Huy Hà

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Full name = First name/given name (tên) + middle name (tên đệm) + last name/family

name/surname (họ)
Ex: what’s your full name? I’m Pham Hong Huy
what’s your last name? It’s Pham (P-H-A-M)
Can you spell it? (bạn đánh vần được không?) – It’s T-H-I N-G-O-C.
- Mr = Mister (ông)
- Miss = Cô
- Mrs. = bà
- Ms = Cô (không biết tình trạng hôn nhân)
Maria Carter – UK / US
Is that S-U-S-A-N?
Z = Zet / Zi
J = Joker
Girl’s name
Usual (adj) – usually (adv) >< unusual (adj)
I hate it.
3. Brian Kennedy
4. Oh! No, not another one!
Miss Wilson
I’ll call back! Tôi sẽ gọi lại.

- Personality: tính cách / Appearance: ngoại hình

In his twenties: 20-29.
Ex: he’s in his twenties.
My name’s Huy
NỐI ÂM = Từ trước kết thúc bằng phụ âm + từ sau bắt đầu bằng nguyên âm (u,e,o,a,i)
How old are you?  chậm/đúng – nói nhanh.
- Light brown: nâu nhạt >< dark brown: nâu đậm
- Weight (cân nặng) – height (chiều cao) – high (cao) = hi
- Teen – tuổi tin – teen + age + r = teenager: thiếu niên (thirteen-nineteen)
- Curly (adj) xoăn.
Ex: She has curly hair. (cô ấy có mái tóc xoăn) = her hair is curly >< straight (adj) thẳng.
- Shot # short
- cm: centimetre / centimeter / centre – center / theatre – theater
- months /s/ – pens /z/
1. so, is your boss young? He’s in his thirties, I guess (tôi đoán), about 35.
2. It’s quite long. What color is it? It’s light brown. And it’s a little curly.
3. He’s really not very tall. About 175 cm. Oh yeah, that’s not so tall!
4. He looks /x/ about 17. No, he’s /z/ older than that. He’s /z/ almost 25. No, I don’t
believe it. He doesn’t look that old.
5. She likes to wear really short. Yeah! And is it straight or curly? Curly, really
curly. You can’t miss her when you see her. (you can’t miss it)
6. Is she short?
7. Is she in her teens or her twenties? I think she’s in her twenties. She’s really nice.
Do you want to meet her? Yeah, sure. (want to = wanna)
8. It’s not really long, but it’s very straight. And it’s sometimes /z/ green. Green?
Yeah, he sings /z/ in a rockband, I think

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