Aol 2 - Activity 3

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Name Score

Robles, Maribel M.
ID No. Course, Year
21-03628 and Section BSED SCIENCE 3-B

Task 3

Directions: Select a specific lesson for a subject area (field of specialization) and grade level that you think you
should be able to teach when you are already a teacher in a school. Using the Kto12 Curriculum Guide for the
subject, create an assessment plan for student learning by formulating learning targets that can be best assessed
using alternative methods of assessment (you may focus on skills, product or affect or a combination of these
learning targets). Then, propose specific nontraditional assessment tasks or activities to measure the identified
learning targets.

Subject Science
Specific Lesson Digestive System
Learning Targets Skills: Design a healthy meal plan considering the dietary restrictions.
Product:Create a comic strip about a food's journey through the digestive system.
Affective:Share the importance of healthy diet and its benefit to the digestive system.
Assessment Task / Activity For Skills Target
(Alternative) Students will design a healthy meal plan for themselves, considering
their unique dietary restriction or needs.

For Product Target

Students will create a comic strip about the journey of a food they love to eat
through the different parts of the digestive system. They will highlight the functions
and organs of the system.

For Affective Target

Students will list down the benefits of having a healthy diet and its importance
on our digestive system. They share it to the class and recommend a food they would like his/her
classmates must try.

Why use this assessment task or It is because it is SMART and includes the three domains of
learning and if they'll be able to participate in these kind of activities,
activity? they will be able to understand the topic and each part of the system.
How does this assessment This kind of assessment task will help me to execute an interactive
task/activity help you improve your environment in the classroom. It allows students to be more creative and so
these will help me to determine whether my student understands the lesson or not.
How does this assessment These activities are hands-on and interesting, therefore, they will be able to achieve the
task/activity help your students intended learning outcomes. I provided assessments that will make them think, brainstorm, create
and share. Combining these activities hits their senses and will give them retention which is very
achieve the intended learning helpful to achieve an outcome.


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