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Evaluation of applicant’s capabilities and behaviors

Please evaluate the applicant against the following criteria*

Very good Satisfactory Needs coaching Not observed

Shapes strategic thinking (meaning that they:

inspire a sense of purpose and direction; focus
strategically; harness information and ☒ ☐ ☐ ☐
opportunities; and show judgement, intelligence
and commonsense)

Achieves results (meaning that they: build

organisation capability and responsiveness;
marshal professional expertise; steer and ☒ ☐ ☐ ☐
implement change and deal with uncertainty;
ensure closure and deliver on intended results)

Cultivates productive working relationships

(meaning that they: nurture internal and external
relationships; facilitate cooperation and ☐ ☒ ☐ ☐
partnerships; value individual differences and
diversity; and guide, mentor and develop people)

Displays personal drive and integrity (meaning

that they: demonstrate professionalism and probity;
commit to action; display resilience; promote and
☐ ☒ ☐ ☐
adopt a positive and balanced approach to work;
and demonstrate self-awareness and a
commitment to personal development)

Communicates and negotiates effectively

(meaning that they: communicate clearly; listen,
☐ ☒ ☐ ☐
understand, and adapts to audience; and
negotiates persuasively)

* Extract from the Australian Public Service Commission’s ‘The integrated leadership system – support tools – Leadership
pathway: Individual profiles’
3. Comments regarding the applicant’s personal and professional capacities

1. Please list up to five key technical or personal skills that the applicant has demonstrated under your supervision. Please
provide examples of their use.

I was Jaime Simith’s Director while working for Niceles Consultant as a Structure Engineer for two (2) projects of Detailed Engineering
Design (DED) project for Municipality Roads and another project for New Construction Building design of National Archive Center Timor-
Leste. I have known him for 4 years. Jaime was one of the best National Structural Engineer that we had on our team, he is capable of
doing building structural analysis and design as well as operating designing software such AutoCAD, ETABS, and Sketchup. He is also
an engineer who has passion for his work and always pays attention to details.

Jaime has extremely good technical ability, especially in structural engineering. We have worked together on two projects (one road
design and one building design) and our consultant was able to complete detailed engineering design (DED) on these two projects thanks
to an entire team effort including Jaime who was responsible for preparing structural analysis and design report using ETABS software to
check the safety and economical of a building and retaining wall as well as preparing design drawing of structural frames (foundation,
column, beams, slabs, and retaining walls) using AutoCAD and Sketchup.

Furthermore, Jaime is an engineer who has a passion for his work with his dedication and contribution to the effective implementation of
a project. He has exceptional teamwork and interpersonal skills as shown by his collaboration with other engineers such as architects,
mechanical electrical plumbing (MEP) engineers, and surveyors which is essential for project success. He rarely makes errors in his work
because he is focused and always pays attention to detail to ensure the safety and integrity of his structural design.

2. What are the areas that the applicant needs to improve?

In my opinion, Jaime has to improve his problem-solving and decision-making skills. He has to develop his character and improve his
ability to solve a problem as soon as possible so it does not have further effect on the work that he is doing individually or as a team. The
ability to analyze problems and develop practical solutions is essential in the working environment as well as critical thinking and
adaptability are key aspects of effective problem solving and Jaime has to learn more about these skills. Furthermore, he also must
improve his spontaneous decision-making skills. This ability is important for accelerating the work progress and completion of projects
within the timeline given by our clients.

3. How do you believe that the applicant could contribute to the development challenges in your sector after returning from
studies in Australia? Do you think that the applicant has the potential to be a leader who drives change?

I am confident that he is an extraordinarily well-suited candidate to receive this Australia Awards Scholarship. I would like to acknowledge
that his experience as a Structural Engineer who has done structural analysis for government projects shows his contribution to
development of his country. In addition, Jaime’s character and dedication will certainly support him to learn and enhance his skills in
Structural Engineering in Australian and I believe he will make a lot of contributions in infrastructure development in Timor-Leste whether
it is through government institutions or private sector. He is also committed to being a role model for other National engineering in Timor-
Leste and, with improved Structural Engineering knowledge; he will be able to make a significant impact on the well-being of his fellow
Timorese in the future.

Jaime always upholds ethics, prioritizing collective success, and honesty which I think is a very important personality to have for a leader
who will be influential in the future. He is a man of principles and integrity and is not easily influenced by other people. He always tries to
ensure that everyone in his team completes the work and emphasizes that success is the result of the team’s effort not individually. He is
also an honest person who is transparent with his colleagues without withholding important details or facts.

He is a definite person worth investing in and deserves to be selected for Australia Awards Scholarship. For any additional information
you wish about Jaime in line with the program, please feel free to contact me.

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