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The Organizational Handbook

Version 1.4

The UEMC Board

January 31st, 2023

1. Introduction 4
2. UEMC Backstory 4
2.1. In the Beginning 4
2.2. The Fall of the AMC 4
2.3. The Rise of the UEMC 5
3. Manifesto 6
3.1. What we do 6
3.2. What we need 7
3.3. What we offer 7
3.4. How we work 8
4. Charter 8
4.1. Our Core Values 8
4.2. Long-Term Goal 9
4.3. Discord Benefits 9
4.4. Our Structure & Ranks 9
5. Roles and Responsibilities 10
5.1. Board member (Rank 5) 10
5.2. Sr. Manager (Rank 4) 11
5.3. Manager (Rank 4) 11
5.4. Foreman (Rank 3) 11
5.5. Specialist (Rank 2) 12
5.6. Employee (Rank 1) 12
5.7. Contractor (Rank 0) 12
5.8. Ambassador (Rank 0) 12
6. Rank Advancement 13
6.1. Promotion Mechanic 13
6.2. Demotion Mechanic 13
6.3. Logging Process 14
7. Discord Rights 15
7.1. How to use Discord Rights 15

7.2. Logging Process 16
8. Conduct 16
8.1. Respect 16
8.2. Excessive Profanity Usage 17
8.3. Public Conduct 17
8.4. Inter-Personal Conduct 17
9. Roleplay 17
10. Loyalty 18
10.1. Information Security 18
10.2. Protection of Organization Property 18
10.3. Conflicts of Interests 18
11. Disciplinary Actions 18
11.1. Accusations 18
11.2. Investigation 18
11.3. Disciplinary Actions 19
11.4. Logging Process 19
12. Events 19
12.1. Org-sponsored Events 19
12.2. Member-driven Events 20
12.3. In-Game Dynamic Events 20
12.4. Organization Event Classifications 21
13. Streaming Guidelines 21
13.1. UEMC Guidelines 21
14. Discord Community Guidelines 22
14.1. Here are some rules for interacting with others: 22
14.2. Here are some rules for content on Discord: 23
14.3. Finally, we ask that you respect Discord itself: 23

1. Introduction
This document is the United Earth Mining Corporations (hereinafter referred to as UEMC)
Organizational Handbook. This Handbook is to outline our management process / procedures to
ensure a fair and just handling of any and all matters related to member UEMC culture UEMC
preservation member career progression and member issue resolution to preserve a positive and
respectful environment in which our members can have fun.

2. UEMC Backstory
2.1. In the Beginning
The organization that would become the United Earth Mining Corporation was first founded in 2917
by the Atticus siblings, Julian, Helena and Octavius, under a different name, the Atticus Mining
Corporation. It was founded with the intention of becoming a dynamic and rapidly growing inter-
planetary mining company based out of Earth, in the Sol system. Initially, seeing great success with
a relatively small staff and few vessels, the original founders of the AMC began to expand the company
at an exponential rate. During this time, a well-known miner, known by the nickname of Noiser,
began to rise to prominence with the miners of the corporation, as was teaching the new miners how
to get by in the mining game and make a profit while doing it.

As the AMC began increasing in size, Noiser and some of his colleagues, such as Belroc and Pendus,
voiced concerns that the company was beginning to over-extend itself and could not control or safely
patrol the areas it had laid claim to, while continuing to prospect for new mining claims. Rival mining
companies had long been festering feelings of jealousy and hatred for the unexpected success of the
AMC. Many of these companies were based on planets other than Earth. As a result of this, many of
these rivals had the advantage due to their close proximity to many of the more profitable mining

2.2. The Fall of the AMC

With his concerns being unheeded by the standing leadership, Noiser was sent away to conduct long-
range scouting operations for potential new mining operations. While performing this task, Noiser
identified communications between two of the AMC’s most dangerous competitors, far from their
typical area of operations, the Taiiga Corporation and the Halcyon Conglomerate. These companies
had made no secret of their desire for the area in which Noiser was prospecting, and for the claims
of the AMC as a whole. Understanding that something was amiss with the situation, Noiser decided
to investigate further and decipher their communications. What he uncovered was a plot to bankrupt
the AMC and divide the resulting purchasable mining operations amongst themselves.

With this information in mind, Noiser departed and returned to the AMC headquarters on Earth
where he planned to tell the leadership exactly what he had heard and who had said it. He planned

to do so despite the leadership’s previous refusal to heed his advice. Unfortunately for everyone, the
AMC had, as a result of its success, turned into a stagnant creature of gluttony and decadence, its
leadership did not want to listen to anything that could result in a loss of profits.

Due to the refusal to heed the warnings he had presented, Noiser informed his closest allies of these
latest developments and together they left the AMC, just as reports began flooding in of coordinated
pirate attacks upon mining vessels and their convoys unfolding across almost all of their operations.
Noiser and his allies knew the truth, and so did the AMC leadership. They just weren’t willing to
admit to their employees the truth behind the nature of the seemingly unstoppable attacks against
their operations. The rumors were partially true. These were indeed pirate attacks, and they were
becoming increasingly sophisticated and effective; however, the real reason behind this was that they
were being paid to do so by the Halcyon Conglomerate. Their ultimate goal was to disrupt the AMC’s
mining and hauling infrastructure and force them to declare bankruptcy, at which point the Taiiga
Corporation would buy up their mining operations and split them with Halcyon.

By the time the leadership of the AMC acknowledged what was truly happening, it was too late. The
conflict was too far gone and resulted in the AMC going bankrupt. What this meant for the company
was that anyone could begin buying the claims to which the AMC had previously possessed. However,
two things happened that the two rival companies didn’t account for. First, there was a resistance
that had been occurring during this time led by Elijah Rockseeker, a well-known miner of the AMC,
his crewmate Schrike, and some other surviving employees. Rockseeker had been maintaining
contact with Noiser and coordinating small pockets of resistance in response to any attempts to
purchase mining operations. Even going so far as to sabotage their own mining operations to devalue
the operations in order for the rival companies to lose interest. The second, was that Noiser had been
in communications with Mister Greedy, a wealthy explorer that had previously prospected and sold
claims exclusively to the AMC. The two had reached an agreement wherein Greedy would fund the
buyback of many AMC claims under the new leadership of Noiser. As a result of Noiser’s intuition, he
had been working on this plan for quite some time and was able to be on Earth when many of the
most profitable claims were put up for sale and purchased before the rival companies even had a
chance to bid on them. When all was said and done, virtually all of the AMC’s original claims and
operations were now owned by Noiser.

2.3. The Rise of the UEMC

Noiser never set out to be the leader of one of the largest mining organizations of Earth, and even
after going through all of this to save the company he loved, he still did not intend on being the leader.
However, his former colleagues and allies that had helped him ensure that the AMC would live on
and become what it is today, and with that they nominated him as the new CEO. As the new leader,
his first action was to get rid of the last remnant of the Atticus legacy by renaming the company as
the United Earth Mining Corporation and laying down a new charter. While still being a mainly
mining corporation, the new and improved UEMC would never shy away from defending its miners
and trade lanes and would diversify its operations into trading and hauling of resources.

That was not the end of the story however, the Halcyon Conglomerate and Taiiga Corporation were
still very much active and could not accept this turn of events. They believed that if they moved fast

enough and with enough severity they could crush the new upstart company. They believed that the
new UEMC would be so disorganized that any show of hostile force would be enough to disband the
company. So, instead of banking on unreliable pirates as they did in the previous assault, they relied
exclusively on their smaller internal security forces. The veterans of the UEMC foresaw this attack,
and with the assistance of allied organizations, countered it by striking pre-emptively deep into the
areas controlled by the two rivaling companies. Seeing huge successes against the Taiiga
Corporation, they soon forced the company to collapse, after which time the UEMC purchased the
majority of their claims and almost doubled in size.

The Halcyon Conglomerate was not so easy to dismantle. The security forces put up a much more
substantial and coordinated resistance against the UEMC’s now superior numbers and resources. A
large part of this successful resistance was the ability of the Conglomerate’s hauling division to
double as a militia force that was capable of resupplying friendly military forces during on-going
battles. Leading the Halcyon Conglomerate’s security infrastructure and overall naval forces, was a
well-respected individual by the name of Maegon Bleidd. Bleidd, however, soon realized that he was
being misled by the leadership of his company, who were purely interested in preserving their own
personal profits over ending the conflict and protecting their employees. Realizing this, Bleidd used
his position of power and access to material within the corrupt company to persuade the employees
under him to stop trading and hauling the Halcyon Conglomerate’s minerals to market, effectively
crippling their income and overall military operations against the UEMC. Using this position of
power, Bleidd seized control of Halcyon and opened negotiations with Noiser. The result of those
negotiations was that all holdings and properties belonging to the former Halcyon Conglomerate
would be integrated into the UEMC along with all former employees. In return, Bleidd would be placed
in charge of all security forces within the new UEMC and a promise that the leadership would never
become what they had fought against originally.

3. Manifesto
Life of a solo prospector is a lonely existence. This is why the company was started.

With the security of knowing there are others around to share the load and watch your back, great
things can be accomplished with effort, focus and a little bit of miner’s luck.

3.1. What we do
• UEMC is Star Citizen’s largest mining organization.
• Safe zone mining. Peace of mind. The staple wage earner.
• Deep space and dangerous null sec operations. Risk & Reward, Guts & Glory.
• Hauling and trade. Why make a return trip with an empty hold?
• Support. Salvage, repair, build. Keep round the clock operations running!

• Security. We do not initiate conflicts. We defend and protect our core operations.

3.2. What we need

• Miners and Refiners. They are the heart and core of our operations and the most sought after
for our corporation. If you want to mine, we have a place for you.
• Crew. UEMC has limitless opportunities for members to crew in every multi-crew ship in the
verse. If you want to learn how ships operate in different professions by experienced ship
captains before you buy your own, we can assist in getting you that experience. Who knows,
UEMC ship captains have been known for mentoring and further org introductions. Our
Captains value crew willing to grow and learn.
• Haulers. Hauling is both a profession and requirement to all organizations in the verse. As
such, Haulers are always prized for. UEMC is growing and our resources need to get to
refineries and the best markets. If you are a hauler, we can supply the security for both orbital
and planet side operations. Stop by and discuss an opportunity in joining us today.
• Explorers and Scouts. The verse is literally growing. The art and science of discovering the
verse’s secrets will always be in demand. We recognize, support, and need those who have
both the skill and talent to explore the unknown. Can you open new areas by scouting? Have
a need to explore for a well-resourced Org? Need crew or support? Sign up and see if the
UEMC is home for you.
• Info runners. Trade runs, ore locations, new system jump points discoveries are how UEMC
plans to not only survive but thrive. This you’re calling or have some intel, let us know and
let’s make a deal. Joining up with us long term is always an option for those who want priority
in the verse.
• Medics, Engineers and Scientists. Whether we need medical aid or those who can enhance
the org’s resources, we call on the best. UEMC operates in dangerous environments with
heavy equipment. Unfortunately, we also deal with hostiles looking to cause harm. If you are
medically or science trained and willing to travel, please contact us today.

3.3. What we offer

• We will provide opportunities for all members to earn as much as they are willing to work for,
there will always be a spot available for you to work.
• We are an agile venture. Being able to react quickly to opportunities and capitalize on them
is a strength at the UEMC.
• We can provide a learning environment for a wide variety of professions. Mentorships are
encouraged in the UEMC.

• We can provide access to the resources in terms of ore, location information, crew, security,
logistics, communication, organization events, deep networking opportunities and long-term
growth potential.
• Support for your ideas. Initiative is rewarded. We will support and partner with you if you have
a good business case. Bring it before the Board.

3.4. How we work

• Bring your own ships or work on others, you will be provided a crew assignment suited to your
desired profession if you have not chosen one.
• All make money; crew and captains alike, and so do scouts and security. Profit sharing is the

4. Charter
The life of a solo prospector is a lonely existence. This is why the company was started. With the
security of knowing there are others around to shoulder the load and watch your back, great things
can be accomplished with effort, focus and a little bit of miner's luck.

We are a casual organization – We’re all about having fun playing the awesome game that we
pledged for, while engaging in mining or mining-related activities: exploring to find new and lucrative
ore fields, prospecting ore fields, mining and refining ore, hauling and trading ore, securing claims
and mining expeditions, and supporting our operations, ships, and people.

We are a respectful organization – We're expecting all members, employees and contractors alike,
to be respectful of others, in their actions and language, by avoiding excessive swearing and
refraining from offensive or discriminating comments based on gender, age, race, color, beliefs,
religion, sexual orientation, political opinions and other individual differences.

We are a peaceful organization – We’re not seeking combat nor conflict, but rather try to avoid it;
hence why we prefer to mind our own business. But we all know that the verse will be full of pilots
looking for a fight, so we also want to be able to defend and protect ourselves and the core of our
mining operations.

4.1. Our Core Values

1. Have fun !!
2. We work, earn and grow as a team.
3. Protect teammates and assets.
4. Any ideas to improve are always welcome.
5. Profits will be shared as a function of our group activities.

6. Respect each other and management.
7. We do not engage in theft and piracy.
8. Any disputes will be settled by the appropriate management level.
9. Rank does not determine work opportunities.
10. Have fun !!

4.2. Long-Term Goal

A long-term goal of the UEMC is to become a significant force in the ore mining and refining economy,
offering an alternative to AI-operated facilities for organizations to trade ore. Game permitting, this
would be achieved by collectively working together to build and operate the largest player-owned
mining and refining node, ideally in the form of a space station, to be located in a still to be
determined location, at the crossroad of significant trade routes.

4.3. Discord Benefits

Once you join the UEMC as a main or affiliate member, it doesn’t make a difference, you gain access
to all of our members’ Discord channels, where most of the discussions happen. Members' channels

• General & Gameplay Chats

• Gameplay Screenshots
• Mining Intelligence & Mining Bot
• Security Intelligence
• Miners News & Resources
• Star Citizen Media
• PU and PTU Gameplay Voices
Note also that we ask members not to reply or initiate discussions under #miners-news and other
'Media & News' channels. Only emoticon reactions are allowed. This is to ensure that news posts
don’t get lost among discussions, and remain visible to everyone. Thank you for your collaboration.

To join the UEMC, visit us at:

4.4. Our Structure & Ranks

• Board member (Rank 5): Member that oversees the organization as a whole. Responsible for
its vision, guidance, well-being and the coordination of organization-wide activities.
• Sr. Manager (Rank 4): Member with strong organizational and leadership skills in charge of
a grouping of divisions. Responsible for global operations, management and activities within

• Manager (Rank 4): Member with strong leadership skills in charge of a specific division.
Responsible for organizing gameplay and coordinating operations and activities within it.
• Foreman (Rank 3): Specialist that has demonstrated good leadership and mentorship skills,
and accurately portrays the organization values.
• Specialist (Rank 2): Active and skilled employee, either or both in-game and out-of-game.
• Employee (Rank 1): Main member of our organization.
• Contractor (Rank 0): Affiliate member of our organization.
• Ambassador (Rank 0): Representative from an affiliate organization. Limited to one per

NOTE – Members are expected to remain relatively active in order to retain ranks. See note at the
end of section 5.8.

5. Roles and Responsibilities

5.1. Board member (Rank 5)
Member that oversees the organization as a whole. Responsible for its vision, guidance, well-being
and the coordination of organization-wide activities.

Target individual: A member with a demonstrated level of managerial experience in the areas of
managing people and projects. They would demonstrate the ability to formulate a vision, be able to
articulate and sell it to others as well as provide the leadership to bring it about with available

Responsibilities: Define, exemplify and promote the culture and values of the UEMC. Set the vision
for operations / expansion as and when more game play / locations are brought online within Star
Citizen. Participate in org activities, listen to the pulse of the org and respond accordingly to ensure
that first and foremost we maintain the UEMC as a fun and desirable place to be. Assist in the
resolution of issues that rise to the level of the board.

5.2. Sr. Manager (Rank 4)

Member with strong organizational and leadership skills in charge of one or more divisions.
Responsible for global operations, management, personal and activities within it.

Target individual: A member with a demonstrated level of managerial experience in the areas of
managing people and organizational events. Demonstrated the ability to resolve personal conflict
fairly while promoting / preserving the culture of the UEMC via their contributions.

Responsibilities: In addition to the responsibilities of a manager, this individual would be

responsible for realizing and managing the implementation of the vision of the UEMC globally. This
rank will also have responsibility to manage the UEMC player pipeline to maintain the culture of the
UEMC through the pruning of Org members that are not a fit using the tools made available to them
at this rank. Manage the process of promoting members to higher ranks within the organization.

5.3. Manager (Rank 4)

Member with strong leadership skills in charge of a specific division. Responsible for organizing
gameplay and coordinating operations and activities within it.

Target individual: A member with a demonstrated level of managerial experience in the areas of
managing people and organizational events. Demonstrated the ability to resolve personal conflict
fairly while promoting / preserving the culture of the UEMC via their contributions. This is a narrower
responsibility scope of the Sr. Manager position with the same personal qualities.

Responsibilities: In addition to the responsibilities of a Foreman, this individual would be

responsible for organizing org-sponsored events and activities within their area of responsibility and
when necessary maintaining UEMC culture / behavior policies using the tools made available to them
at this rank. Sponsor / manage suitable individuals for promotions to higher ranks within the

5.4. Foreman (Rank 3)

A specialist that has demonstrated good leadership and mentorship skills, and accurately portrays
the organization values.

Target individual: A member with a demonstrated level of leadership skill and wiliness to mentor
others. They promote / preserve the culture of the UEMC through their contributions and support of
group organizational events / activities organized or emergent.

Responsibilities: Share their game play expertise with others in a manner that exemplifies the
values of the UEMC. Mentor other players and support both sponsored UEMC events as well as
emergent group game play. This individual would also support personnel issue resolution inquiries
as required using the tools made available to them at this rank. Sponsor suitable individuals for
promotions to higher ranks within the organization.

5.5. Specialist (Rank 2)

An active employee who demonstrates knowledge / skill in one or more areas and is willing to share
it in a manner in accordance with UEMC values either in game or on our Discord website.

Target individual: A member with a demonstrated level of skill and wiliness to share with others.
They exemplify the culture of the UEMC through their contributions and game play with others.

Responsibilities: Share their game play expertise with others in a manner that exemplifies the
values of the UEMC.

5.6. Employee (Rank 1)

Main member of our organization.

Target individual: With our open door recruitment this is the entry level rank when joining the
UEMC. Individuals at this level do not yet have a history with our leadership team to assess their
compatibility with our org culture, its values and whether to be considered a candidate for a

Responsibilities: Have fun and support UEMC values.

5.7. Contractor (Rank 0)

Affiliate member of our organization.

Target individual: A member that has not yet chosen to join our organization but has expressed an
interest in it through some level of cooperative/ joint game play.

Responsibilities: None, other than to have fun and decide whether UEMC membership is right for

5.8. Ambassador (Rank 0)

Representative from an affiliate organization. Limited to one per organization.

Target individual: A person that is acting in a coordination / communications role on behalf of

another organization for which the UEMC intends to work with in the future.

Responsibilities: Serves as our point of contact / coordination of game play activities between the
UEMC and the organization they represent.

NOTE – Members are expected to remain relatively active in order to retain ranks. This is currently
a subjective assessment made by members of the management team, but will be replaced with a
metric of participation if/when org tools which allow for tracking/reporting member participation are
provided by CIG at some point.

6. Rank Advancement
In an effort to remain a dynamic and positive organization, it is important to properly recognize active
members and empower those that demonstrate good mentorship and leadership skills.

The golden rule is that promotions are to be merit-based, and not application-based.

6.1. Promotion Mechanic

The following promotion mechanic enables Managers and Foremen to recognize active and skilled
members, while keeping it somewhat rigorous to limit/avoid pal/buddy-based promotions:

• Each promotion should be sponsored by a member of equal rank (or above) as the “promoted-
to” rank of the candidate.
• Each candidate must be interviewed (and unanimously approved) by a group of minimum
three members of rank above the “promoted-to” rank.
• The sponsor may not be one of the three approvers.
This simplified mechanics should leave enough leverage for Managers and Foremen to easily promote
members, while preventing abusive promotions.

• Example 1: A Specialist (or above rank) can sponsor the promotion of an Employee to
Specialist, and three Foremen (or above rank) must approve it.
• Example 2: A Foreman (or above rank) can sponsor the promotion of a Specialist to Foreman,
and three Managers (or above) must approve it.
• Example 3: A Manager (or above rank) can sponsor the promotion of a Foreman to Manager,
and three Sr. Managers (or above rank) must approve it.
• Example 4: A Sr. Manager (or above rank) can sponsor the promotion of a Manager to
Sr.Manager, and three Board Members must approve it.

6.2. Demotion Mechanic

The following mechanic enables Managers and Foremen to demote members for actions that deviate
from our core values to an extent where the management team no longer believes that the member
in question can or is willing to fulfill the requirements of their current rank.

The decision to demote an individual is a function of their contribution or lack thereof based on their
current rank. Once the decision is taken, the individual will be informed of the outcome.

NOTE – In an effort to prevent (or at least minimize) drama, it is always preferable for at least one
member of above rank to diplomatically discuss the demotion with the individual, and explore the
option of him stepping down on his own.

• Each Demotion should be sponsored by a member of equal rank (or above) as the “Demoted-
from” rank of the individual.
• A group of minimum three members of rank above the “Demoted-from” rank of the individual
must meet (and unanimously agree) on the demotion.
• The sponsor may not be one of the three approvers.
This simplified mechanics should leave enough leverage for Managers and Foremen to effectively
demote members once the decision to demote is taken.

• Example 1: A Specialist (or above rank) can recommend the demotion of a Specialist to
Employee, and three Foremen (or above rank) must approve it.
• Example 2: A Foreman (or above rank) can recommend the demotion of a Foreman to
Specialist, and three Managers (or above rank) must approve it.
• Example 3: A Manager (or above rank) can recommend the demotion of a Manager to
Foreman, and three Sr. Managers (or above rank) must approve it.
• Example 4: A Sr. Manager (or above rank) can recommend the demotion of a Sr. Manager to
Manager, and three Board Members must approve it.

6.3. Logging Process

Until the RSI website offers proper tools to better report on and track members promotions and
demotions, we will use Discord as our ledger to log and share that information.

Upon the approval of a promotion or demotion, one of the three approvers will post in his respective
rank’s Discord channel a message for Sr. Managers and Board Members to inform them and request
for the role change in Discord and the rank change on the UEMC org page of the RSI website to be

The post from the requesting approver must use the following template:

• Promotion of: RSI handle of the promoted / demoted individual

• Sponsored by: RSI handle of the sponsor
• Approved (Rejected) by: RSI handle of the three approvers
• Justification: Reasons for approving (rejecting) the promotion / demotion

In case of a rejection, the post must also include:

• Next steps: Specify appropriate expectations / disciplinary actions to be taken and/or time
frames that apply to those actions

7. Discord Rights
The Discord rights by roles are:

7.1. How to use Discord Rights

“With great power comes great responsibility” – The Peter Parker principle

NOTE – Remember that the UEMC is a worldwide organization with members from a wide range of
languages, social cultures, religious beliefs, and political systems. Thus, it is always preferable to first
reach out to misbehaving members to understand their motivation and explain why their behavior is
unacceptable. Surprisingly, misbehaviors often result from simple mutual misunderstandings and
resolutions can be achieved without disciplinary measures. Not only does it lead to faster resolutions,
but it also alleviates the risk of undesirable drama and retaliation against the organization and its

When using privileged Discord rights (granted by their rank) upon a member, the privileged user
should inform the recipient of the disciplinary action via Direct Message of:

• The action that has been taken upon them,

• The reasons why the action was taken, and
• The remediation required in order to revert the action.

Privileged Discord disciplinary actions include:

• Muting a member
• Deafening a member
• Setting their role as Restricted
• Kicking a member
• Banning a member
• Deleting a member’s message
Another privileged Discord action is the ability to mention @everyone, @here, and @role. This
privileged action should be used sparingly and judiciously as it may result in messaging several
hundreds, if not thousands of members. Standard practice is to use this privilege to message
management positions and self-assigned roles such as @Miners and @Security.

7.2. Logging Process

Shortly after using one of the following more severe disciplinary privileges upon a member:

• Setting their role as Restricted

• Kicking a member
• Banning a member
• Deleting a member’s message
The privileged user will post in his respective rank’s Discord channel a message for Sr. Managers and
Board Members to inform them of the incident and action taken.
The post from the privileged user must use the following template:

• Action taken upon: RSI handle of the individual

• Action taken: The action that has been taken
• Reasons: The reasons why the action was taken
• Remediation (if applicable): The remediation required in order to revert the action

8. Conduct
8.1. Respect
UEMC members will respect each other regardless of their age, gender, nationality, race, religious
beliefs/creed, or sexual orientation.

UEMC members will respect non-UEMC members in the same way as UEMC members.

The UEMC will not tolerate any kind of discriminatory behavior, harassment or victimization.

• If a member feels they are being harassed or bullied by a fellow member, they are encouraged
to bring it up their Chain of Command and it will be thoroughly investigated.
UEMC members are expected to abide by the terms of service spelled out in Star Citizen’s EULA as
well as Discord’s Terms of service. Violations will be reviewed for potential disciplinary action(s).

8.2. Excessive Profanity Usage

Any and all language or content of an adult or offensive nature is expected to be kept to a minimum,
whether on voice or text communications (chat, forums, email etc.).

• Commonly used curse words are tolerated, however and if someone needs clarification on
what is an acceptable curse word and what is not, ask a board member or manager.

8.3. Public Conduct

Good sportsmanship is mandatory at all times and in all situations. Members are representatives of
the UEMC and are perceived as such by other persons and organizations. A member's public conduct,
good or bad, will be reflected on the organization as a whole.

8.4. Inter-Personal Conduct

UEMC members should be willing to work collaboratively with fellow members in a friendly manner.
They should not try to disrupt, or create obstacles to fellow members.

• Attached to this is the idea that all members should be capable of communication with fellow
members in a respectful tone.
UEMC members should be aware of the different positions and roles within the organization and the
authority that comes with said roles.

• Members in positions of higher authority should be able and willing to delegate duties and
tasks to employees in their respective departments.
If you’re a manager or higher, don’t delete people’s messages, without a reason that is in line with
the policies and guidelines spelled out in this handbook.

9. Roleplay
The UEMC does not engage in any non-consensual roleplay. We ask that members wishing to do so
confine that activity to their interactions with others who have declared that they want to roleplay as
well. As a rule of thumb, when in doubt, don’t assume that the other UEMC members are willing and
avoid doing it.

10. Loyalty
10.1. Information Security
As a UEMC member, do not share our strategies or tactics. Be mindful of the sensitive nature of
information that you share with non-UEMC members or organizations.

Built into this point is the idea of selling confidential information / strategies with opposing
organizations for the purpose of personal gain. This is a severe breach of the UEMC code of conduct
and will be dealt with accordingly.

Apply the ‘need to know’ principle to any information you are given, or possess. What this means is
that even if you have the appropriate clearance level (rank) to obtain sensitive information, you may
not be given it unless you need to know for a specific and justifiable reason.

This principle can be applied both internally and externally. For example, does the person / group I
am talking with need to know information about the UEMC strategies or fleet movements?” Unless
this is needed for a specific operational purpose, the answer is likely no.

10.2. Protection of Organization Property

All members of the UEMC shall not use the organization name, logo, and other branding material
without consent given from a board member or manager for purposes such as videos, streams, forums,

10.3. Conflicts of Interests

All members of the UEMC, employee or contractor, will notify a board member or manager if they
believe their personal, financial or other interests might hinder their capacity or willingness to
perform their duties effectively.

11. Disciplinary Actions

11.1. Accusations
Accusations against fellow members are serious matters and should only be communicated privately
with the Board Members, Sr. Managers or Managers. Accusations that are posted in public (forums,
chat, etc.) are not tolerated and can result in disciplinary actions.

11.2. Investigation
Should credible accusations occur, the member will be subjected to a comprehensive evaluation of
their actions by the Board Members, Sr. Managers or Managers. If the conclusion of that evaluation

substantiates the allegations, then the offending member will be disciplined in accordance with the
gravity of their actions up to, and including, being formally removed from the UEMC.

11.3. Disciplinary Actions

Violations of the UEMC code of conduct and/or the Discord Terms of service will be investigated
individually and the disciplinary actions will be unique to each situation.

Should any of the above conduct criteria be violated by a UEMC member, management reserves the
right to instill disciplinary action(s) as they deem appropriate up to and including the following:

• A verbal and/or written reprimand.

• Demotion from positions of authority within the organization.
• Suspension of work contracts for contractors.
• Suspension of UEMC duties / group activity participation for employees.
• Termination of all contracts for serious contractor offences.
• Termination of membership in the UEMC for employees.
Disciplinary action(s) will need to be logged (see below).

11.4. Logging Process

Shortly after taking disciplinary actions, the acting manager will post in his respective rank’s Discord
channel a message for Sr. Managers and Board Members to inform them of the violations and
action(s) taken.

The post from the acting manager must use the following template:

• Action(s) taken upon: RSI handle of the individual

• Action(s) taken: The action(s) that has been taken
• Reasons: The reasons why the action(s) was taken
• Remediation (if applicable): The remediation required in order to revert the action(s)

12. Events
12.1. Org-sponsored Events
Organization sponsored events inherently imply cross divisional cooperation and support. These
events are a great opportunity to build camaraderie amongst members, build skill sets and provide
mentorship to junior members / players.

Assembling an Organizational event for public announcement on the Discord event channel must be
initiated by at least a rank for Foremen or higher and include the following:

Securing support from all applicable divisions needed for the event prior to making the event
announcement in the appropriate Discord channel. Example: A mining or salvaging event would
typically include mining / salvaging profession resources along with scouting and security resources.

It is expected that resources supporting an event but not necessarily participating in the events’
primary focus, will be compensated for their contributions. The parameters of this compensation will
be worked out with the supporting division prior to the event announcement and the details included
in the event announcement to properly set participant expectations. Example: Providing a
predetermined percentage of ore value in cash to security force support of a mining operation.

12.2. Member-driven Events

Member driven events lack the coordination requirements of a more formal Organizational Event and
can be initiated by anyone holding the rank of specialist or higher.

These events must state the fact that they are a player organized event in their announcement and
be posted by a Foreman (or above rank) in the #upcoming-event section of Discord to forestall
assumptions about committed cross divisional support and / or compensation requirements for

The heading of the announcement post must include the following disclaimer:

**The following is a member-driven event. Participants understand that UEMC management

will not be held responsible for unfavorable event outcomes. Participants need to plan, arrange
and manage their own security, profit sharing and logistics. Participants understand that they
still represent the UEMC core focus and values. As such, members are subject to the content
within UEMC’s The Organizational Handbook.**
Any member driven event needs to be in line with UEMC core focus and values. Example: A player
organized event to assemble a pirate gang together to grief other players is not permitted, but bounty
hunting one would be.

12.3. In-Game Dynamic Events

Participation to In-Game Dynamic Events is encouraged for team building, collaboration and fully
experiencing Star Citizen. However, as non-Org-sponsored Events, no direct support nor assistance
will be provided by the UEMC to participating members. In choosing to participate, members
acknowledge that it is done at their own risks, regardless of the lawful or criminal side being played.

When UEMC members choose to participate in CIG sponsored In-Game Dynamic Events, they must
be mindful of the choices they make. UEMC members acknowledge the following:

1) The UEMC is a peaceful organization which does not engage in theft and piracy.

2) Participating in CIG sponsored In-Game Dynamic Events has the potential to jeopardize UEMC's
neutrality or reputation. Members are ambassadors for the organization, and will be held
accountable for their choices.

3) If those choices subsequently deprecate UEMC’s reputation, deprecate gameplay for members
participating in UEMC’s core gameplay loops, or result in retaliation by other organizations,
membership of those individuals will be reviewed, and if necessary, be removed.

12.4. Organization Event Classifications

As CIG introduces more complex gameplay, our collective success will increasingly depend on player
coordination, commitment and logistical support. For this reason, the UEMC is using organization
event classifications to better set participant expectations.

Events primarily aimed at hanging out together. Even though these have set start time,
participants can generally show up anytime and join in. Casual events are typically held in lawful
systems and open to the general public. A good example of such events is our weekly Mining Mondays.

Events also aimed at hanging out together, but with elevated risks or time sensitive elements
to them. For those events, participants are expected to show up on time, at the risk of missing out.
Regular events may occasionally be set in lawless systems, and may or may not be public. A good
example of such events is a mining outing in Pyro.

Events where a definite commitment is expected from participants, such as possibly having
to sign up ahead of time and be assigned specific roles. Hardcore events may be longer or span over
multiple sessions. A good example of such events is a weekend long mining expedition with multiple
Orion and supporting ships.

13. Streaming Guidelines

13.1. UEMC Guidelines
Members are welcome to stream their gameplay sessions on public platforms like Twitch and
YouTube, but when doing so, keep in mind that you are representing the UEMC. Here are streaming
guidelines we expect you to follow when doing so from our Discord server and using our UEMC name
and logos:

• Correctly portray who we are, that is a casual, respectful and peaceful organization.
• Behave in accordance with our core values, as described herein and our official RSI org page.
• Stream from one of the available UEMC-Streaming channels; not from the non-streaming
• Do not stream from the same UEMC-Streaming channel as another active streamer unless
given prior permission by that streamer.
• Do not stream our Weekly Events. Doing so exposes all participants to stream snipers and

• Discord permissions for pulling Guests and Visitors from the UEMC-Welcome channel into
streaming channels can be obtained from management.
For additional streaming guidelines and etiquette, we encourage streamers to have a look at Twitch’s
Brief Guide for New Streamers

14. Discord Community Guidelines

Last Updated: May 19th, 2020.

We created Discord to help people come together around games. It's been amazing to watch it grow
into what it is today - a place where millions of diverse communities exist and people connect with
old friends and new. We can't wait to see what's next.

Our community guidelines are meant to explain what is and isn’t allowed on Discord, and ensure that
everyone has a good experience. If you come across a message that appears to break these rules,
please report it to us. We may take a number of steps, including issuing a warning, removing the
content, or removing the accounts and/or servers responsible.

The overwhelming majority of people use Discord responsibly, so these guidelines may seem obvious.
Still, we want to be clear about the expectations for our users. Every user of Discord should feel like
their voice can be heard, but not at the expense of someone else.

14.1. Here are some rules for interacting with others:

• Do not organize, participate in, or encourage harassment of others. Disagreements happen
and are normal, but continuous, repetitive, or severe negative comments may cross the line
into harassment and are not okay.
• Do not organize, promote, or coordinate servers around hate speech. It’s unacceptable to
attack a person or a community based on attributes such as their race, ethnicity, national
origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, or disabilities.
• Do not make threats of violence or threaten to harm others. This includes indirect threats, as
well as sharing or threatening to share someone’s private personal information (also known
as doxxing).
• Do not evade user blocks or server bans. Do not send unwanted, repeated friend requests or
messages, especially after they’ve made it clear they don’t want to talk to you anymore. Do
not try to hide your identity in an attempt to contact someone who has blocked you, or
otherwise circumvent the tools we have which enable users to protect themselves.
• Do not send others viruses or malware, attempt to phish others, or hack or DDoS them.

• Org members violating these guidelines will be subject to disciplinary actions in accordance
with those spelled out in section 11.3.

14.2. Here are some rules for content on Discord:

• You must apply the NSFW label to channels if there is adult content in that channel. Any
content that cannot be placed in an age-gated channel, such as avatars, server banners, and
invite splashes, may not contain adult content.
• You may not sexualize minors in any way. This includes sharing content or links which depict
minors in a pornographic, sexually suggestive, or violent manner, and includes illustrated or
digitally altered pornography that depicts minors (such as lolicon, shotacon, or cub). We
report illegal content to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
• You may not share sexually explicit content of other people without their consent, or share or
promote sharing of non-consensual intimate imagery (also known as revenge porn) in an
attempt to shame or degrade someone.
• You may not share content that glorifies or promotes suicide or self-harm, including any
encouragement to others to cut themselves, or embrace eating disorders such as anorexia or
• You may not share images of sadistic gore or animal cruelty.
• You may not use Discord for the organization, promotion, or support of violent extremism.
• You may not operate a server that sells or facilitates the sales of prohibited or potentially
dangerous goods. This includes firearms, ammunition, drugs, and controlled substances.
• You may not promote, distribute, or provide access to content involving the hacking, cracking,
or distribution of pirated software or stolen accounts. This includes sharing or selling cheats
or hacks that may negatively affect others in multiplayer games.
• In general, you should not promote, encourage or engage in any illegal behavior. This is very
likely to get you kicked off Discord, and may get you reported to law enforcement.

14.3. Finally, we ask that you respect Discord itself:

• You may not sell your account or your server.
• You may not use self-bots or user-bots to access Discord.
• You may not share, sell, distribute, or modify content that violates anyone’s intellectual
property or other rights.
• You may not spam Discord, especially our Customer Support and Trust & Safety teams.
Making false and malicious reports, sending multiple reports about the same issue, or asking
a group of users to all report the same content may lead to action being taken on your account.


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