PW24 Volunteers 1

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Purpose (Tujuan)

● To help students understand the significance of Passion Week and

Easter (Untuk membantu pelajar memahami kepentingan Minggu
● To encourage the students to evaluate the Good News of Jesus’ death
and resurrection and its impact on their own lives. (Untuk
menggalakkan pelajar menilai Berita Baik tentang kematian dan
kebangkitan Yesus serta kesannya terhadap kehidupan peribadi
● To create opportunities for students to engage with each other in
different countries (Untuk mewujudkan peluang kepada pelajar untuk
melibatkan diri antara satu sama lain di negara yang berbeza)
Day Date Topic Bible Verse Speaker
(Hari) (Tarikh) (Topik) (Ayat Alkitab) (Penceramah)
Sunday (Ahad) 24/3/24 Jesus enters Jerusalem Matthew 21:1-11 Mdm Marianne
Palm Sunday (Yesus memasuki Yerusalem) (Matius 21:1-11) Liaw
Jesus clears the temple Matthew 21:12-22
Monday (Isnin) 25/3/24 (Yesus membersihkan bait suci) (Matius 21:12-22) Miss Verseliesa

Jesus delivers the Olivet Discourse on his future return Matthew 24:1-31
Tuesday (Selasa) 26/3/24 (Yesus menyampaikan Wacana Zaitun tentang (Matius 24:1-31) Ps. David Chu
kedatanganNya yang akan datang.)
Jesus and His betrayer Matthew 26:14-16; John
(Yesus dan pengkhianat-Nya) 13:18-30; Matthew
Wednesday (Rabu) 27/3/24 (Matius 26:14-16; Rev. Ronald Yap
Yohanes 13:18-30;
Matius 26:47-56)

Thursday (Khamis) Jesus at the Last Supper Matthew 26:17-75 Ps. Michael
28/3/24 (Yesus di Perjamuan Malam Terakhir) (Matius 26:17-75)
Maundy Thursday William
Jesus' trial, crucifixion, death and burial. Matthew 27:1-62
Friday (Jumaat)
29/3/24 (Penderitaan, penyaliban, kematian dan pengebumian (Matius 27:1-62) Ps. Aster Soong
Good Friday
Saturday (Sabtu) Jesus rises from the dead Matthew 28:1-13 Rev. Jonathan
Holy Saturday (Kebangkitan Yesus dari kematian) (Matius 28:1-13) Chan
Sunday (Ahad) Easter Service in church
31/3/24 (Ibadah Paskah/Easter di gereja.)
Easter Sunday
Daily Programme (Program Harian)
Time Programme PIC
(Masa) (Program) (Orang bertanggungjawab)
7 min Welcome & worship School P & W team - by
(Alu-aluan & beribadah) rotation

5 min Bible Reading Students

(Pembacaan Al-Kitab)
8 min Explanation
25 min Discussion in breakout rooms & Brigade officers/ BK
closing prayer (Perbincangan di teachers/ counsellors
bilik “breakout” & doa penutup)
Hey guys.
So, regarding the passion week, I found it really enlightening and informational as we got to learn a lot about the
Holy Week and deepen our faith overall. It was also really fun getting to meet the facilitators and other
participants who were also curious and took the initiative to learn more about God. I also found all the messages
really helpful and opened my eyes to many things that I did not know beforehand. I personally felt excited for every
zoom session as it was something out of my daily routine where I got to see new faces and learn more about my
religion. This event also motivated me to continue reading the bible daily and showed me how much God actually
loved all of us to send his only son, Jesus, to die for all of us. Besides, this event also helped in sharing the Word to
others who are not Christians in a fun and exciting way. I was also able to feel a sense of fulfilment by taking some
time out of my day to learn more about God during the Holy Week, arguably the most sacred time in the Christian
calendar. It was also really intriguing and heartwarming to see participants from all over Malaysia in search of
knowledge and to take time out of their busy days to learn and grow closer to God. Personally, I feel touched by the
dedication and commitment shown by both the participants and the facilitators for making this event a reality. It
was also something special to experience with all the wonderful speakers who shared their insights on the events
of the Holy Week and in general prompt new ideas and understanding on Holy Week. I hope that we will be able to
have more events like this in the future where we can gather together to learn more about God, strengthen our faith
and form new bonds. All in all, I want to thank everyone for giving me this opportunity to speak. With that, I'm Loo
Chun Kit, and I hope to see you all in the future. Bye.

Loo Chun Kit

•Facilitators (English/BM/Chinese)
•Translators (English/BM/Chinese)
•Worksheet Teams (English/BM/Chinese)
•Tech Team (Video Editors/ Zoom Tech Support)
•Prayer Network

- To recruit, coordinate and brief translators for the event

- To collect, compile and check all scripts

- Availability & Committed before the Passion Week Programme

- Able to translate the speaker’s message to enable tech team to prepare subtitles for

- Check worksheets’ language

Worksheet Teams (English/BM/Chinese)

Worksheet Coordinator:
1. To recruit, coordinate and brief worksheet team for the event
2. To explore possible features for worksheet to be marked easily
3. To check worksheets and ensure all worksheets are submitted and checked.

Worksheet creator
1. able to prepare worksheets and answer schemes for 3 different group
(10-12 / 13-15 / 16-18) according to the topic and message of the day
Tech Team (Video Editors/ Zoom Tech Support)
- Video Editor
a. Edit Speaker’s video to add in subtitles from speaker and translators
b. prepare 7 days video for Zoom waiting room for participants to watch before
entering to Zoom
c. Ensure P & W videos are with lyrics

- Zoom Tech Support

a. Admission Personnel (to admit students/ facilitators/ guest to session)
b. Screen Sharing
c. Rename participants
d. Breakout-room Distribution according to naming convention
e. Support Facilitator who needs help during session
f. Zoom Highlight speaker
Facilitators’ Guide(English/BM/Chinese)
Facilitator Coordinator
1. To recruit, coordinate and brief facilitators (Eng/BM/Chinese) for the event
2. To assign & prepare roster for facilitators (Eng/ BM/ Chinese)

Able to communicate, connect to students in either English/Malay/Mandarin

Before the session:

1. Check speaker’s notes and worksheets for group before session & listen to the speaker during the
2. Spend time to read the Bible passage and spend time in God’s presence to prepare yourself.
3. Rename yourself and Log in to ZOOM at least 5 minutes before session as we will have some final
briefing, test out and prayer time together.
Facilitators’ Guide(English/BM/Chinese)
During the session:
1. 25 minutes per breakout room session
2. Facilitator are to go straight to the discussion questions- questions are based on the main session by
speakers and from the Bible
3. Allow participants to respond, give their opinion, feedbacks and answers. Call out to the participants
to respond.
4. Give out the attendance link at the end of the session.
5. Pray before the 25 minutes session ends
6. Look out for active participants, active participants can be rewarded (gift prepared by organizers) if
they are consistently active.
7. Encourage the students to join the next session.
Facilitators’ Guide (English/BM/Chinese)

After the session:

1. Fill up the facilitator feedback form
2. Notify the organizers if there’s any students who needs additional support or immediate action
(example: very disruptive during session, indication of some social concerns, they wanted to speak to
someone, needed extra time, etc…)
3. Pray for the participants that you have facilitated
Prayer Network Coordinator

- To look for prayer partners to pray for the event ( before, during and after the Passion Week 2024)

1. Pray for the planning process, promotion of the event, execution of the event
2. Pray for all the speakers to share God’s Word that can impact lives
3. Pray for the all the available manpower allocation to be filled up
4. Pray for every committed hearts that are willing to join in serving
5. Pray for the students to sign up
6. Pray for the internet connection
7. Pray for the Facilitators
8. Pray for the Worksheet team in marking the worksheets
Follow up

To follow up with students after session

- By CF teacher
- By Brigade Officers
- By sponsoring churches
Be part of the team bringing
Jesus into the homes and
hearts of students this coming
Passion Week 2024.

'Jesus said, “Let the little

children come to me, and do not
hinder them, for the kingdom of
heaven belongs to such as
these.” ' Matthew 19:14

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