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Nama : NovrisaDwiPutri

Nim : 041466222

KodeMatkul : PBIS4216 Structure III

1. Temukan 7 kalimat (garisbawahi parallel structure) yang

menggunakan bentuk kesejajaran yang menggunakan coordinate
Stress among student can be caused by interpersonal which includes
the factor like relationships with (1) family, friend, and faculty
member. Both (2) academic burdens, interpersonal relationship,
and personal life may also lead to stress. Thus, stress among
students can be dangerous for several reasons. The major negative
effect of stress is on emotional health.
Emotional health problem is more dangerous than physical health
problem. (3) Emotional health or mental health is an expression of
our emotions and signifies a failure adaptation to the range of
demands in life. The stressful life events can lead to all the failure
just by conquering our mind. Thus, it is very important to maintain our
(4) mental health, emotional health, and physical health because
once our emotional health was disturbed, it can lead to various of
diseases such as (5) depression, anxiety, and anger.
The second disastrous effect of stress to an individual especially
students is on academic performance. Actually this effect beyond the
expected outcome of the students, teachers, and faculty
members. Once they are in stress they have difficulty to concentrate
on their study and to perform well in the classroom. Finally, their
academic achievement will decrease because they cannot do well in
their study. That is how their academic performance shows such
negative improvement from day to day because they cannot manage
their stress well. Therefore, stress can be dangerous to student’s life.
For those reasons, the better students manage their stress, the
higher their achievement will be.
2. Temukan 3 (tiga) kalimat yang dapat dibuat menjadi inversi subject
dan verb dengan kalimat negatif dan ubah kalimat tersebut menjadi
kalimat inversi!
We're going to review the site. The large buildings are the Olympic
sites. Visitors rarely see the details of the sites. There are three
indoor arenas for gymnastics and four swimming pools for races,
synchronized swimming, and also diving. If you look carefully down
there, you can see the train lines. The previous guide seldom shows
that train lines to the visitors. The Olympic site has its own station to
encourage the use of public transport. There is a park on the south of
the Olympic site. The formal park has some specially-created water
features. You can see a circular ornamental pond in the center of the
park, and the ducks never leave the pond on a daylight.
1. Visitors rarely see the details of the sites.
Inversi: Rarely does Visitor see the details of the sites
2. The previous guide seldom shows that train lines to the
Inversi : Seldom does The previous guide shows that train
linee to the visitors
3. The ducks never leave the pond on a daylight.
Inversi : Never does the ducks leave the pond on a daylight.

3. Lengkapi teks di bawah ini dengan possessive adjectives yang tepat!

Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution is known as one of the most
important, and it was controversial scientific theory ever published.
He was an English scientist in the 19th century best known for (1)
his… book “On the Origin of Species.” In (2) his … book, Darwin
postulated different species shared characteristics of common
ancestors, that they branched off from common ancestors as they
evolved, and that new traits and characteristics were a result of
natural selection. The theory is based on the assumptions that life
developed from non-life and progressed and evolved in an indirect
manner. Therefore, the Theory of Evolution, with (3) their …
controversy, has shaped and influenced the modern scientific world's
thinking on the development of life (4) ….
Darwin was born February 12, 1809 in England. Although initially
entering into medicine, Darwin chose to pursue his interest in natural
science and embarked on a five-year aboard the H.M.S. Beagle, a
British sloop belonging to the Royal Navy. The Royal Navy and
Darwin commuted together, and (5) their… journey together gave
Darwin an insight. Because of (6) his… experience aboard the
Beagle, he laid the foundation for his Theory of Evolution while also
establishing himself within the scientific community. The scientific
community gave (7) their… support to Darwin. Specifically, Darwin's
keen observation of the fossils and wildlife during his time on the
Beagle served as the basis for the cornerstone of (8) his… theory:
natural selection.

4. Lengkapi teks di bawah ini dengan kombinasi preposisi yang tepat!

Spiders is an interesting creature because there are people who are
scared (1) of … them, and there are people who are attracted (2)
of… them. When someone is extremely afraid (3) of… spiders, it is
called arachnophobia. Although it is common (4) of … people to
dislike insects, someone who has arachnophobia will feel more fear
than those who do not have it. Arachnophobia can be debilitating and
interfere (5) for … your life. To cope with this phobia, it’s possible (6)
from … work with it so your fears don’t have to interfere with your
everyday life. Differently, there are people who are fond (7) with…
spiders, and they are called arachnophile. They are interested (8)
in… spiders because they think spiders are impressive creatures.

Thank you.

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