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Esperidion, Richmond M.


Guide Questions

1.) What is your perception of marriage? Has it changed after watching the film?

My perception of marriage is that it is a lifelong commitment to go through all that life has to
offer with your partner. Whether it be good or bad, thick or thin, you stick through it with the
person you chose to live your life with. After watching the film, I saw how true it was. That there
really are challenges that will break you down and make you want to give up, you just need to
think things through and realize how blessed you truly are.

2.) What are the leeches or parasites in your life that you need to let go? What kind of
spouse do you want to become for your future life-time partner?

One of the leeches or parasites that I would consider in my life of letting go of are my
problems with making wrong decisions, and rash decisions at that. This has led me to have
regrets in my life. The kind of spouse that I want to have in the future is one that would be
understanding and would be willing to go through all the problems in life hand in hand with me.

3.) Base on the film, what are your realizations about marriage? And how do you
intend to build your marriage in the future?

One of the realizations I got about marriage was that marriage is no easy ride. There will be
hardships, there will be times when you hate your partner, and there will be times when you want
to give up. But in life, nothing great comes easy. I intend to build my future marriage on trust,
understanding, and of course love.

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