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KUZNETS U-SHAPE An economic cycle, also known as a business cycle, refers to

CURVED economic fluctuations

between periods of expansion and contraction. Factors such as

gross domestic product (GDP), interest rates, total employment,
Kuznets believed that and consumer spending can help determine the current
inequality would follow an economic cycle stage.
inverted "U" shape as it What are the differences between economic growth and business
rises and then falls again cycle?
with the increase of income Economic growth can be caused by random fluctuations,
per-capita. Kuznets had two seasonal fluctuations, changes in the business cycle, and long-
similar explanations for this term structural causes. Policy can influence the latter two.
historical phenomenon: Business cycles refer to the regular cyclical pattern of economic
workers migrated from boom (expansions) and bust (recessions).
agriculture to industry; and. What do you mean by business cycle?
rural workers moved to Business cycles are comprised of concerted cyclical upswings
urban jobs. and downswings in the broad measures of economic activity—
What is the U-shaped output, employment, income, and sales. The alternating phases
hypothesis of Kuznets? of the business cycle are expansions and contractions (also
In the 1950s, Simon called recessions).
Kuznets hypothesized What Is a Business Cycle?
that an inverted U-shaped Business cycles are a type of fluctuation found in the aggregate
relationship exists between economic activity of a nation -- a cycle that consists of
inequality and development. expansions occurring at about the same time in many economic
As countries developed, activities, followed by similarly general contractions (recessions).
inequality would increase This sequence of changes is recurrent but not periodic.
until a certain tipping point, The business cycle is an example of an economic cycle.
after which it would start to  Business cycles are comprised of concerted cyclical upswings
fall again. and downswings in the broad measures of economic activity—
How do you explain Kuznets output, employment, income, and sales.
curve?  The alternating phases of the business cycle are expansions and
Kuznets is also known for contractions (also called recessions).
the Kuznets curve, which  Recessions often start at the peak of the business cycle—when
hypothesizes an expansion ends—and end at the trough of the business
that industrializing nations cycle, when the next expansion begins.
experience a rise and  The severity of a recession is measured by the three D’s: depth,
subsequent decline in diffusion, and duration, and the strength of an expansion by
income inequality. The rise how pronounced, pervasive, and persistent it is.
in inequality occurs after What Is the Economic Cycle?
rural labor migrates to An economic cycle, also known as a business cycle, refers to
urban areas and becomes economic fluctuations between periods of expansion and
socially mobile. contraction. Factors such as gross domestic product
BUSSINESS CYCLE AND (GDP), interest rates, total employment, and consumer
ECONOMIC CYCLE spending can help determine the current economic cycle stage.
Understanding the economic growth, interest rates tend to be low, and production increases.
period can help investors The economic indicators associated with growth, such as
and businesses determine employment and wages, corporate profits and output, aggregate
when to make investments demand, and the supply of goods and services, tend to show
and when to pull their sustained uptrends through the expansionary stage. The flow of
money out, as each cycle money through the economy remains healthy and the cost of
impacts stocks and bonds money is cheap. However, the increase in the money supply
as well as profits and may spur inflation during the economic growth phase.
corporate earnings. Peak
 An economic cycle is the The peak of a cycle is when growth hits its maximum rate.
overall state of the economy Prices and economic indicators may stabilize for a short period
as it goes through four before reversing to the downside. Peak growth typically creates
stages in a cyclical pattern: some imbalances in the economy that need to be corrected. As
expansion, peak, a result, businesses may start to reevaluate their budgets and
contraction, and trough. spending when they believe that the economic cycle has
 Factors such as GDP, reached its peak.
interest rates, total Contraction
employment, and consumer A correction occurs when growth slows, employment falls, and
spending can help prices stagnate. As demand decreases, businesses may not
determine the current stage immediately adjust production levels, leading to oversaturated
of the economic cycle. markets with surplus supply and a downward movement in
 The causes of a cycle are prices. If the contraction continues, the recessionary
highly debated among environment may spiral into a depression.
different schools of Trough
economics. The trough of the cycle is reached when the economy hits a low
Stages of the Economic point, with supply and demand hitting bottom before recovery.
Cycle The low point in the cycle represents a painful moment for the
economy, with a widespread negative impact from stagnating
spending and income. The low point provides an opportunity for
individuals and businesses to reconfigure their finances in
anticipation of a recovery.


An economic cycle is the

circular movement of an
economy as it moves from
to contraction and back
again. Economic expansion
is characterized by growth
and contraction, including Poverty. The vicious cycle of poverty, also known as generational
recession, a decline in poverty, is understood as when at least two generations of a
economic activity that can family are below the poverty line. Once poverty starts, it is likely
last several months. Four to continue if there is no external intervention.I
stages characterize the The rate of investment and formation of new capital is minimal
economic cycle or business with the low income and savings of the population. Hence, the
cycle.1 economy fails to raise productivity across all sectors due to low
Expansion investment and inadequate capital formation.
During expansion, the How do you explain the cycle of poverty?
economy experiences
relatively rapid
These families often have founder of the invisible hand theory that underpins capitalist
limited or no resources to economic systems.
create opportunities to
advance themselves, which KARL MARX was a German-born philosopher, economist,
leaves them stuck in the political theorist, historian, sociologist, journalist, and
poverty trap. On paper, the revolutionary socialist.
cycle of poverty has been Several of its concepts, like those related to capital
defined as a phenomenon accumulation and the business cycle, are used in capitalist
where poor families become systems. The work of Karl Marx in economics influenced
impoverished for at least subsequent economic thought and laid the basis for much of the
three generations. current understanding of labor and its relation to capital.
What are the four factors While the centrepiece of his life’s work was an examination of
that make up the vicious the social relations at the heart of the capitalist mode of
cycle of poverty? production (in Capital and elsewhere), he was clear that quite
Family background different ensembles of social relations existed in different modes
 Lack of jobs due to of production.
deindustrialization. Main contributions
 Effects of modern education. Labour Theory of Value: Marx's labour theory of value posits
 Culture of poverty. that the value of a commodity is determined by the amount of
 Life shocks. socially necessary labour time required to produce it. He argued
 Tracking in education. that labour is the source of all value and that capitalists
Why is our country suffering appropriate surplus value by exploiting the labour of workers.
from poverty? Historical Materialism: Marx developed the theory of historical
Poverty in the Philippines materialism, which proposes that the structure and
has been linked to bad development of society are shaped primarily by the material
governance, corruption, and conditions of production. He argued that economic systems,
a political system dominated such as feudalism and capitalism, give rise to specific social
by political dynasties. The relations and class struggles. According to Marx, the transition
country's poorest provinces from capitalism to communism is an inevitable outcome of
are ruled by political historical development.
dynasties. Natural disasters Class Struggle: Marx's analysis of class struggle forms a central
have exacerbated poverty in theme in his work. He argued that throughout history, societies
the Philippines. have been characterized by the conflict between the bourgeoisie
(owners of the means of production) and the proletariat (working
ADAM SMITH contribute to class). Marx believed that the inherent contradictions of
economics? capitalism would lead to heightened class conflict and
The 10 major ultimately result in a proletarian revolution.
accomplishments of Adam Alienation: Marx's theory of alienation explores the idea that
Smith including his under capitalism, workers are estranged from the products of
contributions to economics. their labor, the process of production, their own human
During Smith’s time, essence, and from one another. He argued that alienation is a
economics was dominated consequence of the capitalist mode of production, which treats
by a system called labor as a mere commodity and separates workers from the
mercantilism, which fruits of their labor.
propagated generating Critique of Capitalism: Marx's analysis of capitalism was a
wealth through fundamental critique of the system. He argued that capitalism
accumulation of profitable leads to the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a
balances. Thus leaders saw few, exploitation of the working class, cyclical economic crises,
national wealth in terms of a and alienation of individuals from their labor. Marx believed
country’s stock of gold and that these inherent contradictions would ultimately lead to the
silver. collapse of capitalism.
Adam Smith is considered Concept of Communism: Marx envisioned communism as a
the father of classical classless society where the means of production are collectively
economic theory and the owned and controlled by the working class. In this society, there
would be no private property, no exploitation, and economic
decisions would be made cashbacks. How do economic incentives relate to population
collectively for the benefit of growth?
all. Marx saw communism
as the resolution of class JOHN MAYNARD KEYNES, a prominent economist of the 20th
conflict and the realization century, made significant contributions to economic thought,
of human freedom and particularly in the field of macroeconomics. Keynesian
equality. Economics: Keynes is best known for his development of
Marx's ideas have also been Keynesian economics, which challenged classical economic
criticized by economists who theories prevalent at the time.
believe that the free market How did Keynes change the economy?
is a more efficient way to Keynes’s ideas took a dramatic change, however, as
organize the economy. unemployment in Britain dragged on during the interwar period,
Marx's contributions to reaching levels as high as 20 percent. Keynes investigated other
economic thought are still causes of Britain’s economic woes, and The General Theory of
debated today. However, Employment, Interest and Money was the result.
there is no doubt that he The basic economic problem is that people have unlimited
was one of the most wants but there are are limited resources to satisfy these wants.
influential economists of the Decisions have to be made about how best to use the resources
19th century. His work has to satisfy as many of the wants as possible.
had a profound impact on Needs are the things that are essential for people to live
the way we think about adequately.
society, economics and Wants are the luxuries that people desire to make their life
politics. more comfortable
Resources: are the inputs available for the production of good
ELTON MAYO said that the and services.
techniques of economic Scarcity: a lack of something (in this context, resources) The
incentives were not only fundamental economic problem is that there is a scarcity of
inadequate but also resources to satisfy all human wants and needs.There are finite
unrealistic. He was able to resources and unlimited wants.
show that humane and An economic good is one which is limited in supply such as
respectful treatment, sense gold, clothes, food etc. It is scarce in relation to its demand for
of participation and the product and human effort is required to obtain an economic
belonging, recognition, good
morale, human pride and A free good is unlimited in supply such as air, sunlight, sea etc.
social interaction are A free good has no opportunity cost in its consumption or
sometimes more important production.
than pure monetary The four basic economic problems confronting society are ;
rewards.  What goods and services to produce
Economic incentives,  How shall this goods and services to produce
therefore, are the financial  How much shall this goods and services to produce,
motivations for behaving in  For whom shall this goods and services to produce,
a particular manner. They
encourage people to pursue The four basic economic problems confronting society are often
their financial preferences. summarized as:
Economic incentives 1. What to produce a viable selection of commodities and
meaning can be referred to services to produce in the economy based on their potential.
as a reward or motivation 2. How to produce:. which combination of resources is to be
provided in monetary terms. used for the production of goods and which technology is to be
It produces a desired made use of in production
response from the parties by 3. For whom to produce: This pertains to the distribution of
altering their natural goods and services among individuals and groups within the
behavior. Examples of society.
incentives are subsidies, tax 4. How much to produce. After deciding the goods to be
credits, discounts, and produced, economy has to decide the quantity of each
commodity that is selected. It means, if involves a decision
regarding the quantity to be set of conditions and assumptions. Economic systems can be
produced, of consumer and categorized into four main types: traditional economies,
capital goods, civil and war command economies, mixed economies, and market economies.
goods and so on.
1. Traditional economic system
There are four main The traditional economic system is based on goods, services,
categories of economic and work, all of which follow certain established trends. It relies
systems: a lot on people, and there is very little division of labor or
1. Traditional Economy: specialization. In essence, the traditional economy is very basic
This system is based on and the most ancient of the four types.
customs, traditions, and
historical precedent, with Some parts of the world still function with a traditional
economic activities often economic system. It is commonly found in rural settings in
focused on subsistence second and third world nations, where economic activities are
agriculture and simple predominantly farming or other traditional income-generating
barter systems. activities.
2. Market Economy: In this
system, production and There are usually very few resources to share in communities
distribution are primarily with traditional economic systems. Either few resources occur
determined by supply and naturally in the region or access to them is restricted in some
demand, with minimal way. Thus, the traditional system, unlike the other three, lacks
government intervention. It the potential to generate a surplus. Nevertheless, precisely
is characterized by private because of its primitive nature, the traditional economic system
ownership and the pursuit is highly sustainable. In addition, due to its small output, there
of individual self-interest. is very little wastage compared to the other three systems.
3. Command Economy:
Also known as a planned 2. Command economic system
economy, it is characterized In a command system, there is a dominant centralized
by central authority making authority – usually the government – that controls a significant
decisions about production, portion of the economic structure. Also known as a planned
distribution, and resource system, the command economic system is common in
allocation. Private property communist societies since production decisions are the preserve
rights are limited, and the of the government.
state plays a dominant role.
4. Mixed Economy: This If an economy enjoys access to many resources, chances are
system combines elements that it may lean towards a command economic structure. In
of market and command such a case, the government comes in and exercises control
economies, with a blend of over the resources. Ideally, centralized control covers valuable
private enterprise and resources such as gold or oil. The people regulate other less
government intervention, important sectors of the economy, such as agriculture.
often seen in countries
where both market forces In theory, the command system works very well as long as the
and government planning central authority exercises control with the general population’s
coexist. best interests in mind. However, that rarely seems to be the
case. Command economies are rigid compared to other systems.
Types of Economic They react slowly to change because power is centralized. That
Systems makes them vulnerable to economic crises or emergencies, as
There are many types of they cannot quickly adjust to changing conditions.
economies around the world.
Each has its own 3. Market economic system
distinguishing Market economic systems are based on the concept of free
characteristics, although markets. In other words, there is very little government
they all share some basic interference. The government exercises little control over
features. Each economy resources, and it does not interfere with important segments of
functions based on a unique the economy. Instead, regulation comes from the people and the
relationship between supply composed primarily of public services, are under the control of
and demand. the government.

The market economic Mixed systems are the norm globally. Supposedly, a mixed
system is mostly theoretical. system combines the best features of market and command
That is to say, a pure systems. However, practically speaking, mixed economies face
market system doesn’t really the challenge of finding the right balance between free markets
exist. Why? Well, all and government control. Governments tend to exert much more
economic systems are control than is necessary.
subject to some kind of
interference from a central What countries are a traditional economy?
authority. For instance, A traditional economy usually centers on survival. Families and
most governments enact small communities often make their own food, clothing, housing
laws that regulate fair trade and household goods. An example of a traditional economy is
and monopolies. the Inuit people in the United States' Alaska, Canada, and the
Denmark territory of Greenland
From a theoretical point of
view, a market economy What country has a command economy?
facilitates substantial Some examples of countries that have command economies are
growth. Arguably, growth is Cuba, North Korea and the former Soviet Union.
highest under a market
economic system. What country has a market economy?
Some countries with a market economy include the U.S.,
A market economy’s Canada, the U.K., and Denmark.
greatest downside is that it
allows private entities to What country has a mixed economy?
amass a lot of economic Countries like the United States, United Kingdom, Germany,
power, particularly those France, Russia, and China currently have mixed economies.
who own resources of great
value. The distribution of
resources is not equitable
because those who succeed
economically control most of

4. Mixed system
Mixed systems combine the
characteristics of the market
and command economic
systems. For this reason,
mixed systems are also
known as dual systems.
Sometimes the term is used
to describe a market system
under strict regulatory

Many countries in the

developed western
hemisphere follow a mixed
system. Most industries are
private, while the rest,

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