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Blood Hunter: Order of Vengeful Body

Starting at 3rd level, you hone your hemocraft to allow your

the Blood Extremists body to fight back against your opponents. When you
Some people are born and trained in martial arts to receive a wound, you are able to send a blood spike to your
become the perfect weapons. Few are chosen to join the attacker in retaliation.
Order of the Blood Extremists, where they learn to become If a creature hits you with a melee attack while Rite of
a living weapon by achieving unnatural control over their the Living is active, you can choose to deal necrotic damage
blood. equal to your hemocraft die to the creature. You can use
your reaction to use this feature if Rite of the Living is not
Rite of the Living active.
When you join this order at 3rd level, you learn the Rite of You can use this feature only once per turn whether Rite of
the Living as part of your crimson rite feature. When you the Living is active or not.
activate the Rite of the Living, the extra damage dealt by
your rite is necrotic damage and you can use your Crimson Impaler
hemocraft modifier for your attacks and damage roll. Starting at 7th level, your mastery over hemocraft improves
Additionally, when you activate the Rite of the Living, you as you can create multiple flying sanguine blades to aid
can choose to instead summon a weapon made of your you.
own blood. You must be proficient with the base weapon Once per long rest, if you are below your maximum hit
you are trying to summon. The summoned weapon deals point, as an action, you can create an amount of sanguine
the same damage as the base weapon (or necrotic, your blades around you equal to your hemocraft modifier that
choice) and has its damage die. You create ammunition last 10 minutes.
made of blood when you draw a summoned ranged As a bonus action, you can hurl and expend a sanguine
weapon. blade to make a ranged weapon attack at a target within 30
Your summoned weapon gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls feet of you which you are proficient with and use your
and damage rolls at 7th level and 15th level. hemocraft modifier instead of dexterity. A Sanguine Blade
deals necrotic damage equal to your hemocraft die +
hemocraft modifier.
Transfusion Brand
Starting at 11th level, you learn how to manipulate the
blood in your opponents to sustain your flurry.
When the branded creature deals damage to you or a
creature you can see within 15 feet of you, you can use your
reaction to draw blood from their wounds and regain a
number of hit points equal to twice your hemocraft
Blood Curse of the Lacerated
At 15th level, you hone your hemocraft to cause wounds to
appear on your opponents. You gain the Blood Curse of the
Lacerated for your Blood Maledict feature. This doesn’t
count against your number of blood curses known.
Blood Curse of the Lacerated
As a bonus action, you target a creature and attempt to
create lacerations on its flesh. The target must make a
constitution saving throw. On a failure, the target takes
necrotic damage at the start of each of its turns equal to
twice your hemocraft modifier. At the end of each of its
turns, the target can make another Constitution saving
throw. On a success, the creation of new lacerations ends.
Amplify. The creature makes the saving throws of this
curse at disadvantage.
Everflowing Body
Starting at 18th level, your hemocraft abilities surpass all
others, allowing you to use your blood more often and more
Your Constitution score and your Hemocraft score
increase by 2, up to a maximum of 22.

Created by u/Jigui26 | Latest version: 2022/07/12

Image Credit: BlackSalander on Twitter
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