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School of Computer Science MSc e-Learning Technology

The Course

Preliminary Information

E-Learning Technology, as the name suggests, means the application of technology to learning. Delivery may be selfpaced and at a distance, or embedded in the classroom. e-Learning is increasingly popular, both in education and in vocational training. It can range in scale from a small component to a completely self-contained course, even a complete university degree. Often e-Learning is blended with other forms of instruction. A large e-Learning industry has grown up, to design, develop, and implement e-Learning materials to meet the worldwide demand. On this course, our emphasis is the design and development of computer-based e-learning materials that can be used in a range of educational contexts, whether at a distance or as part of face-to-face tuition. There is a focus on technology, on software development, and on the technical issues. This is complemented with the necessary background in learning theory and instructional design. The course is designed to equip you for a career as an specialist practitioner in the e-Learning industry, to enable you to exploit advanced e-Learning techniques in your current role, or for research. The MSc e-Learning Technology is part of our Masters Programmes in Computer Science. There are two different delivery modes: on-campus, where you attend the University in a traditional fashion, or our innovative online programme where you study through distance learning. In each case there are two distinct routes: one catering for those with Computer Science first degrees, the other for those who have graduated in other subject areas.

Who should apply?

Computer Science graduates looking for a specialist career in e-Learning Technology, within the educational or vocational training sectors. Graduates in other subjects (with an appropriate computing background) looking to learn advanced IT techniques to apply within education or training. You might already be working in the sector, for example as a teacher or lecturer.

On-campus Masters Programme

With the conventional programme, you study full-time at the University. There are two intakes per year: in September lasting 12 months and in January lasting 16 months, with a four month break during the summer. The programme lasts three semesters. You study taught modules in the first two semesters, the project in the third. You can elect to replace up to 30 credits worth of the elective modules with specific masters modules taught by the Universitys Business School.

Course Structure
On both the on-campus and online courses there are two fixed, core, taught modules: Principles and Practice of e-Learning Design and Development and Multimedia Specification, Design and Production, each of 30 credits. If your first degree is in Computer Science, you will also take two or more electives (options), which you can choose from the full list of advanced, specialist modules, to make a total of 120 credits of taught modules. Otherwise, if your first degree is not in Computer Science, typically you will first take 3060 credits worth of Foundation Modules, including Web Scripting and Content Creation. These are especially designed to develop your capability for successfully studying the advanced modules. Then you will study the core modules as above, and possibly one or more electives (options) to make up 120 credits in total. Finally you will complete a 60 credit project in eLearning Technology.

Online Masters Programme

The online programme is very flexible. You can study part-time or full-time, or switch from one to the other, or take a break, simply by varying the number of modules you take at a time. There are no set hours so you can study when and where you want, fitting in with your other commitments such as work or family. There are two fixed start dates per year: September and January. Crucially, this means that you study as part of a group, within a mutually-supportive international community. Our online degrees are based on their on-campus equivalents with the same academic quality standards and processes, so your award should be widely recognized internationally. An added benefit for this particular award is that you will gain hands-on experience of using e-Learning Technology at the same time.

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Iss 1.1 Preliminary June 2009

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Core Modules
taken by all students, MSc e-Learning Technology * = available both on-campus and online

Foundation Modules
taken by students without a degree in Computer Science

Principles and Practice of e-Learning Design and Development (30 credits) *

This module provides the necessary theoretical background to instructional design, reinforced by practical exercises: how people learn, how to produce technology-based materials that are educationally useful, and how to evaluate their effectiveness. Skills you will develop include how to:

Web Scripting and Content Creation (30 credits) *

You will rapidly acquire the basics of scripting, programming, and database design for web applications. You will learn how to present database information and other dynamic data compellingly on screen, and how to show and query web based data. The module has a significant practical element. Skills you will develop include how to:

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produce systematic and cogent critiques of elearning design and development work apply creativity and originality to resolve complex design and development issues evaluate e-learning technologies and their usage. Learning Theories including behaviourism, cognitivism and constructivism Instructional Design how to represent theory in the design of e-learning technology Instructional Development how to develop material from sound instructional design principles Contemporary Technologies the range available for developing e-Learning materials.

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design exciting visualizations of real word dynamic data using server and client side scripting develop interactive rich media environments where users dynamically query web based data use essential features of modern programming in client-side and server-side web scripting. one server scripting environment (e.g. SQL Server/ or mySQL/php), and one rich Internet client (e.g Flash or Silverlight) database and program design for web applications principles of data collection, query, storage, modification, and combination successful web visualizations of dynamic data case studies of best practice web sites, including examples from e-Commerce and e-Learning.

Topics you will study include:

Topics you will study include:

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Multimedia Specification, Design and Production (30 credits) *

You will gain an advanced understanding of the stages in the development of interactive, multimedia computer applications. This includes analysis, design, implementation and evaluation of software, as well as its component media. You will develop advanced practical skills in a particular multimedia programming tool such as Adobe Flash, which you will use with the theoretical principles you have learnt to develop an interactive multimedia application. Skills you will develop include how to:

Professional Issues (15 credits) *

designed for students without a degree in Computer Science
This module provides a broad understanding of information systems (IS) project management. It examines the various IS development methodologies and project control techniques including: estimation of development resources, risk management, systems quality assurance, and human resource management. It also covers the relationship between technological change, society and the law. This includes those legal aspects relevant to IS management, illustrated by UK laws, and the ethical concepts and dilemmas of importance to computer professionals.

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use the advanced features of a multimedia software development tool such as Flash apply systematic methodologies to the production and evaluation of multimedia content. aspects of systems development and computer programming production of images, animation, video and sound management of large projects selection of industry standards depending on the target output devices advanced features of a multimedia programming tool or language such as Adobe Director, Flash CS4 or Visual Basic.

Topics you will study include:

Software Development Tools and Methods (15 credits) *

designed for students without a degree in Computer Science
This is a practical introduction to industry-standard and current best practice tools and techniques for the development of software systems. The Unified Modelling Language (UML) is used to produce models at various stages in a software project, from analysis through to design, implementation and deployment. You will explore patterns and frameworks that occur across a range of problems and applications, and be introduced to alternative process models.

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Elective modules (options)

Computer Science Advanced Modules
options for all students with the necessary background Advanced Database (30 credits) * Artificial Life: Biology & Computation (30 credits) Distributed Systems Security (30 credits) * Human Computer Interaction: Principles and Practice (30 credits) Measures and Models for Software Engineering (30 credits) * Mobile, Multicast and Multimedia Networking (30 credits) Mobile Standards, Interfaces and Applications (15 credits) * Network System Administration (15 credits) Neural Networks and Evolutionary Computation (30 credits) Secure Systems Programming (15 credits) * Software Engineering Practice and Experience (30 credits) * Theory & Practice of Symbolic Artificial Intelligence (30 credits) Web Services (30 credits) * * = available both on-campus and online for the online programme, there are two 15 credit modules in place of one 30 credit module

e-Learning Technology Project

After you have completed the taught modules, you will undertake an individual 60 credit project of your choice. This is an opportunity for you to advance your knowledge and skills in e-Learning Technology by carrying out an investigation or by testing ideas. You will make critical use of the research literature as a basis for the design, management and realization of a programme of investigative and/or practical work. The project is carried out independently but you will benefit from the guidance of an individual supervisor from the academic staff. You will then present your results in a project report and will be expected to justify the methods and approach you have followed.

Business School Modules

options for all students, on-campus programme only Computer Simulation for Business (15 credits) Data Mining and e-Marketing (15 credits) e-Business Processes and Strategies (30 credits) Information Management (15 credits) Operational Research Techniques (15 credits) Strategic Advantage and Information Technology (15 credits)

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Start date and mode of study

On-campus: a full time programme lasting 12 months for September entrants or 16 months for January entrants (with a 4 month break from June until September). Online: may be taken full-time over 12 months or flexibly over a longer period, by studying at a reduced rate or by taking a break. There are two starts per year: in September and January. Check on our website for availability and actual start dates. We expect the online MSc eLearning Technology to start in September 2009.

Application and fees information

On-campus Programme
For information about UH postgraduate fees, scholarships and bursaries, for both UK/EU and international students, please visit You should apply directly to the University. To contact the Universitys Admissions Service, please visit and look for postgraduate or other programmes. You can apply online or download a paper form.

Entry requirements
You should have a good bachelors degree or equivalent in any subject; good means, for example, at least a UK second class honours degree or a score of 65%. If your degree is in computer science or a closely related subject, you will study 120 credits of taught, advanced modules including the core modules for this award, followed by a 60 credit project. If your degree is not in computer science, you must have an appropriate level of computer literacy, and you will be required to pass 3060 credits of foundation modules before taking 60 credits of core modules for this award and further advanced modules to a total of 120 credits, followed by a 60 credit project. Details of all core, foundation and elective (optional) modules are shown elsewhere in this document. If your first language is not English, you must satisfy the Universitys requirement for this programme, i.e. a minimum IELTS score of 6.0. or TOEFL 550 (213 CBT).

Online Programme
Online fees are different from the standard UH postgraduate fees. Please visit for information. Our online fees are charged per module taken. The fee includes full support from well-qualified tutors, all assessment, all materials (online, textbooks, software), and access to learning resources such as online books and journals. For the online programme, you should apply directly to the School of Computer Science. See for further information or email for the custom application form. You will be using the Universitys state-of-the-art Virtual Learning Environment, Studynet to access all course materials, to receive and submit all assignments (100% by coursework), and to communicate with staff and other students. You will need a suitable PC or Mac with a good Internet connection, preferably broadband.

International Students

There are many opportunities within the rapidly growing e-Learning industry for technical staff who are highly skilled in the application of advanced IT techniques to e-Learning design. Typical roles could be those found in traditional IT development projects such as business analyst, programmer, user-interface designer, quality controller or project manager. Alternatively there are more specialist roles such as instructional designer or learning technologist. Our Masters Programmes are designed to give Computer Science and other graduates the specialist, up-to-date skills and knowledge sought after by employers, whether in business, industry, government or research.

Applicants from outside the UK or EU should see for further information about international tuition fees and scholarships, and for a list of local representatives. You are welcome to contact the Universitys representatives in your country for further information and to help with your application.

More information
For more information about the course, the individual modules, or about Computer Science at the University of Hertfordshire, please visit or email

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Why the University of Hertfordshire

The University
UH is one of the UKs leading business-facing universities, with over 23,000 students on two campuses in Hatfield, Hertfordshire, only 30km from the centre of London, and with excellent transport links. Hatfield and the surrounding area are a centre of high-tech industry in particular for IT, aerospace and pharmaceuticals. The University has excellent facilities including Learning Resource Centres with 2,900 study places open 24/7, a 15m Sports Village, and accommodation for 3,700 students on-campus.

School of Computer Science

The School of Computer Science has provided undergraduate and postgraduate courses for more than 40 years and more recently has invested heavily in online materials for distance learning. We have approximately 50 teaching staff with 5 full professors. Our traditional masters programme attracts over 150 students per year and we have about 700 students following our innovative online degree courses. In the last Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2008, over half the research outputs in Computer Science at UH were rated at world-leading or internationally excellent. The research interests of the department include adaptive systems (including robotics), algorithms, biological and neural computation, teaching and learning, and software engineering. We have a extensive teaching laboratories with specialist equipment for networking, multimedia, robotics and HCI. Our e-Learning Development Group are a team of dedicated professionals with several years practical experience of developing production-quality eLearning materials at degree and postgraduate level. This experience is blended with academic expertise and a record of publications in the area. Many of our staff also work in the Universitys specialist Blended Learning Unit.

o Invest in your career in the expanding e-Learning industry by studying for a MSc in e-Learning Technology, part of our masters programme in Computer Science Study at a highly regarded and long-established computer science department with an strong RAE rating and extensive practical experience of e-Learning Complete a masters programme in as little as one calendar year Different routes for graduates in computer science and those in other subjects Choice of two study modes: full-time on-campus, or flexibly through online distance learning With the traditional on-campus mode o benefit from our excellent facilities and our peaceful campus close to London With the innovative online mode: o fit your study in around your other commitments o avoid unnecessary costs with our competitive fees, payment by module, and no travel or accommodation

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School of Computer Science visit: or email:

University of Hertfordshire College Lane, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL10 9AB, UK Telephone: +44 (0) 1707 284000 Fax: +44 (0) 1707 284115 web:

MSc e-Learning Technology Preliminary Information, iss 1.1 Jun 09

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Iss 1.1 Preliminary June 2009

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