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By Khabir Uddin
I'm Khabir Uddin. I have completed my graduation in Bengali literature from Jagannath University. I'm
doing research on language, history and culture of ethnic group, climate migration, regional culture and
folklore. I have a great dedication in my research and writing. I have research experience. I enjoy field
work with ethnic group of people. It’s my passion. I have a plan to higher education on Indigenous

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On going
Researches Researches

“Guhar Bhetor Hater Chap”

“Guhar Bhetor Hater Chap” is a book on history of humankind, published in February 2022. It is written
for teenager. There are some questions have input in this book so that the fresher can think freely. One
of the main intension of this book is that to raise new questions on some important issues had occurred
in the history of humankind. As for example: the power of storytelling, invention of agriculture and
writing method, paintings in the cave etc. It has tried to make a new approach to tell history to the
fresher as like as telling story.
“As Partition Is Depicted In Bangla Folk Song:
An Auditory Brief Discussion”
“As Partition Is Depicted In Bangla Folk Song: An Auditory Brief Discussion” published and presented
this article in a three day multilingual international seminar on `Partition of 1947: Reflections on
Society and Literature’ November 2023 organized by Banaras Hindu University, India.
“A study on Biographies of the Garo Community in
Terms of Colonial Cultural Invasion and Modernity
in the Village of Hariakona, Sherpur, Bangladesh”

This article is under review in 7th International Congress of Bengal Studies, International Mother
Language Institute, Ministry of Education, People’s Republic of Bangladesh.
Rvgvjcy‡ii AvÂwjK MxwZi ¯§viK eqvwZ wMqvm DwÏb:
†jvKR gvb‡m †e‡R IVv cÖvwšÍK myi

M‡elYvi D‡Ïk¨
AvÂwjK MxwZi ZvwË¡K †cÖ¶vc‡U wMqvm DwÏb eqvwZi Ae¯’vb wbY©q
wMqvm DwÏb eqvwZi Rxeb`k©b I Mv‡bi gg©v_© AbymÜvb

M‡elYvi Zvrch©
wMqvm DwÏb eqvwZ Rvgvjcy‡ii AvÂwjK MxwZi aviK| GKwU wbw`©ó A‡ji Av_©-mvgvwRK, ivR‰bwZK I mvs¯‹…wZK cU
cwieZ©‡bi wPÎ wbi‡c¶fv‡e Dc¯’vcb KivB AvÂwjK MxwZKv‡ii KvR| mg‡qi mv‡_ gvbe mf¨Zvi †h cwieZ©b N‡U, Zv
Abyfe I wPwÎZ Kiv GKRb wkíxi `vq| wek kZ‡Ki †kl wZb `kK I we‡kl K‡i GKzk kZ‡Ki cÖ_g `yB `k‡K
Rvgvjcy‡ii Bmjvgcyi I cvk¦©eZ©x K‡qKwU Dc‡Rjvq †h cwieZ©b I wewPÎ NUbv N‡U‡Q †mme‡K †K›`ª K‡i wMqvm DwÏb
†ekwKQz Mvb †eu‡a‡Qb| mgmvgwqK Ab¨vb¨ wkíxi Zyjbvq wMqvm DwÏb †m eyw×e„wËK `vqe×Zvi RvqMvq mr wQ‡jb| gvby‡li
Av‡eM I wPšÍv‡K wZwb cÖwZdwjZ K‡i‡Qb Zvui Mv‡b| mg‡qi mv‡_ cwiewZ©Z GB mgvR e¨e¯’v‡K Abyaveb Ki‡Z wMqvm
DwÏb‡K ¸iæ‡Z¡i mv‡_ cvV Kivi Avek¨KZv i‡q‡Q|
On going

“Marma's Cultural Heritage on the Way to Extinction

as a Result of Climate Change and Modernization
in Bandarban District, Bangladesh”

This study intends to raise new questions on the effect of climate change and modernization in Marma’s
cultural heritage. These are the most common endangered cultural heritage in Marma’s society:
Machang, Chera, Rifungjang, Muijang and Neichang. The results of the study are obtained by using a
qualitative method. In addition to firsthand observation, interviews, case study, FGD and surveys are
conducted. The climate change and the contact with modern civilization occurs a significant change in
Marma’s society. The existence of Marma’s cultural heritage is threatened by changes in their way of life
due to climate change and modernization.
Assessment of The Regional Songs of
Giyas Uddin Bayati in Terms of Climate
Migration in Islampur, Jamalpur, Bangladesh

Research Objectives

To investigate how Giyas Uddin Bayati's regional song represents the climate migrants of Islampur.
To depict how climate migration causes cultural crisis according to this regional song.

†iswgUP¨: wejyßcÖvq fvlvi BwZnvm I e¨vKiwYK KvVv‡gv

M‡elYvi jÿ¨
†iswgUP¨ fvlv welqK we`¨gvb M‡elYv cvVc~e©K GKwU c~Y©v½ wPÎ ˆZwii j‡ÿ¨ eZ©gvb M‡elYv cÖm½ DÌvwcZ n‡q‡Q| †Kv‡bv
fvlvi mvgwMÖK wPÎ Abyaveb Ki‡Z n‡j e¨vKiwYK KvVv‡gvi weKí †bB| †mw`K we‡ePbvq †iswgUP¨ fvlvi BwZnvm, wejywßi
ZvwË¡K KviY AbymÜvb, e¨vKiwYK KvVv‡gv wbg©vY I cieZ©x cÖR‡b¥ GwU‡K cybiæ¾xweZ Ki‡Yi Rb¨ mvgwMÖK cwiKíbv
cÖYqbB GB M‡elYvi g~j jÿ¨ wn‡m‡e wba©vwiZ n‡q‡Q|

Drinking water crisis due to climate change in CHT Bangladesh

Displacement and cultural crisis due to tourism
Changes of local name due to tourist and youtuber’s activities
Environmental pollution due to tourism
Cultural landscapes in CHT, Bangladesh
Thank You

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