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CCCH9018 Final Essay (2023-2024, S2) [Header from top: 1 cm]

[Student’s full name: e.g., LEUNG Chiu Wai Tony]

[Student’s UID#] 1

Centre of Buddhist Studies

Common Core Course
Buddhism and Chinese Culture (CCCH9018)

Final Essay

Essay Topic:

Student Name:

University Number:



[IMPORTANT NOTE: (1) Rename the file accordingly: LAST NAME First name, e.g., LEUNG Chiu
Wai Tony.
(2) Include Introduction and Conclusion paragraphs, Word Count, and Bibliography in the essay.
Bibliography will not be counted in the word count. Use Chicago style or other citation styles, for IN-
TEXT citation (not footnote) and bibliography.
(3) Submit the MS Word or PDF file in Turnitin.
Failing in any of the above, marks will be deducted.]
[Please note that a footnote is for the further reference or the original passage.]
[Please delete the yellow highlighted texts and all square brackets, which serve as instruction only.]
CCCH9018 Final Essay (2023-2024, S2) [Header from top: 1 cm]
[Student’s full name: e.g., LEUNG Chiu Wai Tony]
[Student’s UID#] 2

[Essay Title (font size 14 points, bold)]

[Introduction (12 points, only the title & subtitles are bold, not the introduction paragraph)]

[Introduction paragraph(s)]

[Please adhere to the following page and paragraph format for all paragraphs.]

Select the paragraphs (not

title, nor sub-titles) first. [S
u bti
t le

Double line spacing not need,

just follow this format.

(12 points, bold)]

[content: 12 points, justified]

[content: 12 points, justified]

[content: 12 points, justified]

[Subtitle 2 (12 points, bold), etc.]

[Conclusion (12 points, bold)]

[content: 12 points, justified]

(Word Count: )1 [10 points font size]

Include Word Count at the end of the essay, prior to Bibliography. 2,000-3,000 words is acceptable. Marks will be
deducted if the number of words is more or less than required.
CCCH9018 Final Essay (2023-2024, S2) [Header from top: 1 cm]
[Student’s full name: e.g., LEUNG Chiu Wai Tony]
[Student’s UID#] 3

Bibliography [12 points, bold, centre]2

1. [Book/Journal/source 1]

2. [Book/Journal/source 2]

3. [etc.]

Insert page break before Bibliography. The final essay must include no less than five references. References must be
listed in alphabetical order: English references first, other language references subsequently. Follow the Chicago
Manual of Style (16th edition, see the file on Moodle), or other citation styles.

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