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According to Bacon in his essay – ‘Of Studies’ which of the following subject
makes a man ‘subtle’
(a) Histories (b) Philosophy (c) Poetry (d) Mathematic

2. Cymini sectors in ‘Of Studies’ refers for?

(a) Antoninus Pius (b) Socrates (c) Macaulay (d) Sophocles

3. Which of the following subject is not discussed by Bacon?

(a) Rhetoric (b) Philosophy (c) History (d) Politics

4. What type of man is not presented by Bacon?

(a) crafty men (b) wise men (c) simple men (d) witty men

5. According to Bacon in his essay – ‘Of Studies’ what type of men should
study the lawyers’ cases?
(a) man not apt to distinguish (b) man not apt to beat over matters
(c) man of wandering wit (d) school men

6. In Lamb’s essay “In Praise of Chimney Sweepers” the word “Rake” refers to
(a) a chimney sweeper (b) a rich man (c) a shopkeeper (d) none

7. The word “Incunabula” in Lamb’s essay refers to

(a) castle (b) village (c) birth place (d) sheets

8. Who is ‘Hogarth’ in Lamb’s essay?

(a) a soldier (b) a shopkeeper (c) a painter (d) none

9. The word “Rachels” in Lamb’s essay refers to

(a) children (b) parents (c) friend (d) none

10. Where was the chimney sweepers sleeping in Arundel castle?

(a) on a rug (b) a carpet (c) in the sheets of a Duke’s bed (d) none

11. Which of the following critics has initiated and emphasized the need of
'practical criticism' as
the fundamental requirement of a critic?
(a) 1. A. Richards
(c) William Welsh
(b) Rene Wellek
(d) F. R. Leavis

12. Which of the following is NOT correct?

(a) The Terza Rima is a stanza of four lines
(b) The Chaucerian stanza is of seven lines
(c) The Spenserian stanza is of nine lines
(d) The Ottava Rima is a stanza of eight lines

13. An application of high style to a trivial subject

results in
(a) a mock epic (b) an epic (c) a ballad (d) an epical prose

14. Who used the phrase 'stream of consciousness' for the first time?
(a) William James
(b) James Joyce
(c) Virginia Woolf
(d) D.H. Lawrence

15. What is the other name for 'Tractarian

(a) Decadent Movement
(b) Oxford Movement
(c) Romantic Movement
(d) Pre-Raphaelite Movement

16. In which Chapter of Poetics does Aristotle define 'anagnorisis' as "a change
from ignorance to knowledge"?
(a) Chapter XI
(c) Chapter XV
(b) Chapter XII
(d) Chapter XX
17. Who among the following is not a 'University Wits'?
(a) Thomas Kyd (b) Ben Jonson
(c) C hristopher Marlowe (d) John Lyly

18.The English equivalent to the term 'Mimesis' is

(a) Imitation
(b) Purgation
(d), Monologue
(c) Climax

19. From where did the movement of 'Expressionism' originate ?

(a) France (b) Italy
(c) England (d) Germany

20. From whom does Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak borrow the term 'subaltern'?
(a) Karl Marx
(c) Louis Althusser
(b) Friedrich Engels
(d) Antonio Gramsci

21. Identify the sentence with a Metaphor:

(a) The camel is the ship of the desert.
(b) As the ship is useful on the sea, so the camel is useful in the desert.
(c) The camel is like a ship in the desert.
(d) None of these

22. Which of the following is not an example oxymoron?

a) Deliberate Mistake (b) Foolish Idiot (c) Original Copy (d) Organized

23. which of the following is not an example of onomatopoeia ?

(a) Hail is rattling upon the roof.
(b) The kingfisher flew fast like a piece of the blue sky.
(c) The bacon sizzled in the pan.
(d) The creak of the branches in the icy wa made me shiver.
24. Identify the figure of speech in:
"She's all states, and all princes, I, Nothing else is. Princes do but play us,
compared to this,
All honor's mimic, all wealth alchemy"
(a) Simile
(b) Metaphor
(c) Epithet
(d) Synecdoche

25. Identitfy the figure of speech in the following sentence:

He lay all night on his sleepless pillow.
(a) Metaphor
(b) Personification
(c) Transferred Epithet
(d) Epigram

26. Identify the figure of speech in the following sentence:

He is a cheerful pessimist.
(a) Climax (b) Metonymy
(c) Metaphor (d) Oxymoron

27. Find out the figure of speech used in the following sentence" Speech is
silver but silence is golden".
(a) Epigram (b) Oxymoron (c) Hyperbole (d) Antithesis

28. The statement "I came, I saw, I conquered" is an example of

(a) Zeguma
(b) Chiasmus
(c) Syllepsis
(d) Anaphora

29.point out the figure of speech in the followoning sentence :

‘He was dreaming dreams to moral ever dared to dream before ‘
(a) simile (b) metaphor (c) alliteration (d) pun

30. Which figure of speech is found in this line of John Keats? "With beaded bubbles winking at
the brim".
(a) Metaphor (b) Hyperbole (c) Simile (d) Alliteration

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