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List of largest

producing countries
of agricultural

Product ion (and consumpt ion) of agricult ural plant commodit ies has a diverse geographical
dist ribut ion. Along wit h climat e and corresponding t ypes of veget at ion, t he economy of a nat ion
also influences t he level of agricult ural product ion. Product ion of some product s is highly
concent rat ed in a few count ries, China, t he leading producer of wheat and ramie in 2013,
produces 6% of t he world's ramie fiber but only 17% of t he world's wheat . Product s wit h more
evenly dist ribut ed product ion see more frequent changes in t he ranking of t he t op producers.

The major agricult ural product s can be broadly cat egorised int o foods, fibers, fuels, and raw
mat erials.
Produce types

2022, FAOSTAT, Food Agricult ure Organizat ion of t he Unit ed Nat ions:[1]

Cereal First Second Third

Barley Russia Aust ralia France

Buckwheat Russia China Ukraine

Canary seeds Canada Thailand Argent ina

Fonio Guinea Nigeria Mali

Maize (corn) Unit ed St at es China Brazil

Millet India Niger China

Oat s Canada Russia Aust ralia

Quinoa Peru Bolivia Ecuador

Rice, Paddy China India Bangladesh

Rye Germany Poland Russia

Sorghum Nigeria Sudan Unit ed St at es

Trit icale Poland Germany France

Wheat China India Russia

Cot t on China India Unit ed St at es

2022, FAOSTAT, Food and Agricult ure Organizat ion of t he Unit ed Nat ions:[1]
Vegetable First Second Third Fourth Fifth

Let t uce and

China Unit ed St at es India Spain It aly

Lent il Canada India Aust ralia Turkey Russia

Dry bean India Brazil Uganda

Myanmar Tanzania

Art ichoke Egypt It aly Spain Algeria Peru

Unit ed
Onion (dry) India China Egypt
St at es Bangladesh

Sout h
Cabbage China India Russia Ukraine

Green bean China Indonesia India Turkey France

Unit ed
Green pea China India Pakist an France
St at es

Chickpea India Aust ralia Turkey Russia

Et hiopia

Unit ed
Pulses (t ot al) India Poland France
Kingdom Mozambique

Cauliflower and Unit ed

China India Mexico Spain
broccoli St at es

Eggplant China India Egypt Turkey Indonesia

Unit ed
Pot at o China India Ukraine Russia
St at es

Spinach China Unit ed St at es Turkey Japan Indonesia

Democrat ic
Cassava (yuca) Nigeria Republic of t he Thailand Ghana Cambodia

Soybean Brazil Unit ed St at es China India

Argent ina

Carrot and Unit ed Unit ed

China Uzbekist an Russia
t urnip St at es Kingdom
Cucumber and
China Turkey Russia Mexico
gherkin Uzbekist an

Ginger India Nigeria China Nepal Indonesia

Unit ed
squash and China Ukraine Russia Spain
St at es

Canada China India France
(Canola) Aust ralia

Unit ed
Safflower Russia Mexico India
Kazakhst an St at es

Sunflower seed Ukraine Russia China Turkey

Argent ina

Yam Nigeria Ghana Benin Togo

Unit ed
Sugar beet Russia France Turkey
St at es Germany

Sugar cane Brazil India China Pakist an


Sweet pot at o China Malawi Tanzania Nigeria Angola

Sesame Sudan India Nigeria

Myanmar Tanzania

Unit ed
Tomat o China India Turkey Egypt
St at es

Okra India Nigeria Mali Sudan

Pakist an

2022, FAOSTAT, Food and Agricult ure Organizat ion of t he Unit ed Nat ions:[1]
Fruit First Second Third Fourth Fifth

Apricot Turkey Uzbekist an Iran It aly Algeria

Olive Spain Turkey It aly Morocco Tunisia

Unit ed Sout h
Pear China Argent ina Turkey
St at es Africa

Banana India China Indonesia Nigeria Brazil

mangost een, India Indonesia China Pakist an Mexico

Coconut Philippines India Brazil Sri Lanka


Fig Turkey Egypt Algeria Morocco Iran

Unit ed
Grape China It aly France Spain
St at es

Orange Brazil India China Mexico Egypt

Papaya India Mexico Brazil Indonesia

Peach and
China It aly Turkey Greece Spain
Nect arine

Unit ed
Apple China Turkey Poland India
St at es

Cost a
Pineapple Philippines Brazil China
Indonesia Rica

Unit ed
Gooseberry Russia Ukraine
Kingdom Swit zerland Kyrgyzst an

Lemon and lime India Mexico China Argent ina Brazil

Unit ed
Raspberry Russia Mexico Serbia Poland
St at es

Plum and sloe China Romania Serbia Chile Turkey

St rawberry China Unit ed Turkey Egypt Mexico

St at es

Unit ed
Blueberry Peru Canada Chile Spain
St at es

Kiwifruit China It aly Greece Iran

Unit ed
Currant Russia Poland Ukraine Germany

Dat e Egypt Algeria Iran Pakist an

Unit ed
Cherry Turkey Chile Spain
Uzbekist an St at es

Avocado Mexico Colombia Peru Kenya

Quince Turkey China Iran Morocco

Uzbekist an

Wat ermelon China Turkey India Algeria Brazil

2022, FAOSTAT, Food and Agricult ure Organizat ion of t he Unit ed Nat ions [1]

Product First Second Third Fourth Fifth

Milk (cow) India Unit ed St at es Brazil China Russia

Milk (buffalo) India Pakist an China Nepal Egypt

Milk (goat ) India Sudan Pakist an Bangladesh France

Milk (sheep) China Turkey Greece Syria Algeria

Milk (camel) Kenya Somalia Pakist an Mali Et hiopia

2022, FAOSTAT, Food and Agricult ure Organizat ion of t he Unit ed Nat ions[1]

Product First Second Third Fourth Fifth

Milk India Unit ed St at es China Brazil Russia

Tea China India Kenya Sri Lanka Turkey

Coffee Brazil Viet nam Indonesia Colombia Et hiopia

Wine It aly France Spain Unit ed St at es China

Beer China Unit ed St at es Brazil Mexico Germany

2022, FAOSTAT, Food and Agricult ure Organizat ion of t he Unit ed Nat ions[1]
Product First Second Third Fourth Fifth

Saudi Unit ed Arab

Camel Sudan Kenya Somalia
Arabia Emirat es

Unit ed
Chicken Brazil China Russia India
St at es

Unit ed
Beef Brazil China Argent ina Mexico
St at es

Buffalo India Pakist an China Egypt Nepal

Horse China Kazakhst an Mongolia Mexico Russia

Unit ed
Pork China Brazil Spain Russia
St at es

Sheep China Aust ralia Turkey Algeria

Nort h
Rabbit China Egypt Russia Algeria

Goat China India Pakist an Nigeria Bangladesh

Goose China Taiwan Egypt Myanmar


Unit ed
Turkey Poland Germany France Spain
St at es

Duck China Viet nam France Taiwan Thailand

2022, FAOSTAT, Food and Agricult ure Organizat ion of t he Unit ed Nat ions[1]
Nut Largest Producer Second Largest Producer Third Largest Producer

Almond Unit ed St at es Aust ralia Spain

Cashew nut Ivory Coast India Viet nam

Brazil nut Brazil Bolivia Peru

Chest nut China Spain Bolivia

Hazelnut Turkey It aly Azerbaijan

Peanut China India Nigeria

Pist achio Unit ed St at es Iran Turkey

Sheanut Nigeria Mali Burkina Faso

Walnut China Unit ed St at es Iran

2022, FAOSTAT, Food and Agricult ure Organizat ion of t he Unit ed Nat ions[1]
Spice First Second Third Fourth Fifth

Black pepper Viet nam Brazil India
Indonesia Faso

Chili pepper China Mexico Turkey Spain


China Viet nam Sri Lanka
(canella) Indonesia Madagascar

Cloves Indonesia Tanzania Comoros Sri Lanka


Ginger India Nigeria China Nepal Indonesia

Nut meg, mace,

India Indonesia Nepal Sri Lanka
cardamom Guat emala

Vanilla Indonesia Mexico China
Madagascar New Guinea

Garlic China India Egypt Spain


2022, FAOSTAT, Food and Agricult ure Organizat ion of t he Unit ed Nat ions[1]
Product First Second Third Fourth Fifth

Caviar[2] China Russia It aly France Poland

Unit ed
Cheese Germany France It aly
St at es Net herlands

Cocoa Ghana Indonesia Cameroon
Coast Ecuador

Yerba mat e Argent ina Brazil Paraguay Burundi Et hiopia

Unit ed
Egg, hen, in shell Indonesia India Brazil Mexico
St at es

Egg, ot her birds,

Indonesia China Brazil Philippines
in shell Bangladesh

Honey, nat ural China Turkey Iran India Argent ina

Olive oil Spain It aly Greece Turkey

Port ugal

Unit ed
Tobacco China India Brazil
Indonesia St at es

Non-food products

2022, FAOSTAT, Food and Agricult ure Organizat ion of t he Unit ed Nat ions.[1]
Fiber First Second Third Fourth Fifth

Abaca Equat orial

Ecuador Cost a Rica Indonesia
(manila) Philippines Guinea

Agave fibre Colombia Mexico Nicaragua Ecuador Philippines

Bast fibre India Russia China Cuba Chile

Unit ed
Cot t on China India Brazil Uzbekist an
St at es

Flax France Belgium Belarus China Russia

Jut e India Cambodia China

Bangladesh Uzbekist an

Kapok Thailand India


Sout h
Ramie China Laos Japan Taiwan

Rubber Thailand Indonesia Viet nam India

Silk India China Uzbekist an Viet nam Thailand

Sisal Brazil Tanzania Kenya China


New Unit ed
Wool China Aust ralia Turkey
Zealand Kingdom

Forest products
2022, FAOSTAT, Food and Agricult ure Organizat ion of t he Unit ed Nat ions[3]
Wood and forest
First Second Third Fourth Fifth

Democrat ic
Wood fuel1 India Brazil China
Et hiopia Republic of t he Congo

Unit ed
Sawnwood2 China Canada
St at es Russia Germany

Wood-based Unit ed
China India
panels3 St at es Russia Turkey

Paper and Unit ed

China Germany India
Paperboard4 St at es Japan

Dissolving wood Unit ed

China Sout h Africa Brazil
pulp5 St at es Indonesia

Wood fuel includes all wood for fuel as firewood, wood pellet s, and charcoal
Sawnwood includes all sawn wood, dimensional lumber
Wood-based panel includes all plywood, part icleboard, fiberboard and veneer sheet s
Paper and Paperboard includes all paper, sanit ary paper, and packaging mat erials
Dissolving wood pulp includes cellulose ext ract ed from wood for making synt het ic fibres,
cellulose plast ic mat erials, lacquers and explosives[4]


1. "FAOSTAT" (
n/#data/QCL/visualize) .
Retrieved 24 February 2024.
2. "Sturgeon, Caviar, and Caviar Substitutes:
From Production, Gastronomy, Nutrition,
and Quality Change to Trade and
Commercial Mimicry" (https://www.researc
ajor-countries-in_fig2_348296880) .
January 2021. Retrieved 26 April 2022.
3. "FAOSTAT" (
n/#data/FO/visualize) .
Retrieved 24 February 2024.
4. Forest Products Definitions (http://faostat.f
AOSTAT-Forestry-def-e.pdf) , FOOD AND
UNITED NATIONS, Statistics Division
External links

Agricultural Production Domain (https://

Retrieved from

This page was last edited on 19 March 2024, at

18:38 (UTC). •
Content is available under CC BY-SA 4.0 unless
otherwise noted.

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