Lecture 7 RC Columns PHG B2 Rev 4 2nov17

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Practical Design to Eurocode 2

Lecture 7 – Columns
The webinar will start at 12.30


What other 1st order effects are there?

What is MEd?
First order effects


Lecture 7
2nd November 2017

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2017 7/1

The Column Design Process

Determine the actions on the column

Allow for imperfections in the column

Determine slenderness, λ , via effective length lo

Determine slenderness limit, λlim

No Is λ ≥ λlim?

Column is not slender, Column is slender

MEd = Max (M02, NEde0) MEd = Max(M02;M0e+M2;M01+0.5M2;NEde0)

Calculate As (e.g. using column chart)

Check detailing requirements

Actions on the columns are determined using one of the analysis
methods we looked at for flexural design.
From the analysis obtain the following data:
• Ultimate axial load, NEd
• Ultimate moment at the top of the column, Mtop
• Ultimate moment at the bottom of the column, Mbottom

Other first order effects are due to geometric imperfections.

Second order effects, effects due to changes in geometry,

can be significant in columns. ie slender columns

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2017 7/2

Geometric Imperfections
Cl. 5.2 5.5
Deviations in cross-section dimensions are normally Actions
taken into account in the material factors and
should not be included in structural analysis. Imperfections

Imperfections need not be considered for SLS. Slenderness, λ

But out-of-plumb needs to be considered and is
represented by an inclination, θi Effective length, l0
θi = θ0 αh αm
Slenderness limit, λ lim
where θ0 = 1/200 is the basic value
αh = 2/√l; 2/3 ≤ αh ≤ 1 Slen-
Is λ ≥ λ lim?
αm = √(0.5(1+1/m)) der
where l = the length or height [m] No
m = no. of vert. members Design Moments, MEd
(see 5.2(6))
Calculate As
For isolated columns in braced systems, αm and αh may be
taken as 1.0
i.e. θi = θ0 = 1/200

Geometric Imperfections
Cl. 5.2 (7) & (9)

For isolated members at ULS, the effect of

imperfections may be taken into account in
two ways:
a) as an eccentricity, ei = θi l0/2
So for isolated columns in a braced system,
ei = l0/400 may be used.

b) as a transverse force, Hi
Hi = θi N for un-braced members
Hi = 2θi N for braced members = N/100

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2017 7/3

Examples of Isolated Members
EC 2: Figure 5.1a Concise: 5.5.2


Geometric Imperfections:
Cl 6.1(4)

All compression members are subject to a

Minimum Eccentricity:

e0 = h/30 but ≥ 20 mm

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2017 7/4

Design Moments – Stocky Columns
Only 1st order moments

M01 = Min{|Mtop|,|Mbottom|} + eiNEd

M02 = Max{|Mtop|,|Mbottom|} + eiNEd
ei = lo/400
NEd = design load in the column

For a stocky column,

Design moment
MEd = Max{M02, e0NEd}
e0 = Max{h/30,20mm}

Design Moments – Stocky Columns

Only 1st order moments

M eiNEd M01 = Min{|Mtop|,|Mbottom|} - eiNEd
M02 = Max{|Mtop|,|Mbottom|} + eiNEd

Note: in the next revision of “How to Design

Structures using EC2” the calculation of
M01 will change. The sign before “eiNEd”
will change from positive to negative.


EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2017 7/5

Moments in Slender Columns
Cl. Fig 5.10

Design Moment,
MEd = Max {M02;
M0e + M2;
M01 + 0.5M2;

Is the Column Slender?

EC 2: Cl. 5.8.2, Concise: 5.6.1
2nd order effects
Second order effects may be ignored if they
Slenderness, λ
are less than 10% of the corresponding first
order effects
Effective length, l0

Second order effects may be ignored if the

Slenderness limit, λ lim
slenderness, λ is less than λlim where
λlim = 20 A B C/√n Yes
Is λ ≥ λ lim?
With biaxial bending the slenderness should be
Design Moments, MEd
checked separately for each direction and only
need be considered in the directions where λlim is
Calculate As

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2017 7/6

EC 2: Concise:

Slenderness, λ = l0/i Imperfections

l0 =effective length = F.l Slenderness, λ

(l = actual length) Effective length, l0

i = radius of gyration = √(I/A)
Slenderness limit, λ lim
for a rectangular section λ = 3.46 l0 / h Is λ ≥ λ lim?

for a circular section λ = 4 l0 / h No


Design Moments, MEd

Calculate As


Effective length
EC 2: Figure 5.7, Concise: Figure 5.6,
Effective length, l0 = Fl Actions
Fig (f) Fig (g)

Slenderness, λ

Effective length, l0

M Slenderness limit, λ lim

l0 = l l0 = 2l l0 = 0,7l l0 = l / 2 l0 = l l /2 <l0< l l0 > 2l Yes Slen-

Is λ ≥ λ lim?
Braced members: der
Fig (f)  k1  
k2  No
F = 0,5⋅  1 + 0,45 + k  ⋅  1 + 0,45 + k  Design Moments, MEd
 1   2 
Unbraced members:
 k ⋅k  k   k  
Fig (g) F = max  1 + 10 ⋅ 1 2 ;  1 + 1  ⋅  1 + 2   Calculate As
 k+ k 1 + k1 2 1 +k  1   2 
where k = (θ / M)⋅ (EΙ / l) Detailing

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2017 7/7

Effective length & k factors
EC 2: PD 6687 Cl.2.10 Concise: -

Non failing
column From PD 6687
The contribution of ‘non failing’
k1 at columns to the joint stiffness
End 1 Failing column may be ignored

k2 at For beams θ/M may be taken as

End 2 l/2EI (allowing for cracking in
Non failing the beams)

k1= [EI`/`l]col / [Σ2EI / l]beams1 k2 = [EI`/`l]col / [Σ2EI / l]beams2

Assuming that the beams are symmetrical about the column and their
sizes are the same in the two storeys shown, then:
k1 = k2 = [EI /`l]col / [2 x 2EI / l]beams ≥ 0.1

Effective length & Slenderness

EC 2: Cl. Concise:
Slenderness λ = l0/i Actions

where Imperfections

l0 = Fl
Slenderness, λ

k = relative stiffness Effective length, l0

E Ic F
lc Slenderness limit, λ lim
k= ≥ 0.1
2E I b

lb Yes Slen-
Is λ ≥ λ lim?
Design Moments, MEd

i = √(I/A) Calculate As
for a rectangular section λ = 3.46 l0 / h
for a circular section λ = 4 l0 / h Detailing

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2017 7/8

Slenderness limit
EC 2: Cl. Concise:
Allowable Slenderness
λlim = 20⋅⋅A⋅⋅B⋅⋅C/√
where: First order moments
A = 1 / (1+ 0.2ϕef)
ϕef is the effective creep ratio;
Slenderness, λ
(if ϕef is not known, A = 0,7 may be used)
Effective length, l0
B = √(1 + 2ω
ω) ω = Asfyd / (Acfcd)
(if ω is not known, B = 1,1 may be used) Slenderness limit, λ lim

C = 1.7 - rm
Yes Slen-
rm = M01/M02 Is λ ≥ λ lim?
M01, M02 are first order end moments, No
M02 ≥ M01 Design Moments, MEd
(if rm is not known, C = 0.7 may be used)
Calculate As
n = NEd / (Acfcd) 30

Factor C
EC 2: Cl. Concise:
λlim = 20⋅⋅A⋅⋅B⋅⋅C/√

105 kNm 105 kNm 105 kNm

-105 kNm 105 kNm

rm = M01/ M02 rm = M01/ M02 rm = M01/ M02

= 0 / 105 = 105 / -105 = 105 / 105
=0 = -1 =1
C = 1.7 – 0 C = 1.7 + 1 C = 1.7 – 1
= 1.7 = 2.7 = 0.7

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2017 7/9

Factor C
EC 2: Cl. Concise:

C = 1.7 - rm rm = M01/M02

Conservatively, use the value of M01 that gives the largest

positive value for rm and hence the smallest value for C.


In the following cases, rm should be taken as 1.0 (i.e. C= 0.7)

• for braced members in which the first order moments arise only
from or predominantly due to imperfections or transverse loading

• For unbraced members in general

Is λ ≥ λlim?
EC 2: Concise:

Is Imperfections
l0/i = λ ≥ λlim = 20⋅A⋅B⋅C/√n ?
Slenderness, λ

Effective length, l0

Slenderness limit, λ lim

Is λ ≥ λ lim?

Design Moments, MEd

Calculate As


EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2017 7/10

No, λ < λlim
EC 2: Concise:
Design Moments – Stocky Columns Actions
(aka 1st order moments and effects of
imperfections) As before !
Slenderness, λ
M01 = Min{|Mtop|,|Mbottom|} + eiNEd
M02 = Max{|Mtop|,|Mbottom|} + eiNEd Effective length, l0

ei = lo/400 Slenderness limit, λ lim

NEd = design load in the column
Is λ ≥ λ lim?
For a stocky column, No

Design moment Design Moments, MEd

MEd = Max{M02, e0NEd}

Calculate As
e0 = Max{h/30,20mm}

Yes, λ ≥ λlim 2nd order effects

EC 2: Cl 5.8.5, cl 5.8.8 Concise:
The methods of analysis include a general
method, for 2nd order effects based on
non-linear second order analysis and the Slenderness, λ
following two simplified methods:
Effective length, l0
• Method based on nominal stiffness
Slenderness limit, λ lim
• Method based on nominal curvature
This method is primarily suitable for isolated Is λ ≥ λ lim?
members with constant normal force and der
defined effective length. The method gives a
Design Moments, MEd
nominal second order moment based on a
deflection, which in turn is based on the
Calculate As
effective length and an estimated maximum
curvature. (preferred in UK) Detailing

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2017 7/11

Moments in Slender Columns
0 0

2nd Order Combination

moments Combination of moments
of moments

2nd Order
1st Order moments
1st Order


Typical braced column Typical unbraced column

Nominal Curvature Method

EC 2: Cl. Concise:

MEd = M0Ed + M2
M0Ed is the 1st order moment including the effect of imperfections
M2 is the nominal 2nd order moment.

Differing 1st order end moments M01 and M02 may be replaced by an equivalent 1st
order end moment M0e:
M0e= (0.6 M02 + 0.4 M01) ≥ 0.4M02

HOWEVER, this is only the mid-height moment the two end moments should be
considered too. PD 6687 advises for braced structures:
MEd = Max {M02, M0e+M2; M01+ 0.5M2} ≥ e0NEd
where M02 = Max{|Mtop|;|Mbot|} + eiNEd
M01 = Min {|Mtop|;|Mbot|} + eiNEd
Mtop & Mbot are frame analysis 1st order end moments

Effectively: MEd = Max {M02, M0e+M2; M01+ 0.5M2; e0NEd}

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2017 7/12

Second order moment
Cl. 5.8.8

M2 = NEd e2
e2 = (1/r)l02/c
1/r = KrKϕ/r0
Kr = (nu –n)/(nu-nbal) ≤ 1 (or see Column charts)
n = NEd/(Acfcd)
nu = 1 + ω
ω = Asfyd/(Acfcd)
nbal = 0.4
Kϕ = 1 + βϕef ≥ 1
β = 0.35 + fck /200 – λ /150
1/r0 = εyd /(0.45d)
εyd = fyd/Es
c = 10 (for a constant cross section)

Moments in Slender Columns

Cl. Fig 5.10

Design Moment,
MEd = Max (M02,
M0e + M2,
M01 + 0.5M2,

Can be used generically

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2017 7/13

Section Design:
EC 2: with/without Axial Load Concise:

EC2 Figure 6.1 Concise Figure 6.3 Actions

Basis of design: Imperfections

(1- εc2/εcu2)h Slenderness, λ

(1- εc3/εcu3)h B
A s2
Effective length, l0
d C
∆εp εp(0) Slenderness limit, λ lim
As1 Yes
Is λ ≥ λ lim?
εs , εp εc
ε ud εy 0 εc2 εcu2 der
(εc3 ) (εcu3 ) No

Design Moments, MEd

A reinforcing steel tension strain limit
B concrete compression strain limit Calculate As

C concrete pure compression strain limit


Section Design:
Bending with/without Axial Load
Concise Figure 6.3
EC2 Figure 6.1

Basis of design: Pure compression

(1- εc2/εcu2)h
(1- εc3/εcu3)h B
A s2

d C
h Pure flexure
∆εp εp(0)
Ap A

ε s , εp εc
ε ud εy 0 εc2 εcu2
(εc3 ) (εcu3 )
A reinforcing steel tension strain limit
B concrete compression strain limit
C concrete pure compression strain limit

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2017 7/14

Section Design:
Bending with/without Axial Load

Concise 15.9.2, 15.9.3

Either: iterate such that AsN = AsM
■ For axial load
AsN/2 = (NEd – αcchfckbdc /γc)/(σsc – σst)
■ For moment
AsM/2 = [MEd – αcchfckbdc(h/2 – dc/2)/γc]/[(h/2 – d2)(σsc + σst)

Or: Calculate d2/h, NEd/bhfck and MEd/bh2fck

And use column charts . . . .
To find Asfyk/bhfck and thus As

Column Design Chart

- Figure 15.5b

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2017 7/15

Column Design Chart
- Figure 15.5e

Biaxial Bending
Cl. 5.8.9 5.6.3

Having done the analysis and design one way, you have
to do it in the other direction and check biaxial bending.
Often it will be non-critical by inspection but one should
check . . . .
a Note: imperfections
 MEdz   MEdy  need only be taken in

 +   ≤ 1,0
the one, more critical
 direction so either
 MRdz   MRdy  MEdz or MEdy might be
reduced in this check
For rectangular cross-sections
NEd/NRd 0.1 0.7 1.0
a 1.0 1.5 2.0
where NRd = Acfcd + Asfyd
For circular cross-sections a = 2.0

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2017 7/16

Biaxial bending for a rectangular

a = 1.5



EC2 (9.5.2)


• h ≤ 4b (otherwise a wall)
• φmin ≥ 12
Slenderness, λ

• As,min = 0,10NEd/fyd but ≥ 0,002 Ac Effective length, l0

• As,max = 0.04 Ac (0,08Ac at laps) Slenderness limit, λ lim

• Minimum number of bars in a circular Is λ ≥ λ lim?
column is 4. No

Design Moments, MEd

• Where direction of longitudinal bars
changes more than 1:12 the spacing of Calculate As
transverse reinforcement should be
calculated. Detailing

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2017 7/17

EC2 (9.5.3) ≤ 150mm

No compression bar
> 150 mm from a
restraining bar

≤ 150mm
Link diam Link spacing
= max (6, φmax/4) scl,tmax = min {20 φmin; b ; 400mm}
but scl,tmax should be reduced by a factor 0.6:
(For HSC columns see NA) – in sections within h above or below a in sections with a
distance equal to the
beam or slab
larger dimension of the
– near lapped joints where φ > 14. column cross section
above or below a beam
scl,tmax = min {12 φmin; 0.6b ; 240mm} or slab. It should be
A min of 3 links are required in lap length

The Column Design Process

Determine the actions on the column

Allow for imperfections in the column

Determine slenderness, λ , via effective length lo

Determine slenderness limit, λlim

No Is λ ≥ λlim?

Column is not slender, Column is slender

MEd = Max (M02, NEde0) MEd = Max(M02;M0e+M2;M01+0.5M2;NEde0)

Calculate As (e.g. using column chart)

Check detailing requirements

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2017 7/18

Column Worked Example

Worked Example

The structural grid is 7.5 m in each direction. What is MEd & As?

38.5 kN.m

38.5 kN.m

Worked Examples to EC2 - Example 5.1

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2017 7/19

Solution – effective length &
slenderness (M2)
NB. 3750 ≡ half bay
Using PD 6687 method
width for flat slab
EI c 300 4 12
Lc 3750
k = = = 0.14
2EI b 2 × 3750 × 250 3 12
∑ L 7500

From table (Table 4 of How to Columns)

F = 0.61. So lo = 0.61 x 3.750 = 2.29m

Calculate slenderness:
λ = 3.46 lo/h
= 3.46 x 2.29 / 0.3 = 26.4

Solution – slenderness limit (M2)

Limiting slenderness:
λlim = 20 ABC / √n
where ei = l0 / 400
= 2290/400
A = 0.7 (default) = 5.7 mm
B = 1.1 (default) NEd = 1620 kN
C = 1.7 − rm ei NEd = 1620 × 0.0057
= 9.3 kNm
= 1.7 − M01/M02
= 1.7 − (-38.5 + 9.3) / (38.5 + 9.3)
= 1.7 − -29.2 / 47.8= 2.31
n = NEd / Acfcd
= 1620 × 103 / (3002 × 0.85 × 30 / 1.5)
= 1.06
λlim = 20 ABC / √n = 20 × 0.7 × 1.1 × 2.31 / 1.060.5 = 34.5
λlim = 34.5 i.e. > 26.4 ∴ column is not slender. And M2 = 0

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2017 7/20

Solution – design moments
MEd = max[M02; M0Ed + M2; M01 + 0.5M2 ; NEde0]
M02 = M + eiNEd
M = 38.5 kNm
ei = l0 / 400 = 2290/400 = 5.7 mm
NEd = 1620 kN
M02 = 38.5 + 1620 × 0.0057
= 38.5 + 9.3
= 47.8 kNm
M01 = - 38.5 + 9.3 = - 29.2 kNm
M0Ed = (0.6M02 + 0.4M01) ≥ 0.4M02
= 0.6 × 47.8 + 0.4 × (−− 29.2) ≥ 0.4 × 47.8
= 17.0 ≤ 19.1
= 19.1 kNm
M2 = 0 kNm

Solution – design moments

Minimum moment
'h' is not column height. it is the height of
the column cross section
e0 = max[h/30; 20] = max[300/30; 20] = 20 mm
NEd = 1620 kN
e0NEd = 0.02 × 1620
= 32.4 kNm

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2017 7/21

Solution – design moments

MEd = max[M02; M0Ed + M2; M01 + 0.5M2 ; NEde0]

M02 = 47.8 kNm
M01 = - 29.2 kNm
M0Ed = 19.1 kNm
M2 = 0 kNm
e0NEd = 32.4 kNm

MEd = max[47.8; 19.1 + 0 ; -29.2 + 0; 32.4]

= 47.8 kNm

Solution – determine As
Using design charts: Worked Examples to EC2
Require d2 /h to determine which chart(s) to use:
d2 = cnom + link + φ / 2 = 25 + 8 + say 32/2 = 49 mm
d2 / h = 49 / 300
= 0.163
Charts are for symmetrically reinforced. They
actually work on centroid of the reinforcement
in half the section. So when no. of bars > 4
beware. See Concise 15.9.3

∴ Assuming 4 bars and interpolating between

d2 / h = 0.15 (Fig 15.5c) and 0.20 (Fig 15.5d) d2: centroid of bars
in half section
NEd / bhfck = 1620 × 103 / (3002 × 30) = 0.60
MEd / bh2fck = 47.8 × 106 / (3003 × 30) = 0.059

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2017 7/22

Interaction Chart


0.60 0.22


Interaction Chart


0.60 0.24


EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2017 7/23

Solution – determine As

Asfyk / bhfck = 0.225 by interpolation

As = 0.225 × 3002 × 30 / 500 = 1215 mm2
Try 4 no. H20 (1260 mm2)

Diam min. ≥ φ / 4
≥ 20 / 4 = 5 mm
Max. spacing = 0.6 × 300 4H20
= 180 mm H8 links @175
So use H8 links @ 175c/c 25 mm cover
fck = 30 MPa

Often the analysis and design would have to be undertaken for the other axis and
where necessary checked for biaxial bending: in this case neither is critical

Lecture 7

Design a column

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2017 7/24

Workshop Problem – Your turn

Assume the following:

• Axial load: 7146kN
• Top Moment: 95.7kN
• Bottom Moment: -95.7kN
• Nominal cover: 35mm
• Bay width is 6.0 m
• Elastic modulus is the
same for column and

Design the column C2

between 1st and 2nd floors
for bending about axis
parallel to line 2.

Your solution

Use PD 6687 method

Column clear span is 4500 – 300 = 4200 mm and k1 = k2
EI c
k= =
2 EI
∑ Lb

From Table (Table 4 of How to…Columns)

Take ‘beam’ width

as, say, half the
bay width
∴ lo =

Check slenderness:
λ = 3.46 lo/h

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2017 7/25

Your solution
M01 = Min{|Mtop|,|Mbottom|} + eiNEd Min{|Mtop|,|Mbottom|} =
M02 = Max{|Mtop|,|Mbottom|} + eiNEd Max{|Mtop|,|Mbottom|} =

eiNEd : ei = l0/400 = eiNEd = kNm

NEd =
∴ M02 = M01 =
M0Ed = (0.6M02 + 0.4M01) ≥ 0.4M02
Minimum moment (e0NEd)
e0 = Max{h/30;20mm}

Your solution

Check whether the column is stocky or slender using λlim method:

A = 0.7 (use default value)
B = 1.1 (use default value)
C = 1.7 – rm = 1.7 – M01/M02 =
n = NEd/Acfcd =
(fck = 50 MPa, fcd = αcc.fck/γm)
λlim = 20 ABC/√n
The column is/is not slender

M2 =

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2017 7/26

Your solution
MEd = max[M02; M0Ed + M2; M01 + 0.5M2 ; e0NEd]

M02 =

M0Ed + M2=

M01 + 0.5M2=


∴ MEd =

Your Solution – determine As

d2 = cnom + link + ϕ/2 =

d2/h =
MEd/(bh2fck) =
NEd/(bhfck) =

Look up charts:
“How-to” pages 38-40
“Concise” pages 97-99

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2017 7/27

Your Solution – determine As

Asfyk/bhfck =
As = mm2 Try H ( mm2)

Diameter = max {6, ø/4} = mm
scl,tmax = min {12 φmin; 0.6b ; 240mm} = mm

Try H @ c/c

Working space

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2017 7/28

Working space

End of Lecture 7

Email: pgregory@concretecentre.com

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2017 7/29

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