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In order to effectuate my School Based Assignment (SBA) for English A I decided to tunnel
my focus on the theme "Sports" as well as centering my attention on its corresponding topic
"How does sports affects academic performance". I became interested with this topic after
noticing high cognitive skills and thinking ability of individuals in my social group whom
participate in sports. In order to successfully complete this investigation, I ensure to do
following tasks of:
o Select three pieces of material (sources) that correspond with this topic
o Meet with my group members to discuss material and share information
o Plan and present an oral presentation
o Meet with teacher and my group members for individual participation interview and
group activity
To prove this issue more to complete my portfolio, I will ensure to browse the internet as well
as other resources for newspaper articles, vidoes and online journal articles. The language
skills I will employ are namely: Identifying main ideas, Literary devices, Persuasive
techniques and Writers tone. At the end of the SBA process, I expect that my vocabulary will
expand as well as sharpening Research and Analytic skills.
Reflection 1

Sports and academics correspond with cohesion. This concept became evident and creditable
in the process of reading and understanding the materials sourced for this SBA. Me, the
researcher, being an active participant in sports and physical exercise, a new and open frame
of reference has developed within me towards sports and academics.
The Newspaper article "No Conflict Between Sports And Academic" published by the
Gleaner (2018) is a very cogent piece of literature. This articles instilled a notion within me
that sports and academics goes hand-in-hand in a 1: 1 (one-to-one) ratio. In the article, it is
explicitly stated that "sports and academic is a balance" in which "one compliments the
other". This enlighten a new perspective for me; participating in sports while actively
pursuing education does not affect academic performance.

My second source is an online Journal article published by International Journal of Academic

Research in Business and Social Sciences (2012) namely "Association between Participation
in Sports and Academic Achievement of College Students". This article communicates that
the topic of this assignment has been a long debate that garnered supporters and critics. The
author notes that "The result of the study revealed that there is link between participation in
sports and performance in education and participation in sports improve the Grade Point
Average (GPA), class tests results, ability of students to succeed academically, and mental or
cognitive development." This corresponds with my initial thesis that sports enhances
academic performance.

Finally, a video by the YouTube channel ArtofsmartTV expressed that sports and exercise are
"vital for academic success". In this video the statement "To get top marks, you need to quit
all extra-curricular activities" was challenged and proven a "common myth" with credible
reasoning. This helped me to understand how sports enhance academic performance.

In the artifact ‘No conflict between Sports and Academic’ Newspaper article , the language
was informal colloquialism was present. Initially I thought that athlete who are participating
in sports it affects the academic or education.After reading this article,I found it that they
balance both the sports and education.

In the second article, an online journal the use of language was informal but without of
colloquiasm. My analysis of the journal influence

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