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TOIEC Writing

Name: Sharly Marian Ballón López

Part 1
The airport terminal seems to be so huge and crowded with cars that are parked in the
The entrance of the airport terminal is extremely crowded, so there’s no space for
parking there.

Part 2
From: New city resident
To: Dale City Welcome Committee
Subject: I need information
Thanks for caring about me. It can be really hard to adjust to a new life when you move
from one city to another. Actually, I’m contacting you because I have two requests.
First of all, I’d like no know if you can give me some information about a place where I
can rent a car. I have to work since tomorrow and this request is very urgent, please.
The second one, do you know any place where I can buy cheap food? Due to the fact
that I will be working, I won’t have time to cook by myself, so I need to buy food from
a place that can be affordable and kind with my incomes. I do appreciate your help; I
hope it doesn’t bother you so much. I’ll be waiting for your answer.

Part 3
It´s a fact that there are many ways to find a job, like searching online or reading them
in newspaper advertisements. However, in my opinion, personal recommendation is the
best way to find a new job. Knowing people and having important connections can open
a lot of doors for your work life. In this situation, there are many advantages that can
show fast results.
First of all, having contacts or better, friends, it´s a good advantage when it comes from
finding jobs. If you are a well-known person in university, it will give you the
opportunity for being recommended by professors or even your career director. It’s
important to be responsible, but it’s even more relevant to be friendly. For example,
there are students that helps others who are getting trouble in some subjects, so they
become “popular” in a good way.
Second, knowing strategic contacts can help you to find better job opportunities. In this
case, apart from university, it’s important to participate in another kind of social groups.
In these spaces, you can know a lot of people from different labor fields. A good
example is participating in a volunteering group. There are people who are doing a labor
with a purpose, so they are involved in different areas. This kind of places gives you
more opportunities than the ones expected just by studying.
Finally, the best way to approach to a person, whoever it is, is face to face. Connecting
with people and sharing similar experiences can give you more opportunities. For
example, if you ask someone for job and create a good environment, that person, for
sure, will give you the chance to prove yourself in the place you want to work. We are
humans, after all, so we can be emphatic to the others, based on our similarities.
In conclusion, if you want to find a job, the best thing you can do is look for a personal
recommendation. Talking to people, knowing them and being friendly, increases your
chances in every labor field. We, humans, are social living beings, so approaching to a
person almost all the time will be a way to find solutions or opportunities.

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