Oed Chem Week 11

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CHEM-112 WEEK 11-20
Which of the following atoms has the greatest number of unpaired electrons?
A: Cr

Which one of the following statements about orbitals is incorrect?

A: orbitals can hold two electrons provided they are spinning in the same direction

This type of wave has certain allowable states or energies.

A: standing

Which one of the following statements about d orbitals is incorrect?

A: d orbitals are filled before p orbitals in the same principal energy level

Electrons enter the 4s sub-level before the 3d sub-level because…

A: the 4s orbital has a lower energy

Quantum number that describes the average distance of the orbital from the nucleus.
A: principal

How many valence electrons does an electrically neutral atom of lead have?
A: 4

Which one of the following statements about s orbitals is incorrect?

A: they can only hold one electron

Smaller units that make up the sub-atomic particles of the nucleus.

A: Quarks

What alternative term do you use to refer to electron clouds or the probable path of electrons.
A: orbital

Which one of the following is not the electronic configuration of atom of a noble gas?
A: 1s22s2

Which element does not form chemical bonds more easily: gallium or nihonium?
A: nihonium

What is the classification of orbitals when they have the same energy?
A: degenerate

What is the electronic configuration of a sodium ion Na+?

A: 1s22s22p6

What is the electronic configuration of an oxide ion O2-?

A: 1s22s22p6

Higher electronegativity: niobium or tin?

A: tin

Another term for electron clouds or the approximate path followed by electrons.
A: orbital
Principle that states that it is impossible to know the exact position and momentum of an electron
at the same time.
A: uncertainty principle

Which one of the following is not isoelectronic with the others?

A: Mg+ - wrong/ Ne – wrong/ F- wrong/ Na- wrong / Mg & Ne – wrong/ Mg & Na – wrong/ Mg
& F – wrong/ F & Na – wrong/ F & Ne – wrong/ Ne & Na – wrong/ Na, Ne, F – wrong/ Na, F,
Mg – wrong/ Mg, F, Ne – wrong/ Mg, Na, Ne – wrong/ Mg, Na, Ne, F – wrong

This quantum number gives you an idea on the shape of the electron orbital.
A: angular momentum

Number of energy levels in an atom of tungsten

A: 6

Which element has a larger atom: technetium or gold?

A: gold

Which element forms chemical bond more easily: rutherfordium or flerovium?

A: flerovium

(2 points) A hydrogen electron moves with a velocity of 2.2 x 106 m/s in its ground state energy
level. What is the de Broglie wavelength of this particle? X 10-10 m
A: 3.3

Which statement about copper is incorrect?

A: the electronic configuration of copper atoms is 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d9
This states that it is impossible to know where and how fast an electron is at the same time.
A: uncertainty principle

Which element requires more energy to release an electron: copper or roentgenium?

A: copper

Which of the atom pairs both have only three unpaired electrons in their d orbitals?
A: V and Co

This quantum number describes how the direction of the electron along its orbit.
A: spin

Particle that is approximately as heavy as a proton but is neutrally charged.

A: neutron

An atom of meitnerium has how many energy levels?

A: 7

Which one of the following ions has an electronic configuration similar to argon?
A: Ti4+

The electronic configuration of an atom an element with atomic number 8 is…

A: 1s22s22p4

This is the basis of the assumption that electrons are added to an atom starting with the lowest
energy orbital.
A: Aufbau principle
The order of filling orbitals is…
A: 1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 4s, 3d, 4p

How many energy levels does an atom of plutonium have?

A: 7

How many valence electrons does an electrically neutral atom of thallium have?
A: 3

Number of valence electrons in an electrically neutral atom of antimony

A: 5

Lower ionization energy: sulfur or polonium?

A: polonium

Which element more easily releases an electron: technetium or indium?

A: indium

Which one of the following statements about p orbitals is incorrect?

A: they are found in all principal energy levels

What is the absolute value of the possible values for the spin quantum number of an electron?
A: ½

Higher atomic radius: chlorine or osmium?

A: osmium
Which element has a smaller atom: zirconium or tellurium?
A: tellurium

Type of ion to be formed by tin.

A: anion

Which of the following is a salt?

A: zinc selenide

Which of these compounds can conduct electricity when mixed with a solvent?
A: Lithium oxide

Type of ion assumed by a non-metal.

A: anion

Form of atom that forms ionic bonds.

A: ions

Type of ion to be formed by antimony.

A: anion

What element is the anion in sodium selenide?

A: selenium

Which among these compounds will boil first?

A: Chlorine trifluoride

Type of ion to be formed by potassium.

A: cation

Which of these compounds has weaker bonds between its component atoms?
A: Arsenic trioxide

Bond formed between a metal and a non-metal.

A: ionic

Which of the following is not a salt?

A: iodine trichloride

Which of these compounds will relatively melt first?

A: Bromine pentafluoride

What element is the cation in potassium oxide?

A: Potassium

Which of these compounds is more difficult to boil?

A: Barium Selenide

Type of ion to be formed by magnesium.

A: cation

Which of the following is not a salt?

A: carbon tetrachloride

Happens to electrons that results to formation of ionic bonds.

A: transfer

Which of these compounds can exist only in solid form?

A: Barium iodide

Which of these compounds will relatively melt last?

A: Potassium bromide

What element is the cation in sodium fluoride?

A: sodium

What element is the cation in calcium chloride?

A: calcium

What element is the anion in silver oxide?

A: oxygen

Which of these compounds has a relatively high melting point?

A: Sodium bromide

Type of ion assumed by a metal.

A: cation

Which of the following is a salt?

A: zinc fluoride

Which of these compounds can never conduct electricity even in aqueous solution?
A: Dioxygen difluoride

Happens to electrons in ionic bonding.

A: transferred

Which of these compounds has stronger bonds between its atom components?
A: Potassium chloride

All of the following compounds (in solid form) are hard EXCEPT for…
A: Ethanol

How many covalent bonds can an atom of oxygen form?

A: 6

How many dots should be around a neutral atom of tennessine?

A: 7

What type of bond can form between nitrogen and hydrogen?

A: covalent

Shows the number of valence electrons of an atom in a Lewis representation.

A: dot

Number of lone pairs around the central atom in the bent geometry of a polar compound.
A: 2

What kind of compound is chlorine trifluoride?

A: Covalent

Which element is more electronegative: tin or antimony?

A: antimony

When formed as a compound, in which of these two elements will there be more electrons:
germanium or phosphorous?
A: phosphorous

What is the geometry of the non-polar covalent compound with no lone pairs around the central
atom but has three bonding electron groups it?
A: Trigonal planar

Manner of bonding between two non-metals.

A: sharing

Kind of compound with one side positive and the other negative.
A: polar

Tendency of an atom to attract electrons in a bond.

A: electronegativity

Which of the following compounds is a good conductor of electricity when in a solution?

A: Potassium nitride
What is the bonding mechanism in ammonium sulfide?
A: transfer of electrons

Geometry of polar compound with one lone pair around the central atom.
A: pyramidal

Which of these two elements will attract electrons more than the other: nihonium or oxygen?
A: oxygen

Number of maximum valence electrons an atom can have.

A: 8

Observed in determining how many bonds an atom can have.

A: Octet rule

Which of the following molecules does not involve sharing of molecules?

A: zinc selenide

Identify which of the following compounds with boil first when heated.
A: Chlorine trifluoride

Type of bonding between molecules wherein the electrons are shared.

A: Covalent

Which compound can serve as a good insulator?

A: ozone

Representation of the number of valence electrons of the atom of an element.

A: all of the choices are correct

Which of the following is not a covalent compound?

A: zinc fluoride

What type of bond will possibly form between carbon and potassium?
A: Ionic

Which of the following is a covalent compound?

A: carbon tetrachloride

Which of the following has covalent bonds in it?

A: iodine trichloride

Identify the compound that will easily dissolve in water.

A: Zinc phosphate

Which of the following compounds melts first when subjected to the same amount of heat?
A: Carbon monoxide
What element is the anion in barium sulfide?
A: Sulfur

Identify the following compounds if they are ionic or covalent:

A: Ionic
The ability of an atom to attract electrons in the presence of another atom is a measurable
property called
A: electronegativity

A set of covalently bonded atoms that have an overall charge, making them an ion.
A: Polyatomic ion

A carbon atom has fix electrons, four of which are in the outer shell of the atom, its valence shell.
A: true

It is an ion with more electrons than protons giving it a net negative charge.
A: anion

Different compounds that have the same molecular formula.

A: isomers

It is a change in the chemical bonds of one or more molecules.

A: Chemical reaction

Although each isotope has varying numbers of neutrons, there is difference to the chemical
reactions of the carbon atom.
A: false

It is a substance made by combining two or more different materials in a such a way that no
chemical reaction occurs.
A: mixture

What do you call two monomers that are connected?

A: Dimer

Covalent bonding can be visualized with the aid of

A: Lewis diagram

They are organic molecules consisting entirely of carbon and hydrogen, such as methane (CH4)
A: Hydrocarbons

A type of chemical bond where two atoms are connected to each other by the sharing of two or
more electrons.
A: Covalent bond

A bond in which or more electrons from one atom are removed and attached to another atom
resulting in positive and negative ions which allow each other.
A: Ionic bond

Organic acids that contain a carbon atom that participates in both a hydroxyl and a carbonyl
functional group.
A: Carboxylic acids

They are specific atoms, ions, or groups of atoms having consistent properties.
A: Functional groups

They are specific atoms, ions, or groups of atoms having consistent properties.
A: Functional groups
This functional group is produced from the condensation of an alcohol with a carboxylic acid
and is named based on these components.
A: Esters

It is a natural component of crude oil and has been classified as a carcinogen.

A: bezene

These are compounds with a nitrogen atom, a lone pair of electrons, and three substituents.
A: aminos

Class of organic compounds characterized by an oxygen atom connected to two alkyl or aryl
A: esters

It is the simplest hydrocarbon molecule, with a central carbon atom bond to form different
hydrogen atoms.
A: methane

This is a model that is based on the repulsive behaviour of electron-pairs.


They are formed by successive bonds between carbon atoms and may be branched or
A: Hydrocarbon chains

It contains a carbon-carbon double bond.

A: alkenes
Having a closed ring of alternate single and double bonds with delocalized electrons.
A: Aromatic chain

Carbon atoms have six protons in the nucleus and six electrons orbiting around the nucleus.
A: true

Carbon compounds containing boron and silicon are among the hardest substances known.
A: true

Monomers covalently bonded to one another in longer chains.

A: polymers

They are organic molecules consisting entirely of carbon and hydrogen, such as methane (CH4).
A: Hydrocarbons

It refers to a specific group of atoms bonded in a certain arrangement that give a compound
certain physical and chemical properties.
A: Functional groups

A smaller organic molecule that often plays its own functional roles in living organisms.
A: monomer

Identify the following compounds if they are ionic or covalent:

A: Covalent

Identify the following compounds if they are ionic or covalent:

A: Covalent

The basic geometry for a molecule containing a central atom with three pairs.
A: trigonal planar

They are classes of organic compounds that contain a carbonyl (C=0) group.
A: Aldehydes and ketones

A class of organic compounds in which the carbon atoms are arranged in an open chain.
A: Aliphatic

It is present in many biological molecules including some amino acids and most steroids, which
includes cholesterol and the hormones estrogen and testosterone.
A: Benzene ring

In this type of reaction, a water molecule is released as a product, effectively dehydrating the
reactants as a larger biomolecule is synthesized.
A: Dehydration synthesis

Identify the following compounds if they are ionic or covalent:

A: ionic

Identify the following compounds if they are ionic or covalent:

A: covalent
The most electronegative element
A: Fluorine

It is a dark grey crystalline solid with a purple vapour. It is very slight with soluble in water, but
dissolve freely in organic solvents.
A: Iodine

They are highly acidic and almost exclusively existing in an ionized state in solutions by
releasing two hydrogen ions.
A: phosphates

Carbon compounds come in the form of diamond graphite, charcoal, carbon block and fullerene.
A: true

Functional groups characterized by the presence of an “OH” group.

A: Alcohols

Reactions incorporate the atoms from a water molecule into each monomer as the chemical bond
between the monomers is broken.
A: Hydrolysis

An organic compound that consist of a carbon bonded to an OH group

A: propanol
The building blocks of proteins
Carbon double bonded to oxygen
The electron cloud is divided into 7 principal energy levels numbered n=1 to n=7 with n=1
closest to nucleus. N is called
A: principal quantum number

Name the compound.

A: Silicon tetrafluoride
Name the compound. BeI2
A: Beryllium iodide
This describes the wavelike behaviour of either one electron or a pair of electrons in an atom.

Name the compound. HF

A: hydrogen monofluoride
Lipid molecules hold a large amount of energy and are energy storage molecules.
What are the atoms that have to pair to form these given chemical formulas?
KF= Potassium+fluorine
MgI2= Magnesium+iodine
AlCl3= Aluminum+chlorine
CaCl2= Calcium+chlorine
Na2O= Sodium+Oxygen
They carry genetic information in the cell. They also help in synthesis of proteins, through the
process of translation and transcription.
A: Deoxyribonucleic acids
It is a type of chemical bond where a pair of electrons is unequally shared between two atoms
The ionization energy of the elements within a group generally increases from top to bottom.
This is due to electron shielding.
A compound that contains COO
A: Carboxylic acid

It is found in many different compounds. It is the sixth most abundant element in the universe.
This type of compound always contains the carbon atom.
The higher the energy is, the more readily the atom becomes a cation.
Determine if the elements in the following compounds are metals or non-metals. Describe the
type of bonding that occurs in the compound.
SO2 Non-metal Non-metal Ionic
MgBr2 Metal Non-metal Covalent
CaO Metal Non-metal Ionic
H2O Non-metal Non-metal Covalent
Cu – Zn alloy Metal Metal Metallic
Name the compound.K2O
A: Potassium oxide
Electronegativity is a qualitative property and there is standardized method for calculating
A: false
When a protein in an assembly of more than one polypeptide or subunits of its own, this is said
to be the structure of protein that is categorized as
A: Quarternary
A carboxylic acid that has a long hydrocarbon chain and derived from a natural source.
A: Fatty acid
It is a large molecule or macromolecule, composed of many repeated subunits, that is not
artificially manufactured.
A: Natural Polymer

Basic component that makes up any kind of material.

A: atom

This basically makes up any kind of material

A: atom

Anything that occupies space and has mass

A: matter

What is the general term for any body that has mass and occupies space?
A: matter

General term referring to anything that occupies space and has mass
A: matter

Study of materials and its components

A: Chemistry

General term for anything with mass and has volume

A: matter

Quantities standardized for scientific use.


Smallest building block of any material

A: atom

Branch of chemistry that deals with compounds containing carbon

A: organic

Path of electron around the nucleus of an atom

A: orbit

Most basic building block of any substance

A: atom

Quantity with square unit

A: pressure

What kind of base forms hydroxide ions when mixed with water?
A: weak

Path followed by an electron around the nucleus of an atom

A: orbit

What do you call the path of an electron around the nucleus of an atom?
A: orbit
Science that deals with the chemical composition of chemical processes associated with the
Earth and other planets.
A: geochemistry

Reaction involved when a complex reactant is broken down into a simpler product.
A: decomposition

What kind of reaction is involved when a complex reactant is simplified?

A: decomposition

Science dealing with the composition of processes involving the Earth and other planets
A: geochemistry

Quantity that refers to the space occupied by a body

A: volume

Quantity referring to the space occupied by a body

A: volume

Gas law involving constant pressure.

A: charle’s law

Product of the combination of atoms during chemical reactions

A: molecule

Results from the combination of atoms during chemical reactions

A: molecule

What substance results from the combination of atoms during chemical reactions?
A: molecule

Term used to refer to a charged atom

A: ion

In one molecule of water, how many percent is hydrogen?

A: 11.19

Consider one molecule of water. How many percent of this molecule is hydrogen?
A: 11.19

In the oxidation of methane alcohol in air, if 209 grams of this substance are used up, how many
grams of water are produced?
A: 235

How heavy (in grams) is one molecule of ethanol

A: 46.07

Consider the burning of methanol in air. If 209 grams of methanol are used up in the combustion,
how much water (in grams) is produced?
A: 235

What is the chemical reaction characterized by the union of reactants

A: synthesis

What is the chemical reaction characterized by the union of reactants?

A: synthesis
How heavy is a molecule of sodium hypochlorite? Express your answer in grams.
A: 74.44

How heavy (in grams) is one molecule of sodium hypochlorite?

A: 74.44

When burning 1200 grams of carbon, how much carbon monoxide (in grams) will be produced?
A: 2800

In the burning of 1200 grams of carbon, how many grams of carbon monoxide will be produced?
A: 2800

When 124 grams of aluminum reacts with 601 grams of Fe2O3, determine how many grams of
Al2O3 are formed.
A: 234

How many molecules are in 3 moles of calcium tetrachloride?

A: 1.8066 x 10^24

In a molecule of ammonia, how many percent is nitrogen?

A: 82.24

Consider a molecule of ammonia. How many percent of this molecule is nitrogen?

A: 82.24

How heavy (in grams) is one molecule of ethanol?

A: 46.07
Consider a molecule of ethane. How many percent of ethane is carbon?
A: 79.89

In one molecule of ethane, how many percent of this molecule is carbon?

A: 79.89

In a molecule of potassium hydroxide, how many percent of this molecule is oxygen?

A: 28.52

The molecular mass of hydrochloric acid is how many grams?

A: 36.46

The mass of hydrochloric acid is how many grams?

A: 36.46

How many grams is a molecule of hydrochloric acid?

A: 36.46

How heavy is a molecule of sodium hypochlorite? Express your answer in

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