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3rd Quarter: TRIPLE i REVIEWER

Mixed Method Design. Characterized by

the combination of at least one State briefly the entire major
quantitative and qualitative research points of your topic your readers will be
component; combines the elements of reading about.
qualitative and quantitative research
Statement of the Problem/ Problem
statement . It provides the context for the
Common sources of research problem: research study and generates the
● Personal experience and interest questions which the research aims to
of the researcher answer; focal point of any research.
● Various theories in the discipline of
the researcher. Significance of the Study. Determine
● Related literature who benefits from the study and how that
● Reproduction of past studies specific audience will benefit from its
Considerations in choosing topic:

1. Size Scope and De/Limitation of the study.

2. Scope Refers to parameters that prevent
3. Time researchers from pursuing further studies
4. Resources due to time and budgetary constraints.
5. Skill
6. Access ● Limitations. Subject area that is
7. Prior Knowledge out of researchers’ control.
8. Motivation ● Delimitations. Research aims will
and won’t include.
Brainstorming. Individual / group
creativity technique by which efforts are Hypothesis.
made to find conclusion for specific An educated guess, tentative point of
problem; gathering list of ideas . view.

Importance of Brainstorming: Kinds of Hypothesis:

● Invites diverse viewpoints ● Simple Hypothesis. Predicting a
● Encourages critical thinking relationship between an
● Sparks creativity independent and a dependent
● Supports teambuilding variable.

● Complex Hypothesis. Predicting

Introduction/ Background of the study. the relationships of two or more
Contain the topic of your research as well independent variables to two or
as the purpose of your study. Include the more dependent variables.
reason why you chose the particular topic
or simply the significance of your
research paper’s topic;

Prepared by: Paulo Miguel T. Lim

3rd Quarter: TRIPLE i REVIEWER

● Directional hypothesis. specifies

not only the existence but also the ● POM (Proposed Original Model).
expected direction of the This model is use when the
relationship between the researcher presents an original
independent and dependent paradigm. The requirement is that
variables. is must be scientific.

● Non-directional. This does not

stipulate the direction of the Definition of terms. Important terms
relationship between the used in the study must be defined clearly;
independent and dependent
variables. ● Operational definition. Based on
how it is used in the study,
● Null Hypothesis. This kind is
always expressed as a negative ● Conceptual definition. Term is
statement. It is subjected to testing defined using books and
in which the decision is either to dictionaries
accept or reject it.

Literature review. Identifies, evaluates

Conceptual framework. Visual and synthesizes the relevant literature
representation of the study-topic. within a particular field of research.

● IPO model. Largely used when the Review of related literature. “Use of
research attempts to isolate the ideas in the literature to justify the
factor or major variable that causes particular approach to the topic, the
the problem, subject, or selection of methods, and demonstration
phenomenon under investigation. that his research contributes something
new” (Hart, 1998).
● IV-DV model. Used in experiment-
based studies. The questions ● Conceptual Literature.
raised are higher order and Non-empirical; It contains
classified as situation-relating. literature coming from books,
journals and other forms of
● PC model. Used when relating materials, concerning or relevant to
and assessing the influence the study but is data free
between two or more variables.
Studies that focus on relationships, ● Research Literature. Empirical
associations, differences, and based; information gathered from
impacts will benefit from this scientific paper, thesis, and
model. dissertations both published and
unpublished, coming from local
● -P model. used in research studies and foreign sources.
that propose a program or any
intervention measure. It fits the
situation producing level of

Prepared by: Paulo Miguel T. Lim

3rd Quarter: TRIPLE i REVIEWER

Purpose of RRL:
1. Gives researches several Research Method. How the researcher
ideas on how to select and will implement the plan.
formulate his own research ● Quantitative Research.
problem. ● Qualitative Research.

2. Helps the researcher Research Design. Framework; Master

identify the studies that plan; Strategy; Plan on how the
have been done related to researcher will solve the problem.
the topic.

3. Avoids possible duplication ➢ Quantitative

or similar studies. ● Survey . collection of information
from a sample of individuals
4. Guides the researcher on through their responses to
the possible theoretical questions"
framework he/she/they can
use ● Correlational. To establish an
5. Test your research question association between variables;
against what already is
known. : determine if the variable
6. Summarizes, synthesizes increases or decreases as another
and analyzes the argument variable increases or decreases.
of others.
● Experimental. includes a
Characteristics of RRL: hypothesis, a variable that can be
● Recent as possible manipulated by the researcher,
● Objective and unbiased and variables that can be
● Relevant measured,calculated and
● Based upon original and true facts. compared.

Sources of RRL: ➢ Qualitative. Non-numerical data is

analyzed and interpreted to come
● Graduate thesis or dissertation up with results. Usually, the data is
● Encyclopaedias of education gathered through interviews and
research focus
● Internet sites and resources groups.
(websites, e-journals, e-books)
● Books ● Grounded Theory. The
● Dictionaries in education researcher wants to generate a
● Films, audio and video tapes and theory that explains, at a broad
other secondary sources conceptual level, a process, an
action, or an interaction about a
Writing the RRL: substantive topic.
● Gather
● Review
● Synthesize

Prepared by: Paulo Miguel T. Lim

3rd Quarter: TRIPLE i REVIEWER

● Ethnographic. Researcher 2. Observation— instrument used in an

wants to describe, analyze, and observation is called the observation
interpret a culture-sharing groups guide/ observation checklist.
shared patterns of behavior, beliefs
and language that develop over ● Structured — researcher utlized
time. tool— checklist. This tool contains
expected behaviors.
● Narrative. Researcher wants to ● Unstructured — observation
describe the lives of individuals, without any preconceived ideas
collect and tell stories about about what will be observed.
people’s lives and write narrative of
individual experiences. 3. Types of Questions:

● Yes or No type: answerable by

Research Instrument. Basic tool used by Yes/ No.
the researcher to gather data from the ● Recognition type: There’s
respondents. choices provided for respondents
and contains close-ended
● Questionnaire. a series of questions.
questions and other prompts for ● Completion type: respondents
the purpose of gathering are asked to fill in the blanks with
information from the respondents: the necessary information.
● Coding type : Numbers are
1. Interview — used to gather assigned to names, choices, and
information through conversing other pertinent data.
simultaneously. ● Subjective type: respondents are
free to give their opinions about an
● Unstructured — a free-wheeling issue of concern.
exchange of ideas. The interviewer ● Combination type: combination of
must be knowledgeable on the two or more types of question.
subject or topic of concern.
● Structured — questions follow a Scales commonly used in an
particular sequence and instrument:
well-defined content. Converse
with fix questions to ask. Likert scale— consists of several
● Semi-structured — Has specific declarative statements which also indicate
set of questions also researcher respondents’ disagreement and
can gather additional data from a agreement with the statement.
respondent to add depth and
significance to the findings. Semantic differential scale—
respondents tend to rate concepts in a
series of bipolar adjectives.

Prepared by: Paulo Miguel T. Lim

3rd Quarter: TRIPLE i REVIEWER
● Narrative. Allows the subject to tell a. Convenience Sampling — called
a story or write something down accidental or incidental sampling;
that he or she gives to the depends on the availability of
researcher. possible respondents.
● Experimental. concerned with
examination of the effect of an b. Quota Sampling —- similar to
independent variable on the stratified sampling in which the
dependent variable, where the population is divided into
independent variable in homogenous strata and then
manipulated through treatment or sample elements are selected from
interventions. each stratum.

Kinds of Sampling: c. Purposive sampling — It involves

the handpicking of students. This is
1. Probability Sampling – all also called judgmental sampling.
members of the population are
given a chance of being selected;
: randomly assigned.

a. Simple Random Sampling –

choosing samples which
population are given an equal
chance to be selected as

b. Stratified Random Sampling —

population is first divided into
different strata then the sampling
follows.Thereafter, obtaining the
sample size per strata, then simple
random sampling will be done.

c. Cluster Sampling — used in

large-scale studies in which the
population is geographically
spread out.

d. Systematic Sampling — selecting

every nth element of the
population; interval.

2. Non-probabiltiy Sampling — a
process of selecting in which the members
of the entire population do not have an
equal chance of being selected as
samples; not randomly assigned.

Prepared by: Paulo Miguel T. Lim

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