Jawaban Essay English Meeting P8 Ar Reza Fahmi Muhammad

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Name : Ar Reza Fahmi Muhammad

Class : N3C G2 204
No absensi :

On march 11th , 2024 . A passanger ship MV BUKIT RAYA were bound to Batam island
from Jakarta had some emergency situation in the engine room area . immediately Captain
took respond by ordered Radio Officer to broadcast the distress signal to all ship around the
area nearby .

Captain: “Attention all crew, this is Captain Arreza speaking. We have detected a fire in the
engine room. I repeat, fire in the engine room. All crew members to emergency stations
immediately .

Chief Engineer : “Roger that, Captain. I’m mobilizing the engineering team to contain the
fire and shut down the affected systems .

First Officer: “All passengers, please remain calm and proceed to your designated muster
stations. Crew members will assist you in donning life jackets and boarding lifeboats if
necessary .

Captain: “This is a critical situation, everyone. Safety is our top priority. Crew, remember
your training and follow emergency procedures precisely. Passengers, listen to crew
instructions and cooperate fully .

Radio Officer : “Mayday, mayday, mayday. This is the Motor Vessel BUKIT RAYA , reporting
a fire in the engine room. Position coordinates are latitude 35° 16’ 358” longitude -120° 12’
222” Requesting immediate assistance , Over ..

Captain : “Thank you, Radio Officer. Keep monitoring all channels for incoming
communications and updates. Let’s work together to handle this emergency swiftly and safely
Radio Officer : Ok Captain

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