AR and VR Research - Acuna

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NAME: Acuna, Chass Micaela PROF: Sir.



TOPIC: Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR)


What is Augmented Reality? Augmented Reality (AR) using digital information,

AR gives a human perception and direct view of actual world. This AR extended

incorporating virtual aspects such as images sounds and movies. AR aims to improve

the environment by enabling virtual components to interact with actual items in order to

convey desired meaning. By providing more information about the actual world, the

information-designed virtual environment in augmented reality coexists with the real


Virtual changing rooms, IKEA mobile applications for home décor, virtual

battlefields, and games like Nintendo's Pokémon Go are a few examples of AR

technologies in use in photography and image editing. Furthermore, augmented reality

(AR) is frequently employed in marketing, as well as medical and health-related fields.

Virtual Reality is the 3D concept of the technology where created videos and digital images that can give

experience for the users. This VR can create illusion of immersion in to life size of images. VR system

usually use in computer and into advanced graphics. The device that use for this is the VR headset and
gloves. Due of the special lenses in the Vr headset and controllers, users can experience virtual content

and interact with the naturally just like in the real world


For the pros of the augmented reality is augmented reality can give more

knowledge and information about anything. And can help to share the experience of

everybody to other people in our real time. And for the cons AR is quite expensive for

our everyday life and AR might give inappropriate in some situations base on the user


Pros of the VR is can help to our educational purposes and it is easy to use. And

VR can experiment with an artificial environment base to the user. And for the cons of

VR, VR environments and people live in virtual world instead of dealing to the real one

and it is not good for us .


It's no wonder that there are so many kinds of programming and things in our time

today, because of the modern world that we have and our used technologies are

keeping up with the time that we have now. These two tools help us to learn and
provide new information and experience. It also makes our tasks easier by using only

small things or tools that will give you what you want. Like AR, it will give you the selfies

you want, just like Snapchat, you can also take photos with filters. In VR, you will wear

this equipment and bring or show you the things you want as if you are really inside the

village but in real life, you are not.

Despite the good things it brings to people and the environment, it also has bad effects

on us, sometimes we become dependent on these things and sometimes we choose to

use them more than we do in real life. They say it's better to do something if you've

actually experienced it yourself. But because of this equipment, we don't want to

experience it in real life, it's sad that this is the reality that we are in the modern world

and it is possible to do everything using technology.


Augmented reality vs. virtual reality: Key differences. (n.d.).



Augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) different areas of application,

advantages and disadvantages.



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