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The Hero's Journey

Brand Storytelling Masterclass

What is the Hero's Journey and Why should you care?
Stories captivate attention
Stories create meanigful human connection
Stories inspire action
Branding Storytelling
What are some of the most memorable stories you remember?

How has this story impacted your life?

Ordinary World

Return with the Elixir

The Call

The Resurrection Refusal of the Call

The Known Meeting the Mentor

The Road back Crossing the Threshold

The Unknown Tests, Allies and Enemies

The Reward

Approaching the Innermost Cave

The Ordeal
The Ordinary World

What is it? Questions for Clarity

You are describing the normal world of the hero How would I describe the "ordinary" world in which your story

What are 2-3 things that are very relatable to your target
Story Example

Mario was born in Germany and in his parents were very

hardworking people who made their way from nothing
to middle class.

The Goal

Make it easy for the listener to recognize him/herself in

your ordinary world
The Call to Adventure

What is it? Questions for Clarity

The hero is invited to explore an adventure Have you been invited to a bigger opportunity?

Did an idea start forming in your mind?

Did you notice a desire to achieve something unique?

Story Example

Mario watches the movie "Catch me if you can" and

starts dreaming about becoming a pilot who travels the
world and makes his parents proud.

The Goal

Start building excitement and describe the adventure

that you are about to embark on
Refusal of the Call

What is it? Questions for Clarity

The hero initially refuses to accept the call due to a form In what ways did you hesitate to accept the calling to
of inner/outer conflict pursue the idea or opportunity?

What challenge did you encounter?

Story Example What skills were you lacking that made you initially refuse
to pursue the idea/opportunity?
Mario is overcome by self-doubt when he learned about
the incrediblt difficult tests to become a pilot. What resources were you lacking?
He questions himself "who am I to do this?", "no one in
my family has ever done such a thing!".

The Goal

Reveal the outer/inner struggle building up to finally

deciding to accept the challenge
Meeting with the Mentor

What is it? Questions for Clarity

The hero meets a key person that helps Who did you encounter that helped you learn new skills or
the hero move forward. access new resources?

How did this person make you feel?

Story Example In what ways did this person help you?

What changed after this person showed up for you?

Mario meets a pilot who tells him about the power of
coaching as means to pass the incredibly difficult tests.

The Goal

Reveal the mentor who helped you move forward. You

can position it so that today you are this mentor for
whoever is reading your story.
Crossing the first Threshold

What is it? Questions for Clarity

The hero goes from the known into the unknown world, At what point did you decide to go all in?
there is no going back.
What had to happen for you to cross the point of no

Story Example What was that like for you?

What did you learn here?

Mario enrolls in a coaching seminar and begins preparing
for the tests.

The Goal

Reveal the point of no return and prepare the reader for

the upcoming challenges you will face
Tests, Allies and Enemies

What is it? Questions for Clarity

The hero is tested more than ever before. Who came to help you on your journey?
Friends and enemies show up to shape the path forward.
Who or what made achieving your goals that much more
Story Example difficult?

Mario successfully passes the tests and is admitted to the What difficult tests did you encounter here?
flight school.
He's overcome by self doubt and questions his choice of What small victories did you have?
becoming a pilot.
He is constantly comparing himself and feels out of
He struggles to keep up with all the demands.

The Goal

Set the stage with supporting characters and main

enemies/obstacles to overcome on your way to achieving
the main objective.
Energizer break!
The cave you fear to enter most holds the treasures you seek
Approach to the innermost Cave

What is it? Questions for Clarity

The hero is tested more than ever before. What was the biggest fear you had to face?
Friends and enemies show up to shape the path forward.
Why did you not want to face this fear?
Story Example
How has this fear affected your life including your
Mario is overcome by the stress and pressure. relationships?
He becomes depressed and feels empty. He plays with
the idea of suicide. What did you fear might happen if you would not
He realizes this path is not for him. overcome this fear?

The Goal

You are building up to facing your biggest fear.

This is likely the place where many of your ideal clients
are stuck and will find inspiration as well as
insights from your story that will help them overcome
this part.
The Ordeal

What is it? Questions for Clarity

The hero is fighting the battle of his/her life. How did you face your biggest fear?
After this, nothing will ever be the same.
Why did you face it?

Story Example What was that like?

Mario is terrified of the idea to quit and start fresh. What tools and mindset helped you face it successfully?
At rock bottom he finds Tony Robbins and Les Brown.
A new hope is born in his mind as he decides to open up
about his true feelings and quit the career.

The Goal

You are describing the experience of facing your biggest

The Reward

What is it? Questions for Clarity

After the battle, the hero is equipped with something What did you get from facing your fears? (achievements)
valuable and begins the return to the ordinary world.
What became possible for you?

Story Example How did you feel?

Mario discovers his true calling in helping other people.

His mental state significantly improves after opening up.

The Goal

Now that you have overcome your biggest fear, you are
rewarded with new insights, achievements and new
people joining your course.
The Road Back

What is it? Questions for Clarity

The hero goes back to the ordinary world still facing the After you have faced your biggest fears, how is your life
last efforts of the enemy to stop the hero. now never the same again?

What challenges did you encounter after coming out

Story Example victorious from the "battle" you fought?

In what ways did you struggle as you were coming back

Mario decides to study in Berlin and then moves to NYC to "ordinary" life?
where he pursues his calling as
an entrepreneur which is very challenging. He begins Have you noticed how people are now treating you
investing in his personal growth to become a coach. differently or how you see the world differently and no
longer act the same as before?
The Goal

You are returning home with new insights but life is still
not "perfect" because integrating the new insights is
difficult as you encounter more challenges.
The Resurrection

What is it? Questions for Clarity

The hero is reborn and equipped with new skills How did this entire experience transform you?
that he/she now demonstrates in a final battle with the
enemy. What did you learn about yourself that you did not know
Story Example
What did you once believe that is now no longer true for
Mario decides to sell his company in NYC and goes all in you?
with his calling, practically starting fresh while travelling
the world. How are you now feeling differently?
He is now a man who lives his dream and inspires others
to do the same. What new habits/routines do you now practice on a
regular basis?
The Goal
How did your vision for life change?
You are stepping into a new identity and living life from a
new place
What "final" challenges did you face in this process?
Return with the Elixir

What is it? Questions for Clarity

The hero is forever changed and embarks on a new What did you learn from this entire experience that you
mission. now want to share with the world?

In what ways is what you have learned/gained so

Story Example important for the world?

Mario is on a mission to free entrepreneurs from the self How will people benefit when they adopt this knowledge
doubt that is holding them back. or buy this product?
He understands that investing in your Mindset is the
single most important investment one can make. Why is it so important for you to share this with the

The Goal
What is your message to the world?
What is the new mission you now find yourself on and
Action Steps to Creating Your Hero's Journey Brand Story

Create your story Create your core message Create your timeline

Write the story with the purpose of What pattern keeps repeating itself in Ordinary world
speaking to your story?
your ideal client. The call to adventure

What is the 1 sentence message to

Refusal of the call
Write out each chapter of the story and summarize your story?
then piece
them together into a single flow
The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.

Joseph Campbell

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