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TEMA 25: El proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje en la lengua extranjera centrado en el

alumno: fundamentos y explicaciones. La identificación de las motivaciones y actitudes ante la

lengua inglesa. Aplicaciones prácticas.


1. Introduction

2. Legal Frame

3. Student centered approach in the teaching learning English process

3.1. Individual differences in the learning process:

a) Differences in personal development

b) Cognitive styles

c) Personal conditions

3.2. Individual differences when learning a second language

a) Language acquisition

b) Second language acquisition

3.3. Influence of these differences in the teaching process:

a) Teacher’s attitude

b) Teaching programme

4. Motivation and attitude towards learning a foreign language:

4.1. Importance of motivation and attitude in second language learning

4.2. Practical considerations to keep motivation:

a) Individual differences

b) Global approach

c) Teaching program

d) Teacher’s role

e) Classroom management
f) Teacher-parents communication

5. Conclusion

6. Bibliography

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