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Academic session 2022 – 23

Grade Y6

Review Sheet-Test 2

Chapter 2 (Lesson 2.1-2.4)
Materials: Properties and changes

Chapter 5 (Lesson 5.1)

Mass and weight


Q1) Sara used ingredients and prepared a cake in her kitchen.

What type of change is it? Circle the correct option.

Physical change
Chemical change
Give TWO evidences to support your answer.
1. _____change in colour___________________________

2. _____change in smell__________________________________

Q2) Ali bought two different cups for his coffee.

Polystyrene foam cup steel cup

In which cup will his coffee stay warm longest?

Polystyrene foam cup
steel cup

Give a reason to support your answer.
__Polystyrene foam cup is an insulator, it will trap heat inside/ do not let heat escape _____

Q3) Ali wants to investigate the process of boiling and evaporation.

He filled a bowl with water and left it on the table for few hours.

a) Ali thinks, the water in the bowl will start to boil after few hours.
Is he correct?

Give a reason to support your answer.

__________________Water will not boil as boiling needs more heat/ there is not

enough heat to start the process of boiling/ evaporation can take place as water is at

room temperature __________________

b) Which process is faster, boiling or evaporation? Explain

______ Boiling, as boiling needs more heat, particles gain heat quickly/ in boiling all

particles gain heat at the same time and turn into liquid where as in evaporation first

surface particles gain heat and turn into gas._________

Q4) Mr Paul has a mass of 80 kg on Earth. He travels to planet X where the gravity is only half
as strong as it is on Earth.
What will Mr paul’s weight be on planet X?
ON EARTH w=m x g
w=80 x 10= 800 N
ON PLANET X 800/2=400N
Q5) Iron metal rusts and form iron oxide, when it is exposed to air and water.

a) Name the reactants in this reaction.

____________________IRON + OXYGEN (water or air)___________________

b) Name the product in this reaction.


Q6) For each statement write True or False.

Statements TRUE OR FALSE
1. The force that cause Space station to fall towards TRUE
Earth is gravity.
2. If you heat the solution the solute will take more time FALSE
to dissolve.
3. We measure weight in newton on a forcemeter. TRUE

4. The temperature at which a solid becomes a gas is the FALSE

melting point.
5. Non-metals, such as wood and plastic are electrical TRUE
6. Graphite act as a conductor or non-conductor of TRUE

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