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1. Who was the British Prime Minister at the outbreak of the Second World War?

a. Clement Attlee
b. !Neville Chamberlain
c. Stanley Baldwin
d. Winston Churchill

2. There was a satirical candidate named quot;Deez Nutsquot; running in the 2016 US
presidential elections.
a. False
b. !True

3. Which Native American tribenation requires at least one half blood quantum
equivalent to one parent to be eligible for membership?
a. Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma
b. !Yomba Shoshone Tribe
c. Kiowa Tribe of Oklahoma
d. Standing Rock Sioux Tribe

4. The largest consumer market in 2015 was...

a. Japan
b. !The United States of America
c. United Kingdom
d. Germany

5. Despite being seperated into multiple countries, The Scandinavian countries are
unified by all having the same monarch.
a. !False
b. True

6. George W. Bush lost the popular vote in the 2004 United States presidential
a. True
b. !False

7. quot;Yes, America Can!quot; was this United States politician039;s de facto

campaign slogan in 2004.
a. John Kerry
b. Barack Obama
c. !George W. Bush
d. Al Gore

8. Which of the following United States Presidents served the shortest term in
a. Warren G. Harding
b. James A. Garfield
c. Zachary Taylor
d. !William Henry Harrison

9. Which of the following United States senators is known for performing a 24hour
long filibuster?
a. Roy Blunt
b. John Barrasso
c. Chuck Schumer
d. !Strom Thurmond

10. What is former United States President Bill Clinton039;s full name?
a. William Lincoln Clinton
b. William Truman Clinton
c. William Roosevelt Clinton
d. !William Jefferson Clinton

11. What was the personal nickname of the 40th Governor of the US State Louisiana,
Huey Long?
a. The Champ
b. !The Kingfish
c. The Oracle
d. The Hoot Owl

12. Which former US president was nicknamed quot;Teddyquot; after he refused to

shoot a defenseless black bear?
a. Woodrow Wilson
b. James F. Fielder
c. Andrew Jackson
d. !Theodore Roosevelt

13. What year did Gerald Ford Become President?

a. 1969
b. 1973
c. !1974
d. 1977

1. What is the derivative of Acceleration with respect to time?

a. Shift
b. Slide
c. !Jerk
d. Bump

2. The Pythagorean theorem states that the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the
product of the squares of the other two sides.
a. True
b. !False

3. In Roman Numerals, what does XL equate to?

a. !40
b. 90
c. 15
d. 60

4. What is the first Mersenne prime exponent over 1000?

a. 2203
b. !1279
c. 1069
d. 1009

5. What is the alphanumeric representation of the imaginary number?

a. e
b. n
c. x
d. !i

6. To the nearest whole number, how many radians are in a whole circle?
a. 3
b. 5
c. !6
d. 4

7. What is the symbol for Displacement?

a. r
b. !Delta;r
c. dr
d. Dp

8. A 039;Millinillion039; is a real number.

a. !True
b. False

9. In Topology, the complement of an open set is a closed set.

a. !True
b. False

10. The French mathematician Eacute;variste Galois is primarily known for his work
in which?
a. Galois039; Continued Fractions
b. Abelian Integration
c. !Galois Theory
d. Galois039; Method for PDE039;s

11. The sum of any two odd integers is odd.

a. True
b. !False

12. What type of function is xsup2;+2x+1?

a. Linear
b. !Quadratic
c. Rational
d. Exponential

1. Which of the following sports is not part of the triathlon?

a. Cycling
b. Swimming
c. Running
d. !HorseRiding

2. In golf, what name is given to a hole score of two under par?

a. Albatross
b. Birdie
c. Bogey
d. !Eagle

3. The F1 season of 1994 is remembered for what tragic event?

a. The Showdown Australia
b. Schumacher039;s Ban Britain
c. Verstappen on Fire Germany
d. !Death of Ayrton Senna San Marino

4. Which car manufacturer won the 2016 24 Hours of Le Mans?

a. !Porsche
b. Toyota
c. Ferrari
d. Audi

5. During Wimbledon, spectators in the grounds can buy the tennis balls that have
been used in matches.
a. False
b. !True

6. Which African American is in part responsible for integrating Major League

a. Roy Campanella
b. Satchell Paige
c. Curt Flood
d. !Jackie Robinson

7. Who won the premier league title in the 20152016 season following a fairy tale
a. Tottenham Hotspur
b. !Leicester City
c. Watford
d. Stoke City

8. What country hosted the 2014 Winter Olympics?

a. Canada
b. !Russia
c. United States
d. Germany

9. The AHL affiliate team of the Boston Bruins is named what?

a. New Haven Bruins
b. Cambridge Bruins
c. Hartford Bruins
d. !Providence Bruins

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