Past Modals Review

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Name and Last Names:_________________________________________

Sharly Ballón Date: ___________

A. Complete the statements with Past modals:

1. I can't remember my password! But I _____ written it in my notebook as sometimes I do
A. must have B. may have C. couldn't have

2. Where's Clare? Her bag's here and her computer's still on so she _____ gone home.

A. must have B. might have C. can't have

3. He wasn't answering the phone before. Maybe he went to the shop or he _____ been in the

A. must have B. might have C. couldn't have

4. Sorry, I don't know if she's here or not. She was feeling ill so she _____ gone home.

A. must have B. might have C. can't have

5. She _____ cleaned the whole house on her own in two hours. She must have had some help.

A. must have B. might have C. can't have

6. Wow! Have you finished all that already? You _____ been hungry!

A. must have B. may have C. can't have

7. He _____ known about it when I saw him. I'm sure he would have told me.

A. must have B. might have C. couldn't have

8. Oh, great! His car's here. He _____ come home earlier than planned.

A. must have B. might have C. can have

B. Complete the verbs:


hold held held

keep kept kept

leave left left

mean meant meant

seek sought sought

Spend spent spent

Teach teached teached

Throw threw thrown

Withdraw withdrew withdrawn

3. Match the following verbs with their definition:

1. revised h
2. transformed a
3. switched f
4. exchanged g
5. expanded i
6. adapt b
7. renovated e
8. demote d
9. vary c
10. outsourced or switched j

a. to completely change the form, appearance, or nature of something.
b. to change or adjust to new conditions or environments.
c. to be different or diverse in some way.
d. to move someone to a lower position or rank.
e. to restore or improve a building or space by repairing or updating it.
f. to change from one thing to another.
g. to give something and receive something else in return.
h. to make changes or corrections to something.
i. to increase in size, volume, or scope.
j. to hire an outside company to do work that was once done internally, or to change
from one thing to another.

4. Write five sentences about the picture, use Past Modals

1. The minibus conductor must have been sleeping.

2. The airport transport must have payed for all the damages.
3. The minibus conductor may have been sleeping.
4. The airport conductor might have broken suddenly.
5. They passengers of both public transports must have been

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