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Monday, February 7, 2022


1/ to order sb to do sth: ra lệnh cho ai làm gì

E.g. “Get out!” the officer said.  The officer ordered me to get out.

2/ to ask sb to do sth: yêu cầu ai làm gì

“Take the rubbish out for me,” my mom said  My mom asked me to take the rubbish out for her.

3/ to tell sb to do sth: bảo ai làm gì

“Do your homework immediately,” my dad said.  My dad told me to do my homework


4/ to beg sb (not) to do sth: khẩn cầu ai làm gì

“Please don’t hurt me,” the boy said to the man.  The boy begged the man not to hurt him.

5/ to suggest that sb should do sth: gợi ý ai nên làm gì / to suggest doing sth

“Let’s go to the zoo,” Lan said.  Lan suggested that we should go to the zoo./ Lan suggested going
to the zoo.

6/ to offer to do sth: gợi ý làm gì cho ai

“Shall I open the door for you?”  She offered to open the door for me.

7/ to promise to do sth hứa làm gì

“I’ll buy you a new bike”, my uncle said  My uncle promised to buy me a new bike.

8/ to refuse to do sth từ chối làm gì

“No, I won’t give you money”  He refused to give me money.

9/ to advise sb to do sth khuyên ai làm gì

“You should eat more,”the doctor said  The doctor advised her to eat more.

10/ to warn sb (not) to do sth cảnh bảo ai làm/không làm gì

“Don’t swim in that lake,” the old lady said  The old lady warned us not to swim in that lake.

11/ to explain that … giải thích rằng

“You will need to be on time to feed the monkeys”, the zoo keeper said.  The zoo keeper
explained that I would need to be on time to feed the monkeys.

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