outreach or just doing short form video, or selling the complete wrong thing
at the wrong price, or any of the other tactics that everyone is pitching you
these days.

System Overview:

The Launch Socials System: Building social media audiences that grow
real businesses on all platforms. No inauthentic, unprofitable, “cringe
posting” or selling out just to get views. This is not some follower growth
hack program or views trick guide or get rich quick right now type of thing…
It will certainly get you more views, more followers and more profits
(probably faster than anything else in the market) but if you’re looking for
the one trick or secret then you should leave this page now. You will be
required to work.

➢ Phase 1: Clarity - We start with a full 1on1 deep-dive session to

identify all gaps in your business from content, to sales, to nurturing,
to marketing, to paid ads, to outreach, to fulfillment, to automations
etc etc. We are looking for all signs of struggle in your entire social
media business.

(Some people confuse our service for just being social media content,
yes that’s part of it but we look at the entire system and business
holistically. Social media content can’t be profitable if your other
systems SUCK. This is about cashflow at the end of the day).

➢ Phase 2: Custom Infrastructure build - We take our proven 8-figure

social media infrastructure and systems and install it into your
business to fill all the gaps we just identified in Phase 1. Many of
these pieces are done for you, many of these are done with you and
some are consulted on. (Details in chart below)

***Here’s a chart that shows you an example set of problems many of

our clients have, our solution for them, and how we implement it
directly into your social media business during Phase 2 (Infrastructure

➢ Phase 3: Efficiency & Leverage - No system is perfect from day 1.

Yes it’s customized to you. Yes it’s built to close all gaps and solve all
problems in your social media business. Yes, changes and results
happen immediately. But like anything else you sometimes have to
tighten the screws. Or when one gap is filled another appears and
sometimes things break. That’s why after all the initial infrastructure is
installed we consult you and assist you in managing it, optimizing it,
building more advanced processes and iterating it for an entire year.
This means us assisting you long-term in making changes or updates
to the infrastructure as time goes on and problems inevitably arise.

The second part of phase 3 is building real leverage. Scaling, hiring

and investing. Who do you hire? When do you hire them? How
should you scale? Where should you spend money as you grow?
Should you invest in crypto and stocks or should you hire and spend
money on ads and software? My team and I have been through the
trenches with all of this. We will give you personalized feedback,
consulting and further resources done for you as they’re needed for
your business as your money and time leverage grows.

What’s Included:

➢ An Agency-Like Service Without Agency Pricing: If money was no

object and every beginner or business owner could afford to hire the
top agency in their space to grow their business… THEY WOULD.
But they can’t so they don’t. I’m offering you the closest thing to an
agency-like service without the insane pricing. And believe me I know
how it goes because we charge 5 figures monthly at my full service
agency. Think of this as the perfect hybrid between a coaching
program and a full service agency.

➢ White Glove Experience: Think PREMIUM. Our service is designed

to move as fast as possible while also delivering you the highest
quality. This is NOT a course or coaching. Those elements are
included but we go well above and beyond that as described above.
You will be onboarded with direct 1on1 attention starting immediately.

➢ Multiple 1on1 Calls: Part of our onboarding process is meeting with

you multiple times 1on1. This is critical to getting you results fast as
we’re able to personally diagnose exactly what the most pressing
problems are with your brand and business so we can implement our
proven solutions immediately (customized for you). You’ll also have
the opportunity to meet with us 1on1 throughout the full 12 months as

➢ Custom Roadmap Plan: You need a plan. No guessing. No

wondering which course video or coaching advice to listen to. We
onboard you, look at your entire business, current situation, and
overall goals (that we discuss together with you). Then build an exact
custom plan of what needs to be done for you to reach your
predetermined goal in a realistic timeframe. This is the outline for the
infrastructure that we will build together with you and install into your

➢ 24/7 1on1 Access: Most people only offer group-style support. That
is not the case with us. We have a dedicated 1on1 channel strictly for
you to communicate with me and our team. There is someone online
nearly 24/7 so if you have a question, need support, need feedback,
want something reviewed or simply need to communicate with us we
are ONE private message away at all times.

➢ Daily Group Coaching Calls: We have daily group coaching calls on

Zoom (M-F). We’ll review your content, funnels, offers, sales systems
and everything else in between LIVE. And everyday there is an open
Q&A to ask questions and get feedback live on Zoom.

➢ All-Inclusive Video Training: This is our full system of SOP’s.

Imagine you were able to download the exact infrastructure, systems
and processes that my agency clients use and I use for my own
social media brand building… this is it. In video form. All-Inclusive.
Accessible immediately.

➢ Private Community: Over 200+ business owners growing their

social media brands all in one place sharing ideas daily. This is not
some community for growing your brand that your high school friend
shared on Facebook. This is a network of like-minded individuals in
similar industries to you growing their online brands and spreading
information on what is and isn’t working as markets sophisticate,
algorithms change and trends morph in mere days, weeks and
months. Things that aren't talked about publicly are spoken about
HERE. Private networks like this have made me more money in my
career so far than I can even count.

➢ Templates and Resources: Alongside our video course SOP’s we

have templates to literally EVERYTHING. Need to build a free group?
Just plug in our proven template and change a few words and DONE.
Need to build a landing page and VSL? Just plug in our template with
the headline and script we gave you 1on1 and boom you’re done.
Our entire process is like this. Customized plug and play. Seamless.

➢ Skin In The Game: Me and the team actually have skin in the game.
We are actively building our client brands at the agency and our own
social media brands while implementing this system for you. That
means we actually know what’s happening in the current market 24/7.
This is not some strategy from 5 years ago. It’s current, down to the

➢ One Year Of Access: We’re together for a year. Our goal is to

onboard you and have your infrastructure built within a few weeks,
maybe a month AT MOST. But what happens after? You’re still with
us for 1 year total as we consistently consult, assist and help you
iterate your business and process to perfection.

➢ Membership By Application ONLY: You have to apply. We will not

work with you and help you unless we speak on a call and interview
you about your current situation and overall vision. This is to
determine if we can actually help you or not. If we cannot help you,
we will not offer you a spot in our service.
Takes only 2 mins. Call required.

Who am I?:

From the desk of ME, Nick Rogers…

If you’re reading this you’ve probably seen me in one of my ads on

Instagram or Twitter or Youtube or you’ve seen me on one of my various
personal social media accounts as seen below:

My background: Let’s not kid ourselves I certainly do not have some rags
to riches story. Grew up in a good middle class family home that set me on
a good path. Seriousness, professionalism, being authentic, and doing right
by people is a part of what has been ingrained in me since childhood.

➢ Grew up in a good home, somewhat entrepreneurial doing lemonade

stands, some garage sales stuff, shoveling driveways and mowing
lawns for money. Always had an inclination towards being different
and doing different things. Never really liked the idea of the corporate

➢ Wanted to start a business but was convinced by my environment in

high school that college was a good and safe route for me. Got there.
Hated it. Realized that it was absolutely not the place for me. So I left
and went back home after only 2 months.

➢ Knew I needed money so at 18 got a job selling cars for a local

Chevy dealership. Stayed there for a year and started trying online
businesses on the side. Started 7 dropshipping stores and miserably
failed all of them. But I discovered the niche of growing Instagram

➢ Started my first successful page in October of 2018 (pictured below).

And a month and half later quit my sales job to go all in on internet
marketing. Within 4 months this page had 100k followers and was
making me $10k/mo. So I started building more and more and more.

➢ Used the skills I had from building that Instagram page to pitch clients
on building their personal brands and pages on Instagram. This
started in 2019 and by 2021 had snowballed into a $100k/mo agency
and multiple clients scaling to 6 figure months.

➢ That agency and those Instagram pages are still running today and it
is where we actively have skin in the game. In the field testing,
learning, iterating and creating real value for ourselves and clients
developing and refining the systems on the front lines. So far it’s
created 6.1M followers and $12.7M in sales from social media.

The thing me and my clients were always missing…

When I started there was always this daunting task of thinking I need to get
that one perfect video, and I need to post a thousand times to make it
happen. And I didn’t even know what a funnel or VSL was. Completely

And the same was true for my first clients.

And then I realized that wasn’t an isolated occurrence. You reading this
might be so green to online business that you don’t know what funnels and
VSL’s are. And that’s ok.

I’ve been there.

But as my personal knowledge grew, my social pages made more money

and my clients made more money… a true system was born.

It wasn’t just some spray and pray strategy with content anymore. We
started developing curated and strategic messages in content and offers,
sales processes, landing pages, automations, etc etc

And in this I learned the biggest lesson…

The game of successful, profitable, and authentic social media brands

is NOT won with one singular video, or special editing style or magic
script/hook formula… It's how you’re saying it and WHO you are (or
how your audience perceives you) that matters.

You can change people's perceptions of you based on the way you speak
your message. And if you can do that correctly and connect it with a real
sales system, a backend business and a killer offer you have a money
printer that will last for years.

Everyone else online either focuses on followers/content OR on

sales/funnels. But very few are combining the two like me.

Let me give you some examples:

Content is the main leverage behind the new rich. It’s media that works for
you while you sleep. You sleep and the brand still grows and makes money.

You see it with Hormozi, MrBeast, Iman Gadzhi, Tate, hell Garyvee has
been preaching it for years and years.

But what most people miss is that an audience doesn’t really matter if it's
just an audience. They hear “content content content.” And that's what
most people end up building. That’s what most “content systems” are at the
end of the day… generic audience builders that might make some money
but will never make generational money or generational change.

The real “secret” is building a loyal audience along with a leveraged

product or service. (leverage meaning your time and eventually money is
leveraged… aka a real business). That’s how you build your shit to real
scale. It’s the only reason those guys I mentioned above have gotten so
big. They had a real system to produce large amounts of cash to fuel the
growth. It’s not some engagement trick. Or hack. Or strategy. (What most
people are selling.)

It’s as simple as being real and authentically yourself while also selling
something leveraged that genuinely helps people. And while it’s a simple
concept it’s so much harder than spinning up some generic audience with a
basic little product.

That “secret sauce” is what we’ve been able to distill into a repeatable
Now some of you reading this have businesses already, some of you just
have social media pages, some of you have both of those and some of you
have neither.

Doesn't matter where you’re at…

If you’re reading this I can almost guarantee that you have a gap in your
process whether it's the whole thing or just a piece. And the Launch Socials
system bridges that gap.

I can take the exact same person out of poorly done branding and a bad
offer and place them into our system along with good branding and a good
offer and they will see results almost immediately.

Because it’s not about the person. It’s about how you’re perceived
and your infrastructure backing you and your brand up. Acting as its

So if you want to sell out and be a pump and dump product pusher, be my
guest and exit this page. I can’t help you if that’s your mindset. But if you
want to stay true to your values, be yourself, do things the right way and be
a legitimate valuable businessman or woman then you’re in the right place.

People Using The System:

With all that being said… does it actually work? All this tough talk but
are there results besides my own? Lol, YES, of course.


STEVE: How Steve Built His Online Fitness Coaching Business From
$8k/Mo To $22k/Mo In 4 Months WATCH HERE
BROOK: How Brook Made $32k In His FIRST Month Posting On Social
Media Selling High-Ticket Coaching WATCH HERE

MASON: How Mason Scaled His Paid Media Agency From $0 To $20k/Mo
In 5 Months WATCH HERE
TAYLOR: How Taylor Grew From 18k To 256k Followers In 3 Months & Got
More Exposure For His NYSE Listed ETFs WATCH HERE

JACK: How Jack 7x’ed His Following & Hit $15k/Month Selling High-Ticket
Baseball Coaching WATCH HERE

BELLE: How Belle Went From 1k To 67k Followers In 2 Months & Hit Her
First $10k Month Selling Sponsored Posts & Holistic Health Coaching

JOE: How Joe 10X’ED His Social Media Income AND Quit His 9-5
There are many many more, too many to link… but the point of showing
you all this is simply to provide UNDENIABLE PROOF that the Launch
Socials system works…


Who Is It For?:

1. Coaches/Consultants/Course Sellers: This is our bread and butter.

If you are this person you have so much opportunity with social media
it’s not even funny. Info businesses scale to the moon when done
right, especially on social media.

2. Agency Owners: You own an agency. You are getting clients from
outbound. And you want to get more from inbound or you want to
diversify your product stack and add more coaching etc. We can and
will help you. We have helped tons of agency owners get consistent
inbound leads and build out new offers.

3. Business Owners: You have a successful business on a different

platform or using a different channel to get leads and you want to dive
into social media and grow a new channel of awareness. This is very
common and this is for you.

4. Complete Beginners: You may be a complete beginner to social

media and that is ok. If you have an idea for a business or a coaching
product or something you want to sell and you know social media is
for you we can and will help you.

5. Social Media Side Hustles: You have a side hustle with social
media. You’ve sold some coaching, have a group or an ebook or
something. You’ve made some money but just aren’t really sure of
where to go next. You need a plan and our system.

6. Faceless Social Media Page Owner: I own dozens of faceless

social media pages. They are incredibly hard to monetize especially
depending on the niche. I have solutions for all of them. You need a
backend system more than anyone. Stop relying on your social media
to be a business alone, attach real systems to it.

7. Established Online Social Media Business Owner: You have a

business that’s already generating leads from social media and
selling. Maybe you’re even doing 6 figure months or more but you just
feel like something is missing. Something isn’t clicking. You’re
working too hard, or you have plateaued… we’ll give you clarity on it
and help you smash straight through.

Who Is It Not For?:

➢ You aren’t serious and have no skills or experience to share with a

social media audience. You need to get out in the real world and start
building. Get some skills, start growing your agency or company a
little bit. Know what you want to do more. Have a vision. Then we can
help. (Example: You want to sell fitness coaching but look like you
don’t work out… I can't help you.)

➢ You are trying to get rich quickly and just want to make money.
Nothing is get rich quick per say. I will help you make more money
faster than you’ve ever made it from social media before. But if you
don’t have a long term mindset and don’t want to actually work this
isn’t the place for you.
➢ You cannot afford the service fee. If you cannot afford our one-time
service fee you are not a good person for this because you are not in
the position or right mental state to scale your business. You need to
go get more money before you can think about starting or building a
business using social media.

Why you should do it now:

I won’t sit here and lie to you like most marketers and business owners
would in this day and age of fake flexing, fake screenshots, fake results
and general shady practices.

“Oh bro I might end the program soon it will probably close in the next
month get in asap blah blah blah” - Some marketer everyday on his Insta

That will never happen with me.

However there are 4 things that I know will always be true:

➢ Price will go up: Inflation is not going away. Life gets more
expensive. And more importantly… people will continue getting
results. Then more people will want to join. The group we have and
the service we have will get flooded with more buyers. I will be forced
to raise prices because of massive demand (have already done this
twice) and because I can simply charge more and make more money.
This is a business with a dozen employees after all. So if you want
the opportunity to get in before the masses take your spot… right now
is that opportunity.

➢ We can only help 30 people a month: As of today we can only help

30 new people every single month. That is a cold, hard, FACT. The
spots are in fact limited. As you know from reading above, our service
is VERY CUSTOM. Meaning if we bring on too many new clients in a
month our service quality will diminish. Therefore, if you don’t contact
us basically right now to reserve your spot as you read this you will
HAVE TO WAIT because we are filling these spots like clockwork
every month.

➢ It will get harder to grow your social media business overtime:

I’ve been growing social media pages, personal brands and online
personas along with the backend businesses behind them since 2018
and I know one thing to be true. Competition will increase. It will get
harder. The cool things you can share now won’t be cool in 2 months,
or 2 years etc. We have 5 years left to really take advantage of this
opportunity before you’ll have to be really really special to grow very
big online. The new wave of business is online creators but it will
definitely NOT last forever. And other, easier, more simple
opportunities will come along. The window of opportunity for easy
growth as we know it will close. So if you know you want to do it or
are already doing it but want to go faster… why would you wait until
it’s harder???

➢ We will only work with you if we can help you achieve your
desired results: What’s wrong with scheduling a call just to see? You
want to achieve your goal right? If you’ve read this far you probably
believe we can help. Why wouldn’t you at least explore what the
service looks like specifically for you and its price by speaking on the
phone directly with my right hand guy? There is no pressure to buy.
We will never do that. But we will offer you a spot if we believe we
can definitely help you.

And look, truth be told… I want to make money. I do that by working with
more people. I do that by putting you through this process, getting you
amazing results and elevating you to work closer with me and my company
at my agency. I will never turn down people that we can 100% absolutely
help (unless spots are full).
And I will pitch you on working with me (tastefully) to the ends of this
earth if I believe to my core that what I do will help you.

If you’re a fit based on what I outlined above and want to go to the next
level… then Apply Below.


Takes only 2 mins. Call required.

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