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ce -es CHAPTER 3 es Circuit Ana ysis By CLassicaL MetHop SSS 0) 8.1. INTRODUCTION —>(Whenever a circuit is switched from one condition to another, either by a in the applied source or a change in the circuit elements, there is a transition Reriod during which the branch currents and element voltages change from eir fo; values to new ones. This ‘Period is called the a iF the ) transient has passa ae is said to be in the steady state. — Nom {tbe linear differential equation that describés the ‘will have two i Parts to its solution, the complementary function corresponds to the transiont and the particular solution corresponds to the steady-state, :. The v-i relation for an inductor or a capacitor is a ferential. A circuit — ipé Containing an inductor L or a capacitor C, and resistors will have current and voltage variables given by differential equations of the same form. It is a linear first order differential equation, with constant coefficients when the values of R, L and C are constant. L and C are storage elements, Circuits have two storage elements like one L and one C are referred to as second order circuits. Therefore, the series or parallel combinations of R and L or R and C are first order alae and RLC in series and RLC in parallel are typical second ts.) @ order cireui The circuit changes are assumed to occur at time ¢ = 0, and represented by a switch. The switch may be supposed to close/,,, and openly at {= 0 as shown in figure 3.1 (a) or (b) respectively, for convenience, it is defined that : t = 0-, the instant prior to ¢ = 0 and 2 = 0°, the instant immediately after switching. 1=0 \t=0 o—_—___ 8 s @ 0) © Fig. 3.1. Switch S is (a) closed at t = 0, (b) opened ut t= 0. Switching on or off an element or source in a circuit at ¢ = Q will not disturb jhe storage element so that i, (0-) = i, (0*) and v, (0-) = v, (0*)) This provides a basis for constructing an equivalent circuit for a charged capacitor voltage (V,) and current (J) carrying inductor. The voltage-current relationships of the three circuit elements R, L and C are given in Table 3.1. 28 ee eer ty py ic ret meee go fd 3.2. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS . the transients in electric circuits, it is necessary to be familiar with the uu 1 eeatcal concept of differential equations and the solution techniques. The order of the differential equation represents the highest derivative in- valved and is equal to the-number of enerey storing elsmonts, As the differen ‘ains no partial derivatives, it i9 considered as ordinary. tial equation cont. this book, the differential equations that are formed for transient Hence, in analysis will be linear, ordinary, differential equations (LODE) with constant coefficients. Type I (First Order Homogeneous Differential Equation) dylt) “) “a + Py(t) =0 (where P is any constant.) amo Pdt =) x) On integrating, ~ In y(t) =- Pt + K’ Take K'=InK In y(t) = Ine + nK or In y(t) = In(K 4) with the e solution quation in thi is i form, the antilogarithm may be taken to give a general where K is a a =Ke?t If the i Type I eee K is evaluated, the solution is a particular solution. =, Order Non-homogeneous Differential Equation) 20 + Py(t) =Q where P is a coi er : aaa stant and @ may be a function of independent variable t or The equation is not altered if every term is multiplied by the et ie. no + Py) = Qe since d(x-y) = x dy + ydx, so left hand si ide of above equation is equal to d qooe. ‘Thus we have d Gomer = ae" Thus equation may be integrated to give ytvePt = [Qe"dt+ K ts . ye) = etl Q.ePat+K.eP where K is 2 constant. The first term of above solution is known as the part ee second is knowrras-the_comptementary function. Note t the particular 7 gral does not ventain the arbitrary constant, and the complementary function does not depend on the forcing function @. If Q is a constant, then yt) = Qe +KePty w(t) = a +KeP Type III (Second Order Differential Equation) Fy) , a0 Ae +B + Cy(t) =0 The general solution of the above second order differential equation is y(t) = K, eP't + K, ep : where K, and K, are constants. , And, p, and p, are the roots of the quadratic equation Ap? + Bp +C =0, and are given by Py Py = -3: u AC 2a If p, = Pa, i.e. roots of the i is f » Le quadratic equation are repeated, then the gener: solution of the given second order differential equation is given as pes y(t) = Kye? + Ky-terlt Table 3.2. The Equivalent circuit of the parameter Element with Equivalent Equivalent initial conditions circuit at ¢ = 0* cireuit at t = 0 OC - Open circuit SC - Short circuit _ seule es? Chow we ae WY Teanstent Kesponse OF Serieg RL Ciecuit Havin, BC EXCITATION i. dowridra vies RL dul on Lhown fe ea he Hi The Awtkh Q ft doced at timet=0 . Find the ter Lt Eee aud paGt acotocs the oe oud thduttor, Ss L Vict) Note es tee conditions Ore plied ab Avitdlen IMcbou - Ab k=O Urruuil conduit Qn Lonfle t=ot ee cond ti we uotod coudi-binnd od = Ssgingid deme ee =O ie ao Th de ate — > Or kr tos” s aptly oig-|_*s Pep cond * odd ibe } ' al consol” fyud : vid) a $ : co Un KD Di 4 Ni At*t=o with © dosed bake “e r tetany agp fe conn extedk fn the kt. ‘rig R itt) + Ladi) =v aw +h Kid) -v =) —>dia te ee non-bo rage sana Germ sation a Met og" . ce gt A sof" {2°4 O+ke a Supt: Germ sein or 40 is * ite rE —® 8tp2 : = Mnductir bub oves 04 Ow wr orl 7 Ae a an wn, herw no tds wee", eT [agi hed out fe fut sie "vedas ir og” ® “Ale Bed : 6 o aaa pee a as kK neg @. The pope e fora ~L) ZY H+ Rillt)=0 Rit) + — ET Hii ts [oF yadlea horns geneous dip uesital 09”. qual at 9 if vag tet ip=ke ge At_t=0" curr rt ob gl Hoo, ab 10 tea! ae ‘LL bebowes ar po. (ob te! s ibs were tee pd wll (uous) op Ge iol wudit ou ik are: ied aie edHieul oli peer ur dour we / o ou telbing ot? ope easly a ig ile) = i(o*) =v ce. induthr ictal the fut svn vols og? @. so Vee kK v Agalv £ ie ven =) werent - 4 wane KD & HO XY Wx NiO, vil) de Vyitt) ob be 0 dees y (ohutae "U0, mt tee tye Ere 1 Vp 0 aha he itt) a° “! g O-k6ev Mt) y 6 Ve De. Ve =! 2 20+368V vite ve Gt) oy 0 . () VR ard ° teuR ° =>. Condusion 9 ~ At te0- A our fe, = nae Sule beg ptr ov ff doe 7 : obkat key . ant Sad, wert ol ‘Lic dole dh = Abtcor opp ly taltial wud “L£ obteca Hevea ore al je oer, ot tao aflee a the ae mp , wr we cou't pp by tre ne tok he chia alike, to (are aburw Ly Se oy oan TR a ce Ye eee . 4 L A de a ee eed applied. bo Aue 209 2 and jnduurance O21 + petunnl the voltage acswet The indutlyy ob the tndtaul J 4 lewitiug on ano 0102, ate Lote. 0 sot eas oe athe jatont- 2) ee ae K 200V- Atle peat rto=0 ~ VLE 2uov Ay donne othe. Pratont a ° vy je VEe (Wz 205 t = 20 fe 4 2° wot = {10 (0- =CrOe - See soft i 20 _ poet’ p:02 La. ous 20 & + a 100% A ana iof- e 2 2p:06V. eae yee @ Transient Response DF Seees Rc CIRCOIT Having de evcrrarion ee g. Comidua ruin Wc do ut , ee Th e Awitth ¢ tts Ursed at time t= ©. Find +h 9 T(t) theo and vede cuerent : and Lope Ptr one Acowse the necigton : 1G faa ty th “id { at Co : . auttow fo a passive device £ tno whl. | ea ere ay tp i. era yer. ude Oe acca olan V fo rg ue yO rt fe a oO te lates with o4 qs One charge GA Tid. oth. plote on = gt ute pt Thi flow gan et tothe beet is now ‘the Voltope a tuerent aud oondinues wo unt! ARE acdoes dhe dares (Ot equal te applied voltage v Ab ‘thu point ‘eho Aaid & be jug uhanged. y . At t22, Aust Sie ood : me Ace ‘Vourmge ig app ed. b Copauitey. Arey tle + _ Rit) + ree = Rite) + fierdr + V0) = c oO csumne, Ausrially , capo wor unchorg ed) 2 vc) +0 Above 0g” bewome git) +2( ¥ dt -V Ow Dyjverarng eames a“ ’ Rd ih) + 4 it) = dio + si =? ia, val Aol O's Gee “t” “at ge t= ke gear mt! opm eatedi oa ot t20t ito*) =u Penta vw i ee eee fut thie volue fn 6"0. Vv eke: bev ain fat toe Volus OL K in 4’"® sae Sip3 ; Cobouate the v aces RK det. Atioge aie swsicters Volt) = Rite) [ge ve |] —® / Votoms Ounces ——. 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