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“The Confidence Ignition”

Objective: Overcome fears and false beliefs related to sales, building confidence for outbound
sales activities.

1. The Formation of Beliefs

- How experiences, environment, and information shape belief systems

- The impact of early exposure on long-term belief and behavior patterns
- Understanding the difference between inherited and chosen beliefs

: Changing Beliefs for Growth

- Techniques for identifying and altering limiting beliefs

- The process of adopting new beliefs to support personal and professional goals
- Case studies of individuals who transformed their lives by changing their beliefs

Beliefs in Action: Living Your Truth

- Aligning daily actions with newly formed belief systems

- Navigating resistance and skepticism from others during the transition
- Maintaining integrity and authenticity in the face of changing beliefs

Visualize Your Best Self: Regularly engage in exercises that promote dialogue between your
current self and your ideal ego. This practice helps align your actions with your highest

Embrace Uncertainty: Develop confidence in facing uncertainty by committing to do your best in

every situation, regardless of the outcome.

Cultivate Relationships: Actively seek out and nurture relationships that provide support,
encouragement, and a sense of community.

Acknowledge Your Progress: Regularly reflect on how far you've come in your journey,
celebrating both the big and small victories along the way.

Moving Beyond Material Success

While achieving material success can provide temporary satisfaction, true happiness comes
from inner work and personal development. Chasing after an idealized "snapshot" of happiness
often leads to disillusionment, as genuine contentment requires acknowledging and integrating
all parts of ourselves, including our shadows.

Embracing Failure, Weakness, and Vulnerability

Recognizing and accepting our failures, weaknesses, and vulnerabilities is vital for connecting
with others and ourselves. These experiences are universal and serve as powerful reminders
that we're not alone in our struggles.

Understanding the Shadow

The shadow represents aspects of ourselves we've pushed away or denied—traits we're
ashamed of or wish didn't exist. Acknowledging and integrating the shadow is crucial for
personal growth and happiness, as it allows us to embrace our full selves, including the parts
we've neglected or rejected.
Exercise for Shadow Integration
Reflect on Your Shadow: Think back to moments when you felt inferior, embarrassed, rejected,
or ashamed. Visualize these experiences and the feelings associated with them.

Dialogue with Your Shadow: Imagine having a conversation with this part of yourself. Ask how
they feel about the way you've treated them and what you can do to acknowledge their
presence and importance in your life.

Embrace Your Shadow: Recognize that the shadow is an integral part of who you are. By
accepting and integrating this aspect, you'll find that external judgments and comparisons affect
you less, leading to a more content and grounded existence.

Relating the back sales and sales performance the entire time throught the presentation

Adrian Alexander,

Business: The Sales Firm

Business Founder: Adrian Alexander
Personal Background:
Growing up without a father and surrounded by adversity, I found myself on a destructive path
as a street kid, involved in fights, abusing drugs, and associating with gangs. However, my life
took a remarkable turn when I discovered sales—an opportunity that didn't require a degree.

The absence of a father figure presented a significant challenge in my life. With a lack of male
role models, I had to teach myself essential life skills, from learning to shave to navigating
relationships with girls. It was through trial and error that I learned some valuable lessons, often
making mistakes along the way.

faced was a ten-year addiction to cocaine losing myself and those around me to this destructive
habit. It into a stronger, resilient individual.

Throughout my journey, I was fortunate to have encountered numerous inspiring managers who
believed in my potential. Their unwavering support motivated me to accomplish great things. I
realized that self-belief is a powerful force that shapes our destiny. I.


Sales Leader of the Year 2018,

People Manager of The Year 2020
Cold Calling Appointment Setting Record.

Revenue Record for SDR - 2.4M Annual

Largest Deal Value Closed - $155,000 per year 4 Years

Most Deals in a Quarter - 48 High Ticket Dealst

Created and Executed a Strategic Partnership Campaign resulting in 52 Strategic

Partners providing warm opt in leads for a Energy Aggregator, Generating Millions in

Scaled a HR Consultancy to 34 cold callers, generating $200K+ Per week. Over $10M in
12 Months

Personally made over 1,000,000 cold calls and closed over $10Mill in deals

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