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.antt' m ? -> !low a r<' you.

2.311'tRl 3Tmf (Yllll I -> Nice to meet you.

3. ianq 6f -> I am fine and you . 4.0f§if mG "Wl -> Long lime, not sec.


5. m m i ? -> What's up lhcse days .

6.<l>Tlf '&m m.f m i ? -> I low aboul you r work . '7. i ? -> All is well.

8. trm" arr3lT I -> Ever come lo us.

9.antt' 'IR m W -> Where are you pulli ng up?

. tDS1•1kcn_cn tlsh.u

10."l!"ITT <l>Tlf aml m ? -> Whal Brings you here.

11. W i? -> Where have you been all these days.

12.-ij 3Jmttra i!t m1 -> I was a rou nd.

• ll!Spoltei_•njl!.h44

13.1' <l>Tlf lf <2lfff m -> I was a bi t busy .

14 tR 'IR i? -> Where is you r house .

15 i/ -> I wa nl lo go lo del h i.
16.atlf.t orrq q;f lttf ffim -> Don'l teach you r father.
17. m m3;lrr -> I wi ll go home and have din ner Follow:@Spoken_engllsh44

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