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1. WEF (HQ- Cologne, Switzerland)

Global GCI 4.0 methodology India rank =
Competitiveness  India slipped in ranking despite a 64
Report stable score due to better Singapore
performance of other rank=1
Global 4 parameters - India Rank - 112/153 India is the
Gender  Ecocnomic (Dropped Rank - only country
Gap Participation and slipped 4 places ) where
Report Opportunity Poor performance Economic
 Education in 2 areas - gender gap >
 Health and Survival Political
 Political
Women's Health
and Economic gender gap
 Bangladesh -
rank 50
 China - 106
 Brazil - 92
Global Risks Report 5 risks by severity of impact over the next 10 yrs
 Climate Change
 WoMD
 BD loss & ecosystem collapse
 EWEs
 Water Crises
d. Global Travel and Tourism Report
Energy Transition Index Rank 74/115

6. Global Information Technology Report
7. Regional Risks for Doing Business
8. Global Human Capital Report
i. Inclusive Development Index
Travel and Tourism Competitiveness 4 categories of factors - 2019 – rank
Index 1. Enabling Enct 34
2. Travel and Tourism Rank 1 -
Policy Spain
3. Infra
4. Natural and cultural
Global Social assesses those policies, practices and institutions that
Mobility Index collectively determine the extent to which everyone in society
has a fair chance to fulfil their potential
Environmental  With Yale and Ranks 180 countries
Performance Columbia  2018 - rank 177
Index  Biennial (NOT annual)  2020 - rank 168
 Based on 2 dimensions  Scored below
of sustainability - regional
1. Environmental averageon all
Health parameters
2. Ecosystem  Switzerland rank
Viability 1
Inclusive Wealth Index Biennial
Inclusive Wealth - Social value of all capital assets
 Natural capital
 Human capital
 Produced (of mfg) capital


Emissions Gap Annual assessment of gap bte countries India - projected
Report pledge on GHG emission reduction and to overperform
reduction required to deliver global temp targets by 15%
increase < 2C by end of century
 India 3rd largest GHG emitter -
c. Adaptation Gap Report
Global Environment Outlook Report
Global Resources Outlook
Frontiers Report 5 emerging issues of Envt concern

c. Welthungerhilfe
Global 4 indicators - 2019 rank - 102
Hunger  Undernourishment  Child wasting =
Index (1/3) 21%(highest in
 Under 5 mortality world)
rate (1/3)  Child stunting =
 Wasting (1/6) 38%
 Stunting (1/6)  Doesn't include
 Score 0-100. 0=>
best score (no
State of Triple Burden of 1. No. of stunted
World's malnutrition - children
Children  Undernutrition decrease in all
(stunting, wasting) continents
 Hidden hunger except Africa
 Overweight 2. No. of
increased in all

 State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World => FAO + IFAD + UNICEF + WFP +
WHO - Undernourished highest in India
o IFAD (Int Fund for Agri Development)
 International FI => poverty eradication in rural areas
 UN specialized agency formed in 1977 => grants & loans to projects
 Rural Development Report
 Adaptation Fund for Smallholder Agriculture Programme
o UN World Food Programme (UN WFP)
 Feed Our Future Campaign - ad campaign to raise awareness on hunger&

e. Future of World's Children - by WHO + UNICEF + Lancet Medical Journal => calculates
Flourishing Index and Sustainability Index (per capita carbon emissions and ability of children
to live healthily) - India rank 131/180
f. Global Nutrition Report, 2020 - WHO
g. Soil Organic Carbon Report - by UNCCD
h. Global Forest Watch - by World Resources Institute
9. FAO
Global Forests Resource Assessment Once in 5 yrs Forest Cover -
 India
 Russia
b. State of Food & Agri
State of Worlds Forest Report Along with UNEP
Forest - 31% of land area
d. State of Food Insecurity in the World
o Codex Alimentarius
o Green Ag - by GEF + FAO + MoEFCC
o International Treaty on Plant Genetics Resources for Food & Agri
 Adopted under FAO
 India signed => and passed PPVFR Act, 2011
 Aka Seed Treaty

State of Education Report for India 2019: Children with
-(with Tata Institute of Social Sciences)
Global Education Monitoring Report COVID-19 has worsened inequalities
Gender Parity Index Measure relative access to education of males and
11. UN-Water - released by UNESCO
World Water Development Report India => largest extractor of GW in world

12. IMF
Global Financial Stability Report
World Economic Outlook GDP Comparision of various countries
13. WB
Logistics Performance Index Every 2 years 2018- rank 44
Doing Business Report 2020 rank - 63


 EoDB index of India based on 4 cities => Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata,
 Measures only regulatory envt in country => not its implementation
World Development How Tech is changing nature of work - Trading for
Report Development in the Age of Global value Chains
o India Development Report
o Remittance Report
Human Capital Contribution of Health and education to productivity of
Index next generation of workers
Women, Business and the Law Tracks how laws affect women at different
(WBL) stages
Global Economic Prospects Report Semi-annual
International Debt External debt statistics of 122 low and middle income
Statistics Report countries that report to WB Debt reporting System
Ending Learning Learning Poverty is % of 10yo who cannot read and
Poverty Report understand a simple story
Global Findex Index How adults save, borrow, pay, and manage risk
14. UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network
World Happiness  Gallup World Poll => 2020 rank
Report 6 variables - 144/156
1. GDP per Pak - rank 66
2. Freedom to
make life
3. Perception of
4. Health & life
5. Social
6. Generosity

b. SDG Index

15. ILO - created in 1919. India Founding member

a. Global Commission on Future of Work
World Analyses key labour Findings-
Employment market issues -  Global unemployment –
and Social  Unemployment increase by 2.5mn in
Outlook (WESO)  Labour 2020
underutilisation  Drop in real incomes in
 Working poverty many African Countries
 Income inequality  Rise in protectionism =>
etc. drop in share of national
income of wages,
compared to other
forms of production
c. Global Wage Report
d. World Social Protection Report
16. UNDP
a. HDR - 5 indices => HDI, IHDI, MPI, GDI, GII
Gender Female Uses same standards as HDI =>
Development Index HDI/Male HDI Health, Education, Living


 Inequality Adjusted HDI (IHDI)
 Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) - UNDP + OPHI

5. GII (gender Inequality Index)

Gender Social Norms No country in world has achieved gender equality => not on
Index track for 2030 target
17. UNCTAD (UN Conference On Trade and Development) - organ of UN
World Investment India - $42Bn FDI. India as a source country for FDI
Report rank - 9
b. Digital Economy Report, 2019 - 1st ever
c. Trade and Development Report
d. Global Investment Trend Monitor Report
e. E-Commerce Index
f. Least Developed Countries Report
g. Technology and Innovation Report
h. Commodities and Development Report
i. World Economic Situation And Prospects Report by UNDESA+UNCTAD
18. UN Dept of Eco And Social Affairs (UNDESA)
a. World Economic Situation and Prospects (UNDESA+ UNCTAD)
World Population India to surpass China as most populous country
Prospects by 2027
World's Women Released every 5 years
International Migrant Stock, 2019 India => Leading country of origin
Mexico => 2nd
19. INSEAD (partner of UNSDG)
Global Talent Competitiveness Ability to compete for talent, their 2020 –
Index (with Adeco group and ability to grow, attract and retain rank 72
Google) talent
 2020 report - "Global
Talent in the age of AI"
Global Innovation Index (by 2019 report was 2020 rank - 48
WIPO + INSEAD + Cornell) launched in New Delhi, (improving since last 5
India years)

20. The Economist Intelligence Unit

Democracy Based on total score, 2019 Rank – 51 (lowest Indian
Index countries are classified as - score of 6.9 since the Democracy
 Full Democracy (>8) Index started in 2005)
 Flawed Democracy
(6-8) - INDIA
 Hybrid Regime (4-6) -
 Authoritarian Regime
Global Four basic enablers -  2019 - Financial
Microscope on Inclusion in India
has improved -
Financial  Allowing non- clear rules and
Inclusion banks to use e- regulation control
(by Economist money for digital financial
Intelligence  Presence of services
Unit) financial service  India => 5th most
agents conducive envt
 Proportionate among emerging
customer due countries for
diligence inclusive finance
 Effective
Global Liveability 140 cities Vienna - rank 1 (HQ of - IAEA, OPEC,
Index CC-> imp factor CTBTO
d. Food Sustainability Index
e. Inclusive Internet Index
f. Global Health Security Index
World Wide Education Effectiveness of Education system in India
for Future Index preparing students for future ranked 35
21. WWF
Living Planet Report 68% Wildlife Pop Decrease btw 1970-2016
Global Soil Threat from loss of above ground India's Soil
Biodiversity biodiversity, over grazing, intensive agri, Biodiversity in
Atlas nutrient overload, soil erosion, Danger
desertification, CC
c. Global Futures Report - countries worst affected by envt degradation in next
30 years if unchecked
22. Wildlife Conservation Society
Global Human Footprint Represents relative human influence in each
Index terrestrial biome as a %
23. OECD
Services Trade Across OECD members + brazil, china, costa
Restrictiveness Index (STRI) rica, india, Russia, Malaysia, South africa
Education At a Glance Report Annual report
c. OECD Economic Outlook
24. GermanWatch
Climate Change 4 categpries - India rank 9 
Performance Index  GHG Sweden -
Emissions - rank 4
40% US- worst
 Renewable performing
Energy - 20%
 Energy Use -
 Climate Policy
- 20%
Global Climate Risk To what extent countries have been India rank 5
Report impacted by CC (EWEs) (very bad)
Japan Rank 1
25. Global Green Economy Index by Green Growth Knowledge Platform (estd by
26. International Energy Agency
a. World Energy Outlook
Global Energy and  Energy consumption grew at 2.3%
CO2 status Report in 2018 (twice avg growth since
 CO2 emissions increase by 1.7%
 Natural Gas => biggest gains (fuel
of choice)
 Coal fired power -> 30% of all
energy related CO2 emissions
c. India 2020 Report - First in Depth Review of India's energy policies
d. Global EV Outlook
e. World Energy Statistics
f. Energy Technology perspectives
g. Tracking Clean Energy Progress
h. Oil Market Report
27. International Renewable Energy Agency (IREA) [HQ - Abu Dhabi]
a. Energy Susbsidies
b. Electricity Storage Valuation Framework
c. Renewable Capacity Statistics

28. International Religious Freedom Report - by USCIRF (US Commission on

International Religious Freedom)
29. 29.
Corruption Perception Index - by Transparency India rank 80, score
International 41/100
China rank 80
30. 30.
World Air Quality Report - Greenpeace & IQAir- Gurugram most polluted
focus on PM2.5 city
31. Global Migration Report - by International Organisation for Migration (IOM)
(NOT UN body)
32. IMD (international Institute for Management Development)
World Digital Competitiveness Ranking 2019 - India improved rank
(by IMD) to 44
b. World Talent Ranking - attractiveness of a country wrt talent (high skilled
professionals) -poor rank
33. Global Diplomatic Index -by Lowy Institute - number of embassies and consultes
- China highest
34. State of World Population Report by UN Population Fund (UNFPA) - entirely
supported by voluntary contributions, not by regular UN budget
35. World Press Freedom Index
a. by Reporters Without Borders - India 2019 rank 140/180
36. International Intellectual Property (IP) Index By United State Chamber of
Commerce's Global Innovation Policy Center
37. Financial Secrecy Index - by Tax Justice Network => ranks jurisdictions acc to
their secrecy and scale of offshore financial activities, every 2 years => examines
how intensely country's legal and financial system allows wealthy individuals
and criminals to hide and launder money (better rank => more secrecy)
38. Rule of Law Index by World Justice Project
39. Brown to Green Report - by Climate Transparency (international research
40. Global Wealth Report - by Credit Suisse Group (Switzerland based investment
a. China overtook US to become country with most people in top 10% of
global wealth distribution
41. State of Global Climate Report - by WMO
42. World Wildlife Crime Report - by UNODC (UN Office on Drugs and Crime)
43. Money Laundering and Illegal Wildlife Trade - by FATF
a. Wildlife Trafficking is world's 4th largest illicit trade after narcotics,
human trafficking and trade in counterfeit goods
44. Economic Freedom Index - by Heritage Foundation & Wall Street Journal
45. Youth Development Index - by Commonwealth Secretariat
a. India Youth Development Index - by Rajiv Gandhi youth Dev institute

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