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Diapositiva 1: Hello, Good ivnin.

I’m Lizeth and today i’m going to talk about somtins that i
love to do.

Diapositiva 2: There are two thing I cudent live withaut doing it

Diapositiva 3: the first one is KARATE, i really love karate it’s my favorite sport. I
stared to learn Karate sins I was fourteen years old in the academy cold Bushikan.

At the first time I didn’t like it, but then as the days went bai, I liked it much more, sou that I
didn't want to miss any class. somtins that motiveit mi to practis karate is for self-defense and
to defend other people.

So many people think that karate is just faight and I tout so too, but it’s more than that Karate
tiches you to liv in a grup, to releit and integreit with others, to be more comunicativ and to
control your impuls.

Nowadey I’m Orange belt in Karate end I fiil really happy with it. Every time I practis Karate I
feel strong end at pis. In other words Karate for me is mai pashion.


Diapositiva 4: On the other haend, I also love to read books and i have read ol these books.
My perfect time to read is at night before I go to sleep, it helps me to feel rilaeks end ridjus
mai ansairi

Wen ai rid a buk my imagination flais, and I learn meni new things such as nolesh, feelings and
emotions. Every time i read i don’t want to stop, it’s somtins that i love and (somtaims) when I
finished to read one of dem I feel sad because the story ends or jost because di ending wasent
what I expekd

For me Riding it a lauz mi tu get know myself end enjoy mai taim alaun.

Diapositiva 5: THANK YOU zenkio

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(line 35)Things like (line 19)What’s interesting is (line 40

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