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Dear ________________________,

We are the Modern Nanays of Mindanao (MNM), the lead mother support organization in
Mindanao involved in the advocacy of sustainable childcare practices. We influence
communities to create enabling environments to empower mothers to reach their limitless
potentials and lay the best foundations of lifelong health for every child.

Breastfeeding is food security in the first years of life. It builds brains and the immune system
and is the number one intervention that prevents deaths and illnesses for children under 5. It is
one of the best sustainable investments we can make to ensure optimal brain growth is good
nutrition and nurturing care in the first 1000 days. The importance of breastfeeding is
uncontestable, yet many fail to meet optimal infant feeding practices. According to the
Expanded National Nutrition Survey 2021 of the Food and Nutrition Research Institute, infant
and young child feeding remains challenging. Current statistics show that the prevalence of
exclusive breastfeeding is at 60% but less than half or only 41.8% reach continued
breastfeeding to 24 months of age and only 13.3% of infants get optimal minimal dietary
requirements. This puts children at risk of malnutrition (both under and overnutrition) and places
a heavy economic burden for families from artificial feeding.

Raising awareness and further promoting breastfeeding in communities, workplaces, and public
spaces is of utmost importance to support mothers to meet optimal feeding practices. That is
why pursuant to Section 11 of the Republic Act No. 10028, also known as the “Expanded
Breastfeeding Promotion Act of 2009,” August is the Breastfeeding Awareness Month which
should be celebrated every year throughout the Philippines.

We are writing this letter to invite you to celebrate breastfeeding month with us. We would
like to invite different LGUs to raise awareness of breastfeeding this coming August 2023 and
create enabling environments region wide. We would like to seek support for the August
2023 Breastfeeding Month Activity with these suggestions:

● Conduct Hakab Na activity in your LGU this coming August 2023 and then done
annually in the preceding years afterward.
● Invite family members like fathers, grandparents, and supporters during HAKAB NA to
help establish knowledge and correct misconceptions surrounding infant and young child
feeding practices.
● Organize and support a parent led breastfeeding support group.
● Conduct human milk letting activities regularly to donate to the NMMC Human Milk
● Organize breastfeeding awareness workshops in the workplace for employees who are
pregnant, with infant and young children, and of reproductive age.
● Discuss strategies, policies, activities, and programs to create and finance stronger
enabling environments for the mother and child dyad in the first 1000 days integrating it
to the LGU’s GAD priorities.

We hope with this invitation we can collaborate and advocate for maternal and child's rights,
protection, and welfare through breastfeeding. We can build your community to be enabling,
supportive, and sustainable to empower mothers to carry out unique reproductive roles
while fully participating in social, political, and economic life. Join us in our mission to Make
No Mom Feel Alone.

We look forward to your positive response. Please reach out to us if you accept the
invitation and let us discuss how we can help you celebrate breastfeeding month and build
enabling environments during your administration. Please contact us in our email or through this number 09154868868.

Best regards,

Nadine Angelica Gadia-Casiño, RN, MN

Modern Nanays of Mindanao

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